Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2285 Bullying You Fly Slow

Chapter 2285 Bullying You Fly Slow
Rock has raised this question more than once, what kind of new world will we build after the war is over.

It is the same as another time and space, split into two camps to fight in a cold war.

Or build a whole new world.

There is no southern Africa in another time and space. After World War II, the United States gave up isolationism and returned to Europe. In order to gain world leadership, it did not hesitate to shape Russia into a new evil country.

From the perspective of evil, the United States, which wiped out tens of millions of Indians as a whole, is much more evil than the Germans.

Even Russia's threats are mostly fabricated by the United States.

Think about how badly Russia was beaten in World War II. A whole generation was wiped out, and the total number of military and civilian casualties reached 6000 million. Such a country has the ability to threaten the so-called "civilized society"?
Because of the emergence of southern Africa in this time and space, the advantages of the United States are far inferior to those of another time and space. Now southern Africa is the nurse of the Allied forces. The United States is at best a relatively strong neighbor. Britain and France want to hug their thighs after the war. Southern Africa is obviously better choice.

Including southern Africa, all countries in the world count as one, and their buttocks are not very clean, and no one has the right to dislike anyone. The UK only has a lot more black material than the US. Southern Africa can cooperate with the UK, and the US Can't cooperate?

Come on, don’t pretend to be a saint in a bad era. For many European countries, southern Africa is also an evil country, especially for some countries that were directly driven out of Africa during the rise of southern Africa.

Several countries here even include France.

Regardless of the fact that Free France has such a good relationship with Southern Africa, as a Frenchman, De Gaulle must have had a grudge about Madagascar joining Southern Africa.

Almost forgot there was French Indochina.

Did de Gaulle agree to transfer the power of France in French Indochina to southern Africa, is it willing?

"We now have the Southern African Union, which already has the power to change the world. After the war is over, we can completely set up a new international organization based on the Southern African Union to replace the League of Nations. Our advantages will be further enlarged. To At that time, we can formulate the rules for the operation of the world, at least we can participate in the formulation. If we don’t want to see the tragedy of the League of Nations repeat itself, then we must turn the United States into our ally.” Rock is very helpless, and many people in southern Africa , still unable to escape the constraints of this era.

The truth that people believe in in this era is really not "freedom and equality", but that if there is a disagreement, they will fight each other.

The two world wars have completely changed people's concepts. The previous wars lasted for hundreds of years, and both sides could fight vigorously.

The current war cannot last even five years, because technology has developed to the point where all human beings can be killed in five years, and no one can bear the losses caused by large-scale wars.

So the cold war in another time and space has not turned into a hot war, not because the leaders are so rational, but because the stalks beat the wolf and both sides are afraid.

Einstein said that he didn't know how the Third World War was fought, but he knew that the weapons used by both sides in the Fourth World War must be stones and sticks.

After Roque finished speaking, the conference room was silent.

Both Henry and Stoudemire are not stupid.

On the contrary, they are very smart.

When they were with Rock, they didn't forcibly lower their intelligence, but they got used to thinking about problems from their own interests, and the situation became smaller.

This is the same as in the future Internet era, many people criticize those correct old whites as fools, and it is better than some people to tie a dog to the office.

This is essentially the same as scolding the emperor for farming with a golden hoe. Mustache also knows that Germany can't beat southern Africa and the United States with its strength, but it will never rise if it doesn't fight Germany. Even if Mustache himself doesn't want to fight, there are tens of millions of Germans He didn't agree either.

At the level of Henry and Stoudemire, gains and losses are no longer important. If you have a lot of money, you can't spend it all in a few lifetimes, and you are fully qualified to pursue higher-level things.

The prospect described by Rock is obviously more in line with the expectations of Henry and Stoudemire.

"We can't use our moral standards to demand Americans, because we all know that Americans have no morals at all-our cooperation with Americans does not mean that we approve of American behavior, just like we oppose the German massacre of Jews Similarly, we are the same as Americans massacring Indians, but this does not affect our cooperation with the United States.” Rock’s words can be described as split personality in medical terms, but this is the norm.

In the relationship between countries, the only position is interest. Najd is still a feudal dynasty, and southern Africa has not rejected Najd's oil.

