Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2253 Bataan Death March

Chapter 2253 Bataan Death March
Things were looking good for the Allies in late January.

On the Russian battlefield, the German army was repelled 100 to 250 kilometers, and the battlefield has gradually moved away from Moscow.

In the past winter, the German army suffered heavy losses, 38 divisions suffered heavy losses, and the plan to siege Moscow completely failed.

The German army did not fall into collapse. The mustache demanded that the German army fight to the death and fight the Russians on every inch of land. Those who didn't know thought it was the Germans who were fighting the Great Patriotic War.

The Russian army has gone through the most difficult stage. The recruits have become veterans after being honed in the Moscow campaign. Industrial production is gradually recovering. Last December was the most difficult stage for the Russians. Now the situation has improved a lot. The supplies from southern Africa and the United States gave the Russians the greatest assistance.

Unpleasant elements remained, such as the bizarre failure of the British army in North Africa and the insatiable appetite of the Russians.

When the German army attacked, Russia carried out the largest industrial transfer in human history, moving factories located in the theater to the rear to ensure industrial production capacity.

This work has now been fully completed, and industrial production in Russia has resumed, thanks to the help of southern Africa, on a larger scale and at a technical level. . .

The weapons currently equipped by the Russian army are no longer backward, and can even be described as advanced.

In 1942, all the newly produced tanks in Russia were T34, as well as the more advanced KV heavy tank and the T60, which was cheap and easy to mass produce.
After the T34 has been continuously improved, the combat weight of the latest model has exceeded 30 tons.

This is an excellent main battle tank with balanced performance. The armor is not thick but has excellent performance. The 45 mm thick 32-degree oblique frontal armor has a protection capacity equivalent to 70 mm.

The T34 is equipped with a 76mm F-34 L/42 cannon, which can penetrate 500mm homogeneous steel plates at a distance of 69 meters and 1000 mm steel plates at a distance of 61 meters when using ordinary armor-piercing projectiles. On the Moscow battlefield, no German tank could withstand such fierce firepower.

The F-34 cannon can also fire high-explosive and fragmentation rounds against soft targets, so it has the ability to support infantry attacks.

In terms of individual weapons, Bobosha is gradually replacing Mosin Nagant as the main weapon of Russian soldiers.

In terms of performance, Bobosha is more advanced than Lee Enfield. After all, Lee Enfield was a weapon developed in the last century.

After gradually changing into Bobosha, the Russian soldiers no longer looked down on Lee Enfield, but the bearded man kept sending telegrams to the Allied headquarters in London, hoping to get more material assistance, even if it was Lee Enfield, whom Russian soldiers despise.

Winston was very dissatisfied with the big beard, he himself didn't like the big beard, if it wasn't for the threat of the Germans, Winston would never join forces with the Russians.

Relations between Britain and Russia are now in a honeymoon period.

But as long as the threat of the Germans disappears, the British can't wait to turn their faces with the Russians.

While the situation on the Russian battlefield reversed, Rommel launched a new offensive in North Africa.

This time the situation is more dangerous, because the Mediterranean Fleet suffered heavy losses in the previous phase of operations, Rommel received more support, the North African Army once invaded Egypt, and Auchinley threatened London with his resignation, hoping that London would allow the southern African army join the war.

If you don’t participate in the war, Auchinleck is an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. Even if you lose more and more miserably, with the help of Southern Africa, after each fiasco, you get more aid than before, and the troops recover their strength faster. Quick, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the Eighth Army under Auchinleck had only 13 people, and now it has increased to 27.

After Mustache realized the importance of the North African battlefield, the strength of the North African Army under Rommel's command also increased.

Mustache no longer expects Rommel to occupy Egypt and cut off the transportation line between Britain and the Far East, as long as Rommel can hold back the Allied forces in North Africa and prevent the Allied forces from landing in Europe through the Mediterranean Sea.

Winston was in a dilemma.

In order to restrict southern Africa, the British have always disagreed with the participation of southern African troops in North African operations.

The situation is different now. Even if the southern Africans do not participate in the North African war, the Americans will have to intervene. The British can no longer protect North Africa.

The war potential of the United States is still very strong. After the Pearl Harbor incident broke out, the United States officially entered the war, and the War Department proposed a crazy military expansion plan.

Due to the heavy losses of the Pacific Fleet in the Pearl Harbor incident, the U.S. Department of War requested at least 12 new large warships.

