Chapter 2554 Best Solution

During the period of World War II, the changes in European countries have been turned upside down, especially the impact on the people's thinking, which is no less than the level of nuclear bombs.

For a long time, Western society has demonized the Chinese, and the Chinese have become the most cowardly and least resistant group in the world.

This is pure nonsense and outright slander. In fact, Europeans are the most cowardly. The spirit of resistance of Chinese is outstanding all over the world. The obedience of Europeans to the hierarchy is really deep-rooted, and they have almost never resisted.

In order to maintain the rule, the ruling class has compiled a complete set of rhetoric, such as the divine right of the king, or the equality of rights and obligations, and so on, etc., just to maintain the legitimacy of its power.

After the outbreak of World War II, Yugoslavia, Greece and Italy, the kings and princes and nobles fled one after another, and did not assume the responsibility of protecting the country, leaving the country and the people to the invaders, so the previous rhetoric was completely bankrupt, and the legitimacy of the ruling class Being questioned, people can't help but start to wonder what the existence of the privileged class means for the country.

The collapse of trust all started with doubts. The development of capitalism promoted the outbreak of the bourgeois revolution in Britain, and the awakening of the French people sent Louis XVI to the guillotine. Now it is finally the turn of Greece, Yugoslavia, and Italy.

After the recovery of Greece, military control was implemented for a long time, and the Southern African Expeditionary Force was actually responsible for the management.

Unlike the noble gentry and cruel officials in the Kingdom of Greece, the Southern African Expeditionary Army, which believed in equality, gave the Greek people a new feeling.

It turns out that officials are also pleasant when they talk to the people.

It turns out that soldiers will not shoot when they disagree with the people.

It turns out that taxes do not need so much at all to maintain the operation of the governing body——

The last point is most important to the Greek people.

The immediate cause of the French Revolution was taxation.

The logistics of the Southern African Expeditionary Force are provided by the Federal Government of Southern Africa. There is no need to extort money from Greece. Greece, which has just experienced the war, really does not have much money to earn. Many areas that have been severely damaged by the war need the Expeditionary Force instead. Help to get through the most difficult stage.

Having experienced being abandoned by the king, invaded by aliens, and society collapsed and rebuilt, the Greeks, who were in a period of violent ideological fluctuations, were also impacted by Russian ideas. The national guerrillas developed very fast. In just half a year, the scale reached reached nearly 30 people.

Arthur also realized that the situation in Greece was about to get out of control, so he allowed George II to return home.

After George II returned home, the first order issued was to increase taxes to repair the palace which was severely damaged during the war.

This behavior was strongly opposed by the Greek people, so serious conflicts broke out between the national guerrillas and the army commanded by George II.

"The current king's control area is limited to the periphery of Athens, and more areas are under the control of the national guerrillas. Under our mediation, the national guerrillas agreed to negotiate with the king and form a coalition government-the national guerrillas recognized in principle King George's leadership of the kingdom, most of the important positions in the coalition government are held by officials sent by the national guerrillas—" Arthur's face turned red, this was his mistake.

If it was Roque, it is estimated that the ethnic guerrillas would not have any chance.

When Southern Africa was first self-governing, the People's Party led by Louis Botha and Jan Smother was easily suppressed by the Liberal Party founded by Roque and Stoudemire. Roque didn't even feel much pressure, and the People's Party died down. .

It's the same in Greece. Rock is very familiar with the tactics of the national guerrillas, and it's not difficult to deal with them. Arthur also focused on Hungary during this period, ignoring Greece, so he let the national guerrillas There is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"The national guerrillas are contacting us, on the condition of recognizing our power in Crete, in exchange for us not intervening in the Greek civil war—" Arthur is not completely letting go, and the benefits he has won must not be easily given up.

When Southern Africa counterattacked Greece, it obtained the lease of Crete for a period of 99 years.

This agreement was agreed by King George II, and now it has been confirmed by the national guerrillas, so no matter which side wins, it will not affect the interests of southern Africa.

