Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2283 LeMay is still very young

Chapter 2283 LeMay is still very young

A month after the Battle of Guam, work on the expansion of Saipan's airport was finally complete.

The expanded airport can accommodate about 22 aircraft, there are 150 hangars that can park large bombers, the oil depot at the airport can accommodate 29 million tons of high-quality aviation fuel, the super air fortress in southern Africa, and the B[-] of the United States, take off from the airport The task of bombing Tokyo can be easily completed.

The Southern African Air Force and the U.S. Air Force have each bombed Tokyo once before.

Due to the limited scale, the effect of these two bombings was not good. On the contrary, the Japanese were prepared. Long before the outbreak of the Battle of Guam, the Japanese government transferred most of the aviation troops deployed overseas to the mainland to strengthen defense. Working overtime day and night to produce Zero fighters.

In order to destroy Japan's industrial production capacity as much as possible, the Allied forces decided to shift the bombing target from Tokyo to Nagoya, Japan's aircraft manufacturing center.

Taking into account Japan's industrial characteristics, the high-level Allied forces decided to use incendiary bombs on a large scale to carry out carpet bombing of Nagoya.

In early May, 68 B29 bombers were stationed in Saipan, bringing the number of long-range bombers on Saipan to 210.

It’s not that the Americans don’t want to send out more bombers. It’s because the B29 has just been finalized and the number is limited. After visiting the B29 bomber, Lieutenant Colonel Qiao Yi in the Indian Ocean theater found that the B29 bomber has many similarities with the super sky fortress in southern Africa. A copycat version of Super Sky Fortress.

"You stole our technology again. It's not good, it's very bad—" Qiao Yi was very angry. The Americans have a lot of bad records in this regard, and they have a long history of criminal convictions.

The American industry, like the German industry, initially started from copycats.

When German products are humiliatingly labeled as "Made in Germany" and sold in the UK as inferior products, American products have the same status as German products and are not popular in the UK.

The most popular products in the market must be southern African products, especially automobiles. The sales of southern African automobiles account for more than 70.00% of the world's total automobile sales. American automobile companies have to imitate southern African automobiles in order to survive.

Just like another measuring tape in time and space, as soon as a southern African automaker exits a new car, it won’t be long before an almost identical copycat appears in the U.S. market.

The quality of American cars is not high, the performance is more limited, and there are gaps in both appearance and interior.

The only redeeming feature of American cars is their low price compared to southern African cars.

"Joe, how can this be stealing? At most, it is borrowing—" Lieutenant Colonel Curtis LeMay from Ohio is the commander of the US 305th Bomber Group. This person is very powerful, and he organized another time and space The "Lemay Bombing" razed Tokyo and many Japanese industrial cities to the ground.

The "Lemay Bombing" is famous for its devastating blow to Japanese industrial production.

In another time and space, a total of 96 Japanese cities were bombed by the U.S. military. The damage area of ​​major cities exceeded 50.00%, and some cities burned more than 90.00%. The casualties caused by the "Lemay bombing" far exceeded two Casualties from an atomic bomb.

Flamel famously said: Killing the Japanese did not disturb me.What bothers me is the end of the war, so I don't care how many Japanese were killed in our actions.

The current LeMay is good enough, but there is still a gap with Qiao Yi in terms of record.

After the outbreak of the World War, Qiao Yi arrived in the UK with the first batch of Southern African air forces who went to Europe to participate in the war, and participated in the Great British Air Battle, as well as the bombing of Berlin and other port cities across the strait.

During the European operations, Qiao Yi performed outstandingly. As a commander, he personally led the team to fight and shot down 11 German fighter jets before and after driving the Sky Fortress. You must know that the Sky Fortress is a heavy and slow bomber. If Qiao Yi was driving a fighter jet, then maybe Joe Yi has long been an ace pilot.

Oh, now Qiao Yi is already an ace pilot.

As a bomber became an ace pilot, Qiao Yi was the first case of the Allied Forces.

Qiao Yi also won the Southern African Medal of Honor and the British Empire Medal issued by the British government.

"Come on, we didn't ask you for copyright tax." Qiao Yi was not very angry, as long as B29 was used to deal with the Japanese, Qiao Yi didn't care if the Americans stole southern African technology.

