Chapter 2277
The current escort aircraft carriers in the United States are all converted from merchant ships. There is not much difference in displacement and aircraft capacity from light fleet aircraft carriers. The difference is mainly reflected in protection capabilities and speed.

Merchant ships are, after all, civilian ships. Compared with warships, there is a huge gap in structural strength, and their ability to resist damage is relatively poor. A small loss may cause an escorting aircraft carrier to lose its combat capability.

Another difference is reflected in the speed. The fastest speed of an escort aircraft carrier does not exceed 20 knots, which cannot keep up with the speed of a warship formation and can only be used to escort a civilian fleet.

Despite these and other problems, the escort aircraft carrier has become the best plan for the United States to strengthen its strength in a short period of time because of its low cost, fast construction speed, and the carrying capacity no less than that of a light fleet aircraft carrier. After upgrading the hull structure of the escort aircraft carrier, the combat effectiveness of the escort aircraft carrier has been considerable.

The role of the escort aircraft carrier is not only an escort, but also a transport ship. An escort aircraft carrier with a length of 150 meters and a width of 30 meters can transport about 60 fighter jets at a time. The United States refitted the first escort aircraft carrier in June last year The "Long Island" and the escort aircraft carrier were continuously produced from major shipyards in the United States like dumplings.

Southern Africa does not produce escort aircraft carriers. One of the important reasons is that Southern Africa is not responsible for the escort mission of the fleet, but only for production. The escort mission of the fleet is the responsibility of the United Kingdom and the United States.

As of May 1942, Southern Africa had a total of 5 large fleet aircraft carriers and 14 light fleet aircraft carriers. The four major squadrons that had long been looking forward to the aircraft carrier finally got their wish. Each fleet has three light fleet aircraft carriers. increase.

After the Battle of Moscow, there was general optimism within the Allied Forces that the Russians could win the war in one go.

Rock is not optimistic. It is only 1942. If the course of the Russian battlefield is as predicted by many, then the war may end within this year, and it is impossible to fight until 1945.

What's more, the Battle of Moscow was not the turning point of World War II, but the upcoming Battle of Volgograd.

The Germans lost about 110 million men last winter.

In order to make up for the loss, Mustache wanted to recruit servants, and got a total of 52 divisions, including 27 divisions in Romania, 13 divisions in Hungary, 9 divisions in Italy, 2 divisions in Slovakia, and 1 division in Spain.

After winning the Battle of Moscow, the Russian side seriously underestimated the difficulties, so they couldn’t wait to launch a counter-offensive in the early spring of this year. As a result, they failed miserably in the Crimean Peninsula and Zhelov, and the elite troops trained by the victory of the Moscow Battle were completely lost. . .

This situation did not arouse the vigilance of the bearded man. The nerves of the Russians are as tough as steel, and no amount of failures can shake the determination of the Russians. Even though Rock and Winston sent telegrams to the bearded man many times, reminding him that he should Paying attention to the build-up of the German army on the southern front, the bearded man still made a wrong judgment.

After the failure of the Battle of Zhelev, the beard judged that the main direction of attack of the German army was still Moscow, because in this direction, the Axis powers had assembled more than 70 divisions and about 100 million people.

This made Rock very helpless.

Rock can't tell the bearded man directly that Southern Africa has the ability to decipher the German army's telegrams, and he knows the movements of the German army like the back of his hand.

In that case, the bearded man will be very angry. Since southern Africa knows the movements of the German army well, why doesn't southern Africa land on the Mediterranean coast and open up a second battlefield?
Rock wanted to do the same, but the opportunity hadn't come up yet.

Now the Germans and the Russians are full of smug expectations for the summer of 1942.

Mustache hopes that Germany can defeat Russia in one go, and then the main force will turn back to solve the threat of southern Africa on the Mediterranean coast.

The Russians hope that with their almost endless war potential, they will completely drive the Germans out of Russia, and take advantage of the trend to push the front line into Germany.

The coming summer may be the cruelest summer ever.

At least for the Japanese.

In the Battle of Guam, the Japanese Combined Fleet lost almost all of its main aircraft carriers, leaving only a few light fleet aircraft carriers and seaplane carriers to support the facade.

