Chapter 2290
Compared with women in many places, Japanese women actually have no advantages. In many cases, Japanese women are not as good as women in French Indochina and East India.

This is really not nonsense. We all know that mixed races are likely to be very beautiful. In places like French Indochina and East Indies that have been colonized by European countries for hundreds of years, the number of mixed races is not too much.

Not to mention the figure, in Asia Minor and Eastern Europe, all the women have long legs when they come out, and they start to split under the navel. If these places are compared with the surrounding areas of the Caribbean Sea, they will immediately pale in comparison. Only then are all of them nine-headed bodies.

Even the gentle housekeeping that Japanese women are widely spread is not unique to Japanese women. Women in other countries are also gentle and housekeeping. Don’t forget that female boxing has not started yet, and American women can’t wear skirts on the beach. At six centimeters above the knee, the beach administrator will take a ruler to measure it.

In a comprehensive comparison, southern Africans really have no expectations for Japanese women. In the cultural concept of southern Africa, Japanese women who rely on prostitution to support the Meiji Restoration really do not conform to the aesthetics of southern Africans.

No matter from which aspect.

At the same time that the Marines landed on Luzon, American troops also landed on Mindoro.

In terms of strategic value, Mindoro is definitely not as good as Luzon, or even Mindanao. According to MacArthur's prediction, the Japanese army should not place its main force on Mindoro, and it should be easy for the US military to occupy the entire island.

MacArthur's prediction was correct. The Japanese army did not take Mindoro Island as a key point of defense. There were not many defensive troops on the island. Most of them were Filipino servants with less than 5 people. However, the only Japanese army on the island was the Japanese army. The Second Division, one of the seventeen main divisions.

The Second Division was founded in 1873 and was one of the six towns first established by the Japanese Empire, called Sendai Town.

In 1886, the Sendai Town Regiment was renamed the Second Division, and it was also known as the Sendai Division because of its location in Sendai.

The Sendai Division has a long history. It participated in the Southwest War, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Russo-Japanese War. It was active in the war of aggression against China. The recruits formed a brand new second division and sent to the Philippines, which belonged to the 16th Army led by Lieutenant General Imamura Jun.

The current head of the Second Division is Masao Maruyama, who served as the captain of the Fourth Kinki Infantry Regiment in August 1937 and participated in the war of aggression against China. After the war, he was listed as an important war criminal, but was acquitted in the grand trial Released and eventually died of illness in 8.

Maruyama Masao served as an instructor at the Army University, and later served as a military attache at the embassy in India, the embassy in the UK, and the section chief of the General Staff Headquarters. He has a good understanding of European and American countries.

Mindoro Island is in the southeast of Luzon Island. Under normal circumstances, the Allied forces should land from the south of Mindoro Island. Therefore, Masao Maruyama focused his defense on the south of the island, preparing to deal a fatal blow to the landing troops.

Contrary to Masao Maruyama's expectations, the landings on Luzon and Mindoro occurred at the same time, and the Cyprus Squadron focused its operations on the Lubang Islands. Therefore, the US military landed from the north of Mindoro, which also made The U.S. military encountered almost no resistance when they landed, and successfully established a beachhead.

The news was sent back to Changi Naval Base, and MacArthur was triumphant.

It was also a landing, and the southern African side dispatched a fleet to protect it, and dispatched a large number of aviation units, consuming thousands of tons of shells and bombs, before rushing to the beach.

The landing process of the U.S. Army was so easy that MacArthur was surprised. When the Southern African Marine Corps was busy building defensive positions, the First Red Division had already started to build a camp, and it was not attacked for a whole day.

"Let's have a drink and celebrate our success, at least for now." MacArthur was very happy, and he decided to go to Mindoro tomorrow to fulfill his promise to return to the Philippines.

Although Mindoro is not Bataan, this is still worth mentioning. MacArthur decided to ask the adjutant to find a few more reporters later, and to take a few more photos tomorrow. This will become a highlight of MacArthur's military career. .

"Mike, don't get too excited, the battle has just begun." An Qi didn't dare to be careless. It seems that the advantage of 100 million against 50 is obvious, but if the Japanese resist to the end, the Allied forces will also suffer heavy losses.

The most troublesome thing about the Japanese is the will to fight.

Almost all Japanese soldiers have been severely brainwashed by the Japanese government. They will not be like the French. They will choose to surrender when the situation is irretrievable, and more often they will choose to fight to the end. This has happened many times in the Malay Peninsula. .

