Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2555 Gravedigger of the British Empire

Chapter 2555 Gravedigger of the British Empire

Some words cannot be said too clearly.

In East Asia today, Britain is doomed to lose most of its interests after the war, and it may not even be able to retreat to the Lion City. The future depends on southern Africa and the United States.

The introduction of Russia can form a three-way balance of power in East Asia, and Britain may still have a chance by then.

Rock does not want to see Russia return to East Asia.

The reason why the war in East Asia is not over now is that the fundamental reason is that the conditions have not been negotiated. Southern Africa and the United States have not yet reached an agreement on the issue of Japan.

Some time ago, Roosevelt was busy with the general election and had no time to discuss with Roque how to deal with the Japanese issue.

Now that the dust has settled in the U.S. general election and Roosevelt is re-elected for the fourth time, it is time to solve this problem.

As for Winston's suggestion—

Sorry, Rock can refer to Winston's proposal on how to deal with Germany after the war.

But on the Japanese issue, Britain has lost the right to speak.

Roosevelt arrived in Cyprus another day after Winston.

Roque first congratulated Roosevelt for his fourth re-election, which is unique in American history.

Needless to say, Roosevelt's own ability is extremely outstanding, but his ability to be re-elected four times has a lot to do with the special historical environment.

Roosevelt was appointed during the Great Depression, led the United States out of the economic crisis, and initially gained the trust of the Americans.

After World War II, Roosevelt's power was further consolidated. During his fourth election, some people in the United States pointed out that Roosevelt's physical condition should choose a person with better health and better image to lead the United States. .

This proposal was cast aside by the entire United States, and even Roosevelt's competitors said meaningfully: It is best not to change boats when traveling on the river.

It can be seen that Roosevelt's physical condition is indeed not as good as before. He is very thin, his eye sockets are sunken, and his eyesight is probably affected. He can't focus when looking at people, but he is still in good spirits. At the same time, he also expressed his congratulations to Roque for his successful re-election.


Did Southern Africa also hold general elections last year?
Didn't notice, Rock didn't even pay much attention to it.

In the United States, some people dare to question Roosevelt's physical condition.

In southern Africa, anyone who dares to question Roque will become a public enemy in minutes.

Of course, compared with Winston, both Rock and Roosevelt were lucky.

"If we don't act as soon as possible, Berlin will be occupied by the Russians—" Winston expressed dissatisfaction with the Allied forces on the Western Front for the past winter.

Rock and Roosevelt both smiled and said nothing.

France is not sending out a single soldier now, and Britain only wants the Southern African Expeditionary Force and American soldiers to be at the forefront. This is a war that broke out in Europe.

As for Russia, Roque and Roosevelt are unable to stop the actions of the Russians.

There are too many crimes committed by the German army in Russia. Now that the Russians have the opportunity to retaliate against the Germans, it must be how ruthless it is.

If Roque and Roosevelt prevent the Russians from retaliating at this time, they will immediately arouse the hatred of the Russians.

It's not enough to turn around. The think tanks of Roque and Roosevelt have judgments on the current situation. Although there is a risk of World War III, the possibility is extremely low.

The key is lack of strength.

No matter how great Russia's war potential is, there is always a limit.

How many people are there in Germany?

Less than 7000 million.

Southern Africa and the United States are both large countries with a total population of over [-] million, similar to Russia.

The United States has the support of the whole of South America, and Southern Africa has the Southern African Union behind it. There are guns and guns for important people.

Russia has lost 3500 million young and middle-aged people, how many 3500 million can be mobilized?

So don't look at the aggressiveness of the bearded man. In fact, he is at the end of his battle. Otherwise, he would not agree to Arthur's proposal to form a coalition government in Hungary.

With a bearded character, if Russia has the upper hand, it will never sit down and talk slowly with its allies, let alone break up several times if they fail to reach an agreement once.