This kind of thing is actually done in southern Africa.

I still remember that when southern Africa first became self-governing, they didn’t even know how to build warships, and they started with imitation British technology, and now they have the three major fleets and four squadrons.

The same is true for airplanes. The US aviation industry started earlier than Southern Africa. The Wright Brothers’ contribution to the aviation industry is obvious to all. Southern Africa is actually a rising star.

"Well, I'll invite you to the Pilot's Club for a drink." Le May hugged Qiao Yi's shoulder and laughed. He just came to Saipan not long ago and fell in love with the island.

Saipan is indeed a beautiful island with a pleasant climate and abundant sunshine. It is a tourist paradise and a diving holy land for diving enthusiasts all over the world. The Great Blue Hole in the northeast corner is known as one of the best cave diving spots in the world.

In order to better serve the soldiers stationed on the island, the southern African government has built comprehensive service facilities on Saipan. Military service agencies and shopping centers are essential. Island guards and pilot clubs are more popular. There is even a There is a golf course under construction, and a water park with rich entertainment facilities on the beach on the west side.

After the end of the last World War, the Northern Mariana Islands, as a C-level mandated territory, was entrusted to the East Indies by the League of Nations, so now the Northern Mariana Islands have actually become the territory of the East India.

Last year, the East India Government and the Federal Government of Southern Africa signed a contract to lease the Northern Mariana Islands to the Federal Government of Southern Africa for 99 years. After the expiration, the Federal Government of Southern Africa still has the priority to renew the contract, so Southern Africa will be in Saipan Big construction.

The Pilots Club is built on Forbidden Island in the southeast corner. This is actually a semi-outlying island. It is separated from Saipan at high tide and connected to land at low tide.

Architects in southern Africa built a road between Forbidden Island and Saipan. When the tide is high, the road will be submerged in sea water, and when the tide is low, the road will appear.

There is also a legend on Forbidden Island. In ancient times, whenever there was no rain for a period of time, the aborigines at that time would pick a suitable strong man, bring him to Forbidden Island, cut off his head, and throw him into the sea. To worship the gods and pray for rain.

Cruel legends can't stop pilots from loving Forbidden Island. The job of pilots is to dance on the tip of the knife, and the club has become a good place for pilots to relax.

When Qiao Yi and Le May came to the beach, the tide was high and the road was impassable, so they had to take a speedboat to Forbidden Island.

These speedboats were shipped thousands of miles from southern Africa. There are also underwater sightseeing submarines in the water park. These are all products of Tesla Research Institute. They are excellent in performance and full of fun, and are deeply loved by the market.

Whether pilots are in the United States or in southern Africa, they are relatively well-paid arms. Naturally, there are everything in the pilot club. As long as you are willing to pay, you can experience the imperial feeling in the pilot club.

LeMay was born in an ordinary worker's family. Because he was not a famous family, LeMay could not get the support of influential politicians, so he failed to enter the West Point Military Academy. He studied in Columbus Public School and Ohio State University successively, and obtained a bachelor's degree in civil engineering. .

Qiao Yi also came from an ordinary family.

However, the average family in southern Africa is not the same concept as the average family in the United States.

The life of ordinary families in the United States is difficult. It was not until the Cold War that one worker supported the whole family to appease the people. Now ordinary families in the United States are at the bottom, and it is good to have a full stomach.

Ordinary families in southern Africa have a farm of five or six hundred acres, and their living conditions will be very good.

Southern Africans do not need celebrity recommendations to enter top universities, as long as their grades are sufficient. Qiao Yi joined the army after graduating from the Nyasaland Air Force Academy. His family owns a 1500-acre farm in the suburbs of Pretoria. The farm is now worth more than R50.

50 rand, in the United States is undoubtedly a rich man.

In southern Africa it is commonplace.

The Pilot Club serves pilots from southern Africa and the United States. The club provides famous wines from all over the world. LeMay ordered a glass of whiskey from Wisconsin, USA, and Qiao Yi ordered a glass of rum from Rhodesia.

Coincidentally, the two wines, rum and whiskey, are rivals and have been competing with each other for more than 200 years.

