Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2284 What kind of new world do we want to build

Chapter 2284 What kind of new world do we want to build
Since the U.S. Air Force stationed in Saipan, there have been many economic disputes between U.S. military officers and soldiers and club service personnel, as well as family-visiting incidents.

During this period, the United States had an industrial strength no less than that of southern Africa, but ordinary Americans had little money. When the World War broke out, the United States had not fully emerged from the Great Depression. Most of the current US military is composed of unemployed workers and bankrupt farmers. Composition, they have not received much education, don't expect them to have good military discipline.

In order to maintain the overall honor of the Allied Forces, the high-level allied forces blocked the scandals of the US military, and there was no news about US military discipline in the media.

There must be internal punishment, and the relevant personnel have also received corresponding compensation, which did not cause much impact.

In the pilot club, the popularity of US military officers and soldiers is much lower than that of southern African officers and soldiers.

Compared with pilots in southern Africa, Americans are rude and rude, especially after drinking alcohol.

And Americans are still stingy. The income of club service personnel has a lot to do with the consumption of pilots. Southern African pilots are generous, and the average consumption per person in the club is about five rand per night. A third of African pilots.

Five rand was a lot. At the moment in 1942, many foreign workers in the Southern African Union earned only about five rand per month.

The income of natives in southern Africa is much higher. For the same job, the income of southern Africans is about three times that of foreign workers.

The combination of various factors makes the staff of the club less willing to provide services for the US military, especially service personnel from southern Africa and Europe, who directly refuse to provide services for the US military.

In mid-May, the number of military personnel on Saipan had reached more than 4.

Tens of thousands of energetic young people have needs in all aspects on such an isolated island. Even if the service staff pick and choose, they still have endless business.

There are more wolves and less meat, and there will definitely be problems after a long time. On May 5, a serviceman from Poland was raped and killed. The military discipline of the US military finally attracted the attention of the high-level Allied forces.

At this time, Kuching had been recovered by the Allied forces. The 71st Division of the Japanese Army stationed in Kuching was wiped out. The commander of the division committed suicide by caesarean section when the East Indian Army invaded Kuching. Only 1.7 of the 150 troops in the army survived the war. .

After taking over the ancient Jin Dynasty, landing operations in the Philippines was put on the agenda. At this time, such a scandal broke out, which would have a serious impact on the overall honor and morale of the Allied forces.

Unlike the U.S. military, the vast majority of officers in the Southern African Army have received complete education and value honor very much. Many of them would rather sacrifice their lives to maintain their own honor. This is in stark contrast to the U.S. military with low moral standards.

Many southern African military officers had a strong resistance to cooperation with the US military. Now that this happened again, their attitudes rose from disgust to disgust, which caused headaches for both Angie and MacArthur.

MacArthur has arrived at Changi Naval Base to serve as the commander-in-chief of the U.S. counterattack against the Philippines.

MacArthur wants to fulfill his promise when he fled the Philippines: I will definitely come back!
"You can't ask too much of those bankrupt farmers and unemployed workers. It is not easy to maintain morale for a long time, especially on an isolated island. They are also human beings and have their own needs." MacArthur told Angel early There is dissatisfaction.

Regardless of the debauchery of the US military in Saipan, based on MacArthur's understanding of the US military, the US military in Saipan has performed quite well. It can be called a clear stream among the US military, and it is simply a moral model.

During the last world war, the camps of U.S. troops who went to Europe to fight were usually surrounded by tents and simple houses, and those tents and simple houses were built by women engaged in special industries.

During the U.S. military’s operations, family planning supplies were widely supplied as important supplies, and many companies that produced family planning supplies made a fortune.

Interestingly, the world's largest manufacturer of family planning supplies is in southern Africa.

Needless to say, the big boss behind this kind of enterprise is usually Stoudemire.

The southern African military has very strict requirements on this issue. Not to mention special industries around the camp, it is difficult for officers and soldiers to leave the camp during combat. There are also ways for officers and soldiers to vent their excess energy. The southern African military uses high-intensity Training consumes all the extra energy of the officers and soldiers every day, and naturally there is no more effort.

