Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2570 Purification of the Soul

Chapter 2570 Purification of the Soul

Some people once said that the public opinion in southern Africa is daily milk, but it is not true. France is one of the most important allies of southern Africa in Europe. The reason why France gave up resistance in just a few days after the outbreak of World War II was not because the French were too weak. , but teammates are too pigs.

Don't be afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. This sentence is vividly reflected in France.

As an ally with Britain, no country will end up better than France.

As the biggest shit-stirrer in Europe and even in the whole world, the UK has done too many evils to write down. The root cause of the ups and downs of the relationship between southern Africa and the UK during the World Wars lies in the UK's malice towards the world.

For the benefit of Britain, the British did not hesitate to sacrifice the whole world. In the process of interacting with other countries, the indifference and selfishness of the British were fully displayed. Including Winston, the British's hostility towards southern Africa is also undisguised of.

The same is true of France.

Leon Bloom also knows the abhorrentness of the British. As a European, he graduated from the law department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. He once served as a legal consultant in the Administrative Court. He is good at analyzing complex cases and has independent thinking. , I have a deeper understanding of the essence of Britain.

"Before I came to Yalta, I met General de Gaulle in Paris. General de Gaulle was also very angry that France did not receive the invitation, but it was not surprising. After France chose to stop resisting, this is what we have to go through. ——" Leon Bloom's eyes are deep. He is already in his 70s. He was born in the second year after the failure of the Paris Commune. He has experienced two world wars and has a deeper understanding of the world.

Sidney Milner does not speak, he is actually very curious about France, especially in the current world, France is definitely a strange thing.

The European and American warships contemporaneous with these battleships have all been decommissioned and dismantled.

This matter cannot be expanded.

So here comes the problem.

How did France get its vast colonies in North and West Africa?

Europeans never talk about harmonious coexistence.

It's not stolen yet!

Even the UK does.

It was against this background that Derek came to Sasebo as a supplementary soldier.

This kind of thing cannot be restrained, and it still needs to be guided.

"Bloom, you should know that southern Africa has always been France's most staunch ally." Sidney Milner was very smart, and did not mention Free France or the Socialist Party, but used France.

There is one circumstance which fully demonstrates the value of these ships of the line in southern Africa.

It is best if someone is willing to take over these aircraft carriers now. An "island" sells for [-] million, which is enough to build a new type of aircraft carrier that the Southern African Navy hopes to obtain, so that it can effectively deal with the pressure brought by the US Navy. What Rock is most concerned about now Or war.

So when reporting to Rock, Sidney Milner emphasized the sincerity of the French.

The French now urgently need a security commitment. If southern Africa takes advantage of the fire and loots, the French will swallow their blood even if they smash their teeth.

Before the Allied forces landed, Japan released the plague virus on the entire island of Kyushu in an attempt to stop the advance of the Allied forces with the disease.

Of course, this idea is unacceptable to ordinary people.

That's exactly what Leon Bloom wanted.

The process of the Allied forces capturing Kyushu was lacklustre. There were not a few large-scale battles, and the only few Japanese counterattacks. Under the superior firepower and reorganized logistics of the Allied forces, the whole line collapsed after a short period of time. During the battle, the Allied forces Not many troops were lost.

The real headache is the non-combat attrition, which is more obvious in the US military.

Regardless of whether Rock is willing or not, jet landing and nuclear power are the kingly way. Southern Africa must do the same in order to safeguard its own interests. Therefore, these current aircraft carriers will be quickly eliminated in the next ten years or even a few years. Rock can't change this fact.

The French are happy with it.

However, Bloom does not fully agree with the Russian model. When the October Revolution broke out in Russia in 1917, leftists all over Europe cheered, but Bloom believed that "violent revolution" ran counter to the spirit of democracy—

The person with authority is Rock.

These four battleships are insignificant to the current southern African navy and basically have no value at all. For example, the "Congo" serving in the Atlantic Fleet has not used its main guns at all in the past two years. Similar to the British "Giant" class aircraft carrier.

