Chapter 2252 One ton for one

The Japanese army during this period was really not weak. Even though the Fifth Division lost its command center, it did not completely collapse. It had been fighting for several years, and experienced grassroots officers still maintained control of the troops, waiting for the next order from their superiors.

It is a pity that their efforts are destined to go in vain. The Australian Army is the most effective force in the Commonwealth. The East India Army is also the strongest within the Southern African Union and outside the Southern African Defense Force. Now that the three parties are joining forces, the Fifth Division has no chance.

When the follow-up support troops of the 6th East India Division arrived, the [-]th Division completely lost hope of escape.

The "Clouded Leopard" tank is an excellent tank with excellent maneuverability in rainforest areas. The 45mm turret's frontal 60-degree armor is not too thick, and the 97mm tank gun of the Type 47 tank is enough.

The 75mm tank gun can easily penetrate the 97mm riveted armor of the Type 25 tank.

That's right, the armor thickness of the Type 97 tank is only 25 mm, which is probably the level in the middle of World War I, and the armor thickness is probably only a line thicker than that of the French Renault.

In another time and space, some people boasted about Japanese armor-piercing bullets, saying how powerful Japanese armor-piercing bullets are, and their performance on the battlefield is better than that of American armor-piercing bullets.

This is pure nonsense. The core material of the armor-piercing projectile is special alloy steel. Japan is notoriously short of resources, and the demand for ordinary steel cannot be guaranteed. Where can I get so many special materials. . .

Don't look at the data.

The Japanese are very good at fabricating data.

When the Germans copied the UK, they only plagiarized technology. The Japanese didn’t even bother to save face, and just falsified the data. What about the craftsmanship?
Moreover, the fabrication of data by the Japanese is not an isolated phenomenon. After a long time of compilation, the real technology has not improved much, but the technology of fabricating data has become more and more proficient. Even the Japanese themselves believe it, thinking that Japan's technical strength has really fallen. beyond Southern Africa.

Compared with Japan, southern African companies don't need technology, and they can beat the Japanese to death directly with resources.

The Southern African Air Force did just that.

The retreat of the Fifth Division has been cut off. The Australian 8th Division and the Southern African 19th Division are advancing steadily. The remnants of the Fifth Division who lost their command system also tried to resist, but unfortunately they were all smashed by the "Leopard" tanks.

The tankers were very happy, just like the wild wolves introduced by the Australians to limit the crazy breeding of rabbits. There are no natural enemies at all, and delicious food is everywhere.

The Japanese's ability to deal with difficulties is really bad. The headquarters of the Fifth Division was taken over in one pot. In another time and space, Yamashita Fengfumi, known as the "Malay Tiger", failed to appoint a successor commander in time, leaving the Fifth Division to remnant The troops fought on their own, staying put and waiting to be wiped out one by one.

Yamashita Fengfu was beaten.

In another time and space, Yamashita Fengwen performed well, mainly because of the poor performance of the British and Indian troops, not because of how strong Yamashita Fengwen was.

Now encountering the ace combination of the Southern African army, the Australian army, and the East Indian army, the 25th Army under the command of Yamashita Fufumi was defeated before it had completed three rounds, and the Malay tiger became a Malay rabbit.

This description is wrong, the bunny is so cute, it cannot be used to describe the Japanese.

When the ground forces surrounded and wiped out the remnants of the Fifth Division, the Southern African Air Force was dispatched frantically.

Influenced by Rock, the guiding ideology of the southern African military has always been that if the problem can be solved with the advantage of weapons, don't use human life to heap it.

The Fifth Division has no professional anti-aircraft weapons at all. Shooting mosquitoes with cannons is often a taunt, and it is very suitable for the Fifth Division.

It's a pity that the Fifth Division is only equipped with 92 infantry artillery, and has no ability to shoot at air.

The Type 92 heavy machine gun is not good either. It seems that the only thing that can play a role in air defense is the crooked handle.

It is unreliable to expect crooked tactics to deal with all kinds of bombers in southern Africa. At the beginning, the Southern African Air Force only dispatched dive bombers, but soon found that the bomb load of the dive bombers was too small. and "Super Sky Fortress".