"—If we don't guide it, then more serious things will happen. I don't want to wait for my children to return to the United States and all of them will become gay." MacArthur's words are suspected of insinuation.

Everyone knows that the most serious situation in this regard is the Royal Navy.

The Southern African Army was also once part of the British Army.

In this way of reasoning, a similar situation in the Southern African Army is also very serious.

Reminiscent of the cleanliness around the southern African camp——

Real hammer!

"So you just let this happen?" Angie now finally understood why the Filipinos welcomed the Japanese invasion.

Filipinos don't care whether they are ruled by Americans or Japanese.

Or the Spaniards of earlier times.

Filipinos are used to being ruled by aliens.

The key is whether the colonists can bring a better life to the Filipinos.

Judging from the process of the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, the Americans were obviously not qualified as colonists.

That's right, the United States has only a few years of history, and it cannot be compared with the experienced traditional colonial powers such as Britain and Spain.

And the way of colonization is also different. The colonization of European countries mainly relies on local people to generate wealth.

American colonization, right? Kill all the locals——

"No, no, no, it's not laissez-faire, but guidance, and appropriate guidance." MacArthur didn't worry about this matter at all. Little people are not worthy of attention. He is more concerned about when the coalition forces will land in the Philippines.

In other words, when will the southern African army under Angie land in the Philippines.

As the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Army in the Pacific region, MacArthur actually had few soldiers under him. To counterattack the Philippines, he relied more on the southern African army and the East Indian army.

Forget about the British and Indian troops, they are not qualified as security forces for maintaining law and order.

"Our most important task now is to defeat the Japanese. Before landing in the Philippines, I hope you can send an airborne force to carry out airborne near the Japanese prisoner-of-war camps to ensure the safety of the captured personnel." MacArthur still has a conscience, He did not forget the US-Philippine coalition forces abandoned by him.

The 8 US-Philippine coalition prisoners have gone through the brutal death march in Bataan and spent several months in the prisoner-of-war camp. Now half of them are not bad.

If the Allied forces landed in the Philippines, the Japanese army would most likely kill all the prisoners of war at the last moment in order to cover up their atrocities.

These prisoners of war have now become hostages of the Japanese army, and the Japanese army even transferred some of the prisoners to Manila, so the Allied forces have stopped air strikes on Manila.

"Mike, the failure of the German army in Crete is a lesson from the past. We must use the airborne troops cautiously—" An Qi did not refuse, but chose a more suitable opportunity.

Unlike the crazy Germans, the southern African military is very cautious about the use of paratroopers, and has specially developed heavy artillery and tanks that can be air-dropped for paratroopers.

In the battle on the Malay Peninsula, the paratroopers showed their talents and parachuted to the rear of the Japanese army many times, cutting off the Japanese army's retreat, surrounding the Japanese army, and inflicting heavy blows on the Japanese army again and again.

The situation in the Philippines is different from that of the Malay Peninsula. The Malays are very resistant to the Japanese invasion, and even organize themselves to resist the Japanese army.

The Filipinos have a cooperative attitude towards the Japanese army, and paratroopers parachuting to the Philippines is a real way to go deep behind enemy lines.

"——How are you going to deal with those American soldiers?" An Qi did not forget to seek justice for the girl who was killed, and those who made mistakes must pay the price.

"They will be sent back to the United States for processing, and the girl's family will receive adequate compensation." MacArthur frowned. He didn't expect Angie to hold on to this issue.

"How much is enough?" Angie was obviously dissatisfied with MacArthur's attitude.

The U.S. military did not commit the crime alone. A total of six U.S. troops participated. After they raped the poor girl, they brutally killed her and looted her belongings.

According to the tradition of the US military, these US troops will be tried by military courts after they are repatriated to the United States.

The military court is just a display, and the U.S. military who made a mistake will most likely not receive any punishment. Even if the sentence is only suspended, it can be released in court.

As for compensation—

This has no meaning to the dead, what do people need money for when they are dead.