All of these 12 large warships are aircraft carriers, and 8 of them will be equipped for the Pacific Fleet.

Due to the huge project, the aircraft carrier takes a long time, and there are not enough slipways to build aircraft carriers in the United States. Considering the needs of escorts, the US War Department hopes to build more escort aircraft carriers, with a number of up to 110.

The escort aircraft carrier is refitted with a merchant ship, and a flight deck is added above the merchant ship, carrying 20 to 30 aircraft. Although it looks a bit ugly, it is practical.

This is not the same as the aircraft carrier converted from a supply ship in Southern Africa. The aircraft carrier converted from a supply ship in Southern Africa can carry 60 aircraft, which is not much worse than York City in the United States.

What's more, the supply ship is a warship, and the merchant ship is a civilian ship. There is a big gap between the two in terms of protection.

When the navy expanded wildly, the U.S. Army was also expanding its military frantically. The U.S. Department of War hoped that the U.S. would have at least 1942 million troops by mid-350, so that the U.S. would have the strength to compete with southern Africa.

What is contested now is not battlefield performance, but leadership of the world after the war is over.

Roosevelt obviously did not want to repeat the mistakes of Wilson.

After comprehensive consideration, Winston agreed with Auchinleck's proposal and sent a telegram to Rock, requesting that the Southern African army participate in the attack on the North African Army.

Compared with the Americans, Winston still believed in Rock more. The process of independence in southern Africa was a peaceful breakup, and there was no war with Britain.

With the participation of southern Africa, Rommel's offensive failed again.

Arthur did not invest too many troops. The main force of the Third Army had been deployed to Spain and was ready to advance north at any time.

The main force of the Second Army was transferred to the Dodecanese and the Garibaldi Peninsula respectively, ready to advance to the European continent at any time, and cooperate with the Third Army to attack Italy.

Arthur can use only the four divisions of the Fifth Army, two of which are still light infantry formed by the Najd Sultanate.

This is enough, and Rommel's North African Army has reached the end of its battle in Egypt. Like the assault group that attacked Moscow, it has no ability to move forward.

After the reinforcements of the Fifth Army arrived, Auchinleck's confidence doubled. The Eighth Army he led was not without combat effectiveness. In addition to the Australian troops under his command, the Indian Division also had an infantry battalion composed purely of Gurkhas. The Khakis are still very combative, much stronger than the Indians.

With the participation of southern Africans, the North African Legion was driven out of Egypt.

Auchinleck was not satisfied, and ordered his troops to continue advancing towards Tobruk.

Rommel was not prepared enough for the southern African army to participate in the war. With the same weapons and equipment, the performance of the southern African army on the battlefield was completely different from that of the British army.

Rommel had three German divisions and seven Italian divisions.

During the retreat, Rommel gave priority to preserving the German division and ordered the Italian division to defend on the spot to cover the retreat of the German division.

In order to save the armored forces as much as possible, the Germans even robbed the Italians of valuable oil, which caused the tanks equipped by the Italian army to be unable to fight due to lack of fuel. And Italy paid a huge price to send these tanks to North Africa, and now they are so easily abandoned.

The abandoned Italians had no intention of fighting, Southern Africa killed devils in South Asia in a hundred ways, and the Italians surrendered in North Africa in far more than a hundred ways.

Rommel retreated until Misrata to stabilize the line of defense. This was not due to Rommel, but because of the arrival of reinforcements, Mustache sent two more divisions to North Africa when the Russian war situation was unfavorable.

This is the last hole card in Mustache's hands. Not only the North African Army, but also the troops attacking Russia have also received reinforcements, a total of 12 divisions and 2 brigades.

Mustache ordered the German army to fight to a certain extent, at least the German army was not completely defeated.

After receiving new reinforcements, the German Army Group Center organized a counterattack, and the situation began to be unfavorable to the Russian army again.

After the Great Purge, the command system of the Russian army was devastated. The newly appointed officers were inexperienced and rushed forward lightly during the counterattack.

The Germans still have strength. There are many reasons for the failure of the siege of Moscow, and insufficient supply is only part of it.

When the cold winter passed and the front line began to shorten due to the Russian counterattack, the German army's combat effectiveness had recovered and it would not be easily defeated.

The situation on the battlefield in East Asia is equally complicated.

The polarization of the Japanese army was serious, and the battle on the Bataan Peninsula was still going on. The desperate US-Philippines coalition forces broke out with strong combat effectiveness. The Japanese army suffered a setback in the first battle and soon made a comeback.

