Chapter 2568 Big sale

As early as 1894, the GDP of the United States officially surpassed that of the United Kingdom and became the first in the world.

Fifty years have passed, and in 50 just passed, the GDP of the United States was still the first in the world, and southern Africa was dwarfed by it.

This is not surprising, the statistical method is different. If the statistics of southern Africa are calculated according to the method of the United States, then the total GDP of southern Africa will exceed that of the United States by 50.00%.

This is really not an exaggeration. The water injection of the US GDP is too serious. 50 years ago, the US surpassed the UK in this way, and it has been maintained until today.

Relatively speaking, the GDP of southern Africa is severely underestimated, and the income of many family farms is not included in the statistics, let alone the fact that self-owned houses have to be converted into rent.

Regarding the level of technology in the United States, this is actually an unsolved mystery.

It is said that war is the first productive force to promote scientific and technological progress, but Americans have few bright spots in this war. Radar was not invented by the United States, V2 rockets were not invented by the United States, and remote-controlled bombs and jet fighters have nothing to do with the United States. Another most famous "paper clip project" in time and space, the Americans have not yet started to implement it, and Americans lack respect for technology.

But this does not prevent Americans from bragging.

Just as the Allied Forces were not sure to what extent Germany had researched the atomic bomb, the outside world did not know the true strength of American technology. Before a large number of German scientists arrived in the United States, the United States also lacked innovative spirit, and its way of thinking was the same as that of the ancient nobles in the British House of Lords rigid.

Even if Southern Africa does not offer the "island" class, then the "city" class is not unacceptable.

Big Beard is now full of confidence, and Russia is also in an unprecedentedly powerful period. Rock believes that Big Beard will definitely put forward higher requirements for the navy. After aircraft carriers are battleships, the most critical decisive force in naval warfare. Rock does not believe that Big Beard will sit idly by. .

Essentially, it's like the arms race before World War I.

"Haha——" the bearded man smiled and didn't answer. In fact, he had said all that needed to be said, and now all he had to do was follow the procedure, so at today's meeting, everyone was very relaxed.

Wilson had participated in the second Boer War, but at that time Wilson had just graduated from the Sandhurst Royal Military Academy, and his status was not high, and his performance was not very good. Nick Milner knew.

Even Roosevelt was interested.

As mentioned above, the cost of aircraft carriers is very high, and the consumption during use is also very large. The United States now has 24 heavy aircraft carriers, 10 light aircraft carriers, and 142 escort aircraft carriers. If we add six Midway Islands, then Even if the United States decommissions all low-cost escort aircraft carriers after the war, it will consume a lot of money every year to maintain such a large fleet.

Russia is a blank sheet of paper in terms of aircraft carriers, and its research on carrier-based aircraft is also very limited. Instead of starting research from scratch on a near-poverty basis, it is better to buy the "city" class directly.

So overnight, Sidney Milner became a favorite.

This is also normal. Even the Russians know about the new aircraft carrier in southern Africa.

At that time, the industrial capabilities of the United Kingdom and Germany were far behind that of the United States, not to mention the current southern Africa. The construction period of a battleship was often calculated in years.

So even if there are still problems that have not been resolved, the meeting must end as soon as possible, so that Roosevelt can return to China for treatment.

It's not that I don't want to solve all the problems at once, but that objective conditions do not allow it.

"The Americans are not all bragging. They have stopped the follow-up construction plan of the 'Midway' class. The next level of American aircraft carrier must be based on this." Martin looked worried, with a feeling of being a tiger.

Consensus has been basically reached on these issues, and some discussions are destined to lead to no results.

Buying the "city" class can immediately fill the gap in the Russian navy, and it will not take long to form combat effectiveness.

"Lock, do you want to sell your 'island' class?" The bearded man was determined, and his first target was the "island" class.

"It doesn't matter, Pandora's box has been opened, and the next thing is beyond our control." Rock is not worried. Past experience shows that once an arms race starts, it cannot end unless a war breaks out.