Heavy long-range bombers are not only useful when carrying out strategic bombing, but also very effective against field troops.

When the "air fortress" is performing short-distance missions, its maximum ammunition load can reach nearly ten tons, and a formation can easily destroy a city.

Replacing high-explosive bombs with incendiary bombs can exert the greatest effect in tropical rainforest areas. The sweltering environment is a natural combustion accelerant. The remaining troops of the Fifth Division now deeply understand what it means to be ruthless.

What makes the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Division even more desperate is that the ace combination will not take prisoners in the battle with the Fifth Division.

It’s not that they don’t want to, the fighting will of the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Division is too tenacious. They all fight until the last moment when they run out of ammunition and food, and they don’t surrender at all. .

This reason is unreasonable, and the Japanese are not so tenacious. You can see how docile the Japanese are in front of the Americans after Japan surrendered in another time and space.

The Japanese base camp did not do nothing. After the Fifth Division was surrounded, Yamashita sent No.18 Division and Guards Division to attack Golden Horse in an attempt to rescue the surrounded Fifth Division.

At the same time, the United Fleet is also moving to South Asia, and the naval duel is finally about to begin.

On January 1, a 19-ton merchant ship registered in southern Africa was sunk by a Japanese submarine in the waters near East India.

This is normal. After the outbreak of World War II, the total tonnage of merchant ships sunk by the Allied forces was more than [-] tons every month.

When a merchant ship is attacked, just send an escort fleet to escort them, and see who can survive to the end.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa is not the same as the United Kingdom.

The merchant ship of the United Kingdom was sunk, and Winston issued a statement expressing condolences to the victims, and by the way, called on the British to unite and fight for the democracy and freedom of all mankind, and squeeze out the last drop of residual value.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa went too far. When the merchant ship was sunk, the Federal Government of Southern Africa announced that there were 5000 Japanese prisoners on the merchant ship. These prisoners of war had sunk to the bottom of South Asia forever with the merchant ship.

None survived.

This situation made the Japanese very angry.

Didn't the Southern African Army take no prisoners when it fought the [-]th Division?

Where did the 5000 captives come from?

No matter where it came from, there were [-] Japanese on board anyway, and there will always be some after they are captured now. The Japanese are good at fabricating data, and the southern Africans can do it when they need it.

This is how the Germans reacted after they were attacked in the occupied territories.

The Germans occupied such a large place in Europe, and the rebels came one after another, and the Germans were often attacked, especially the patrols.

The German approach to the attack was straightforward.

If a German soldier died in the attack, the German army would immediately arrest a hundred ordinary people in the attacked area and shoot them collectively.

The German army used this cruel method to attack the rebels in the ruled area.

This nima is too scary. If a German dies, a hundred locals will be buried with him. Maybe one day bad luck will befall him. As a result, there are fewer and fewer resistance actions in the German-occupied areas, and there is no room for the rebels to move. It is getting smaller and smaller, and the people in the occupied areas are becoming more and more obedient.

The Southern African Federal Government refers to the tonnage of merchant ships, one person per ton, it doesn’t matter if there are no prisoners now, the Japanese just need to remember that they owe the Southern African Federal Government [-] people.

As for those people who are unlucky, the Southern African Federal Government doesn't care, let alone the Japanese government.

If you want to talk about special steel, the Japanese government really cares.

Three-legged toads are hard to find, but there are many people with two legs in Japan. Russian soldiers in the Tsarist era were called "gray cattle". The status of the Japanese in Japan is not much better than that of gray cattle.

"So all the captives of the Fifth Division died in this shipwreck?" At the press conference held in Pretoria, Jacob, a reporter from the United States, had a sad expression.

Jacob has Japanese ancestry, his mother is Japanese, and his father is an African-American, so Jacob's complexion is a bit dark, and he has curly hair. The only characteristic inherited from his mother is his height.

Nima is so unlucky, she perfectly avoids all the advantages of her parents, and inherits all the disadvantages.

"The current situation is like this, and I want to correct you one more thing, it is not a shipwreck, but a despicable and shameless sneak attack, just like the Japanese attacked your Pearl Harbor in the United States, the Japanese always do it, just like the despicable He was hiding in dark corners like a mouse looking for targets.” Major Dick, the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa, was even more angry. He was a pure white man, and he was of noble Aryan descent by the standard of mustache. He was tall, with deep-set eye sockets and brown pupils. of.

