Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2571 Let's Pray

The Allied Forces will indeed not kill innocent people indiscriminately, they will only do justice for the sky.

Faced with such a country that has fallen into madness from top to bottom, it is difficult to treat it rationally. After the Allied forces invaded Sasebo, one of the things they did the most was to collect the corpses of the Japanese who died after being infected with the plague. corpse.

It is amazing to say that Japan is a country that loves to study various diseases, but has not invested much energy in virus vaccines. Therefore, most Japanese people have not been vaccinated against plague. As a result, once the plague broke out, ten rooms were empty.

"Aren't the Japanese citizens of Japan? Why is the Japanese government so ruthless?" Derek was puzzled, but this was on Japanese soil.

Chris sneered and said nothing. The Japanese government is cruel, but how good is the United States?

I have emphasized many times in the previous article that this is a worse world. The United States is just one of the most rotten countries that looks relatively normal. In essence, Japan is no different from last year.

Not to mention, during the Great Depression, the U.S. government would rather watch the farmers pour milk into the river than buy it and distribute it to the poor who were about to starve to death. This fully proved the hypocrisy and cruelty of the U.S. government.

Almost 12 years have passed since the Great Depression. No one has ever counted how many people starved to death in the United States during the Great Depression.

The "New York Times" published a set of data, saying that 29 people died of starvation in New York, and another 110 people died of malnutrition, most of them children.

The start and end times of this data are unknown and do not represent the real situation in the United States.

Back at the gate of the station, several women who looked obviously well-groomed but still could not hide their haggardness were posing. Their prices were very low, and they only needed a piece of bread to spend the spring night with them.

"The meeting in Crimea is over. If the war cannot end in a short time, then Russia will transfer its troops from Europe to East Asia. This is definitely something that neither you nor I want to see." MacArthur is not in a hurry Not too late, An Qi finally felt a little uncomfortable.

Going forward, there were a few homeless men rummaging through the trash to eat. One guy found half a box of food that looked moldy, and stuffed it into his mouth without cleaning it up. Two people next to him rushed over to snatch it. The three of them rolled into a ball in the garbage dump.

The damage caused by the super bomb is always limited, and An Qi wants to see if the Allied forces continue to attack north, will the Japanese government continue to stop the Allied forces with diseases.

"To what extent has your super bomb been carried out?" MacArthur made the foreshadowing, and the purpose was still to test.

When Chris and Derek entered the camp, they still needed to be disinfected. An officer on duty with a spray came over and sprayed the motorcycle up and down, including the sidecar.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you block it, An Qi's determination will not change.

If you look at it this way, the Americans really don't have many qualifications to deny the Japanese government.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force also fought the Battle of Budapest with the Russian Army on the Eastern Front. Like the British Army, the American Army was either fishing and basking in the sun in Italy, or playing football and watching movies in France, spending their days leisurely.

Regarding the super bomb, the southern African media did not report accurately, only some sporadic news came out, such as an earthquake occurred on some islands in the South Atlantic Ocean at the end of last year, and then the relevant area was tightly sealed off, and the outside world did not know what really happened .

All of this is gone now, and everyone is equal before super bombs. If the number of super bombs in southern Africa reaches a certain level, then even if all countries outside of southern Africa join forces, they will not dare to go to war with southern Africa.

Of course, it is not easy to come back.

"If the war can be ended in a faster and more effective way, it will be more beneficial to us." MacArthur Xiang Zhuang danced his sword, and the reassessment was just an excuse.

"Marshal, we now need to re-examine the Olympic plan. With reference to the combat process in Kyushu, our previous prediction may be correct. If we continue to attack, it will cause us unacceptable losses." MacArthur hesitated slightly. In the previous assessment, the alliance If the army lands on the Japanese mainland, it may suffer a loss of about 200 million people.

Another set of data shows that between 1900 and 1960, the United States had an average population increase of about 1700 million per decade, but between 1930 and 1940, the United States only increased by 900 million people. If you refer to this data, then During the Great Depression, the United States lost about 800 to 1000 million people.

