Chapter 23 Original Sin

Henry would ask Rock about his progress every day, and Rock went to the temporary rest point three times a day in the morning, noon, and night to see if there was any news from the informant.

There is no news, the informant has been out for two days, and it is normal if there is no news.

Rock could not be hanged on a tree. After sorting out the materials in the police station's reference room for a long time, Rock circled a dozen Boers who might know about it based on their previous criminal records.

"These Boers have criminal records. Some of them are probably out of Cape Town now, or dead on Robben Island, but there must be some alive. I want to find them and see if they know something. But we need an excuse, otherwise the real rioters will be alarmed." Rock is not sure if Zack and the others can find clues to the rioters, after all, they have been imprisoned on Robben Island for a long time, even if they return to the Boers, they must It will take time to find clues. Relatively speaking, these people are better informed, after all, they have been living in Cape Town.

"What excuse do you want? It's enough for them to be suspicious, and we don't need to take action. You wait, I will go to the supervisor." I have to say that Rock still doesn't understand how arrogant the British are these days, and Henry has a big bag Lan, I don't think it's a scapegoat at all.

Pushing back and forth, Austin Burns assigned Sharma to be in charge of offending people.

There were gunshots on the training ground, and the commandos were taking the time to familiarize themselves with weapons, not only pistols, but also rifles. There is still a big difference between Lee Enfield and Martini Henry, and now shed a drop of sweat. In wartime, shed less blood.

"This gun is much easier to use than the Martini Henry we used before. Martini Henry has too much recoil and a weaker body. He can't stand it after a dozen shots in a row. His shoulder can hurt for several days. This gun The recoil is very small, the accuracy is high, the shooting speed is comparable to that of a pistol, and there is not so much smoke. The brothers have fired at least three or four hundred rounds of ammunition in the past two days, and the results are better than before." Anton said to Li En Field is full of praise. Compared with the Martini Henry rifle, the performance of Lee Enfield is not 01:30 points. Until the 21st century, some countries still use Lee Enfield.

In the Huayong camp before, all the Huayongs were known as "sharp shooters", and they must have a foundation. Now that the weapons are more advanced and the logistics are more powerful, they should have better results.

Relatively speaking, the Indian police and the Boer police are much worse. The Boer police are better. The Indian police don’t seem to be very interested in weapons. The pistols have been issued for several days. Rock is at the training ground I haven't seen Indian policemen much, and Rock estimates that most Indian policemen don't know how to shoot, and don't even think about maintaining weapons.

"Training work must be done quickly. Don't think that we don't have to go to the battlefield because we are police. In the next few years, the situation in Cape Town will be very chaotic. I will go to the supervisor later and try to see if I can get a few horses. Brothers also need to pick up their riding skills." Rock thought far ahead, compared to the Boers and Indians, the quality of the Chinese police was excellent, and Rock hoped that the Chinese police could attract the attention of the British by virtue of their strength.

Speaking of the riding skills of the Chinese policemen, I would also like to thank the British. In order to allow Huayong to serve in the Huayong camp with peace of mind, the British formulated a lot of benefits, including allowing Huayong to lend the military horses in the barracks, so that they There are two days a week to play rabbits in the dry fields for fun. In addition, the polo fields and football fields in the barracks are also open to Huayong in all seasons. As long as they are willing, Huayongs have many opportunities to get in touch with new things. Luo Ke is a polo master.

"The police will go to the battlefield?" Anton didn't expect being a policeman to be so dangerous.

"I don't need it now, maybe in the future." Rock can't say too much, and if he talks too much, he will reveal the secret.

Now that the Cape Town army is gathering, of course there is no need for Rock and the others to go to the battlefield, but when the army withdraws, the Cape Colony will have to deal with the Boer guerrillas one after another. At that time, the police who maintain law and order will have to face guerrilla attacks. Compared with the guerrillas, the attacks of these rioters are now child's play.

Yes, it was the guerrillas. The Second Boer War was the largest war in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In this war, many important modern combat theories emerged or played an important role for the first time.

For the Boers, the German General Staff sent military advisers to the Transvaal and Orange, and Switzerland, the Netherlands, France and other countries also sent military observers to South Africa.

Inspired by the overwhelming superiority of the Boers over the Boers by the rapid movement of troops by the British by means of railways, the German General Staff deepened its reliance on the doctrine of "total warfare."

Switzerland, on the other hand, established its own unique national defense system based on the Boer military thought of "all people are soldiers".

At the same time, many new terms appeared, such as "guerrilla", "concentration camp", and the "bunker tactics" and "scorched earth policy" implemented by the then commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force Kitchener. Do they look familiar?

Yes, it is the same method that Japan used in the war of aggression against China. Even the cruelty of the British is no less than that of the Japanese.

Most of the Chinese policemen are training seriously, only a few are absent-minded, Luo Yi is one of them, the number of bullet casings on the ground is proof, other people have piled up dozens of bullet casings, Luo Yi only has a few dozen, Luo Yi Ke saw it in his eyes, but he didn't say much. Rock's actions these days have had a great impact on the Chinese police, and the Chinese police still need time to digest all this.

Before Rock was naturalized in Cape Town, all Chinese police officers planned to fulfill their five-year contract with the Cape Town Police Department and then return to Qing Dynasty with the money they earned. No one wanted to stay in Cape Town.

Rock's naturalization in Cape Town has set a good example for other Chinese police officers. As far as Rock knows, in just two days, seven or eight Chinese policemen have been naturalized in Cape Town and decided to take root in Cape Town , no longer return to the Qing Dynasty.

The rest of the people are also hesitating. Although it is difficult to leave their homeland, the benefits of naturalization in Cape Town are there. Watching their companions get a salary of five pounds, who is willing to only get 1.2 pounds a month? What about sterling.

Under the urging of the supervisor, Sharma was finally efficient once in a while. Before leaving get off work at noon, two Boers were arrested. Rock immediately started working and began interrogating the two Boers.

Yes, it was an interrogation. Although the two Boers did not commit a crime, according to the British, being born a Boer is a crime in itself, and there is no reason for the arrest and torture.

 In the new week, there is no recommendation, and there is no big boss Zhang Tui, Yutou can only rely on the recommendation tickets of his brothers——


(End of this chapter)

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