"It was previously reported that the southern African army did not abide by the rules of engagement in combat, and there were a large number of shootings and killings of prisoners of war. Therefore, even if the officers and soldiers of the Japanese Fifth Division put down their weapons, they would be shot collectively—" Jacob's position was problematic, This question is deliberately finding fault.

"Never!" Major Dick was categorical. Southern Africa is a member of civilized society, how could it be like barbarians.

"Personal position aside, I was very surprised by the performance of the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army. They only had simple equipment. When the troops went out, they only had two rice balls in their rucksacks. This was their three-day supply. It's hard to believe that the Japanese army is fighting with such primitive supplies. Their small bodies have huge energy. Compared with Japanese officers and soldiers, our army is too extravagant. The R&D department is actually trying to install air conditioners in tanks. It's really not right for Japanese soldiers to eat cold and unnutritious rice balls while our troops fighting in the desert are complaining about not having enough ice cubes and ice cream." Major Dick is not like himself There are more elements of self-review and self-praise.

As for installing the air conditioner into the tank, it is equally unreliable to install the tank into the air conditioner.

This is a convenient way to dig a hole for the Americans.

Since the United States entered the war, the United States has used southern Africa as its benchmark, and it has to compare with southern Africa everywhere.

There are Nyasaran semi-automatic rifles in southern Africa, and the Americans developed the M1 Garand.

There are island-class aircraft carriers in southern Africa, and the Americans copied Yorktown.

Southern Africa has the "Leopard" type, and the Americans took out the Sherman.

Sherman is an excellent tank. It was finalized in September last year and has begun to equip troops in large quantities.

Sherman's combat weight is 34 tons, and it is equipped with a 75mm tank gun. The frontal armor of the early model is 50mm. Soon the Americans found that 50mm was too thin, so it was increased to 101mm.

This thickness can kill obsessive-compulsive disorder, 101 is one millimeter more than 100, the defense will not increase much, but it looks very uncomfortable.

Despite its flaws, Sherman is still very good compared to the German's number four.

Japan's Type 97 medium tank is obviously not the target of the Americans, just like the anger point of another third brother in time and space. A big country with a long history does not discriminate against the third brother, but has never valued the third brother, so the third brother with strong self-esteem It was very uncomfortable.

"Major, my question is—" Jacob was very dissatisfied with Major Dick's answer. Is this for your self-praise?
"Mr. reporter from the United States, can I also ask a question?" Wang Ran, a reporter from "The Times", was very dissatisfied. Pretoria is the home of "The Times", and the Americans should not overwhelm the host.

Major Dick made a "please ask" gesture, coupled with a refreshing smile, this is the mentality that a winner should have.

"My colleague in the Federation of Malays told me that the [-]th Division has massacred civilians in the Malay Peninsula. Has this been confirmed?" Wang Ran's question was straightforward, and the smile on Major Dick's face disappeared immediately. .

"Yes, this situation has been confirmed. During the Australian 8th Division's attack on the [-]th Division, an entire village was massacred, and more than one place. The Japanese are probably used to this situation, but I It should be said that the brutal behavior of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army is extremely rare in the entire history of human civilization. They did not slaughter for the sake of conquest, but for fun. There is no reason at all. All the women who were slaughtered were slaughtered Everyone has been violated before, regardless of age—" Major Dick's voice was full of grief and indignation, and it sounded like he would apply to the front line in the next moment to personally avenge those who were massacred.

"God—how could they do this—" Wang Ran was a woman, and immediately began to cry after listening to Major Dick's description.

Feel the same.

"Our army is not fighting a civilized country's army, but a group of barbarians, so if there is a similar situation in the future, it is not that our soldiers have collectively fallen, but that they are fighting in the same way. To avenge the innocent victims in my own way, I can say responsibly that as long as the Japanese officers and soldiers appear on the battlefield, each of them has blood on their hands--" Major Dick did not hold back, and the southern African army will also Do this all the time, hope people are not surprised.

Do not treat savages in a civilized way, for they will not be grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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