Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2300 Man-eating ghosts are everywhere

Chapter 2300 Man-eating ghosts are everywhere
It was the second day after Winston came to Southern Africa that he met Roque at the Palace of Justice.

Lord Halifax was very dissatisfied, thinking that Roark did not pay due attention to the British Prime Minister. It would be fine if he didn't go to the airport to greet him, and he would not see anyone for a whole day. This is not the attitude towards his allies.

Winston was not angry, he knew that Roque was a person who attached great importance to emotions, and at the same time he knew the position of Ade in Roque's heart.

"My condolences to Locke, you still have a lot of important things to do, and the whole world is waiting for you to save." Winston came up and gave Rock a whole set of moral kidnapping, which is actually not too much, for Wins To put it bluntly, politicians should be ruthless.

"Come on, Winston, I can't save the whole world, not even the people around me." Rock has not yet come out of the great pain caused by Ade's death, and it will take time.

In fact, Rock had already paid enough attention to Winston. If it wasn't for Winston, Rock would have planned to continue skipping work today. At least not until after Ade's funeral, Rock would resume work.

The earth will not stop turning because of the absence of someone, and southern Africa will not fall into chaos because of Roque's skipping work. After the outbreak of the world war, Roque worked until the early morning every day, and most of the time he was listening to the reports of the ministers. Rock doesn't have much to decide.

This is also helpless, reality always makes people helpless, Rock wants to end the world war within a year, but unfortunately he can only think about it.

"Locke, everyone knows that you are a generous person. Now that your friend needs your help, you will definitely not sit idly by." Winston came to Rock with the main purpose of borrowing money.

In the third year of the World War, the British economy was already on the verge of collapse, and the Germans began to print pounds. Winston was really struggling.

So far, the pound is still one of the most widely used international currencies in the world.

About two months ago, the Bank of England received a bundle of ten-pound notes, all of which were identified as fake by experts.

It cannot be said to be fake, because these counterfeit banknotes are so realistic that they can be confused with real ones. Only experts can distinguish the real from the fake with professional instruments. Ordinary people do not have this ability, and even bank staff cannot distinguish.

When you find one roach, there may actually be as many as a thousand.

Subsequently, more and more counterfeit banknotes were discovered. Not only in the UK, but also in Europe and West Africa, a large number of counterfeit sterling banknotes appeared on the market.

The British government pessimistically predicts that counterfeit banknotes circulating in the market may account for one-third of the total pound.

This situation is so terrifying that the British government dare not announce it for fear of causing panic among the people.

At this time, the "Times", known as the British conscience, published the news in the newspaper despite the British government's obstruction, advising the public to spend their money as soon as possible and not throw it in their hands.

Although the British government urgently denied it, the people fell into a huge panic.

With the deepening of the investigation, there is intelligence that Germany is printing pounds on a large scale, which will dampen people's confidence in the pound.

"Winston, the best way to end all of this is to end the war as soon as possible." Rock was lukewarm, and the British deserved it.

The cooperation between southern Africa and the United Kingdom also had frequent problems in the process. From the previous refusal by the United Kingdom to reject the entry of southern African troops into North Africa, and to the various performances of the British and Indian troops during the Malayan War, Roark’s favor towards the United Kingdom is not as good as that of the United Kingdom. U.S.

Although Americans are mercenary, at least they will not hold back.

Compared with the real villain of the United States, the British are hypocrites. They not only want to use southern Africa to fight against Germany, but also be wary of southern Africa. Winston keeps playing the emotional card again. It works once, and it works twice.

Of course, from Winston's point of view, the British Empire has given enough to southern Africa. From the initial autonomy to the "islands for destroyers" plan not long ago, Winston believes that southern Africa should be given to the British Empire more rewards.

"Locke, we have no way out now. We must completely defeat Germany, and at the same time prevent threats from Russia and the United States. This requires us to cooperate more closely." Winston insisted on waiting for Germany and Russia to lose. Compared with this , counterfeit banknotes or anything doesn't matter.

