Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2289 No expectations for Japan

Chapter 2289 No expectations for Japan

At 40 o'clock in the morning, six landing ships full of marines arrived at the Lubang Islands in the central Philippines under the protection of more than [-] warships. This will become the advance base for the Allied forces to land in the Philippines.

The Lubang Archipelago consists of the main island Lubang and dozens of large and small islands such as Ambil, Golo, and Cabra, with a total area of ​​246 square kilometers, of which the main island Lubang covers an area of ​​192 square kilometers.

In another time and space in 1944, 23-year-old Onoda was serving in Lubang Island. When his superior Gu Tian withdrew, he ordered Onoda to keep fighting. Gu Tian told Onoda: Our retreat is only temporary. Deal with the enemy, I forbid you to commit suicide or surrender, after three, four or five years, I will come back, only I can cancel this order.

Unexpectedly, this wait is 30 years.

In February 1945, the U.S. Army landed on Lubang Island. Most of the Japanese troops surrendered or died in battle. Onoda and three other Japanese soldiers carried out the mission of Tanita to continue the guerrilla warfare with the U.S. Army.

In August 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally, and the U.S. military dropped leaflets on Lubang Island, urging the recalcitrant Japanese troops to surrender.

Onoda believed that this was a trick of the Japanese army. How could the Japanese government surrender if [-] million Japanese hadn't yet broken into pieces, so Onoda continued to fight.

In 1965, Onoda stole a radio and heard reports on international relations on the news.

Onoda couldn't accept all this, and still shot farmers and burned rice.

It was not until 1974 that Japanese explorer Norio Suzuki approached Onoda and told Onoda that the war had ended for 30 years that Onoda was willing to lay down his arms and surrender.

Onoda in this time and space has no chance to serve in Lubang Island, and there is not even a Japanese army on Lubang Island.

After the Battle of the Philippines, before Japan had time to consolidate its territory, the bombing of the Southern African Air Force followed, and the Japanese have not even had time to occupy Mindanao.

There were no accidents during the landing process, and there was no target to attack on the beachhead.

The marines landed on the landing craft, and the engineers built a simple pontoon bridge beside the beach. Soon the construction machinery went ashore, and the progress was greatly accelerated.

At the same time as the forward base was being built on Lubang Island, the battleship "East India" belonging to the Indian Ocean Fleet shelled the Japanese fortifications on Luzon Island.

Fortunately, the Southern African battleship has been in service for 20 years, and now it has finally got a valuable opportunity for actual combat. The 12 340mm main guns on the "East India" are fully fired, and other warships have also begun to go to the shore. To shell.

It was the naval pilots who launched the attack before the warships.

The scheduled landing area for the southern African army is Calatagan. This area has been repeatedly bombed by the southern African air force before June 6. The Japanese air force deployed in the Philippines has also been devastated by the southern African air force. Incapable of providing support to Calatagan.

Even so, the "Goshawk fighter" was the first to take off. The Southern African Air Force must ensure the air supremacy over the landing field and firmly control it in its own hands.

The Japanese army did a lot of preparatory work to prevent the landing of the Allied forces. There were not many fortifications near the coastline, and the Japanese army concentrated more in the inland areas, preparing to rely on the complex terrain in the inland area to deal with the Allied forces.

The shelling and bombing lasted for half an hour, and all the few Japanese military fortifications were destroyed.

Not satisfied enough with this, the command sent level bombers to drop incendiary bombs on Calatagan, completely destroying Calatagan before the Marines began to land.

For the Marines, landing operations are already extremely proficient.

The equipment of the Marine Corps is very advanced, and it is easy to establish a beachhead. The amphibious tanks directly drove ashore as a defensive fulcrum, and the engineers began to erect pontoon bridges to open the way for heavy equipment to land.

The engineering pontoon is similar to naval shipbuilding. It has already been modularized, just like construction workers build a house. It only takes about an hour to build a pontoon by assembling prefabricated modules together.

Following the landing of the Marine Corps was the 16th Division, which is also a meritorious force. It participated in the Battle of the Dardanelles in the last World War and a series of large-scale battles after landing in France.

