Many things are not a secret. Many people know that the cost of an "island" class aircraft carrier is only about 5000 million.

Of course, Wilson also knew that his official position was the head of the British Joint Staff Mission in Pretoria, field marshal, and he was more familiar with the situation in southern Africa.

"This price is not an offer for a friend!" The smile on Wilson's face gradually froze, and he could not accept this offer.

The price in 1944 had not yet inflated to the point where a warship cost hundreds of millions.

The cost of each of the most advanced "King" class battleships in the UK is about 800 million pounds, the cost of K-class destroyers is only 10, and the cost of the famous "Hood" is only 600 million pounds.

Although the "Island" class has been in service for more than 10 years, its performance is still at the forefront of the world. The current "Giant" class in the UK is not at the same level as the "Island".

It is embarrassing to say that the British "Giant" class aircraft carrier, although six have been built so far, has never participated in any battles and has truly become an existing fleet.

Compared with aircraft carriers in southern Africa and the United States, the performance of British aircraft carriers is too backward, which makes the Royal Navy very dissatisfied.

The Royal Navy also hopes to build a new aircraft carrier due to the national defense needs of the United Kingdom and its own image needs. This aircraft carrier is named "Malta" class. The volume is 5.7, and the cruising range can reach 33 nautical miles, which is equivalent to 80 kilometers. Its performance has basically reached the first-line level.

The plan is good, but the poor financial situation of the United Kingdom has caused this aircraft carrier to not actually start construction so far, and the cost of this aircraft carrier is only 2500 million pounds.

When Australia itself was threatened by the Japanese army, Australia still had two divisions fighting with the British army in North Africa, with a total of 6 divisions at the peak.

Not just monetary assistance.

France's post-war reconstruction is estimated to require 150 billion rand.

The current French government simply cannot afford the money, so Leon Bloom hopes to get a loan from Southern Africa.

After Japan launched the Pacific War, Malay Tiger Yamashita Bongwen swept across the Malay Peninsula, Z Fleet was wiped out, Thumb was killed in battle, and Australia was abandoned.

During the war, Britain successively built five more "King" class battleships, bringing the total number of battleships to 5.

Unlike the depressed Wilson, Sidney Milner is full of spirits, and now he really tastes the benefits of a strong country.

Referring to Britain's past experience in building large warships, if this aircraft carrier is put into production, the final cost is likely to double.

Therefore, Wilson has reason to believe that Leon Bloom will definitely accept some unreasonable offers for the loan.

Well, this reason is not important, what is important is that as long as the French appear, the Italians will not be absent.

It now appears that the UK does not intend to fulfill its promise not to let Australia leave.

When World War II first broke out, Britain had a total of 13 battleships.

Unlike the UK, it is relatively easy to make money in Australia. After all, it is a country sitting on a mine cart.

After his release, Leon Bloom became the leader of the left-wing party Popular Front again. Although France was not invited to participate in the Yalta Conference, Leon Bloom still came to Yalta to work hard for the post-war reconstruction of France.

Now Sidney Milner finally understands what is the dignity of a great power.

"I have to remind you that this price does not include carrier-based aircraft—" Sidney Milner's next words made Wilson furious.


However, Southern Africa still hopes that Australia will join the new League of Nations. After all, Australia's vote is still very important to Southern Africa.

Under such circumstances, at the most dangerous time, Britain still abandoned Australia and returned its defense focus to North Africa.

Italy is also facing post-war reconstruction—

Unlike the Australians, the French did not want to join the Southern African Union.

Like southern Africa, Britain also faced the problem of massive disarmament after the war.

The combat effectiveness of the Australian army is not comparable to that of the British and Indian troops. Even compared with the British native troops, the combat effectiveness is not inferior, and some aspects even far exceed it, such as the will to fight.

"General Collins, thank you very much for your trust. I believe that the Southern African Navy will definitely be able to protect Australia's interests." Sidney Milner didn't feel very real. Did you get 4 million rand?

"Hehe, don't worry my friend, I can give you—" Sidney Milner pretended to check the time with a very leisurely expression: "—as a friend, I can give you a day to think about it!"

Finding a father—or a godfather in other words—always pays protection fees.

The cost of a "Malta" is only 2500 million pounds.

The "Island" has a carrying capacity of about 120 aircraft. If it is equipped with the latest "Goshawk" fighter jets from southern Africa and sold together with the "Island", it is not completely unacceptable. After all, the United Kingdom can build on the basis of the "Goshawk" Research and development, as a country with sea power supremacy, can also be justified.

During World War II, Britain not only sought loans from southern Africa and the United States, but also obtained a large amount of financial assistance from overseas colonies. From Australia alone, Britain took nearly 10 billion pounds.

"We also think so. The southern African navy has become a key force for maintaining world peace. The Congress is discussing matters related to withdrawing from the Commonwealth. Together with southern Africa, we will become guardians of order in the Indian Ocean and even the Pacific Ocean." Kun Dean Collins is full of confidence, money is not a problem, what Australia wants is respect.

2 million?
It's drizzle, not only the French and Italians said they want two ships, but even Australia said that since there is no "island" class, then the "city" class is not unacceptable.

The key point is that the Australians hope that the purchased aircraft carrier will be handed over to the Indian Ocean Navy for continued management on the grounds of lack of sufficient manpower. This means that the Australian government will spend money to help the Southern African Navy maintain two aircraft carriers.

In this world war, although Australia did not send an expeditionary force equivalent to one-tenth of the total population of the country to participate in the war like the previous world war, it still spent 10 billion pounds to alleviate the financial difficulties of the United Kingdom to the greatest extent.

At that time, Britain was in the critical period of the North African campaign, and it was really powerless to fight against Japan. This became the main reason why Australia completely fell to southern Africa.