"What do you mean?" Angie was calm. MacArthur's performance was too obvious, and he didn't talk about strategy at all.

The Rokers are still in Yalta, and haven't seen Angie's report in time.

It now appears that the Allied Forces still underestimated Japan's biological capabilities.

Therefore, the time left for An Qi and MacArthur will not exceed half a year.

When preparing to return to the urban area, both Chris and Derek put on gas masks. When entering the urban area, Chris and Derek found that the southern African soldiers patrolling the streets only wore masks.

Derek and Chris only have a sidecar motorcycle, and there is still a problem with the joint. As long as it starts to drive, the joint will creak, and the sidecar shakes very badly. will fall apart.

The warship is also not good, the speed is too fast and the turbulence is not conducive to the stability of Roosevelt's condition, so Roque simply transferred the medical ship of the Cyprus Squadron to send Roosevelt to Cyprus first, and then decide when to return to the United States depending on the situation .

Among them, the downsizing of the US military is even more serious.

The southern African soldiers patrolling the streets are riding in sturdy armored vehicles and are well protected in terms of safety.

Taking a step back, even if the Japanese government has this ability, what does it matter, anyway, it is not the southern Africans who died.

An Qi laughed and shook her hands, there is no need to help with this matter, just slow down.

"The soldiers are full of blood and full of energy. It is difficult for us to lock them in the barracks." MacArthur can only hope that the vaccine will be shipped from southern Africa as soon as possible.

Being inaccessible has the advantage of being inaccessible. At the very least, if something happens to President Roosevelt, it has nothing to do with the doctor Roque sent for consultation. Southern Africa has done everything possible to help Roosevelt.

This is also normal. All southern African officers and soldiers participating in the Japanese mainland operations have been vaccinated against plague, and there are very few non-combat attrition. The Allied East Asia Command is mobilizing vaccines from southern Africa and preparing to vaccinate all US military officers and soldiers.

Later, Angie reported to Pretoria the progress of the Far East.

20 people are actually not that many. When Russia hit Budapest, the total number of casualties is still more than 20. This is the whole of Japan.

"Mike, to conquer a country like Japan, relying solely on super bombs is not enough." Angie's words should be expressed in another way: to punish Japan, relying on super bombs alone is not enough.

After the resumption of the offensive, the losses of the US military in Austria were also very small, at least not serious enough to attract the attention of Congress.

Therefore, no large-scale war broke out in the decades after World War II. It is not that people have become peace-loving, but that a deterrent balance has been achieved in a certain sense, so people began to restrain themselves.

In previous wars, the soldiers fought on the front line, while the masters planned strategies in the rear. It seemed thrilling, but in fact there was no risk at all.

Compared with Yalta, the medical conditions in Cyprus are not bad.

The Great Siberian Plain, nearly ten million square kilometers of land, Russia's population is less than one million, the standard is sparsely populated.

"We need to act as soon as possible, continue to fight, and prevent more humanitarian tragedies from happening." An Qi wanted to skip Kyushu Island and continue to attack north.

so amazing!
In essence, MacArthur, like the bearded and the mustaches, is a cold-blooded person who regards human life as nothing. They don't care about the number of casualties, but only whether they can achieve their goals.

For this problem, Angie and MacArthur also have a headache.

The Olympic plan has been revised several times. In the last assessment, the loss has dropped to about 20 people, which is a range acceptable to both Angie and MacArthur.

"Attacking Japan's densely populated areas with super bombs and completely destroying Japan's production capacity is the most effective way to end the war as soon as possible." MacArthur also wanted to see if the super bombs in southern Africa were really as devastating as the legends said land.

"I'm not in charge of this, I'm only responsible for using it." An Qi would not deny it, let alone reveal it.

On the side of the street, a dying middle-aged man was struggling. His clothes looked good, but now he couldn't even save himself.

"Are you afraid?" Angie asked generals rather than aggressive generals, and MacArthur also cared about the number of casualties?

