Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2302 An old monster who is not easy to deal with

Chapter 2302 An old monster who is not easy to deal with
No sooner had Winston left Australia than John Curtin flew to Pretoria to attend Adler's funeral.

The funeral was held grandly. The leaders of [-] countries and regions attended in person, and the King of England also sent his personal representative.

Roque respected Adelaide's last wish and buried Adelaide in the National Cemetery on the outskirts of Pretoria. After the funeral, Roque fell into busy official duties and received dignitaries from various countries who were waiting in line.

On behalf of the United States, it was US Secretary of State Cordell Hull who came to attend Adler's funeral. He has served as US Secretary of State for ten years and is the longest-serving US Secretary of State.

Cordell Hull came to Southern Africa this time. In addition to attending Adelaide's funeral, he also had a more important task to strengthen cooperation with Southern Africa and try to establish a closer relationship with the current "ally". relations, and sought to form a new international organization to replace the already discredited League of Nations.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the world war, some countries hoped that the League of Nations could mediate the war.

Now no one has any hope for the League of Nations, which has been congenitally deficient since day one, reduced to a puppet organization for Britain and France to maintain the "post-colonial era", and has never played a proper role in maintaining fairness and justice .

Even more directly, the League of Nations not only failed to uphold justice, but instead worked for tigers.

"The two world wars have made us all fully aware of the destructive power of war. It is time to adopt a more peaceful way to resolve international disputes. We should strive to establish a new international order, no war, no colonization, no oppression, All can live together in peace—” Cordell Hull was impassioned, as if forgetting that the League of Nations would not have been a laughing stock had it not been for the backlash of the United States.

The League of Nations was proposed by President Wilson of the United States. When the Americans found that they could not subvert the colonial system jointly established by Britain and France through the League of Nations, the Americans simply withdrew from the League of Nations, wandering outside the League of Nations system, and continued to look for opportunities.

This makes people very embarrassing. Before the rise of southern Africa, the United States was the country with the most powerful industrial capacity in the world, but this country was unwilling to accept the constraints of the League of Nations, and the League of Nations existed in name only.

To put it a bit more profoundly, without the various fanning and malicious instigation of the United States against Germany and Japan, the Second World War would not even have been possible.

At least the Germans and Japanese will not be so ambitious.

"So, now the U.S. government has decided not to be honorably isolated?" Rock didn't expect much from the Americans.

One thing is certain, if the United States finds that it cannot achieve its goals through new international organizations, then the United States will probably choose not to join the same as last time. In this case, it is meaningless to establish another hundred similar international organizations. It is not as good as southern Africa Concentrate on running the Southern African Union.

Even if a new international organization is established, the Southern African Union will not be disbanded, and will be further expanded.

Southern Africa needs the alliance to continue to enhance national influence.

"Let's not talk about the past, we have to look forward to the future based on the present. The United States has conducted trade negotiations with many countries in the past few years. We are committed to improving relations, reducing tax rates, and strengthening cooperation. The United States has been using its own way to serve the world. Make a contribution, even if it is not understood by some countries." Cordell Hull's words contained a lot of private goods.

The United States is indeed constantly negotiating with other countries. On behalf of the United States, Hull has participated in many Pan-American meetings and signed trade most-favored-nation agreements with many Latin American countries, reducing tariffs by 30.00% to 50.00%.

This is not the U.S. government's initiative to give profits to Latin American countries, but to better plunder the resources of Latin American countries and dump goods to Latin American countries.

This approach has always been unfavorable in the past. When the United States needs to protect the interests of American companies, the United States will increase taxes, and vice versa.

Now this hand is starting to fail.

The United States has succeeded many times before because Latin American countries were not elected.

The emergence of southern Africa has given Latin American countries more options. Compared with the cannibalistic American capitalists, southern African companies are more generous, offer higher prices when purchasing raw materials, and export goods with high quality and low price , but also pay attention to long-term cooperation, take the initiative to help Latin American countries build bridges and roads, improve the level of infrastructure construction, and help Latin American countries achieve long-term sustainable development plans.