The American soldiers made mistakes in Saipan, Angie's request is compensation and an apology, which is not too much.

The bigwigs in southern Africa discussed together whether this would affect the relationship between southern Africa and the United States.

The bigwigs in the United States must also be discussing what will happen if Angel's request is not met.

In the current relationship between the United States and southern Africa, southern Africa is clearly on the stronger side.

Rock's judgment was correct.

MacArthur can be willful and show his character to his heart's content.

Roosevelt was still very sensible. The US government not only apologized to the girl who died and her family, but also opened a ferry between Saipan and Guam in order to avoid similar incidents from happening again. You can return to Guam for vacation.

There are also American military clubs on Guam, and most of the service personnel are from the Americas and Japan.

Yes, Japan, you read that right.

On the second day after the Pearl Harbor incident broke out, all Japanese residents living in the United States were sent to the special zone for centralized management, a total of about 11 people.

This operation is normal. After the outbreak of the European War, the Germans living in the UK were also centralized management. Newspapers and magazines would definitely not report this kind of thing, and no one cared about the specific situation of the concentration camps. They were completely forgotten by the whole society.

As for the Japanese women in the U.S. military club, many of them have already naturalized as Americans, and they are already Americans in essence, but they are still treated differently.

This is equality among the American population.

The day after the U.S. government apologized, some 230 large long-range bombers took off from Saipan and aimed at Nagoya, Japan's aircraft manufacturing center.

In order to ensure the success of the operation, about 400 fighter jets were dispatched from southern Africa to escort the bomber unit. The Air Force's "Cheetah" fighter jets took off from Saipan, and the Navy's Goshawks took off from the aircraft carrier. All fighter jets used auxiliary fuel tanks to increase the range. Time to go to Russia for an emergency landing.

The situation now is different from the end of last year.

The end of last year was in the critical period of the Moscow Battle. In order to support Moscow, Russia transferred 20 Asian divisions stationed on the Far East border to Moscow to participate in the war. Only then did the Moscow Battle finally win.

After withdrawing all of its troops in Asia, Russia's strength in Asia was empty, so the crew members of the B25 bomber that made an emergency landing in Vladivostok were detained by Russia, and they had to go to Persia to return to the United States.

Now the situation has improved. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the pressure on Russia in Asia was completely relieved. Sidney Milner personally negotiated with the Russians, threatened to cut off military aid, and forced the Russians to make concessions to the Southern African Air Force and the United States. The Air Force opens Russian airfields in the Far East.

The Russians did not give in completely. Military planes from southern Africa and the United States could only make forced landings at Russian airports, and could not take off from Russia to launch air strikes directly on the Japanese mainland.

Otherwise, Southern Africa and the United States could join hands and razed the Japanese mainland to the ground within half a year.

If the bomber takes off from Saipan, each plane can only carry a maximum of 1.5 tons of aerial bombs.

This is enough. In order to ensure efficiency, the bombers carried mostly 50 kg incendiary bombs, which would cause a devastating blow to the wooden buildings in Japanese cities.

Nor did Southern Africa and the United States expect to force Japan out of the war with one or two bombings.

If it is not withdrawn, southern Africa and the United States can continue to attack the Japanese mainland until Japan is completely defeated, or southern Africa and the United States run out of bombs.

It is impossible to run out of bombs. Southern Africa and the United States together produce more than [-] million tons of steel per year. Not to mention making bombs, even throwing such a large amount of steel into iron wheels can flatten Tokyo.

The whole process went very smoothly. The Japanese government did not expect that the Allied forces would be able to dispatch such a large-scale bomber force in such a short period of time, and they were obviously caught off guard.

Moreover, the Japanese government placed the main air defense force in Tokyo instead of Nagoya, which led to a serious emptiness of Nagoya's air defense force. The defensive fighters were still dominated by Type 97 fighters, and there were not many of them.

The Type 97 fighter is known as the "ultimate light fighter". The empty weight of this fighter is only 1110 kilograms, the fastest flight speed is 460 kilometers per hour, the range is 800 kilometers, and the maximum ceiling is 10000 meters.

It seems that the various data are not bad, in line with the standard of "light fighter".

However, the Type 97 weapon has only two 7.7mm aviation machine guns, which is a tickle for the Allied heavy fighters and large long-range bombers.