This time the Japanese army was fully prepared. In order to overcome the solid defense line of the US-Philippines allied forces, the Japanese base camp finally dispatched a strategic-level artillery unit.

The reinforced Japanese artillery was equipped with 150mm howitzers and larger-caliber Type 96 240mm howitzers, with a total of 190 guns.

The defense line of the U.S.-Philippines coalition forces was vulnerable to the fierce Japanese artillery fire. The Samat Mountain defense line, which the Japanese army had suffered heavy losses, became the hell of the U.S.-Philippines coalition forces this time. The trenches dug at a high cost cannot protect against large-caliber artillery. Even if the trenches are not destroyed, the soldiers inside cannot survive.

The Philippine First Army's defenses quickly collapsed, and the attacking Japanese Army used tanks.

The U.S.-Philippines coalition forces are also not equipped with anti-tank weapons, let alone tanks to assist in defense. This is not a question of whether the United States attaches enough importance to the colonial servants. The United States also has troops in the Philippines that are composed entirely of Americans. These troops are also not equipped with tanks and troops. Anti-tank weapons.

Don't doubt that the United States was so slack before officially entering the war. In order to maintain its maritime superiority, the Japanese army allocated most of its resources to the navy, and the United States did the same.

While the frontal line of defense was breached, Masaharu Honma sent troops to land in the southern part of the Bataan Peninsula, trying to pinch the US-Philippine coalition forces from the north and the south.

This time the U.S.-Philippine coalition finally couldn't hold on anymore. MacArthur was the first to flee. He left a sentence "I will definitely come back" and fled to Australia in a submarine at night, leaving [-] U.S.-Philippine coalition troops to the Japanese.

MacArthur fled, a large part of which was in Washington.

Washington did not dare to let MacArthur stay in the Bataan Peninsula. If MacArthur died in battle or was captured, it would be a huge blow to the morale of the US military. After all, MacArthur was the principal of the West Point Military Academy.

MacArthur did not choose to fight to the end. With Washington's order, MacArthur fled to Australia along the way, failing the trust of the [-] U.S.-Philippine coalition forces in him.

After MacArthur fled, the morale of the U.S.-Philippines coalition forces collapsed rapidly. Before MacArthur fled, he ordered Wainwright to command the U.S.-Philippines coalition forces. However, the commander of the Bataan Army, Edward King, believed that the resistance of the U.S.-Philippines coalition forces was meaningless, so he contacted The Japanese army prepares to surrender.

MacArthur is also a ruthless person. In order to protect his honor, he ordered the U.S.-Philippine coalition to continue fighting, but he never thought about the fate of the U.S.-Philippine coalition. Didn’t he agree to surrender? mean?
Edward King violated MacArthur's order, but was praised by the [-] U.S.-Philippine coalition forces. It was very difficult to make the decision to surrender. At least Edward King did not put his honor above the lives of the [-] U.S.-Philippine coalition forces.

It's a pity that Edward King didn't know enough about the Japanese either.

Edward King believed that after the U.S.-Philippine coalition forces put down their arms, they could get treatment that matched their status. For this reason, Edward King negotiated with the Japanese. After receiving the Japanese commitment, Edward King ordered the remaining U.S.-Philippine coalition forces to lay down their arms Stop resisting.

The Japanese did prepare prisoner-of-war camps for the U.S.-Philippine coalition forces, promising to give the surrendered U.S.-Philippine coalition forces treatment that matched their identities.

However, the prisoner-of-war camp prepared by the Japanese is a full 120 kilometers away from the Bataan Peninsula.

For soldiers, 120 kilometers is not too far. The long-distance training of the southern African army is more than 120 kilometers, and all troops can complete it.

But that is under the condition of adequate preparation and adequate logistics.

The Japanese had no logistical preparations at all.

After the U.S.-Philippine coalition surrendered, the Japanese army ordered [-] U.S.-Philippine coalition troops to walk to the prisoner-of-war camp.

This order is normal. The Japanese lack mechanized equipment, and the trucks themselves are not enough. They will definitely not be used to transport prisoners. After all, trucks need to burn oil.

This 120 kilometers became the famous "Bataan Death March". Not only did the Japanese not prepare supplementary supplies along the way, they even refused to drink water, even the natural water sources along the way.

ps: On the first day of the new year, I wish my brothers a happy new year, good luck, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year——

(End of this chapter)

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