Compared with the pampered Allied forces, the Japanese soldiers' fighting will is very tenacious. After they completely lose their supplies, even if they run out of ammunition and food, they can still persist for a long time.

In fact, the battle on the Malay Peninsula has not yet completely ended. There are still Japanese officers and soldiers hiding in the jungle and insisting on guerrilla warfare. The combat mission to wipe out the remnants of the Japanese army is the responsibility of the British and Indian troops. The Indians can’t attack the fortifications, but they can still fight with the wind. , best at winning with more than less.

"Don't worry, I have already said that as long as the supply route of the Japanese army is cut off, the Japanese trapped on the island will be wiped out sooner or later. What we have to do is to advance steadily and drive all the little Japanese into the sea to feed the fish." MacArthur also Not stupid, the U.S. military with only two divisions is obviously unable to occupy the Mindoro Island with an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers. MacArthur has already asked Washington for more troops.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the United States carried out a nationwide mobilization, and millions of recruits are currently undergoing training.

According to the US government's plan, most of these recruits will be sent to Europe and North Africa. At least until next year or the year after that, the US government will not be able to provide more troops to East Asia.

MacArthur was the principal of the West Point Military Academy. He still has influence on Washington. Under MacArthur's strong request, the U.S. government has increased its emphasis on the East Asian battlefield. New reinforcements will arrive in a month. This time There are nearly 10 people in six divisions.

This is also a helpless move.

In another time and space, when the United States joined the war, the future of the Russian battlefield was uncertain, and Britain's individual combat was in danger. The United States had to first Europe and then Asia, at least to keep Britain.

Under such circumstances, Britain and France are unable to support East Asia, and the Americans are naturally not in a hurry.

This time and space situation is very different. While supporting Europe, southern Africa is also capable of launching an attack on Japan. Not only did it completely defeat the Japanese army in the Malay Peninsula, but it also won the Battle of Guam and severely damaged the Japanese combined fleet.

Under such circumstances, if the United States resolutely implements "Europe first, then Asia", then the United States will gain nothing in East Asia after the war, and it may not even be able to maintain the colonization of the Philippines. This is what Washington does not want to see.

"Our offensive in Luzon will definitely advance steadily. What about you in Mindoro?" An Qi was not worried about her own side, but MacArthur.

MacArthur was so overjoyed. The First Dahong Division and the Rainbow Division had just landed on Mindoro Island. Before they could stabilize the beachhead, MacArthur ordered the First Red Division and the Rainbow Division to attack Mindoro in depth.

The Japanese army's defensive power in Mindoro is not weak. The Dahong [-]st Division and the Rainbow Division went deep alone, and they might be surrounded by the Japanese army. It doesn't look good either.

Although the dead are all Americans.

"The Japanese soldiers on Mindoro Island are all newbies. A few months ago, they were farmers who had never touched a gun. Those Filipinos are even more mobs. They are definitely not the opponents of the Dahong Division and the Rainbow Division." MacArthur was confident. Overwhelmed, he seems to have forgotten the fact that most of the soldiers of the First Dahong Division and the Rainbow Division are also recruits.

"Well, I have placed two marine brigades on Lubang Island. If you need help, you can ask at any time." Angie gave up persuasion, and it is a good thing to have confidence. Although MacArthur has a lot of problems, he is better than Percival. much.

The British and Indian troops led by Parcival are hard to describe. When the Japanese army attacked, the British and Indian troops were unable to defend and collapsed.

Now the Allied counterattack has defeated the main force of the Japanese army, and the British and Indian troops are responsible for cleaning up the remaining troops. This task is not well done by the British and Indian troops.

Just a month ago, an Indian company was attacked by the Japanese army. The panicked Indian army fled crazily.

Just looking at the battle report, An Qi thought there were 700 Japanese troops.

A week earlier, the Indian [-]th Division had to ask the Allied Command for assistance due to its logistical strain.

An Qi was very surprised. The allied forces with the dual blessings of southern Africa and the United States still have such a logistics shortage?
After an investigation, it was discovered that the logistics supervisor of the Sixth Division had stolen the materials stored in the warehouse privately, and even secretly sold the tarpaulin used for covering.

There are many similar things, countless.

Now An Qi understands why Weaver sent so many Indian troops to Parcival. It’s not that Weaver took care of the overall situation, but that these Indian troops are really unbearable. Weir’s throwing Indian troops to Parcival is out of sight. don't bother.

After hacking India, continue to talk about Americans.