"It's at least equivalent to that girl's ten-year salary, isn't that enough?" MacArthur's face was blackened. The ten-year salary was because the incident happened in Saipan. If it was in the Philippines, there would probably not be a penny of compensation.

Don't listen to the Americans shouting "humanitarianism" all the time. The United States is the world's largest humanitarian disaster maker. Compared with the Americans, the Germans are just younger brothers.

"The girl's family still needs an apology from the US government and your military." Angie asked, and it was precisely because the US government didn't take it seriously that tragedies happened frequently.

"The U.S. government and the military will never apologize for this kind of thing. This kind of thing happens countless times every day in the world. Haven't you southern African soldiers never made mistakes?" MacArthur was angry. In his opinion, Angie was Make things difficult on purpose.

"Soldiers in southern Africa will of course make mistakes, but we will learn from every mistake and have stricter management on soldiers, so soldiers are a respected profession in our southern Africa, how about you?" Angie couldn't see Go to MacArthur, the former principal of West Point Military Academy.

Even the principal of the West Point Military Academy is like this, and the US military's lax discipline is understandable.

"Ann, don't forget that it's a time of war. Our soldiers are fighting bloody battles with the enemy. They may bleed and die on the battlefield. We need to give them more tolerance." MacArthur's thinking is completely different from that of Angie.

Soldiers have privileges during the war, and the governments of all countries are in a state of laissez-faire, even connivance.

The German army who invaded Russia, the brutal Japanese army in East Asia, the Russians who invaded Germany later, and the U.S. troops stationed in Japan after the war were all similar in essence, and the victor had the right to claim everything.

The southern African army is outstanding in this respect, at least the requirements for the lower body are very strict. Even in the pilot club, to solve the physiological needs is based on the premise of your own will, and never bully the weak.

"Mike, we need to strengthen the management of the army. We must strictly manage all aspects. The army is the group that is most likely to lose control. They have the ability to impose violence on others. When we invade Japan, you can do whatever you want, but Not now, our military is used to protect the people, figure this out." Angie has no control over other places, the US military in Saipan must abide by the relevant regulations of Saipan.

As for after invading the Japanese mainland——

Well, at that time, I am afraid that the southern African soldiers will not be easy to manage. Don't forget that many people in the southern African army have blood feuds with the Japanese.

"Yes, but the Pole is not a southern African, nor an American." MacArthur could actually find a reason.

After Poland surrendered, countless Poles fled Poland in various ways. In North Africa and the British mainland, there were Polish troops fighting the Germans.

"Mike, if the U.S. government and the U.S. military don't apologize, I will postpone the landing in the Philippines indefinitely." Angie became self-willed and Roark couldn't control him. MacArthur had to count on Angie's cooperation to fulfill his promise. Is this an attitude of asking for help?

"Ann, you are joking, you must be joking!" MacArthur didn't believe it, and would rather change the combat plan for a special industry practitioner. This is not a rational attitude that a qualified supreme commander in the theater should have.

"Mike, I never joke." Angie's attitude is decisive. Some people in the eyes of the US government are unworthy, and so are some people in Angie's eyes.

Unwilling to compromise, MacArthur sent a telegram to Washington, asking Washington to intervene in coordination.

Angie also sent a telegram to Pretoria, making a small report, everyone would.

"General An Qi is making a fuss over a molehill, and we can't affect the cooperation between us and the allied forces because of such a trivial matter—" Xiaosi disagreed, and he couldn't lose the big because of the small things.

"Why do we have to cooperate with the Americans? Don't we have enough bombers to bomb Tokyo?" Henry wanted to turn the table, he had long disliked the Americans.

"Let the Americans compensate that poor girl more. We still want to defeat the Japanese as soon as possible. This is the common wish of all of us in southern Africa." Owen tended to trivialize things.

Fortunately, no one suggested that Rock should replace An Qi. Everyone knew about the relationship between Rock and An Qi. Regardless of Rock's face, Anton's face had to be considered.

"Gentlemen, I would like to ask you to think about a question, what kind of new world will we build after the war is over?" Rock thought further, the tragedy of another time and space must not happen in this time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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