Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2276 The Americans who started the violence

Chapter 2276 The Americans who started the violence

If there is no southern Africa, Germany is the biggest BUG in the world.

This is a very miraculous country, especially in the past ten years. Since Mustache came to power, Germany has risen at an incredible speed. From the [-] National Defense Force stipulated in the "Treaty of Versailles", it has rapidly expanded to millions of troops. Key weapons and equipment Its performance is still very advanced, and it is hard to imagine that this is a country that could not even manufacture heavy machine guns ten years ago.

The inability to manufacture is not impossible, but it cannot be manufactured due to the restrictions of the "Treaty of Versailles". The Germans still have technology.

During the Battle of Moscow, the Russian rockets caused great damage to the Germans. Soon the Germans found a way to deal with the rockets and could manufacture them by themselves. This learning speed is also amazing.

After destroying the armored turret of "Gorky 1", about 1000 Russian soldiers remained in the second-floor fortification under the armored shells.

The German army mobilized a large number of 88mm anti-aircraft guns to approach the fortifications, using armor-piercing projectiles and shrapnel shells alternately at zero distance, and the two-story fortifications were razed to the ground.

The Russians refused to surrender and entered the 3rd underground fortification defense.

The German artillery was unable to attack underground targets, and the combat engineer division was sent to use plastic explosives to blast open the entrance. However, there are many hidden firepower points inside the fortifications, and explosives cannot play a decisive role.

In the end, the German army had to use the most primitive way to attack the fortifications, using pistols, bayonets and engineering shovels, and engaged in cruel hand-to-hand combat with the Russians, and finally occupied the entire position at a heavy price. Less than 1000 of the 40 Russian soldiers were captured. Many of them were passive captives, not voluntary surrenders.

After all the outer positions were lost, only Sevastopol remained in the Russian controlled area in the Crimean Peninsula.

Sevastopol is a mirror city, with a vast subterranean living quarter roughly the size of the city's surface area.

The Germans carpet-bombarded Sevastopol with all their artillery, firing 64000 tons of shells on the first day.

The intensity of the Luftwaffe's bombing also escalated again, dispatching 1500 bombers every day and dropping more than 12 incendiary bombs on Sevastopol. .

Incendiary bombs were originally a unique skill in southern Africa, but now they have been learned by the Germans, and they are used against the Russians, and the effect is very good.

On the third day of the fighting, the ground buildings of Sevastopol have been completely destroyed, and the hospital, park, library, school, etc. have all disappeared.

The Russians did not give up. They hid underground and continued to fight. The production was still going on in an orderly manner. The defenders even organized entertainment activities to boost morale. Under extremely difficult circumstances, they showed a fearless fighting spirit.

The fighting lasted until the end of April, the Germans occupied half of the city, the resistance was pointless, the commander of the garrison of Sevastopol, Lieutenant General Ivan Yefimovich Petrov, agreed to surrender, and about 9 Russian soldiers became He was taken prisoner, but Petrov was evacuated at the last minute on a ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

After the war, Manstein was promoted to field marshal for his meritorious service and was awarded the Crimean Shield. Lieutenant General Dimitri Kosrov, commander of the Russian army, was demoted to major general.

The consequences of the fall of the Crimean Peninsula were extremely serious. The German army thus opened the passage to the Baku oil fields and cut off the connection between the Allied forces and Russia in the direction of the Black Sea.

Throughout the campaign, the Russian side lost about 31 people, of whom 24 were captured.

The troops led by Manstein had only seven divisions, plus two Romanian mountain divisions, the Russians had more than three times the strength of Manstein.

And for such a disparity to achieve such a result, the Russians are still fighting defensively, taking advantage of the right time, place and people, which is indeed very disappointing.

Just disappointment, not unacceptable.

Although Manstein's force was small, he had 1300 artillery pieces and was assisted by more than 600 aircraft, half of which were bombers.

The Russian side was not prepared enough. More than 30 people were equipped with only 40 tanks. The Black Sea Fleet also arrived late and did not arrive at the Crimean Peninsula until the end of the battle. It did not play any role.

Oh, no, the warships of the Black Sea Fleet at least picked up Petrov and prevented the lieutenant general from being captured.