In this case, Roosevelt could not leave Yalta by plane at all, but could only leave by warship.

On the last night of leaving Yalta, Roosevelt's condition suddenly worsened. After emergency rescue by the accompanying doctors, although Roosevelt's condition stabilized, he was unconscious.

sprinkled -

Relatively speaking, among all theaters, East Asia suffered more serious losses, which made MacArthur very uncomfortable.

The bearded man wants to transfer troops from Europe to the Far East. If the number is small, it will be useless. If there are too many people, the logistical pressure will be too great.

To spread the plague virus all over Kyushu Island, the amount needed is also astronomical. The Allied Command previously estimated that it would be difficult for the Japanese government to do so, so spreading the virus all over Kyushu is more like a threat.

"If you want, you can—" The officer on duty smiled unsmilingly, and was not satisfied with Chris and Derek's behavior of leaving the station at will.

Like Eisenhower, MacArthur was not a pure soldier. He had political ambitions, otherwise he would not have run to the Philippines as the emperor after World War I.

Unlike all previous weapons, the atomic bomb is too terrifying. As long as southern Africa has it, it will be almost invincible.

First of all, there is one point that An Qi definitely does not want Russia to return to the Far East.

If it's just war trauma, Derek can take it.

"It's hell here, I want to go home—" Derek muttered, traumatized.

An Qi is also very clear about the process of the Yalta Conference, especially about when Russia will enter the war in the Far East, which An Qi focuses on.

"The president's situation is very unstable. We didn't get a chance to get close to the president. The medical team around the president is very vigilant—" Yang Smotz was slightly regretful, but at the same time thankful.

"Do you want to disinfect the inside of the mask too?" Chris smiled, still in the mood to joke.

Hell indeed.

"It's not that serious, this is a hell for the Japanese!" Chris's voice came from behind the gas mask, and it wasn't very clear.

The entire Sasebo, or the entire Kyushu Island, is now full of plague. In order to reduce the threat, the Allied Command ordered to reduce going out as much as possible, but there are always people asking for leave for various reasons, and it is difficult to completely ban it.

"How is it possible! The word fear does not exist in my dictionary at all." MacArthur did not admit that he was indeed not afraid, and asked to re-evaluate the Olympic plan.

In the winter that just passed, the US military's operations in Europe basically came to a standstill.

Therefore, the bearded man continues to increase the population to Siberia, on the one hand to reduce Russia's local resistance, and on the other hand to strengthen its control over Siberia.

"Two if one is not enough, if the productivity in southern Africa is insufficient, we can help!" MacArthur boasted.

But compared with the Southern African Expeditionary Force, the U.S. military has become a second-rate force, which makes Derek very sad.

During the Battle of Kyushu, the losses of the Allied forces in the battle were minimal, and more than 90.00% of the attrition was caused by the infection of the disease after the invasion of the city.

With the super bomb, the situation has completely changed. In the past, when facing bombing, dignitaries hid in air-raid shelters with perfect defenses, enough to ensure their own safety.

It is impossible to hide the atomic bomb project from the Americans. The Americans also know that southern Africa already has the ability to drop super bombs on the battlefield at any time. The key is the quantity.

After the end of this war, MacArthur still will not be willing to be lonely. If he wants to continue to shine, he must control the casualties of the US military.

Of course, it is also impossible. With the biological manufacturing capabilities of southern Africa, it is impossible to produce a plague virus that can spread all over Japan in a short period of time.

Although southern Africa has always been the focus of American infiltration, Americans have never found the right way, so southern Africa is opaque to the United States.

"Pray for Mr. President, this is the only thing we can do now." Roque was in a complicated mood. He couldn't remember when Roosevelt died, it seemed to be this year.

Rock has known Roosevelt for more than ten years since Roosevelt became the President of the United States.

In the past ten or so years, although southern Africa and the United States have not been harmonious, and even a proxy war broke out, generally speaking, Roque still respects Roosevelt.

So when Rock knew the news, his mood was extremely complicated.

Without Roosevelt, I don't know where the United States will go.

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