Chapter 2301
The night in Canberra is very beautiful. In 1911, the Australian federal government decided to choose a place between Sydney and Melbourne to build a new capital, and Canberra was selected.

In 1912, the Australian federal government held a worldwide urban design competition. Congress selected the famous American landscape designer and 137-year-old Chicago native Walter Burry Griffin from the 36 versions sent. The plan started construction the following year and was completed in 27 years, which lasted 14 years.

As a brand-new city, Canberra is quite different from the ancient cities with narrow streets in Europe. The Australians take full advantage of the huge area. The environment here is amazing, especially the parks and green spaces that can be seen everywhere are impressive. Winston Sitting in the brightly lit ballroom, as if still in Pretoria, made Winston uncomfortable.

By the way, it is still a power company controlled by southern African capital that provides electricity to the city.

"Although I don't want to be like this, this is the fact that southern Africans control everything in Australia. People need the supplies of southern African companies for their food, clothing, housing and transportation. Even the salaries of members of Congress are completely dependent on the taxes of southern African companies. We are trying to find Some members of Congress and southern African companies have no evidence of transferring benefits. Southern Africans are too cunning. They don’t use simple bribery to bribe members, but provide high-paying jobs for the relatives of the members, and even the members themselves. A member of Parliament was investigated for illegal operations a year ago, and then he joined the Pilbara Mining Company to work—oh, that little Mediterranean man next to Gao, his name is White, he is from Liverpool, and now he works in southern Africa.” Hall There was no joy or anger in Lu Siwen's words, probably because he was used to it.

Hall Ruthven did not say why White was being investigated.

Presumably, the investigation was fruitless, otherwise White wouldn't be so proud.

Being a member of Congress is a prestigious profession, and executives of large companies are actually better off. Apart from being less prestigious than members of Congress, the pay is definitely more generous than that of members of Congress.

It can be seen from the gleaming wrist watch on White's wrist. This kind of watch costs thousands of rand, and MPs would not dare to wear it even if they could afford it.

It can be seen that White can still appear in the banquet hall now, and obviously has not faded out of the core power circle. This should be deliberately arranged by the southern Africans. Never forget anyone who contributed to the friendship of South Australia.

Winston's expression was so gloomy that water dripped out. The situation was far more serious than he understood. Australia was on the verge of losing control. The big shots in London were still fantasizing that Australia would go all out to support the British Empire like it did in the last World War. Woolen cloth.

"Australia is now clamoring for independence. Higher autonomy can no longer meet the demands of Australians. Since the end of the last world war, the country has added 20 million people in just 1000 years, most of them from New immigrants from East Asia." Hall Ruthven also had an ugly expression, and now if the Australians are allowed to vote in a referendum, then Australia will be [-]% independent.

Then [-]% will join the Southern African Union and become a new type of colony in Southern Africa.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Excellency Governor, good evening—" Finally someone came to greet Winston and Hall Ruthven.

Winston didn't know the man, and Hall Ruthven should, but there was no response, and the smile was not obvious.

"This guy is a builder, and his boss is also a southern African, but he is a rare African in southern Africa." Hollu Siwen curled his lips at the back of the visitor, too lazy to introduce, and he didn't even deserve his name.

"Are there Africans in southern Africa?" Winston was surprised. Southern Africa's attitude towards Africans was notoriously bad.

European countries and the United States actually don’t like Africans, because they want to use Africans to create value, so they acquiesce in the existence of Africans.

Southern Africa has made no secret of its attitude towards Africans. Africans can work in Southern African companies as foreign laborers, but no matter how long you work, you cannot become a Southern African citizen.

In Winston's impression, Southern Africa does not accept Africans at all, and this is also the hardest-hit area for many European media to attack Southern Africa.

Since the end of the last world war, France has opened France to Africans, and Africans are the most important labor force in the United States.

Southern Africans are actually more European than Europeans and more American than the United States, which makes many old Europeans completely unbalanced.

"Yes, but the number is very small, which is insignificant compared to the total population of Southern Africa. The boss of this guy is a member of the royal family from the Kingdom of Congo." Hall Ruthwen expressed calmly. Southern Africa—or Rock, and the Congolese royal family The relationship is well known.

Strictly speaking, the Congolese royal family is the spokesman for the interests of southern Africa in Congo.

"White people working for African bosses are fine—" Winston had mixed feelings. Once upon a time, white people were all privileged in Africa.

"They only work for money." Hall Ruthwen made it clear. Perhaps some white people still stubbornly believe that white supremacy, but more people have to bow to fate.

The next day Winston continued to meet John Curtin. Australia was not southern Africa. John Curtin did not have the strength to refuse Winston. Winston did not need an appointment to see John Curtin.

Unlike yesterday's tense situation, Winston has a better understanding of the situation in Australia, and John Curtin has also adjusted appropriately. This time the atmosphere is much better.

"Australian resource mining companies have never refused to cooperate with British Steel. The problem is that the price given by British Steel is too low. Probably British Steel thinks that they can plunder Australia's resources at will at a very low price. Southern African companies are very concerned about this. The bids for wheat and wool are far higher than those offered by British companies, and the federal government also hopes to strengthen its ties with the local area, but it must be based on the premise that it will not affect the profits of Australian companies.” John Curtin’s words have one meaning, Southern Africa People give too much.

This is not only related to the interests of Australian companies, but also to the taxation of the Australian federal government. The higher the price of export commodities, the higher the income of the federal government, and the higher income of Australian workers.

High income of workers will generate more personal income tax and consumption tax. John Curtin is from the Labor Party. Even if it is only superficial, he must fully consider Australian companies and Australians.