Arthur was not satisfied with this result, so Arthur gave the national guerrillas the condition that, unless the national guerrillas agreed to the expiry of the lease of Crete, the people of Crete would decide the island of Crete. The fate of the future, otherwise the Southern African Expeditionary Force will re-impose military control on Greece.

During the last military control, George II and the princes and nobles of Greece were exiled overseas. The military control was not thorough, and many things could not be completely resolved.

Now George II must rely on the help of southern Africa to maintain his rule, and Arthur has a higher degree of freedom.

"What experience do you have?" Rock was very happy to see Arthur's progress.

"Interests, the stability of the ruling order, lies in fully satisfying the interests of all classes, which requires mutual compromise, tenant farmers and landlords, emerging bourgeoisie and old vested interest groups, interest groups backed by external forces, etc. "Arthur has obviously thought about it, but it's not enough. It's not easy to do it.

Compromise is necessary, but to the extent of the compromise, the interests cannot be reconciled.

For example, how much land rent is appropriate, whether to reduce or exempt in disaster years, and who should bear the kingdom's taxes?

Another example is emerging industries, should they be opened to the emerging bourgeoisie? Should heavy taxes be imposed on imported goods to protect domestic industries, or should taxes be reduced to promote exports to earn money from foreigners?

As for interest groups -

Not to mention Arthur, Roque couldn't solve this contradiction.

Tenant farmers and landlords, the emerging bourgeoisie and the old vested interests are fighting over who earns more and who earns less.

The competition behind the interest groups is life and death, the winner takes all, and the loser gets nothing. It is almost impossible to sit in a row and share the fruit.

"Greece is the Greece of the Greeks. We should not get involved too deeply. We should step out of the situation and look at Greece's issues as an arbiter—" Rock said here, and suddenly remembered Britain's attitude towards Greece.

Greece is one of the most important countries around the Mediterranean Sea.

If Britain wants to guarantee its interests in the Mediterranean, then Greece is a must.

So how could Britain have remained aloof from the Greek Civil War?
If you think about it this way, the supporters behind the Greek national guerrillas probably won't be the only one with the Communist International.

It is not difficult to solve this problem.

The day after Rock arrived in Cyprus, Winston also arrived smoothly.

When meeting Roque, Winston was still complaining that Roque did not agree to put the meeting place in Malta.

"There was an accident at the airport in Malta a few days ago. The large plane was unable to take off and land smoothly. The airport is undergoing urgent repairs." Rock had a good reason. Everyone's time is precious. The plane cannot land, so it is impossible to go there by boat.

Even if Rock and Winston could go to Malta by boat, Roosevelt couldn't, he was too far away.

"Okay, I won't go, but why can't the residents of Malta return?" Winston's face was watery, and the pressure during this period was probably a bit heavy.

The United Kingdom is one of the best countries at post-autumn reckoning.

After the recovery of France, there was also a huge controversy in France against de Gaulle's exchange of France's East Asian interests for the support of southern Africa. This was the main reason why de Gaulle was criticized.

De Gaulle was also speechless.

Facts are indeed facts, but what could de Gaulle do then?
At that time, the United Kingdom and the United States were not optimistic about de Gaulle and did not recognize the Free France led by de Gaulle. De Gaulle had to try his best to win the support of southern Africa in order to get the capital to fight against Germany.

So did Winston.

In the arms race before the World War, Britain almost exhausted its national treasury and its finances were exhausted. After the outbreak of the World War, it didn't even have the money to buy weapons and equipment for recruits. What could Winston do?Make bricks without straw.

The destroyer-for-island plan, judging from the current situation, Britain must have suffered a disadvantage.

But if they hadn’t done that at the time, Britain wouldn’t even be able to win the British Air Battle. Maybe the Germans would have landed on the British mainland. Winston knew the consequences of doing this, but he still chose to do it, not because he was incompetent. It was born at the wrong time.

There is no need to change to the time when the British Empire was in full swing. Twenty years ago, Britain would not have been in such a mess.

Now that the world war is not over yet, the opposition forces in Britain can't wait to attack Winston frequently.

It is estimated that a certain British MP who pleaded for the people launched a new attack on Winston on the grounds of the Malta issue.

