Chapter 2286 One by one

The damage caused by the air strikes to Nagoya was extremely serious. The urban area of ​​nearly ten square kilometers was razed to the ground, about 5.6 houses were burned, 2.7 people were killed, more than 6 were seriously injured, and more than 30 people were left homeless.

After this battle, Japan's aircraft manufacturing capabilities were devastated. Three aircraft factories in Nagoya were completely destroyed, two of which were the main factories for the production of "Zero" fighters, and the production of "Zero" was seriously affected.

Tang Li and Halsey were not satisfied, and 30 hours later, 250 bombers took off from Saipan again, this time targeting the Kure Navy Yard.

The Kure Naval Factory is Japan's largest naval dedicated shipyard, and "Yamato" was built by the Kure Naval Factory.

In addition to "Yamato", the Kure Naval Factory also built aircraft carriers such as "Nagato" and "Fuso", as well as "Akagi" and "Cangryu". There are not only factories for shipbuilding, electrical, artillery, ammunition, etc., but also The Naval Technician Training Institute can be called the cradle of the Japanese Navy.

Only 30 hours have passed since the last air raid, and the fire caused by the bombing of Nagoya has not even been extinguished. The Japanese government is doing its best to rescue, hoping to grab more supplies from the rubble. People died due to serious injuries, and the Japanese government was simply unable to rescue them. Compared with the military, Japan's medical capabilities are very backward, and they are concentrated in the military, and civilian medical resources are scarce.

Hiroshima, where the Kure Naval Factory is located, is located in the southwest of Honshu Island, Japan, about 700 kilometers from Tokyo and 400 kilometers from Nagoya.

Although Japan transferred most of its air force back to the mainland to assist in defense after bombing Tokyo.

For the Allied Forces, the narrow terrain of Japan is full of sieves, and the Japanese Air Force cannot take care of it at all.

Every time the Allied forces are dispatched, they can come out in full force to attack the weak points of the Japanese defense.

The strength of the Japanese Air Force is far from that of the Allied Air Forces, and it cannot concentrate its defense forces. Compared with Nagoya, Hiroshima's air defense force is weaker, but its ground air defense firepower is slightly stronger.

With the experience of bombing Nagoya, the Allied forces are more handy.

This time when the bomber formation flew over Hiroshima, night had already fallen.

The two leading bombers first dropped flares and incendiary bombs over Hiroshima to point out the direction for the bombers that arrived later.

At this time, the Japanese Air Force was seriously lacking in night combat capabilities, and the aircraft could not take off to fight, and could only rely on ground firepower for defense.

After the air strike on Nagoya, the Japanese government has issued warning orders to major cities across the country, reminding them to pay more attention to the Allied air strikes.

This warning order is better than nothing. In just one day, even if the Japanese want to produce more anti-aircraft weapons, it is too late.

However, the Japanese are not without the ability to resist. The Japanese have learned a wealth of experience from the London bombing. While implementing strict light control, they ignited fires in many places around the Kure Naval Factory, which effectively interfered with the judgment of the Allied pilots. Many bombers did not drop their bombs on the correct targets.

Japan's air defense firepower also played a role. Although Japan has no radar available, ground air defense firepower can rely on the guidance of searchlights to counterattack the bomber formation.

However, the number of searchlights in Japan is not large, and the power of anti-aircraft weapons is not enough. The bright lampposts of searchlights are the best guide for bomber pilots. Every searchlight is taken care of by Allied bombers.

There must still be losses. Two American B29s were hit by Japanese anti-aircraft artillery and crashed near Hiroshima. After being hit, a Southern African super sky fortress was forced to land on the Japanese territorial waters east of Shikoku Island.

This loss is within an acceptable range. In addition to the downed bomber, more than a dozen bombers were damaged. However, these damaged bombers have successfully returned to Saipan with the formation and can still be put into use after repair.

The results of the air raid on the Kure Naval Factory were not as brilliant as the results of the air raid on Nagoya, but there are still many bright spots.

In the Battle of Guam, the Japanese Combined Fleet suffered heavy losses, and all aircraft carriers were sunk.

In order to make up for the loss, all Japanese shipyards are working overtime to convert suitable merchant ships into simple aircraft carriers. Although these simple aircraft carriers are not as good as real aircraft carriers, they are also valuable combat power for the combined fleet that is in trouble.