"The local steel industry is very difficult now. It has to face increasing cost pressures and the competition from US Steel and steel companies in southern Africa. The information I get does not seem to be the case. Fawalt Steel The group’s price to the Pilbara Mining Company seems to be lower than that of British Steel.” Winston has his own sources of information, and the Military Intelligence Bureau cannot operate in southern Africa, and its activities in Australia are not subject to any restrictions.

"No, no, the price is the same, but southern Africa is closer to Australia, so the cost of Fawalt Steel Group is lower." It is not embarrassing for John Curtin to be exposed in person. On this point, the Australian Federation The government can't do anything about it.

Fawalt Steel Group owns the shares of the Pilbara Mining Company. Strictly speaking, the two companies are one. Australia also advocates free trade. The federal government cannot interfere with the operation of the Pilbara Mining Company. The iron ore can be sold to the Fawalt Steel Group at the lowest price, and the federal government will lose too much.

After the discovery of iron ore in Western Australia, the federal government did nothing. It tried every means to increase income, and even tried to guarantee the interests of the federal government from a legal perspective.

It's a good idea, but unfortunately it can't be realized.

The Pilbara Mining Company has a large number of interest representatives in the Australian Congress, and the federal government's legislation on iron ore cannot be passed in Congress at all.

After several negotiations with the Pilbara Mining Company, the Australian Federal Government and the Pilbara Mining Company reached an agreement.

Pilbara Mining sells the mined iron ore to Fawalt Steel at relatively normal prices.

In this way, at least the federal government can get relatively normal taxes, otherwise the Pilbara Mining Company is really capable of making the federal government receive no money.

Forced expropriation is impossible. Fawalt Steel Group is not a soft persimmon. If John Curtin dares to expropriate by force, then he will just wait to step down.

And it's the kind of way to step down that ruins your reputation.

"No matter what, the Pilbara Mining Company is an Australian company. Don't you have the slightest binding force on the Pilbara Mining Company?" Winston's disappointment reached its peak. What's the point of being the Prime Minister?Not even the executives of such a big company.

"Our laws are not perfect now." John Curtin is not embarrassed, and the Australian federal government is not incompetent. Isn't the British Empire groveling before the oil companies in southern Africa?

Everyone is the same thing, so don't dislike anyone.

Speaking of oil, this is another bitter tear.

The British Empire has the opportunity to become the least oil-scarce country in the world, and even has the opportunity to control the world's oil trade.

It all ended that afternoon when the Egyptian commissioner sold Port Elizabeth to Roque.

No, Port Elizabeth was still Elizabeth Village at that time, and it is too late to regret it now.

Now Adan Petroleum Company is the largest oil company in the UK. The traditional oil companies in the UK are not without resistance. They really cannot withstand the low price dumping of Adan Petroleum Company. The British vote with their feet and choose lower prices and better quality. Adam Petroleum, Anglo-American and Royal Shell gave up their resistance long ago, accepted the capital injection from Adam Petroleum, and became the oil distributor of Adam Oil in the UK.

"John, if Australia participates in the war with the same strength as in the last world war, the United Kingdom will give Australia a higher degree of autonomy after the war." Winston retreated to the next best thing, first to get through the immediate difficulties before talking, The future was too far away for Winston to care about.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and the future of the British Empire is left to the future British people to choose. Winston can only guarantee that during his tenure, the British Empire can delay the time of overall decline as much as possible.

"Your Excellency, it is not that Australia does not work hard, but that Australia is tired of being fooled, abandoned, and betrayed. Australia is also qualified to be a normal country, at least with security guarantees, so that Australians can live carefree On this land.” John Curtin was indifferent, the British Empire only demanded from Australia, and then abandoned it after using it, John Curtin had already seen the true colors of the British.

In the last world war, the pension owed by the British Empire to the officers and soldiers of the Anzac Army has not yet been paid.

In the last world war, there was at least no security risk in mainland Australia.

This time the situation was too serious. If it hadn’t been for southern Africa, the British army would have suffered a crushing defeat in East Asia. At the most critical moment in the Malaya campaign, the British still devoted all their energy to the mainland and North Africa, which disappointed the Australians.

Paying attention to the security of the homeland is nothing. Even North Africa is more important than Australia. This is the real reason why Australia has completely fallen to southern Africa.

"John, you have to understand the importance of the Suez Canal to the British Empire." Winston also had no choice but to protect the Suez Canal instead of North Africa.

John Curtin was silent.

So, for the sake of the Suez Canal, Australia must be put at great risk?
"Also, Australia has not been abandoned, and London values ​​Australia more than anyone—" Winston did not let go of any possibility.

"Heh—" John Curtin, as a senior politician, is not so easy to be fooled.

"John, we will leave future problems to be solved in the future. The most important thing for us now is to win the war. We have paid a huge price for this. If we cannot win the final victory, we will lose everything." Winston finally refused Be patient, he doesn't have much time to stay in Australia, and he has to go to the United States to win sponsorship.

"Yes, I understand. My confidence in our ability to win has never wavered." John Curtin had a serious face, and the way to win is also different. Winning with the British Empire is the same as winning with Southern Africa. Two different things.

At least Southern Africa has never betrayed its allies.

If de Gaulle heard this, it is estimated that de Gaulle would be very sad.

The French take the blame on themselves and have no one else to blame.

Winston still gained something in Australia, and John Curtin agreed to send the two newly formed divisions to North Africa to accept the command of the British Army in North Africa.

If nothing unexpected, this may be the last two divisions.

Regardless of whether Britain agrees or not, Australia will definitely be independent after the war.

As for whether to leave the Commonwealth, it depends on how much the British can give.

(End of this chapter)

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