MacArthur was arrogant and arrogant, but Major General William of the Big Red Division was very sober.

The First Division of Dahong did not encounter resistance during the landing process, which is absolutely abnormal.

Mindoro Island is defended by at least 5 Japanese troops. These [-] people are now hiding in the valleys and jungles on the island, waiting for the U.S. troops to crash into them.

Major General William did not advance aggressively, and asked the Southern African Air Force to investigate the movement of the Japanese army on the island while maintaining a solid defense. Before confirming the location of the main force of the Japanese army, he did not dare to leave the beachhead easily and advance deep into Mindoro.

MacArthur was very dissatisfied with this, and personally called William and asked the First Division of the Red Army to launch an attack on the Japanese army immediately.

William refused to give in, and he had to find the Japanese army first before launching an attack on the Japanese army, otherwise he would be led by the nose. Mindoro Island is nearly [-] square kilometers, and [-] U.S. troops were thrown into it, which is not enough to fit between the teeth.

What's more, William can only command half of the [-] US troops. The Rainbow Division is very obedient and has already begun to advance deep into Mindoro.

After all, MacArthur was the former teacher of the Rainbow Division, and he still has more prestige for the Rainbow Division.

Major General Douglas, the commander of the Rainbow Division, did not insist on principles as much as William.

The consequences of being greedy and aggressive are very serious, and the lesson will come soon.

On the morning of June 6, a U.S. army was ambushed by the Japanese army during the march.

The Japanese did not give the U.S. military a chance to take advantage of their firepower at a distance, and ambushed on both sides of the jungle path. The battle fell into brutal hand-to-hand combat from the beginning.

The U.S. troops who were ambushed had no choice. The jungle environment was complex and the terrain was complex. The U.S. troops who had just entered the battlefield were seriously inexperienced and failed to detect the ambushing Japanese troops in advance. Although the U.S. machine guns were also assigned to the squad level, soldiers were generally equipped with the advanced M1 Garand semi-automatic rifles, but these weapons are greatly limited in hand-to-hand combat, and the advantages are out of the question.

The overall length of the M1 Garand is only 1107 mm, the length of the bayonet blade is 254 mm, and the length of the bayonet blade is only 1361 mm.

Japan's 1280-style rifle has a total length of 1660 mm, and the total length after adding the bayonet is [-]. It is no exaggeration to say that many Japanese soldiers really did not have the [-]-mm cover height of the bayonet.

The reason why the [-] cover is so long has a lot to do with the height of the Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese are relatively short, and the Japanese army emphasizes the spirit of Bushido, so hand-to-hand combat has become an important part of Japanese army training.

Youdao means that the strength of the body is not a loss, and the big arms are very advantageous when fighting the bayonet. Lu Junsheng, nicknamed "Lv Bu in the Army", stabbed to death 27 Japanese devils in a row in the Xiajin battle. In addition to fighting the bayonet In addition to his outstanding skills, it also has a lot to do with his height of 1.9 meters.

1.9 meters and two pairs of 1.6 meters, with a long arm, Uncle Lu's bayonet pierced the little devil's chest, but the little devil's bayonet hadn't reached Uncle Lu's belly button.

At the moment in 1942, the average height of the Americans was 1.7 meters 1.5, and the average height of the Japanese infantry was 1945 meters 1.4. By [-], the average height of the Japanese Army was only [-] meters [-].

In terms of height, the American soldiers took a lot of advantage.

However, when the battle broke out, the bayonets of many American soldiers were still in their scabbards, and they were not installed on the rifles at all, so the Americans suffered a big loss from the beginning.

The battle broke out so fiercely that many American soldiers were stabbed to the ground by Japanese soldiers before they could resist.

Some American soldiers ran out of bullets in their rifles and pistols, and were also overwhelmed by the swarming Japanese troops.

Some American soldiers did not know the true face of the Japanese army, so they put down their weapons and surrendered, trying to get treatment that matched their status.

The Japanese responded by chopping off their heads, something Japanese soldiers had done countless times during the Bataan Death March.

The battle lasted less than 10 minutes, and none of the American officers and soldiers of a company survived, and they didn't even have a chance to ask for assistance, although the US military was also equipped with the most advanced wireless phones.

A day later, another U.S. army arrived at the battlefield and found that all the equipment had been taken away, and the remains of the officers and soldiers were insulted. The Japanese stripped off all the remains of the U.S. officers and soldiers, cut off their heads, and built a Beijing temple.

(End of this chapter)

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