All of Japan's aviation weapons have serious problems in performance, various performance standards, insufficient range, bullets will bend in the air, etc. No matter how weird the problem is, it will appear in Japan's aviation weapons.

The 97mm machine gun installed on the Type 7.7 is actually a copy of the British "Vickers" 7.7mm aviation machine gun. In order to prove the necessity of improvement, the Japanese military abandoned Vickers' 7.7X56mm machine gun bullets and used Japanese The self-produced 7.7X58mm machine gun ammunition is the same as the 7.7mm caliber Type 92 heavy machine gun of the Japanese Army. The bullets are not universal, which shows the magic of Japanese industry.

The British "Vickers" was finalized and produced before the outbreak of the last World War. It has a history of 30 years. The aviation weapons in southern Africa have progressed to the era of 20mm aviation cannons. Japan is still using 7.7mm aviation weapons. Machine guns, which also led to the "Cheetah" and "Goshawk" in southern Africa, and when the Japanese Type 97 broke out in an air battle over Nagoya, the result of the battle was almost a one-sided massacre.

The first two air strikes in southern Africa and the United States were concentrated in Tokyo, which obviously caused the Japanese military to make a serious misjudgment. When the Allied bombers flew to Nagoya, Japan could only take off about 40 Type 97s for combat .

It should also be explained here that Japan still has no radar so far, and all air raid warnings must rely on visual inspection.

So when the Allied fighters arrived in Nagoya, the Japanese had no time to mobilize the air force for defense. The excellent pilots in the Japanese army were still 270 kilometers away in Tokyo at this time. At the speed of Zero, it would take about half an hour. to reach Nagoya.

This is also a huge test for the dispatch speed of the Japanese Air Force.

Even if Type Zero takes off immediately, it will not save Nagoya.

40 Type 97s, for the 400 "Cheetahs" and "Goshawks", it is obvious that there are more wolves and less flesh. The Type 97s that took off in a hurry did not have time to occupy the favorable terrain, and were smashed by the condescending "Cheetahs" and "Goshawks" , Compared with the Cheetah and Goshawk, the Type 97 has poor firepower, slow speed and weak protection, and has almost no merits. Soon all Type 97s were shot down, and the "Cheetah" and "Goshawk" won a big victory.

At this time, the B29 and the Super Sky Fortress carried out carpet bombing of Nagoya at an altitude of 2000 meters in a stand-alone manner.

In another time and space, it was already 2000 when LeMay figured out the bomber plus incendiary bombs, plus the optimal height of 1945 meters.

Now the Allies were on the right track from the start. The bomber pilots in southern Africa, many of whom had experienced the Great Battle of Britain, were now taking their experience to the Far East to deal with the Japanese.

Compared with the Germans, the Japanese have a serious lack of experience in dealing with air strikes. Not only are their fighter jets inferior, their ground cities lack anti-aircraft firepower, and they even lack experienced fighter pilots.

This is understandable.

In the East Asian battlefield, the Japanese Air Force had no opponent at all. The limited air power in East Asia was completely lost shortly after the war started. The Japanese Air Force has not accumulated many experienced pilots since the war.

Even if there were, all of them were killed in the Battle of Guam.

On this day, the wind speed in Nagoya was four to six, and the incendiary bombs, mainly napalm bombs, exploded on the ground and spread rapidly.

The buildings in Nagoya are the same as those in Tokyo. They are mainly civilian wooden buildings. They have no resistance to incendiary bombs. Throwing incendiary bombs in a stand-alone mode can maximize the attack effect. In just half an hour, half of the city was engulfed in flames and thick fog. The smoke, the crew members of the bomber sitting in the cabin can feel the temperature of the flames.

Needless to say, after this day, Japan's aircraft manufacturing industry will definitely suffer a devastating blow, and it will take until the Year of the Monkey to recover.

The dispatch efficiency of the Japanese Air Force was indeed very low. It was already an hour after the Japanese military planes from other cities arrived in Nagoya. At this time, all the fighter planes of the Allied forces had completed their missions and returned.

It is impossible to chase, and it is impossible to catch up at all. Even the most cumbersome bomber in southern Africa can fly faster than the Type 97.

(End of this chapter)

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