As a professional naval factory, the Kure Naval Factory also undertakes refitting tasks. When the air raid happened, two merchant ships were being refitted on the berth of the Wu Naval Factory. One of them was already in a state of near completion, and the top deck had been fully installed.

These two aircraft carriers became the key targets of the Allied pilots. A total of six bombers dropped about eight tons of incendiary bombs on the two aircraft carriers. The wooden deck on the top of the aircraft carrier was instantly ignited. Those who could escape jumped off the slipway which was tens of meters high.

The materials piled up beside the slipway were ignited, and the flames were tens of meters high and could be seen tens of kilometers away.

As a result, there was no suspense. The two aircraft carriers being refitted were not spared. The one that was about to be refitted was particularly damaged. The entire ship was burned to the ground, and only the hull remained. The fire was not completely extinguished until a week later.

When the last B29 landed at Saipan Airport, the whole airport boiled instantly.

"Congratulations, Joe, you once again led the team to victory. You and your bombers have become the most terrifying shadow of the Japanese." LeMay took the initiative to congratulate Qiao Yi. Lord, the current strength of the U.S. Air Force is still far behind that of the Southern African Air Force.

The gap is mainly reflected in the radar.

The large bombers in southern Africa have already installed radars, but the U.S. military does not yet have this capability. They have just installed radars on large surface ships, and it is the technology provided by southern Africa.

The biggest difference between World War II and World War I lies in the application of various new technologies.

There were also many new weapons that appeared in World War I. Tanks appeared for the first time. Although aircraft had already played a role in the Italian-Turkish War, the technical threshold was still relatively low. Technical prowess, by the middle of the war the emphasis on aircraft had begun to increase.

Compared with the aircraft of World War I, the current aircraft has a qualitative improvement in technology.

The aircraft in the early days of World War I didn't even have a shooting coordinator. After the shooting coordinator was installed on the Allied aircraft, the bullets flew out of the propeller, which scared the Germans to death.

The current aircraft has begun to install radar. For a country like Japan, which is inherently deficient in technology and resources, it is becoming more and more difficult to catch up, and the gap will become wider and wider.

"Your performance is also good. After a while, you will be able to perform tasks independently." Qiao Yi was also amazed at Le May's performance. This guy is an out-and-out genius.

The Southern African Air Force has performed well, which is based on a long history, strong strength and rich experience.

The U.S. Air Force had little opportunity to perform in the last World War. After the war, it was disarmed and its strength was greatly damaged. During the Brazilian Civil War, the U.S. Air Force was severely taught by "mercenaries". Work hard in the Air Force.

The Southern African Air Force experienced the baptism of the Great Britain Air Battle, but the US Air Force did not get the opportunity to participate in the Great Britain Air Battle.

During the last air raid on Nagoya, the U.S. Air Force was still very young, and its cooperation with the Southern African Air Force was very unfamiliar, and it could not keep up with the rhythm of the Southern African Air Force.

After returning to Saipan, the pilots of the Southern African Air Force had an early rest to recharge their batteries, but LeMay called the pilots of the US Air Force into an overnight meeting to discuss gains and losses.

There will definitely be an effect, and those who work hard will be praised by fate.

In the process of bombing the Kure Naval Factory this time, the U.S. Air Force has made significant progress. The crew members are no longer in a hurry during the battle, and there is no more oolong accident in which the bomber missed the attack due to tactical evasion.

"Let's go, let's go, let's have a drink together, go to my dormitory, my friend sent me two bottles of good wine, you will definitely like it." LeMay took the initiative to invite, alcohol is a good way to relax after a big battle.

Then go and try it.

After the rape and murder incident, the American soldiers involved have been arrested, and they will be tried by a military court after returning to the United States. Regardless of whether the trial is fair or not, this result is already good.

The families of the victimized girls received compensation and an apology, and although this could not fully make up for the pain caused by the loss of a loved one, it was the best outcome for them.

If this kind of thing happened in southern Africa, the soldiers involved would definitely be dealt with seriously, and might even be shot directly.

It is unlikely in Saipan. After all, Saipan is not the land of southern Africa, and the American soldiers and victims involved in the case are not southern Africans, and the laws of southern Africa do not apply.