"Yesterday, Locke and I exchanged views on the East Asian battlefield. I think that if you want to end the war in East Asia as soon as possible, you must ask for Russia's cooperation. This will not only end the war as quickly as possible, but also reduce our pressure in Europe. "Winston failed to fool Rock, and came to fool Roosevelt again.

"My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours—" Roosevelt said slowly, which is not easy to fool: "—it is precisely because of the containment of the East Asian battlefield that Russia cannot use all its troops in Europe, otherwise the pressure we face may Bigger."

What is misleading?

What is upside down black and white?
What is a thief calling catch a thief?

That's it!

Although southern Africa and the United States often have conflicts.

But on the issue of dividing up the British sphere of influence, southern Africa and the United States have the same interests.

There are really too many British colonies in the world. There is no chance for places like Canada and Australia. Since East Asia has expelled the British power through the hands of the Japanese, then don’t come back, never see you again.

As for India—

Sorry, neither southern Africa nor US have much interest in India.

To be precise, southern Africa and the United States are not interested in Dalits in India. For the few high-quality talents with certain labor capacity, southern Africa and the United States are still willing to coax them.

Later in the United States, the management of many large companies is basically occupied by Indians. The Chinese have a so-called glass ceiling and can only work honestly.

Many people lament the injustice of the world. In fact, the bosses of those big companies are not stupid. They know exactly what kind of people can provide them with benefits. Those who are pushed to high positions may not necessarily be the most capable, but may also be scapegoats.

There is a Chinese saying that the higher you stand, the harder you fall. There is an educated saying that there will be disasters if you don't match your virtue, so it's appropriate to put it here.

"How many people are there in Russia's Far East Army? How many troops can the Japanese contain in Russia?" Winston frowned. At any rate, Rock raised the banner of popular sentiment when he rejected Winston yesterday. Roosevelt simply Talking nonsense.

"The Kwantung Army of Japan has more than 70 men—" Rock made up slowly, more than 70 sounds like a lot.

In fact, it is also the gold and jade that are ruined by the outside.

The Kwantung Army used to be really strong. It was formed with the Japanese Class A Legion as its team. All of them were Japanese, and the servant army was not eligible to join at all.

Now Japan is worse than Germany. The experienced veterans have been exhausted, and there are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled in the army who have not experienced much training and have not experienced the test of war.

"If we can't reach an agreement in advance, then it's best not to have too many illusions about this meeting." Winston's words were a reminder and even a threat.

Everyone is very busy. If there is no result to be discussed, it is better to go back to each family and see the truth on the battlefield.

As for why we can't agree——

Winston said that he would never and would not be able to get in the way.

"What we have to consider is how much we need to pay to get Russia to take action." Roosevelt's attitude was not firm.

Southern Africa and the United States carve up the interests of East Asia. This is the most perfect situation.

Considering the relationship between southern Africa and the United States, and East Asian countries, the Americans are obviously at a disadvantage.

The United States has only one Philippines in East Asia, and it is still alienated from Germany. It seems that it will be like southern Africa. The investment far outweighs the gains, and finally it has to give up.

The key point is that southern Africa itself has potential. It needs resources and an area. If the UK manages well, it can become the most dazzling pearl in the crown of the British king.

The blind-eyed British easily allowed southern Africa to be independent, which became the biggest joke since the twentieth century.

The US government is now considering whether to abandon the Philippines.

Don't give up, the Philippines can't provide any benefits to the United States. Southern Africa originally provided Britain with gold to stabilize the British pound. What can the Philippines provide to the United States?
Filipino maid?
Sorry, American families are more used to hiring Mexicans.

But if you want to give up, the United States will lose its only foothold in East Asia. For this reason, Roosevelt's special assistant and chief adviser to the White House, Harry Hopkins, proposed to divide the Philippines into two parts, one of which is controlled by the US government. management, another part allows independence.

The core of this plan is to concentrate all the Philippines into the independent part, and then relocate some people from the United States to truly turn the Philippines into the United States.

Let's not talk about Roosevelt's opinion of this plan, let Roque look at it, it is simply too familiar.