The battle was fought so badly that the Japanese government actually claimed that the Japanese combined fleet had won the victory after the Battle of Guam.

The Japanese, who have been dazzled by decades of continuous victories, won again. The citizens of Tokyo even held a parade with lanterns to celebrate the complete annihilation of the US Pacific Fleet and the Southern African Indian Ocean Fleet by the Japanese Combined Fleet.

Only truly smart people can deduce the severe situation Japan is currently facing from the excellent battle report.

"Win the victory? What a ghost to win—" Shota Yamaguchi, who was studying at Tokyo Imperial University, looked at the parade crowd on the street outside the window with an indifferent expression.

The scene on the street outside is eerie.

Tokyo was one of the first Japanese cities to install street lights, but now due to power shortages, the street lights have not been turned on for a long time, leaving only bare utility poles, like spirit banners.

The streets were crowded with people celebrating the victory with lanterns, most of them were women, and there were not many of them, because the men were all on the battlefield, and the factories were full of women workers. Dining hard.

The women wore traditional Japanese kimonos, stepped on clogs and sang songs, the lanterns flickered on and off, and the singing was weak. This scene did not seem to be celebrating a victory, but rather a group of ghosts going to a funeral.

On the street opposite Yamaguchi Shota’s residence, there is a row of wooden boards covering most of the street.

These wooden planks are used to hide shame. All the buildings across the street have been burned to ashes in the last bombing in southern Africa. Cover it with a row of wooden boards, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.

"Why do you say that, haven't we already won the victory?" Keiko, the younger sister who is in elementary school, is pasting paper boxes by dim candlelight. These paper boxes will be delivered to the factory early tomorrow morning.

Japan's industrial base is very weak, and it is almost impossible for a factory to occupy an area of ​​ten square kilometers like that in southern Africa.

Japan's factories are scattered in residential areas, and most of them are handicraft workshops. It is hard to imagine that Japan has become the king of Asia with such an industrial foundation.

Well, again, this is a bad time.

"If the United Fleet won the victory, then what we are celebrating now should be our occupation of Guam, or the occupation of the Changi Naval Base." Shota Yamaguchi sneered. The Japanese government's propaganda can fool ignorant Japanese civilians, but cannot fool Shota Yamaguchi, a talented student. .

"Brother, what should we do?" Keiko put down the cardboard box in his hand with a blank face. Their parents passed away early, and there were only two people in the family, Shota Yamaguchi and Keiko.

Shota Yamaguchi escaped military service and did not go to the battlefield because he was studying at Tokyo Imperial University.

But the situation is not good now. A few days ago, Shota Yamaguchi heard that the Japanese military department went to Tokyo Imperial University to mobilize students to join the army. It is obvious that the situation has reached a very serious level, otherwise the Japanese government would not be fishing in the open.

Mobilizing students from Tokyo Imperial University to join the army is simply drinking poison to quench thirst.

However, compared with other places, the situation in Japan is much better. It is said that in Japan’s overseas territories, middle school students and gray-haired old people have joined the army. Many women have also been recruited. Their occupations cannot be found here. Write.

As long as he thinks that one day, Keiko may also be drafted into the army, Shota Yamaguchi is filled with anger.

"I have already contacted my classmates who are in Saigon. We will go to Saigon in a few days, and then find a way to go to southern Africa—" Shota Yamaguchi decided to leave Japan. This is not an escape, but a struggle to survive.

Southern Africa is dominated by Chinese, so Shouta Yamaguchi didn't even consider European countries or the United States when choosing his destination, but directly locked his destination in Southern Africa.

Of course it wasn't easy, because Southern Africa didn't accept the Japanese, and even Keiko knew that.

"But we are Japanese, and southern Africa won't accept it—" Keiko's eyes were brighter than candlelight for a moment, and then dimmed again.

The relationship between southern Africa and Japan is very bad. Not only does it not accept Japanese immigrants, it does not even trade with Japan. Even if the Japanese government begged many times, southern Africa has never sold even a kilogram of iron ore or a liter of iron ore to Japan. gasoline.

But many Japanese know that southern Africa is the most developed country in the world.

Especially those Japanese who have the opportunity to go abroad, they have long learned about the prosperity and affluence of southern Africa through the best-selling movies in southern Africa all over the world.