The U.S. government has learned a lesson and is building an air force base in Guam when the flight is launched. After the base is completed, Allied bombers will take off from Guam and can also carry out the mission of bombing the Japanese mainland.

At that time, the Allied forces can dispatch more than [-] bombers at one time, which can cause a devastating blow to any Japanese city.

As a senior military officer, LeMay's dormitory is a suite with a bathroom.

When passing by the kitchen, Qiao Yi asked the chef for two dishes to go with the wine. The peanuts were shipped from southern Africa, and the cucumbers were locally produced in Saipan. These two dishes were the most suitable as a side dish.

Lemay took out the wine, and Qiao Yi laughed after seeing it.

The wine that LeMay brought out was wine produced in Cape Town. Qiao Yi was from southern Africa. LeMay entertained Qiao Yi with wine from southern Africa, which was not as good as whiskey produced in the United States.

But the wine was really good, and soon he drank one bottle, and Flamel opened a second bottle.

"When I threw the incendiary bombs into the residential area, even though I knew that the Japanese were more than innocent, I still felt a sense of guilt. How many people were killed in our two-day bombing? Ten thousand? Or twenty thousand?" Le May still underestimated the power of the incendiary bombs. The losses caused by these two bombings to Japan were at least more than 5 people.

People are second, and the key is the blow to Japanese industry.

Nagoya is the main production area of ​​Japanese aircraft, and the Kure Naval Factory is the cradle of the United Fleet. Although Tokyo is the capital of Japan, it still ranks after Nagoya and the Kure Naval Factory in terms of attack order.

"Don't think this way. We fought against Japan to save more people. Think about the captives and civilians slaughtered by the Japanese. If we kill one Japanese, maybe we can save five or even ten people. When you drop the bomb, don’t think about how many people will be killed, but think about the sailors who were killed by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, and the soldiers of the US-Philippines who were tortured and killed by the Japanese on the Bataan Peninsula.” Joe Yi patted LeMay on the shoulder and laughed loudly, what kind of morals do you talk to the Japanese, they don't deserve it.

The consistent logic of the Japanese is that if I am strong, I am justified, if you are weak, you deserve it, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

Since the neighboring countries are weak, the Japanese can take advantage of the fire to loot.

Then the strength of southern Africa is obviously stronger than that of Japan, and Japan deserves to be beaten now.

"Yes, that's what I think, otherwise I might go crazy." Lemay smiled bitterly, he couldn't be as free and easy as Qiao Yi.

The post-war psychological trauma of soldiers has always been a serious problem.

People didn't pay much attention to this problem before, but people began to pay attention to it after a professor at the Johannesburg School of Medicine raised it. Saipan has a professional doctor in this field who can solve similar psychological problems for officers and soldiers.

Instead of going to the doctor, Le May talked to Qiao Yi. He probably thought that only cowards would have such problems.

"Let's go, let's have some fun together. You really need to adjust." Qiao Yi took the initiative to go out with Laramie. You don't have to go to the Pilot Club to find fun in Saipan, and there are plenty of fun on the beach on the west side of the island.

Southern Africa has a well-developed entertainment industry. There are not only cinemas and playgrounds on the island, but also sports activities for officers and soldiers. Football is the most popular among officers and soldiers of the two countries.

Southern African football is the common English football. Americans say "football" refers to rugby.

Southern African football is excellent, and the N-League has become the world's most complete competition system, the most intense confrontation, the highest technical level, and the most enjoyable competition.

The American officers and soldiers in Saipan had little contact with football before.

For a sport to become popular, it must have a unique charm.

After coming to Saipan, many U.S. military officers and soldiers were quickly attracted to football, and then a team composed of U.S. military officers and soldiers was brutally abused by southern African officers and soldiers on the field.

The American soldiers are definitely not convinced. Southern Africans are good at soccer, so let's play rugby if we have the ability.

just come.

Southern African officers and soldiers underestimated American athleticism.

So on the football field, the Americans finally felt proud.

Lemay and Qiao Yi don't play rugby and football, these two sports are too tiring.

Qiao Yi invited LeMay to play billiards. This sport is known as a gentleman's sport in Europe, and it has been transformed into a game suitable for all ages in southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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