"It doesn't have to be dismantled. We can convert it into a museum or a private yacht, as long as someone is willing to pay for it." Gavin's thinking is flexible. Who said that a battleship can only be dismantled when it is decommissioned?

But second-rate countries also have the benefits of second-rate countries. After withdrawing from the power struggle, France can use more resources to improve the living standards of its citizens, which is what Leon Bloom has always been pursuing.

The same is true for Leon Bloom, who was not accepted by mainstream French society for a long time. It was not until 1932, under the threat of extreme right forces, that Russia agreed with the Comintern to unite with the French non-Commintern left, and Bloom finally There is a chance.

As one of the most important ports in Kyushu, Sasebo is no exception. However, unlike other big cities such as Nagasaki and Fukuoka, as a military base, Sasebo has a small number of civilians, so it is not seriously affected by the plague.

In 1936, the Popular Front led by Leon Bloom won an unprecedented victory in the French parliamentary elections, the Socialist Party became the largest party in Congress, and Leon Bloom served as the French Prime Minister.

"Didn't the newspapers say that?" Derek, who was also from Oregon, was surprised. He had just arrived in Sasebo as a supplementary soldier, and everything was still fresh.

"The French don't have an urgent need for aircraft carriers, so I thought, why not sell our battleships to the French?" Sidney Milner is the real profiteer, even more than Stoudemire.

Regardless of how the Allies and the Japanese fought in reality, the official propaganda is that the world is united, and the newspapers also published photos of soldiers from the Southern African Expeditionary Force distributing candies to Japanese children. No one would believe it!

So there is great wisdom, through official channels, to provide outlets for American soldiers with severe excess energy.

You can't be as bottomless as the British.

While the Yalta Conference was going on, the war was still going on. The Allied forces on the Eastern Front were stepping up their attack on Vienna, and the offensive on the Western Front was about to begin.

Of course, it is also possible to convert it into a museum. In the future, southern Africans also need patriotic education, so that generations of southern Africans can experience the hardships of their ancestors when they started their businesses.

In France now, there is a lot of waste waiting to be built, and the funds needed for reconstruction reach tens of billions of rand, which cannot be paid by virtue of France's current situation.

Well, ministers in southern Africa, there is no such thing as a good thing.

"Not serious? Hehe, if you really believe it, then you are so naive!" Chris from Oregon, USA is rarely relaxed. Only in the wild can the Allied soldiers take off their gas masks and enjoy the sunshine and free air .

Wilson turned down an offer from Sidney Milner.

In dealing with the Japanese, the officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force are much more ruthless than the American soldiers, and the American soldiers will take a meager allowance to save the souls of Japan.

The only four battleships in southern Africa were all purchased from France and have been in service for more than 20 years.

"We still need to help the French build a fleet that is in line with France's current strength and international status. This is not only to maintain our image, but also to take care of the feelings of our allies." Although Ni Milner's plan is good, it also has great hidden dangers.

There is nothing more miraculous than this.

If Southern Africa is willing to give, then Southern Africa must be Leon Bloom's first choice.

That's why Martin never believes in inner sages and outer kings, and the dark forest is the kingly way.

"Don't worry about this matter, it's already very good to have the current result." Rock was satisfied, and it was a good thing that someone paid for it.

Although it is almost impossible, Rock also has to take into account the feelings of the French.

Stoudemire's private yacht converted from a battleship is the best example.

But what about the future?
Although France's international status has declined, it is not a country that anyone can insult. If the French work hard to become stronger, rely on their own efforts, and rely on their huge overseas colonies and the efforts of the French to achieve ZTE—

"If you can't sell it, you have to dismantle it yourself. A ship is always several million dollars in size. After this, a fleet of aircraft carriers comes out—" Martin felt distressed. When the French were strong, they would not be so complacent.