"—and we have intelligence that the Germans are working on imitating the rand, we are dealing with a country, not some basement workshop, and that would be devastating to the credibility of the rand and the pound." Winston reminds Rock that if no action is taken, Rand will also become a victim.

Although the rand has risen rapidly, it is mainly circulated between countries, and it is more used in the trade of bulk commodities.

In terms of public acceptance alone, the pound is still more popular. In the hearts of ordinary people, it will take time for the rand to replace the pound.

At present, if countries in the world want to buy oil from the Persian Gulf, they must trade in rand, and Britain and the United States are no exception.

In the German plan, not only the pound, but also the rand and the dollar are imitation plans.

However, the craftsmanship of rand and dollars is more complicated than that of sterling, and it is more difficult to decipher. Not only are the coins anti-counterfeiting, but also gravure printing. The Germans will not be able to make real rands and dollars for a while.

"You don't have to worry about Winston. We are working hard to improve the rand's anti-counterfeiting technology. The Germans can't imitate it in a short time." Rock is quite confident in the anti-counterfeiting technology in southern Africa, and Germany in another time and space also wants to imitate it. U.S. dollars, unfortunately, the war was over before the U.S. dollar was created.

Rock's words made Winston extremely depressed, anyway, he would die as a fellow daoist and not a poor daoist.

For Rock, national interests cannot be traded, but Winston can't be allowed to go for nothing. The aid that should be given must be given. Britain is the bridgehead against Germany. It must be ensured that Britain has enough containment power against Germany. .

Then give it, anyway, this is not the first loan to the UK. The money owed to southern Africa by the UK during the last world war has not been repaid.

Winston was also busy with business, so he only stayed in southern Africa for three days, and then made a detour to Australia for the United States.

In Australia, Winston was rejected again. The current Australian Prime Minister John Curtin not only refused to take back the mining rights of Australian mines to southern African companies, but also criticized the British government for moving slowly and causing too many casualties to the Australian army.

John Curtin has Irish ancestry and was born in the Labor Party. He became the Prime Minister of Australia in October last year and also served as the Minister of Defense.

After the outbreak of the World War, Australia mobilized 40 troops to participate in the war, which made Winston very dissatisfied, but for Australia, this was the best of humanity.

"Australia has fulfilled its due responsibilities to the British Empire. On the contrary, the British Empire failed to guarantee Australia's security. If Southern Africa hadn't acted in time, the war might have spread to Australia. If the British Empire could not guarantee Australia's security, then How do you ask Australia to make a greater contribution to the British Empire?" John Curtin, who was a staunch anti-war during the First World War, was fierce.

John Curtin's eyesight was poor, so he was not included in the scope of conscription. He did not go to Europe to fight with the Anzac Army and stayed in Australia, which gave John Curtin the opportunity to participate in anti-war activities.

In another time and space, the British army was defeated in East Asia, and the Eighth Division sent by Australia to fight in Malaya also became a prisoner of the Japanese army.

At that time, there were only four divisions in Australia.

After the Japanese army occupied Southeast Asia, John Curtin invited MacArthur to visit Australia, and invited the US military to station in Australia, making Australia a base for the US military, and recalled the Sixth and Seventh Divisions that were fighting in North Africa.

John Curtin's behavior made the British Empire very dissatisfied. Since then, Australia and the United Kingdom have drifted further and further apart, embracing the thighs of the Americans.

Due to the existence of southern Africa in this time and space, the United States has no chance to get involved in Australia, but the relationship between Britain and Australia is still gradually breaking down. This is not something that Winston or John Curtin can decide. The root cause is the strategy of Britain since the Second Boer War. shrink.

Winston did not immediately accuse John Curtin, but looked at the silent Governor of Australia, Alexander Gore Hall Ruthven, Baron Gorry.

Hall Ruthwen smiled helplessly. The Governor of Australia is also a mascot in Australia and does not have much actual power.