Shota Yamaguchi and Keiko have never left Japan before, but they also have a very in-depth understanding of southern Africa through the internal educational film of Tokyo Imperial University.

Southern African films do not have the opportunity to be screened publicly in Japan.

Tokyo Imperial University can show it on a small scale internally. After all, to deal with the enemy, we must first understand the enemy.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we don't speak Japanese." Shota Yamaguchi is confident that both he and Keiko can speak Chinese and are proficient.

In Japan, especially in the upper class, learning Chinese is one of the basic education, because they don’t know Chinese, and they can’t even understand Japanese literature and ancient books.

Shota Yamaguchi’s parents were born in the upper class, so Shota Yamaguchi had the opportunity to learn Chinese. After his parents died in an accident, Shota Yamaguchi was responsible for teaching Keiko to learn Chinese. He would leave homework for Keiko every day, and no outsiders were present. At that time, Shota Yamaguchi and Keiko communicated in Chinese as much as possible.

"Is this okay--" Keiko looked expectant, she likes the beautiful little skirts of southern African girls in the movie, and also likes the brightly lit city in the movie at night, and loves those colorful and cute toys.

It's a pity that all of the above only exist in movies and Keiko's dreams.

"We have to give it a try. How can we give up if we don't try hard—" Shota Yamaguchi is determined. Compared with Japan, southern Africa is a paradise.

After dawn, the parade on the street had disappeared, and the women who had carnivaled all night last night looked haggard, and they were going to work in the factory.

There were obviously a lot more policemen on the street, and they looked at pedestrians with guarded eyes, which strengthened Shota Yamaguchi's judgment.

There was no such thing as a victory at all, more likely an unprecedented defeat.

Even the last time Tokyo was attacked by air, the expressions of those policemen were not as serious as they are now.

"Please contribute to the warriors who are fighting on the front lines. They need our support. Everything is for the empire. Thank you very much—" There were a few girls holding donation boxes on the street corner to solicit donations, but pedestrians rarely responded. Fundraising has been done many times, and ordinary people don't have extra money to support the front line.

Heh, it's all for the empire - for the ruling class of the empire -

Shota Yamaguchi couldn't help but slander, and quickly walked past those enthusiastic girls.

The atmosphere in the school is equally dignified. Those who can enter the Tokyo Imperial University are smart people, and they have their own discernment.

Of course, there are fanatics who believe in the news of victory.

"The U.S. Pacific Fleet has been completely wiped out by us. No matter how powerful southern Africa is, it can only bow its head in front of our invincible combined fleet. The Japanese Empire has become one of the most powerful countries in the world. Is the master of the future world—”

A student named Matsushita was spitting, his face was flushed, and he was arguing loudly with his classmates.

"How is it possible? Have you read the newspaper carefully? A month ago, the battle took place in Johor, and now the battle broke out in Kota Bharu. If the United Fleet is invincible, why is the battlefield getting closer and closer to us?" Reasonable The students couldn't help but fight back, be rational and patriotic, students.

"How can you say that? Are you questioning the strength of the United Fleet? If you are on the battlefield, I'm afraid you will run away before the battle breaks out—" Matsushita immediately put on a big hat.

"I'm not questioning the strength of the United Fleet. What I'm questioning is the unfair distribution of military expenditure. If we can allocate more resources to the army, then we should have captured the Changi Naval Base—" The rational classmate is very smart, Immediately transfer the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves into an internal contradiction.

Shota Yamaguchi did not participate in the debate. He winked at his friend Yamaichiro and quietly walked to a corner where no one was around.

When Yamaichiro came over, Shota Yamaguchi was full of expectations.

"Have you got the ticket?"

It’s impossible to go to Saigon without a boat ticket, and you can’t swim there.

"No, but we can go to Saigon in the name of joining the army." Yamaichiro looked sad, and the students of Tokyo Imperial University are not omnipotent.

"No, I can't leave Keiko alone." Shota Yamaguchi shook his head, Keiko was everything to Shota Yamaguchi.

"There is another way, we can go to Saigon on a French ship, but it will cost a lot of money—" Shanichiro was depressed, and now there is only a French ship, which will not be attacked by the Allied forces.

(End of this chapter)

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