Like the Rainbow Division, the 16th Division was abolished after the end of the last World War and was just rebuilt three years ago.

The difference from the Rainbow Division is that when the 16th Division was rebuilt, the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa transferred a large number of experienced officers from the army. The sergeant majors of the 16th Division were all drawn from the Umbrella Company. They have rich experience and became officers. Our good helpers, these sergeant majors are very respected, the oldest of them is over 50 years old, and there are many people who participated in the last world war.

Randolph from the Transvaal is a veteran who participated in the last World War. He is 52 years old this year, and he was able to return to the army because of the special approval of the Southern African Ministry of Defense.

In the 16th Division, Randolph was nicknamed "Daddy". Not only was Randolph much older than other soldiers in age, but Randolph also gained the respect of other soldiers with his actions. The other soldiers really treated them like their own children.

"Move quickly, don't stay in one place for a long time, always ensure that you have cover where you are, trust the weapon in your hand, and love it like your own eyes—" Randolph is a first-class sergeant major, although Still not getting rid of the category of soldiers, in fact, the treatment is similar to that of colonels.

The soldiers don't need Randolph's reminder. They have been in the army for more than two years. Compared with the recruits of the Rainbow Division, they are all veterans and know what they should do.

Randolph's company is light infantry, each squad is equipped with a light machine gun, a precision marksman equipped with a sniper rifle, a 90mm rocket launcher, and a "Super Revolver" grenade launcher.

This kind of equipment is absolutely insane, not to mention the Japanese, even the Americans can't reach this level now. After being equipped with rocket launchers, the light infantry in southern Africa already has the ability to fight against the Japanese armored forces.

Using a 90mm rocket launcher to deal with the thin armor of the 97 tank is actually a waste.

The 97mm rocket launcher has excess firepower to deal with the Type 60, and the 90mm rocket launcher is actually prepared for the Germans.

Of course, the 90mm rocket launcher can also play a certain role in attacking Yonggu fortifications.

"Father, come here and take a break. They have practiced many times before, and you don't need to keep an eye on their butts—" Lieutenant Zhang Cheng, the company commander, graduated from the Nyasaland Army Academy and retired before the outbreak of World War II. After participating in the war in Southern Africa, he responded to the call of the Ministry of Defense to return to the army.

Zhang Cheng carried a Nyasaland semi-automatic rifle on his back. This was Zhang Cheng's habit. Many southern African military officers would carry a rifle with them when fighting. For southern African soldiers, the rifle is their most reliable partner.

Randolph was carrying an assault rifle produced in Milner City.

Although the semi-automatic rifle is good, there is still a big gap compared with the assault rifle in the degree of continuation of firepower. This mainly depends on personal preference. There are also sergeant majors who choose submachine guns or shotguns in pursuit of short-range firepower. The main difference between submachine guns and assault rifles is Bullets, assault rifles use half-charged intermediate-power rifle bullets, submachine gun bullets and pistol bullets are common, the caliber is larger than rifle bullets, and the charge is much less.

Randolph, with an assault rifle slung across his shoulders, looked at the orderly beach with a self-deprecating smile.

Times are really different.

When Randolph arrived in Europe with the Southern African Expeditionary Force in the last World War, most of the soldiers in the army were recruits, and veterans needed constant reminders.

It was even worse when working in the Umbrella Company. If novice mercenaries made mistakes, they would definitely hurt their companions, so Randolph developed the habit of reminding others at any time.

The current Southern African National Defense Force is much more professional than it was during World War I. The vast majority of Southern African soldiers have graduated from middle school. They receive military training every year in elementary and middle school. Many of them are boy scouts. The entire summer vacation was spent in the military camp, and the school often organizes students to visit the military camp. All southern Africans are familiar with the military camp.

What's more, most of these soldiers have received two years of military training before arriving in the Philippines. The only thing they lack now is experience.

Or just haven't seen blood.

Liu Yun, the deputy company commander, did not speak, but smiled and handed Randolph a cigarette.

Liu Yun is a Basutolan native, and the 16th Division was formed mainly by Basutolan people. In this regard, southern Africa still follows the British tradition and is accustomed to forming troops in units of states or counties.