Whiskey is fermented using maltose as a raw material, while rum is made from sugar cane. Both go through a process of fermentation, distillation and aging. The difference is that rum is double distilled, while whiskey is distilled. Allow time to settle in wooden barrels.

"To cause a devastating blow to the Japanese, we need to dispatch more than 200 bombers at one time, and at the same time, we need more fighter escorts. I don't want to become a prisoner of the Japanese after completing the mission." LeMay hated the Japanese deeply , he also famously said: If the United States lost the war, I fully believe that I will be tried for war crimes, just look at how the Japanese treated the American pilots in military uniform who participated in the Doolittle Raid to know up.

The Doolittle Raid was a retaliatory operation after the Pearl Harbor incident. After completing the air raid mission, Doolittle, who commanded the operation, was immediately promoted to Brigadier General.

Now Doolittle is also in Saipan, and he is the supreme commander of the US military operation.

"It doesn't matter. As long as we maintain a complete air formation, we can completely avoid the Japanese attack." Qiao Yi has a record of shooting down 11 German fighter jets. This guy dared to bomb Japan even without fighter escort.

Maintaining complete formation is an important secret to the success of the Southern African Air Force.

At the end of the Battle of Britain, the Southern African Air Force launched an attack on German airfields in Europe.

The Germans, unlike the Japanese, had strong anti-aircraft firepower, and the Southern African air force was not very effective in the early stages of the war.

After studying the German anti-aircraft firepower, the Southern African Air Force ordered the pilots to maintain a complete formation during the mission. Even if they were attacked by the German Air Force and anti-aircraft artillery, they could not leave the formation to take evasive actions.

This order made the pilots tremble with fear, but the attack efficiency was greatly improved. Since then, the Southern African Air Force has gradually grasped the initiative on the battlefield.

The super sky fortress in southern Africa is equipped with a total of twelve 12.7mm aviation machine guns, and its firepower is much stronger than that of German fighter jets.

Especially when a multi-aircraft formation is performing missions, a single fighter attacking the formation is courting death.

"I know you are amazing, but what if Japan has far more fighter jets than our bombers?" LeMay also knew Qiao Yi's record, and was very envious of Qiao Yi.

In fact, there is nothing to envy. In terms of flying talent, LeMay is no worse than Qiao Yi. He will also be an excellent fighter jet killer in the future.

"Oh, I'm afraid you don't know how powerful our cheetah is." Qiao Yi was full of confidence in the "cheetah".

"Hmph--" Flamel hummed dissatisfiedly, his heart was full of envy and hatred.

But Le May is not in a hurry. The Americans copied the Super Sky Fortress, and naturally they will not let the cheetah go.

Now the United States has started a project to study a new fighter jet, and the required performance standards and "Cheetah" don't want to go up and down.

The performance of the "Cheetah" has almost reached the peak of the propeller engine, and there is not much room for improvement after further research. Southern Africa has already placed the research object on jet aircraft.

The principle of a jet plane is similar to that of a rocket. Robert Goddard's rocket can now launch about 500 kilograms of explosives to a distance of [-] kilometers. If the rocket engine is transplanted to the plane, the performance of the plane will also be improved. obvious improvement.

This is not high technology. At the end of World War II in another time and space, Germany also developed jet fighters.

It is a pity that German jet fighters, like rockets, appeared too late to change the outcome of the war. In the end, German jets and rockets became the spoils of war of the United States.

In this time-space southern Africa, the technology is more advanced than that of Germany in another time-space. The rockets in southern Africa are close to actual combat status, and the prototype of jet aircraft is about to take off.

Of course, for the Japanese Air Force, the performance of the "Cheetah" is enough. The Japanese "Zero" can't even beat the "Goshawk" equipped by the Southern African Navy, and the performance of the "Cheetah" is farther away.

At this time, it was getting late, and the club gradually became lively. The pilots often came to the club to have a drink and relax after completing a day of training.

Of course, you can also find other fun, and even some entertainment activities that cannot be written here. Of course, one principle must be followed, no matter what you do, you should do it willingly, and you must not force it.

This is what the southern African soldiers can do.

Americans can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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