With the rapid technological progress, the battleship has not yet been built, and its performance has fallen behind. Therefore, it is necessary to start building a more powerful battleship to meet the opponent's challenge.

Although the scientific research capabilities of the Americans are not very good, the industrial capabilities are still quite scary. If there is a potential opponent like southern Africa who keeps pushing, the Americans should not be underestimated.

During the Russo-Japanese War, Britain and Japan were allies. Although the United Kingdom did not directly participate in the war, it refused the Russian fleet to supervise the passage of the Suez Canal, and did not allow the Russian army to resupply from the British ports along the way, and promptly notified the Japanese government of the Russian fleet. This is why the Russian fleet plunged into the encirclement of the Japanese combined fleet.

For weapons of the aircraft carrier level, it is meaningless to discuss the cost, and there is basically no depreciation. Even if the "city" class aircraft carrier has been in service for more than 20 years, if Rock's asking price is only quadrupling the cost, then Neither Winston nor the bearded man would hesitate.

"After the war, more than 80.00% of the troops in southern Africa will be laid off, and some of our existing aircraft carriers will be decommissioned and dismantled, so there is really no need to build a new aircraft carrier." Don immediately stopped arguing.

"This is not a good phenomenon. Our goal is to let the United States build more aircraft carriers, not to stop the Americans from working." Yang Smozi worried that the goal would not be achieved.

At the same time, Wilson also hopes that Southern Africa will not sell aircraft carriers to possible potential opponents.

Wilson came to Sidney Milner with the same purpose of buying an aircraft carrier, but instead of buying the "city" class, he was buying the "island" class.

In World War I, Wilson had accepted the command of Rock. At that time, Wilson had become a mid-level officer, but he still failed to impress Rock.

Roosevelt's physical condition is really bad, and the weather in Yalta is not good. It is now winter, which is even more unfavorable to Roosevelt's health, which may lead to further deterioration of Roosevelt's condition.

Good words are hard to persuade, damn ghost, the bearded man wants to use precious foreign exchange to buy an aircraft carrier, or buy an aircraft carrier that is about to be decommissioned from southern Africa, why should he stop it.

Not to mention, after the war is over, if two major camps are formed, the arms race will not stop, but will reach a new peak.

"Come on, Sidney, for our Lord, there is nothing that cannot be traded." Wilson knew Rock very well, and didn't believe Sidney Milner's nonsense at all: "So let's make a price, for God's sake For sake, don't be too high--"

Southern Africa does not participate in the arms race, and more resources are used to improve the living standards of southern Africans. Rock believes that Russia should now have a similar plan.

"No, we already have an aircraft carrier fleet sufficient to protect the interests of southern Africa, so we will not build new aircraft carriers." Rock said decisively, but his expression was ugly.

"My lord said the 'Island' class was not for sale—" Sidney Milner said nothing.

"Is there anything that can't be said here?" The bearded Mingren didn't speak secretly, and hated this kind of PY transaction in the UK the most.

Winston and Roosevelt looked at each other in disbelief.

Now the Americans have stopped the follow-up construction plan of "Midway Island". Although this version of the new aircraft carrier may be a smoke bomb, it also partly reflects the mentality of the Americans.

Russia in the era of imperial Russia also had an ocean-going fleet, and its strength was not bad.

"Yes, in the Black Sea, we really don't need an ocean-going fleet - but in the Far East, Russia also has important interests to protect." If the bearded man didn't say it, Rock almost forgot about the sea cucumber - oh, Russia is called Fula Divostok.

Of course, Rock would not discuss the specific price with the bearded man. The two only needed to confirm each other's intentions, and the rest of the issues would be left to the people below.

"Let's talk about the Austrian problem—" Winston revealed his bearded scar.

I just don't know if the Americans have this technical strength.

In fact, Roque didn't mean to expose his beard and scars. Given the current situation in Russia, there is really no need to form an ocean-going fleet.

The intelligence capability of Brad's office is still very strong. Another day later, Roque got the design plan of the new American aircraft carrier.