Didn't Southern Africa expand its territory from the original Cape to nearly 30 states in this way?

Of course, there are also shortcomings in this plan. Whether the Filipinos are willing to accept it or not, how to move people from the United States is a big problem. After investing a huge amount of money in development, whether it can achieve the goal is another matter.

Think about how MacArthur managed the Philippines at the beginning. If you run into another MacArthur, you will lose all your money. It is better to stop the loss in time.

So no matter whether this plan is feasible or not, the Philippines will hold a referendum sooner or later.

Don't expect the result of the referendum, it's just a formality, and the final result will definitely be more consistent with the decision of the US government.

"Give back to Russia the rights that Russia lost in the Russo-Japanese War, and the Russians will definitely agree." Winston was in a hurry and couldn't care less about Rock's attitude.

This condition is not to seduce Russia, but to provoke Roque and the feelings of all southern Africans.

What did Russia lose in the Russo-Japanese War?
In addition to Russia's dignity as a European power, it also transferred most of Russia's interests in the Far East to Japan.

Whether Roosevelt can accept it will not be said.

Rock would never accept this proposal.


So Rock's attitude was very straightforward.

"Does what Russia lost in the Russo-Japanese War have anything to do with southern Africa?" Winston got angry, obviously exceeding expectations for this meeting.

That's right, now Winston's troubles are not only in Russia, the bigger troubles are in the country.

Roque and Roosevelt both have unrivaled influence in the country, and no one can shake them.

Winston's status in the UK was precarious. Before the war was over, he was frequently challenged by domestic political opponents. Judging from this posture, when the war ended, Winston would most likely be abandoned by the UK again.

Winston urgently needs grades to increase Winston's contribution to the war.

So if in this meeting, Russia can be persuaded to return to the Far East and end the war as quickly as possible, then Winston's report card will be even more dazzling.

"Winston, we can no longer decide the fate of a third country without the presence of representatives of the third country like the Paris Peace Conference—" Rock is determined to create a new international order.

Roosevelt's eyes lit up, and his spirit immediately lifted.

This is also Roosevelt's ideal.

To dismantle the international system jointly established by Britain and France, it is not simply dismantling the colonial system. The key is the spiritual colonization of people by European countries for hundreds of years.

Kneeling for a long time and being unable to stand up is really not a taunt. The scary thing is that many people don't even have the awareness of "kneeling". The so-called "standing up" is actually just whether the kneeling posture is standard.

"Come on Locke, fairness never exists. The trend of this world has always been determined by a few countries—" Winston didn't even bother to pretend, he was determined not to be the gravedigger of the British Empire.

It's one thing to think about it or not, another thing to do it or not.

According to Winston, the fate of Britain is no longer decided by Britain, but by southern Africa and the United States, or Russia.

And only in the absence of Winston.

The reality is so cruel.

"That's right, we are doing this." Roosevelt smiled and nodded, you are right, all right.

Winston was out of breath and walked away, which was the first time since Winston met Rock.

Rock is not angry.

Now that Winston is gone, it's up to Rock and Roosevelt to discuss how to dismantle the British Empire—how to end this war.

"When are you going to end the war in East Asia?" Unlike Winston, Roosevelt had a clear understanding of East Asia.

In fact, as long as Rock is willing, East Asia, Europe, and Southern Africa all have the ability to end the war in a short time.

"Wait for the war in Europe to end, anytime!" Rock showed strong confidence.

Today's Japan is even more hopeless than the end of the crossbow. The Southern African Expeditionary Force only needs to drop a few atomic bombs on certain big cities, and Japan will immediately surrender unconditionally.

Don't think that the determination of Japan's high-level officials to [-] million pieces of jade is so great. They are all fooling the Japanese people into being loyal to the country so as to obtain better conditions for a decent surrender.

If the top Japanese realize that no matter how hard they struggle, the result cannot be changed, then they will surrender unconditionally at any time.

Dignity is something that is found in some people who never surrender no matter what difficulties they face.

In the Japanese body, it is really not so obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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