Of all the countries in the world, France was the first to attempt a republic.

Look at Winston, his importance to the United Kingdom is unmatched. The royal family is considering the title of "Duke of Renton" to thank Winston for his contribution to the United Kingdom, but in the British Parliament, Winston is in crisis , it is almost certain that as long as the world war is over, Winston will go down again.

Aristide Briand was Prime Minister eleven times in France, which is almost impossible in southern Africa, or any other country.

During his tenure as Prime Minister of France, Leon Bloom used his power as much as possible to help poor French families improve their lives and strive to improve social welfare. When fighting against the threat of extreme right forces, Leon Bloom took the lead and almost lost his life , That's why Leon Bloom gained the trust of the French.

When everyone mentions France, the first impression is that the prime minister of France is like a revolving lantern, but this also means that in France, anyone with political ideals can try to display their ambitions.

Before and after World War I, Sasebo became one of the most important bases of the Japanese Navy. It has one of the most important naval ports of the Japanese Navy and is also the most important base of the Japanese Navy's submarine force.

"France is no longer obsessed with colonialism and no longer expands abroad. In fact, we are not interested in the most advanced aircraft carrier at all, but if we can get a security commitment, this is what we hope to get." Leon Bloom Very frankly, since there is no power to object, it is better to accept it frankly.

But Martin next to him blurted out: "That's a really good idea!"

Sasebo, Nagasaki, was still a fishing village in the Edo period. Until the Meiji period, the Japanese navy set up the Sasebo tutelary fort here, which became the center of gravity of Japan's defense of the western sea area, and also drove the rapid development of the area.

Rock originally wanted to say "You are too much."

Compared with American soldiers, southern African soldiers are relatively clean, at least they don't fight with Japanese women for fun.

Regardless of the low profile of the French now, when France was strong, it was invincible all over Europe, otherwise there would be no such thing as "the world's number one army".

How much is four battleships, and the more than a dozen heavy-duty aircraft carriers that are about to be decommissioned, and the fleet aircraft carriers converted from comprehensive supply ships are the big ones.

"Of course I know, that's why I came here. Friendship is not a one-sided contribution, but a two-way flow." Leon Bloom knows Sidney Milner's authority, and there are some promises that Sidney cannot give.

"The newspapers also told you that Japan and the United States are friendly, can you believe that?" Chris taught the recruits in the tone of someone who had experienced it.

After two world wars, France has inevitably become a second-rate country.

In the far East, the Allied offensive against Japan continued.

Dismantling a battleship requires a huge expense. Compared with dismantling, selling second-hand is a better choice.

American soldiers with lax military discipline were unlucky. Many people not only contracted diseases in the process of communicating with Japanese women, but were also attacked by Japanese women. MacArthur had to issue an order to prohibit the US military from communicating with unidentified women during the battle. Have a relationship.

This has led to a new problem. Even if there is no plague, there will be other diseases that threaten the health of American soldiers. Take the 47th Infantry Division of the US Army as an example. Within a month of landing in Kyushu, the number of non-combat casualties reached an astonishing 30.00% of.

The main purpose of Leon Blum coming to Yalta this time is to get the loan needed for the reconstruction lawsuit. As for how the money came from, Leon Bloom doesn't care.

After all, only Stoudemire can do such a thing as converting a battleship into a private yacht.

But if Southern Africa won't, so can the US.

In Sidney Milner's plan, selling the battleships originally purchased from France to the French at the original price or at a higher price than the original price of [-] million rand to the British too much.

The soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force can only use incendiary bombs and grenades to purify the souls of the Japanese.

"There are a lot of cars coming out of the port every day." Derek suddenly realized that the entire Sasebo military port is now under military control, and thousands of corpses are pulled away every day and burned on the wild wasteland.

This is the most effective way to deal with viruses.

"It doesn't matter to us, they were all killed by the virus dropped by the Japanese government!" Chris emphasized, how could the righteous allies kill innocent people indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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