At the same time as the Battle of the Crimea, fierce fighting broke out in Zhelov, about 200 kilometers away from Moscow.

After the Battle of Moscow, the Russians organized counter-offensives many times, and the German army was repelled about 200 kilometers. With Rhelev as the center, the huge protrusion about 150 kilometers from north to south and about 100 kilometers from east to west became the focus of contention between the two sides.

Since last winter, battles around Zhelov have broken out sporadically. At that time, the German army had just experienced a cruel winter, and its strength was greatly damaged, and it was unable to launch a new offensive against the Russians.

The losses of the Russians were even more severe. The pre-war standing army had been wiped out within half a year of the outbreak of the war. The young people who had just been recruited into the army were full of passion and lacked combat experience.

The experience of the officers is also insufficient. The victory in the Battle of Moscow is not enough to make them qualified officers. They still have a long way to go.

In this case, Big Beard organized 106 million people and launched an attack on the Zheluv salient, and the first Zhelufu battle broke out immediately.

According to the German Ninth Army stationed at Zelev, the commander was Walter Model, who had just taken over as the commander-in-chief of the army.

Model is a legend. During the French campaign, Model was only a staff member, engaged in some paper work.

When the Russo-German War broke out, Model was appointed commander of the [-]rd Armored Division and fought under the command of Guderian.

During the Battle of Kiev, the 41rd Armored Division commanded by Model became the arrow of the German offensive. Model penetrated 275 kilometers into the Russian positions with only [-] tanks. His command art and courage are amazing.

After the Kiev campaign, Model was promoted to commander of the 41st Panzer Corps.

After the Battle of Moscow, Model stepped in and was appointed commander of the Ninth Army.

Because the 9th Army suffered heavy losses in the previous stage of combat, Model was already in jeopardy when he took office. The entire army had less than 6 troops, and there were only 165 tanks and armored vehicles in total. The area of ​​defense was very large, and the line of defense was as long as 280 kilometers.

Mustache thinks that the Rzhev salient can directly threaten Moscow, which is of great political significance. If it cannot be defended, it will affect the confidence of allies in Germany. Therefore, three armored divisions, three infantry divisions, and party divisions were allocated for Model. The "Empire" division of the Guards brought Model's strength to 15 men.

After Model took office, he immediately organized a counterattack. At this time, the situation was very favorable to the Russians. Many German defense lines were breached, full of loopholes, and part of the army was surrounded by the Russian army. The Russian army was advancing furiously, only a few kilometers away from Model's headquarters.

Model split up the reinforcements and filled them to the defense line. He invented a "elastic defense" tactic, which allowed the troops to retreat to a certain extent, and established defensive positions in layers. The first line of defense was infantry, and the second The second line of defense is armored troops and artillery. If the first line of defense is breached, armored troops and artillery can take back their positions, or they can retreat directly and then reorganize their defensive positions.

"Elastic defense" is very cruel to infantry on the first line of defense, and they will be abandoned if they fail.

However, "elastic defense" can effectively protect the precious armored forces and artillery of the German army, and retain vitality for the German counterattack, which is more beneficial to the entire campaign.

After fully understanding the situation, Model judged that the Russians were exhausted and unable to continue their offensive.

This judgment is accurate. The Russians still lack the experience of organizing large-scale battles at this time. The attack speed of the frontline troops is too fast, and the logistics supply is intermittent. Although the Russians have a lot of artillery, the supply of shells is seriously insufficient. There are also very few supplies left, and some soldiers have only three bullets left in their guns. The Russians who broke into the German defense line have already begun to kill horses to satisfy their hunger.

Model immediately organized a counterattack, and the Russians were defeated. Within 48 hours, 2.6 Russian troops were killed and 5000 were captured.

At this time, the battle became fierce. The 39 people of the Russian 6th Army had penetrated into the German positions, occupying an oval area 80 kilometers long and 50 kilometers wide.

Moderch fell out and gathered the reconnaissance troops of the eight infantry divisions under his command to form a special force named "Model's Cavalry Brigade".

The total strength of the Model Cavalry Brigade is about 2 people. It has 3 regiments, each regiment has 2 cavalry companies, 3 bicycle companies and 1 artillery company. The brigade headquarters is directly under the engineering company, health company, and motorized transport company. MP40 submachine guns, each company is equipped with 24 MG34 machine guns and two carriages, which are used to carry ammunition and supplies.