Even if there was, Huo Rusiwen had nothing to do.

It is not the Governor of Australia, nor the Prime Minister, nor members of Congress that decides the fate of Australia, but the Southern African consortium that controls the Australian economy.

Southern African companies not only control the mines in Australia, but also directly or indirectly control Australian agriculture. The rich people in southern Africa are keen to buy farms in Australia. Almost all the central and western parts of Australia are bought by southern Africans. The proportion of white people in Australia Also lower and lower, Australia is becoming a de facto colony of Southern Africa.

"John, without the British Empire, there would be no Australia." Winston would not give up easily. Australia's mines were the last hope for the competition between the British Empire and southern Africa.

"Your Excellency, it is not the nineteenth century. Australia has always been loyal to the British Empire, but what have we got in the end?" John Curtin dismissed it. If Australia takes back the right to operate the mines, the Labor Party will immediately step down. The end of the Prime Minister will be extremely miserable, and the British Empire will not be able to protect Australia by then.

Australia is too far away from the British Empire.

"We are all loyal to the king. Don't always ask what we can get. You should ask yourself how much you have contributed to the British Empire. The king has never been stingy with his people." There is no one who eats people with peace of mind.

"I'm sorry, Prime Minister, the king just uses a medal or a trivial title to make people feel grateful that the age of Dade has passed." John Curtin is not polite, and I don't just ask for nothing, that's what my son did thing.

In the evening, John Curtin held a welcome dinner for Winston as usual. In addition to members of Congress, there were also big businessmen from southern Africa and consortium agents attending the banquet.

A young man in his 30s stood out in the crowd. He talked with the people around him in proficient English. His smile made people feel refreshed, and his body language was just right. He could take care of everyone's emotions, and no one was left out. Feel.

"This young man is Gao Wen, from Nyasaland, the general manager of the Pilbara Mining Company." Hall, Ruthven and Winston sat in the most prominent position in the banquet hall, but there were not many people around, obviously not many people Care about the mood of the British Prime Minister and the Governor-General of Australia.

This is the embarrassing reality that Hall Ruthven encountered in Australia. The Governor of Australia was still very respected more than ten years ago, but now he has been completely reduced to a mascot.

"Shouldn't his surname be Locke?" Winston sneered. He only now knew how far Southern Africa's influence had expanded.

Winston knew that southern Africa was very powerful, but he didn't feel it clearly in London. The British still stubbornly believed that London was the center of the world. By analogy, the British Empire was still the most powerful country in the world.

This impression is like a colorful soap bubble, which isolates the real world from the UK. Even if the rationing system is implemented and French fries become the British national dish, the British still stubbornly believe that people in other parts of the world don’t even eat French fries. Didn't even have to eat the fries.

Southern Africans really don't like French fries very much. It's not that they don't have to eat them, but they dislike French fries as unhealthy.

"His surname is Gao, his father is Gordon, and his name is Uncle Locke." Hall Ruthwen was indifferent. People in the Locke family looked down on Australia and would not come to work in Australia. He still couldn't understand the family relationship of the Chinese.

Winston frowned. According to British tradition, Rock's descendants were not many, but Rock was surrounded by many people, and he had already woven a huge network of relationships. It was difficult for outsiders to penetrate into it.

For Gordon, in Winston's impression, he was a taciturn young man, one of Rock's earliest partners, and a group of people whom Rock trusted the most.

Most of these people are now retired, and their nephews have grown into the backbone of southern Africa. Compared with British families, southern Africans have strict education for their children, and the performance of the second or third generation Chinese is also true. Excellent, at least better than their British peers.

In British aristocratic families, many people's requirements for offspring have been reduced to as long as they can become a normal person and don't grow crooked.

"Can you win him over?" Winston was straightforward. The position of general manager was still very important.

Hall Ruthwen was amazed at Winston's imagination, and Hall Ruthwen had never thought of buying the top executives of the Pilbara Company.

(End of this chapter)

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