"When we exchanged Malta, there was no one on the island of Malta!" Rock directly flipped the table without discussing how to solve the problem.

What residents?
Malta has no inhabitants at all, so where does the return begin.

This is not talking nonsense with open eyes. When the German-Italian coalition invaded the island of Malta, all the British on the island of Malta had left, and there was not a single live mouse left.

Now that all the fighting in the Mediterranean Sea is over, a group of people popped up claiming to be residents of Malta, demanding to return to their homeland——

What a mess!

"Lock, you can't always be like this. Last time in Chagos, you gave me a hard time." Winston glanced at the bustling East Cape, feeling even worse.

I almost forgot that Cyprus used to be a British colony.

Not all, only half, the other half is Ottoman.

It must now all belong to Lord Cyprus.

Chagos is Diego Garcia, the brightest pearl in the center of the Indian Ocean, the home port of the Indian Ocean Fleet in southern Africa, and the most important supply point for ships traveling to and from the Indian Ocean——

The more notes there were, the more complicated Winston's mood became.

This is also not a question of ability, it is purely a gold finger hanging on the wall is too scary, so Britain has to swallow this bitter fruit.

Decades ago, no one would have imagined that one day, ocean-going technology would develop to what it is today.

Also, no one thought that the combat radius of the bombers could be as high as thousands of kilometers, so that the bombers could take off from the Chagos Islands and threaten the entire Indian Ocean.

This is just the beginning.

In a few years, all the planes over the Indian Ocean will face the threat of Diego Garcia, whoever is not pleasing to the eye, just let the plane fly over, do you dare to come?


It is possible to become a second Diego Garcia.

"This is a problem within your United Kingdom. How can you go back on what you have said? Aren't you the most advocating the spirit of the contract?" Rock attacked his shield with his spear, and anyone could say beautiful words.

"Letting Maltese residents return to Malta is not in conflict with our agreement!" Winston also learned from a fall, and he would not make the same mistake twice.

When Britain sold the Chagos Islands to Rock, it promised to remove all the residents of the Chagos Islands and leave Rock a clean Chagos.

When Malta was exchanged, there were no residents on the island of Malta, so this issue was not involved in the agreement between Southern Africa and the United Kingdom.

This was considered a mistake by the relevant personnel, so it gave Winston room to make excuses.

"I'm not very clear about this matter, I need to find out more about it." Rock resorted to procrastination, and if there was anything that couldn't be resolved in a day, it would be ten years.

Malta's problem can be delayed, but the war cannot be prolonged. The rapid expansion of Russia's strength caught Rock and Roosevelt a little by surprise.

The main reason is that Big Beard's ambition is too great. Like the original Mustache, he is no longer satisfied with Eastern Europe and Northern Europe, and is expanding to Western Europe and the Mediterranean, which is unacceptable to everyone.

Western Europe and the Mediterranean are the first chains to block Russia.

If Russia breaks through the blockade, with Russia's mobilization ability and war potential, it may be that Xianglong enters the sea and is out of control.

"We must divert Russia's attention and exchange interests in East Asia for Russia's expansion into Western Europe." Winston's plan was beyond Rock's expectations.

"No, we absolutely can't do this!" Rock refused decisively.

Just kidding, it's fine to divert trouble from the north before, but now you divert trouble to the east, you will think you are Dayu.

The key thing Winston wants to sacrifice is not even Japan, which is what Rock can't accept.

Speaking of the relationship between Britain and Japan, we have to start from the Russo-Japanese War——

This has been said before, so I won’t repeat it here. I only say that Britain has not completely given up its interests in East Asia.

Don't look at the fact that Britain's situation in East Asia is over, and traditional craftsmanship cannot be lost. Since continental balance can be achieved in Europe, it can also be bloody in East Asia.

"Why? For us, this is the best solution!" Winston did not expect that Rock's attitude would be so fierce.

Rock is rarely so direct. Even if there is a disagreement, Rock will resolve it in a more tactful way.

"Winston, most of the southern Africans are from East Asia. No matter what, I can't hurt their feelings." Rock raised the national righteousness, why don't you give India to Russia?
(End of this chapter)

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