In order to enhance the assault capability, the cavalry brigade was equipped with 6 additional artillery companies and 1 tank company. After six weeks of multi-arms joint combat training, the Model cavalry brigade passed through 15 kilometers of virgin forest and interspersed with Russia's 39th Behind the army's line of defense.

At noon the next day, the Model Cavalry Brigade launched an attack from the 39th Army to the rear.

The front of the 39th Army is the German [-]st Armored Division.

The 39th Army was attacked from the front and back, and the defense line collapsed quickly, which triggered an avalanche effect, resulting in the encirclement of the Soviet 39th Army, and part of the 41st and 22nd Army.

After 11 days of fierce fighting, 27 Russians were killed and about 50 were injured or captured.

After this battle, the Germans once again regained the initiative on the Russian battlefield.

When the news reached Pretoria, Rock really had nothing to say.

The nerves of the Russians are probably made of iron, and tens of thousands of people are killed in battle, and tens of thousands of people are captured. If it is replaced by other countries, the country has probably been destroyed several times.

The Russians seemed to have nothing happened. Recruits continued to go to the battlefield. At first, they were young people, then old people, women, and even children——

Those young people who went to the battlefield without complete training must know what they are about to face, but no one flinches, just like the most popular saying among Russian soldiers at the most critical time of the Moscow Battle: Russia Although it is big, we have no way to retreat, and Moscow is behind us.

"From last year to now, how many troops has Russia lost? 500 million? Or 600 million?" Martin had lingering fears, and replaced Russia with southern Africa. Martin didn't know whether southern Africa could hold on.

"Where is this? There are [-] million people in Russia." Henry sneered, the most worthless thing in Russia is life.

Before the outbreak of the World War, there were many rumors about Russia in European countries, and the most widely circulated population data, it is rumored that the population of Russians has hardly increased in the past 20 years.

This is incredible.

In the past 20 years, there has been no large-scale war in the world. Except for France, the population of all countries has increased to varying degrees, basically around 20.00%.

The population base of Russians is very large. There were about 1.4 million people at the end of World War I, and about 1.9 million people before the outbreak of the Russo-German War. This increase of 5000 million people was eaten raw by European countries.

Of course, European countries are not all slanderers. There are indeed many unspeakable things that have happened in Russia in the past 20 years, but the total number of deaths due to various accidents is definitely not as many as 5000 million.

If there are really 5000 million people, that means one out of every four Russians will die, then something big will happen, no matter how powerful the bearded beard is, it cannot be suppressed.

"I think Russia is a bottomless pit. We should reconsider our aid plan." Stoudemire doesn't care how much Russia has lost, but only cares about whether the aid to Russia can be recovered.

Southern Africa's aid to Russia is divided into two parts, one part is free aid and the other part is loans.

These loans are for purchasing materials in southern Africa and sending them to Russia in the form of materials, not directly giving money.

Since it is a loan, it must be repaid sooner or later.

Stoudemire now doubts the Russians' repayment ability and willingness to repay.

Don't be afraid if you don't have money, Russia has plenty of resources.

What I'm afraid of is that Russia will not return it. Britain was tricked by the Russians in the last World War, and Stoudemire has lingering fears about this.

"Cecil, what we are fighting is a war that will determine the future destiny of all mankind. Even if we suffer some economic losses, we must avoid a unified Europe." The unification of Europe by one country is a disaster for southern Africa.

Coincidentally, the Americans think the same way, so when the United States aids Russia, it also spares no effort.

The tragedy of PQ-17 did not make the Americans back down. Just like those American torpedo plane pilots who bravely rushed to the air defense network of the Japanese fleet, after the tragedy of PQ-17, the United States organized PQ-18 and PQ-19. Send more supplies to Russia.

The Americans fully learned the lessons of the British, and sent three aircraft carriers in the escort formation.

With the passage of time, the powerful industrial capabilities of the United States have gradually been revealed. In the past winter, the United States has built a total of 14 aircraft carriers. Although these aircraft carriers are simple escort aircraft carriers, this violent force capability is already terrifying enough.

(End of this chapter)

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