The key point is that Russia's industrial capabilities are actually not weak. After buying the "City" class, it can imitate the "City" class, which is more conducive to Russia's mastery of aircraft carrier technology.

As we all know, the aircraft carrier in southern Africa has advanced performance, and the "island" level is a model ten years ago, and its comprehensive combat effectiveness can at least be on par with the latest "Midway Island" of the United States.

Sure enough, at the meeting that day, the bearded man took the initiative to ask Roque about the new aircraft carrier in southern Africa.

The first person to come to see Sidney Milner was Field Marshal Wilson, head of the British Joint Staff Mission in Pretoria.

Although the bearded man had adjusted his offense, it took time for the effect to appear. Winston definitely did it on purpose.

"Of course not, all 'island' grades are not for sale!" Locke said decisively.

There is nothing that cannot be sold, and if the negotiation fails, then the price paid is not enough.

"Then what about the 'city' class?" The bearded man was in an urgent mood. Britain still had a foundation in aircraft carriers. After all, the UK had imitated the "city" class back then.

It is a pity that during the Russo-Japanese War, Russia's main fleet set off from Europe, bypassed Africa and crossed half of the world to East Asia to participate in the war, and then the entire army was wiped out, which became an eternal pain in the hearts of the Russians.

Although the "Midway Island" is powerful, it will immediately pale in comparison to the new aircraft carriers in southern Africa. Even if it is built in this way, it will not be able to achieve its intended purpose, so the remaining three ships will not be built.

Crimea, where Yalta is located, is itself the base camp of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Originally, the Americans planned to build six "Midway Island"-class aircraft carriers, but three have already started construction. According to the plan, the construction of the other three will start in the second half of this year.

"Locke, I happen to have a question about the aircraft carrier. I'll have a good chat with you later." Winston provoked the bearded man face to face. Compared with Russia, southern Africa still has a closer relationship with the United Kingdom.

"Well, if you insist, you can take the time to talk to Sidney." Since the bearded man insisted, there was no reason for Rock to stop him.

The topics of the Yalta Conference have been basically completed, mainly the division of Poland and Eastern Europe, and the structure of the new League of Nations.

For hundreds of years, Russia has always hoped to break through the shackles of the Black Sea, and failed every time.

"The full load displacement is 120 tons, [-] carrier-based aircraft, equipped with jet fighters, and an electronic warfare command center—did the Americans just copy our plan?" People have no innovations. They at least upgraded the electronic warfare aircraft to an electronic warfare command center. With such a change, the temperament immediately improved.

The problem is that the new aircraft carrier project in southern Africa has not yet been formally approved, and it is now in a period of absolute secrecy, but at this critical moment, such a serious leak occurred, and it would be hell if Rock was in a good mood.

"Joseph, in fact, for Russia, the aircraft carrier is not of great significance, because Russia does not need an ocean-going navy." Rock's tone was sincere, but the expression of the bearded man was distorted.

The mentality of Americans now is similar to that of the British and Germans at that time.

The reason why the bearded man hated the British so much had something to do with the annihilation of the ocean-going fleet.

For the United Kingdom and Russia, the "city" class is advanced enough, at least the "city" class has a carrying capacity of 120 aircraft. In the United Kingdom and Russia, one is that the latest aircraft carrier can only carry 50 aircraft, and one aircraft carrier can only carry [-] aircraft. He doesn't even have an aircraft carrier, so he really has no right to dislike it.

Before World War I, Britain and Germany continued to build new battleships, and the arms race escalated one after another.

The purpose of throwing this smoke bomb in southern Africa is to make the United States invest more resources in the arms race, so that it can further consume the strength of the United States.

"Well, since you want to sell it so much, how can I refuse—" Sidney Milner quietly raised his big knife, if you don't kill you, I'm sorry that you took the initiative to send it to your door.

"You know, the 'Island' class aircraft carrier is the most powerful aircraft carrier in the world, bar none."

"Yes, I understand—" Wilson was a soldier, and he was not good at this kind of thing.

"Okay, 2 million—" Sidney Milner raised two fingers and emphasized: "Rand!"

(End of this chapter)

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