"Your cigarette case is not bad, where did you buy it?" Randolph chatted casually. The cigarette case in Liu Yun's hand was very beautiful. On the silver cigarette case was a fully armed South African mastiff. This is not the Johannesburg police station mascot, but the logo of the 16th Division.

The flag of the 16th Division is this South African mastiff named "Wangcai".

Usually, Wangcai appears with a serious expression.

The Wangcai on Liu Yun’s cigarette case is wearing an armed belt, a leather hat of a tanker on his head, the kind with a microphone installed around his mouth, and a mask usually only seen by motorcycle drivers. Wearing goggles, there is a Nyasaran rifle next to it, which looks very cool.

"Military Service Agency, you just need to report your serial number, and the salesperson will help you find—" Liu Yun thought for a while and simply stuffed the cigarette case to Randolph. Dad, I'll buy another one later."

This old man was really filial, Randolph took advantage of Liu Yun, took out a pocket watch from his breast pocket and threw it to Liu Yun.

This is an old-fashioned pocket watch, the kind with a small box on the other end of the chain. The pocket watch case is full of traces, and it looks like an old item.

"Thank you, Dad!" Liu Yun was not polite to Randolph. An old guy like Randolph who participated in the last World War had a lot of things in his house.

In recent years, some people have estimated that during the First World War, the Southern African Expeditionary Force brought back at least [-] trophies from Europe, with a total value of more than [-] billion pounds.

This is the pound 20 years ago.

For a veteran like Randolph, if his family said that he did not have a hundred or eighty pieces of trophies, he would be ashamed to say that he had been to Europe. Some veterans returned to southern Africa from Europe and made a fortune by reselling the trophies.

"You have not caught up with the good times. If you want to make a fortune, you can only expect to hit the Japanese mainland. These poor Filipinos have been plundered by the Spaniards and Americans for hundreds of years. The poor can't even wear pants." Randolph I don't expect to fight in the Philippines, what money can the colonies have.

Even if there are, they have been snatched up by the Japanese.

"No, no, dad, we are fighting for honor and justice!" Liu Yun looked upright, and laughed out loud after he finished speaking, probably not believing it himself.

"The common people in Japan are also very poor. There are not many rich people. The money of the Japanese is taken away by the Americans." Zhang Cheng hated it. The Japanese not only robbed the Filipinos, but also robbed the Chinese, and it was all cheap in the end. the United States.

The propaganda agencies in southern Africa are not vegetarians. The southern African media has already analyzed why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The Los Angeles TV station has set up a new channel to report the world war. Economic experts from Deutsche Bank made a program together.

Radio does too.

This kind of program has a fixed process. First, it reports on the tragic life of the people in the Old World after the fall of the Old World. Therefore, the concept of "civilization center" that Europeans spent hundreds of years shaping collapsed in the overwhelming program.

Then I will introduce the outstanding performance of the southern African army in the North African battlefield and the East Asian battlefield. At this time, I will probably recall how Southern Africa saved Europe in the last world war.

Of course, all kinds of fanfare are indispensable in this process. It is not that the program producers are exaggerating, but the key is that the audience likes to watch it.

As in all shows, the ending looks to the future, and there is no doubt that it must be a new world dominated by southern Africa.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have money. Japan has never had money. Don't you know what Japan is most famous for?" Randolph smiled ambiguously.

"What?" Zhang Cheng hadn't reacted yet.

Liu Yun obviously understood, rubbing the stubble on his chin with a face full of so-and-so.

"Oh, oh, I see. Later, we still have to emphasize to our brothers that we must maintain personal hygiene." Zhang Cheng suddenly realized.

However, Japanese women are not very attractive to most southern Africans. On the contrary, American soldiers are cold-hearted.

Most Japanese women have long waists and short legs. Apart from their personalities, they do not conform to the aesthetics of southern Africans.

Where is Southern Africa?
Since the last world war, southern Africa has been a paradise for people from all over the world to emigrate.

After several successful large-scale multi-sport games, coupled with the magnificent natural scenery in southern African movies, as well as a happy and stable life, young people in southern Africa really do not lack women.

Not to mention, the girls from the southern African allies all want to marry to southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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