Compared with American capitalists who only plunder but do not build, southern African enterprises are more popular in Latin American countries.

It is precisely because of the declining control over Latin American countries that the United States passed the "Neutrality Act" in 1935.

The main purpose of the "Neutrality Act" is to instruct the president to publish the list of weapons, ammunition and military equipment that should be embargoed, and to authorize the president to extend the scope of the embargo to other countries participating in the war. It also prohibits American ships from carrying military supplies to belligerent countries .

It looks good, but in fact the "Neutrality Act" is encouraging ambitious people to start wars.

When Italy invaded the Abyssinian Empire, the United States refused to sell military supplies to the Abyssinian Empire under the pretext of the "Neutrality Act", which led to the full fall of the Abyssinian Empire to southern Africa.

If that's all it is, while the United States refuses to send military supplies to the Abyssinian Empire, it ignores the League of Nations' ban and increases the level of trade with Italy.

This reason is also very good. Free trade has never been controlled by the federal government.

It is normal for Rock not to understand all these things.

So Rock didn't speak, and continued to listen to Curdell Hull's conditions.

Cordell Hull did have a condition. If the United States is to join a new international organization, then the headquarters of the international organization cannot be located in Europe, but must be located in the United States. For this reason, the US government is willing to bear most of the operating expenses of the international organization.

"Fee is not a problem. Members of the League of Nations also have to pay the fee. This is the responsibility of all of us." Rock partially agreed with Cordell Hull's suggestion.

The fact that the League of Nations put its headquarters in Switzerland proved useless, not even as good as putting it in Paris or London, so at least representatives from various countries would be closer to the League of Nations meetings.

Although the meeting is actually useless.

Rock stands on the standpoint of southern Africa, hoping to place the headquarters of the new international organization in southern Africa, preferably in Pretoria, or in Los Angeles.

"My lord, southern Africa is too far away from the northern hemisphere. The new League of Nations must learn from the experience of the old League of Nations to avoid making similar mistakes again. We must safeguard the interests of most countries." Cordell Hull spoke carefully, and the United States returned to the International Conference this time. The family wants to flex its muscles, not act as a vassal of a certain country.

Southern Africa doesn't even want to think about it. With the status and strength of Southern Africa, the attitude of the Americans is actually not important. At worst, let's vote with a show of hands.

Americans call for fairness and justice every day. The minority obeying the majority is the greatest fairness. Some small countries with few people expect to be equal to big countries by raising their hands. consciousness.

"We will talk about these issues later, at least we now have a consensus, which is also the common wish of all of us, we need a new international organization to replace the League of Nations." Solve all problems.

You don’t even need to discuss this issue with Cordell Hull. If Rock really talks to Roosevelt, Cordell Hull’s weight is still a little bit off.

Leaving the Palace of Justice, Cordell Hull went directly to the US Embassy in Pretoria, with whom the current US Ambassador to Southern Africa, Henry Stimson, had a brotherly bond.

Henry Stimson is a famous American strategist, a member of the Skull Society, and served as the Governor of the Philippines and the Secretary of State of the United States.

When Stimson was Secretary of State, the President of the United States was Hoover.

After Stimson left office, Hull was his successor.

Stimson also served as U.S. Secretary of War for a time before serving as ambassador to Southern Africa.

The cars used by the US embassy in southern Africa are all American brands shipped from the United States for thousands of miles.

What is embarrassing is that the domestic auto industry in the United States has also surrendered to the southern African auto companies. The Cadillac that Stimson and Hull were riding in was actually a Lord car produced in southern Africa, but with a different logo.

"The current situation is so embarrassing. The best cars are produced in southern Africa. We import cars from southern Africa, transport them across the Atlantic to the United States, and then transport them across the Atlantic to southern Africa. All the costs are added. Get up, you can almost buy three Lords in southern Africa.” Stimson smiled wryly, the cars produced in southern Africa are indeed good, and the two of them sat in the large back seat without feeling cramped at all, Stimson was still smoking a cigar, and the car’s air-conditioning system Working at full capacity, Hull sat next to Stimson, barely smelling the tobacco leaves.