Of course, this is only the budget given by the Royal Navy and does not represent the final cost.

This price is also acceptable to Wilson. Before that, Wilson has already made psychological preparations.

These two aircraft carriers, including carrier-based aircraft, and the salaries of the officers and soldiers on board are paid by the Australian government.

In addition to money and troops, Australia also supported the British mainland with valuable food, wool, iron ore, and other important mineral resources and living materials during the World War, which were urgently needed by the British mainland.

Sidney Milner also knew that southern Africa was a powerful country before.

An aircraft carrier has about 2500 officers and soldiers, and two ships have only 5000.

Although the Royal Navy has only a few poor light aircraft carriers, the number of battleships has reached 15. These battleships will also face the end of decommissioning or selling in the near future.

Throughout World War II, a total of three British battleships were sunk, so there are a total of 15 British battleships still in service.

"Heh, is Australia also interested in the 'Island' class aircraft carrier?" Wilson was very angry. The presence of Australians here actually did not surprise him.

A mere 2500 million may become the last straw that crushes the Royal Navy.

"Why not? Australia also needs a strong fleet to protect Australia's interests—" Quentin seriously lacked respect for Wilson, and he didn't know whether he had forgotten or deliberately neglected, and he didn't even salute.

"We are also considering, after the end of the world war, to absorb more countries into the Southern African Union." Sidney Milner sent an important signal to Quentin.

This also means something else.

One more day!
Wilson didn't say a word, pushed away the chair angrily, turned and left with an angry snort.

This can only be conjecture. When Cunningham became the First Lord of the Sea, the fifth "King"-class battleship had been completed and served. Cunningham once wanted to stop the "Vanguard" battleship under construction. Faced with huge resistance, he had to give in and make compromises.

This makes people helpless.

But if the carrier-based aircraft is not included, then this price is completely insulting.

Also included is an annual "upkeep" of R1000 million.

This is understandable.

The once powerful battleship has now become a hot potato for the Royal Navy. Admiral Cunningham, who is also a member of the British delegation, has sighed countless times, how great it would be if the five "King" class battleships were replaced by aircraft carriers. .

"Sidney, as an ally, this price is completely unacceptable to us!" Wilson was very angry. This price was completely taken advantage of by Britain.

Then at the door of Sidney Milner's office, Wilson saw the famous writer from France, well-known literary and drama critic Leon Bloom.

At a time when battleships are dying and aircraft carriers are popular, the United Kingdom is unable to build a "Malta" class aircraft carrier because of the cost of only 2500 million pounds, but spends precious funds on the construction of battleships.

The Southern African Union has not absorbed new members for a long time.

Quentin's meaning is obvious, since the United Kingdom cannot protect Australia, then Australia has to work hard to protect itself.

But Sidney Milner doesn't really feel where it is embodied.

"Great, when I get back to Canberra, I will definitely report the good news to John." Quentin Collins is very happy. With Australia's relationship with southern Africa, as long as the Southern African Union absorbs new members, Australia's chances will be great. very big.

This disappointed Australia very much.

Or find a new dad.

According to the standards of southern Africa, the annual cost of an aircraft carrier in service is about 450 million.

I don't know when it started, Australia, a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, has better and better relations with southern Africa, and is getting farther and farther away from Britain, the suzerain country.

Nor can it be said to abandon.

So the quotation of [-] million is really not high, because as long as the French and the Italians express their interest in the "Island" class aircraft carrier at the same time——

[-] million is a very suitable price for Australia.

"Island" is one of the most powerful aircraft carriers in the world. According to the usual practice, even if Southern Africa is to sell, the price will double to about [-] million rand.

Leon Bloom was very angry about not being invited to the Yalta Conference. He believed that France did not get the respect it deserved. Although France fell during the World War, France was still the most important member of civilized society.

In the two world wars, the United Kingdom made many promises, especially this time, if the United Kingdom promised that Australia would go all out to support the British Empire as it did in the last World War, then after the war, the United Kingdom would allow Australia to do what Southern Africa did. , to become an independent sovereign state.

Of course, this must be based on the premise that Australia withdraws from the Commonwealth.

Leon Bloom is a Hebrew who once served as the Prime Minister of France. He was arrested by the Vichy government in 1940 and was released just last year.

To Wilson's surprise, he even saw Vice Admiral Quentin Collins from Australia in the lounge of the Vorontsov Palace.

Was Australia even less important to the British Empire than the barren land of North Africa?

Walking out of the Vorontsov Palace, Wilson looked up to the sky and sighed, times have really changed.

It should be noted that this does not include battlecruisers.

It's only 5000 million pounds if you double it, which is about the same as the cost of the "island" class.

Well, it doesn't matter whether you are interested or not. Even if the French and Italians are not interested, the profiteer Sidney Milner will also interest them.

In addition to Leon Bloom, Wilson also saw the arrival of Italy's Arched Gasperi.

A billion pounds, how many Maltas would it take to make.

Loans are naturally conditional.

The Australians were very generous and directly offered a price of 1000 million rand, which made it impossible for Sidney Milner to refuse.

Compared with the Southern African Union, the new League of Nations is seriously insufficient for Australia.

"Leon, I hope you can understand that Southern Africa has never disrespected friends, but we also encountered a lot of resistance in this matter." Sidney Milner took the initiative to explain to Leon Bloom , it is not that Southern Africa does not invite the French, but that someone disagrees.

Obviously, the greatest resistance comes from the United Kingdom.

If the French are asked to make a list of the most hated countries, then the United Kingdom will undoubtedly rank No.1.

As a participant in the two world wars, France was the biggest victim of the two world wars, not even one of them.

Germany does not count, Germany is the largest responsible country.

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