Chapter 24

One of the two Boers is called Paderbeck and the other is called Sukobuik. In Dutch, they mean horse mouth and beer belly respectively. Rock doesn't know why they are called such weird names. Many Dutch people have the same name. Very weird.

According to the records of the Cape Town Police Department, Ma Zui was charged with theft, and Beer Belly was charged with affray. Their sentence was not on Robben Island, but they were thrown into a nearby mine for mining, so they could live to the end of their sentence. .

"Padbek, Sukobuik, do you know why you are here?" Rock sat down on the only chair in the interrogation room, looking at the horse's mouth and beer belly with great interest.

Ma Zui and Beer Belly were tied to the pillars in the interrogation room. Both of them looked horrified. The two poor people didn't know what happened, and they looked at Roque in a daze and shook his head.

"You must know that the recent assaults on the police around Tuisi, I want to know who did it, do you have anything to say about it?" Rock lit a cigar, habitually puffed it into his lungs, Instantly realized that something was wrong, cigars do not need to enter the lungs.

"I don't know, sir, I didn't do it." The beer belly was sweating profusely, the soldering iron on the stove next to him was already red, and the leather whip was soaked in a bucket filled with salt water. The beer belly smiled maliciously, and Li De, who was well-dressed, was busy making coffee, but it was obviously not for Mazui and beer belly.

"Sir, I don't even dare to hit a woman, let alone attack the police." Mazui's legs are like sifting chaff, he has never experienced torture, and he doesn't know how cruel torture is. The memory is still fresh when I dream back.

"Do you know who is involved in this incident?" Rock didn't expect to solve the case immediately. If Ma Zui and Beer Belly were rioters, they wouldn't be captured by Sharma honestly. Rock only hoped to get some news , even if the scope can be narrowed down.

"I don't know." This time Ma Zui and Beer Belly said in unison.

"I don't know?" Rock didn't believe that they didn't know anything about it. The Boers these days don't have much anti-reconnaissance awareness. If the Boers from outside commit the crime, they also need the cooperation of the local Boers. They may not have the guts to attack the police, but if someone dares to attack the police, then they must know something.

"I really don't know." Ma Zui blurted out, but the beer belly hesitated.

"Very good." Rock stopped talking nonsense and raised his finger to point at the beer belly. Tang En immediately walked over with a whip in his hands and grinned.

"Tell Sukobuik, if you know, you will kill us if you don't say it." Mazui yelled frantically, and he didn't know what these black-hearted guys added to the bucket, and there was still dripping on the whip Some kind of unknown liquid that is red, this kind of cowhide woven whip has steel spikes on it, and one whip can kill half of a person.

"I'm not sure, and I don't know if it's them. There are a few strangers living in Nick's house, and I've never seen them before." The beer belly was so frightened that his voice broke, and his pants were even wet.

"Where is Nick's house, take me there." Rock was overjoyed, whether he was or not, he would arrest him first before talking.

After reporting to Henry, Rock gathered the commando team. Eighteen people, including the beer belly, went to Nick's house together in two carriages. Before entering Tuis, Rock ordered the carriage to stop and assign tasks. Anton took A team of people is responsible for surrounding Nick's house. Rock leads a team of people to charge the assault. Everyone is loaded and loaded. If you encounter resistance, you don't need to fire a warning shot. You can kill him directly. Rock also wants to catch him alive, but that may Casualties were caused, and the number of Chinese policemen was too small, and Rock was reluctant.

Nick's home is located on Lawrence Street, Tuis District. This is a two-story wooden building with an attic. There are two doors at the front and back. The attic can be viewed from the outside. It is not easy to approach silently. In fact, if it is implemented at night The arrest should be easier to approach, but it is also more conducive for those people to escape at night. Rock decided to act immediately. If anyone dared to escape, he would just shoot and kill them.

This is not Rock's request, but Henry's request. As long as Henry wants to get results, or if Henry just wants to do business, even if he is killed by mistake, it is also a result. Dead people can't talk anyway.

Entering Lawrence Street, there are not many pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, there are people who walk in a hurry, and they are basically old people or women and children. There are almost no young adults. This is the norm in Tuisi District. As a gathering place for Boers, The Yisi District is a high-incidence area for vicious cases. Many young and middle-aged people were either arrested in concentration camps or fled to the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State.

The carriage stabilized at the intersection 50 meters away from Nick's house. Rock pulled out his pistol, jumped out of the carriage first, and approached Nick's house under the cover of the buildings on the street.

"They're here!"

Less than 20 meters away from Nick's house, Rock and the others were found, and there was someone guarding the attic.

"Rush! Rush! Rush in!"

Rock didn't hesitate, and accelerated while roaring.


Gunshots rang out from behind the house. It should be Anton who was in charge of the outflanking. Then someone screamed. Someone should have been shot. I don't know if it was the police or someone trying to escape.


Rock smashed the door with one foot, and aimed at the room with a gun under the cover of the wall. There were five or six pieces of gold scattered on the floor of the room. About four or five people were already in a mess. Seeing Rock kick the door, Someone stretched his hand to his waist, and Rock pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The gunshots were deafening, and the person who was hit fell down like a wooden stake. There was a plate-sized radiating blood on the wall behind him. The Webley revolver was indeed powerful.

At the same time as the gunshot, several other people seemed to be stunned, watching Rock without any movement in a daze.


Rock was a little impulsive, adrenaline was secreted too much for a moment, his brain was a little dizzy, he shot again uncontrollably, another person was knocked down, and the others fell to their knees like a dream.

It doesn't seem right. If they were rioters, they shouldn't be caught so easily.

But he is definitely not a good person, otherwise he will run away when he sees the police, and he will not leave anyone on guard in the attic.

"Don't move!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Put your hands where I can see them!"

Li De and Tang En rushed in at this time, not because Li De and Tang En were slow, but because Rock was too fast.

"Hiss, Locke, if you kick someone, you won't kill him!" After all the dust settled, Anton looked at the broken door and sighed.

Rock doesn't know why his strength has become so strong. Rock has tried it before. Rock can kick open a door that is generally strong, but he hasn't kicked a solid wooden door to pieces. degree.

"Master Luo, I made a mistake. They are smugglers, not rebels." Li De got a statement. There were six people in the room. They were not rebels, but smugglers who smuggled gold.

(End of this chapter)

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