"How is the mobilization situation in southern Africa? It is said that southern Africa is still deliberately retaining strength, is that true?" Hull is not proficient in military affairs.

"Indeed, southern Africa has only been semi-mobilized at most, and it's still early before full mobilization." Stimson is considered a half-military expert. There are a large number of tanks and helicopters. The British are not unreasonable to worry. If Southern Africa went all out, Rommel would have been driven out of North Africa. Just look at East Asia now. Japan, which was invincible in East Asia before People were hanged up and beaten like children by the southern African army. In terms of army, we still have a gap with the southern African army.”

Stimson is not underestimating himself. This is the consensus of the US military. As early as during the Brazilian Civil War, American soldiers had a very clear understanding of the strength of the Southern African Army.

"If we work hard to improve the level of equipment, can we make our army reach a level comparable to that of southern Africa?" Hull has to prepare both ways, and talk with southern Africa if possible. If there is no agreement, it will ultimately depend on who The fist is bigger.

"It's difficult. The military in southern Africa is excellent, and the level of equipment is only one aspect. Even if we try our best to close the gap in this area, we still have a gap with southern Africa in the training of the officer corps." Stimson has a deep understanding of the officer corps.

Before the Battle of Moscow, Russia and Germany had an exchange ratio of 1:25.

Russia is 25.
The reason why it was fought so badly was mainly because of the great purges before the outbreak of the war, which caused the Russian army to lose experienced officers and replace them with novice officers with little combat experience, so it was a crushing defeat.

The officer corps in southern Africa is enviable. Even in peacetime, the southern African military can use the umbrella company to accumulate combat experience for southern African officers. Many novices who graduated from the Nyasaland Army Academy became qualified officer.

"Since we can't beat it, we should strengthen cooperation. We share extensive common interests with southern Africa. We must seize this point and complete the subversion of the old colonial system." Hull joined if he couldn't beat it. Maybe everyone is as wary of the United States as Rock.

Hull chose Stoudemire as a breakthrough.

This choice is very reasonable. The Rhodes family is the real aborigine in southern Africa, and the relationship with the United Kingdom is very bad. Hull stands on Stoudemire's position and believes that Stoudemire has enough reasons to cooperate with the US government, at least not to resist .

What makes Hull uncomfortable is that Stoudemire's time is very precious, and he would rather spend it coaxing his granddaughter to play than having dinner with him, the US Secretary of State.

It is even more difficult to make an appointment for Stoudemire during working hours. Stoudemire's daily working hours are controlled within 4 hours, and the schedule is full in just four hours. Stimson only found out after contacting Stoudemire's office. If you make an appointment through normal channels To meet Stoudemire, then at least half a month later.

It is impossible for Hull to stay in southern Africa for half a month, or even for a week. The US Secretary of State is also very busy.

After hearing the reply from Stoudemire's office, Hull's lungs were about to explode.

The Secretary of State of the United States is not only the most powerful person on the planet, but at least one of the most powerful people. Hull has never been so neglected in America or even in Europe.

Stimson was also helpless.

These people in southern Africa are different from American politicians.

American politicians are agents launched by interest groups. In southern Africa, Roque and Stoudemire are simply the complete body of politicians and interest groups. They have strong economic strength and political resources, which are very different from those puppets in the United States.

So when dealing with these old monsters in southern Africa, you have to be patient enough.

Since he couldn't make a breakthrough from the old monsters like Rock and Stoudemire, Hull took the next best thing and got in touch with various second-generation little monsters.

The biggest little monster is in Cyprus, the second largest is researching and breeding bulls in Los Angeles, and the biggest one in Pretoria is Alvin, who is now being brought by Rock to focus on training.

(End of this chapter)

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