Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2585 Easy reverse push

Chapter 2585 Easy reverse push
God of War has evolved into the era of tank battles, and it is still one of the most important decisive factors to dominate the battlefield.

Southern African artillery has a long history and played an important role during the last world war. During the two world wars, southern African infantry and armor were abolished in large numbers, and the artillery has maintained a relatively large scale.

Compared with the last World War, artillery in southern Africa has made great progress. The proportion of self-propelled artillery has greatly increased. The installation of rocket launchers has further improved the strike capability of artillery. Traditionally, in southern Africa, as long as artillery The problems solved will never be filled with human life.

Compared with the Southern African Expeditionary Force, the firepower of the German Army has dropped significantly. In 39, the German Army’s artillery strength was still very strong. After five years of bloody battles, the newly formed infantry divisions of the German Army, even the Artillery Regiment, had no It has been cancelled, leaving mere infantry.

Kesselring's men were not considered elite. Although they were all composed of Germans, they were formed in a hurry on the basis of the remnants of the formation, plus the old, weak, sick and disabled who had not undergone strict training.

The combat effectiveness of these troops can also be imagined.

There is a saying in the army that veterans are afraid of guns and recruits are afraid of guns.

The reason is that veterans all know that experienced heavy machine gunners can suppress infantry or make precise point kills. When infantry faces heavy machine guns, they have almost no ability to resist.

The recruits didn't know enough about the threat of heavy machine guns. On the contrary, the power of artillery was more deterrent. Many recruits were inexperienced in the face of shelling and didn't know how to deal with it, so the casualties naturally skyrocketed.

Most of the German troops attacking Remagen were recruits.

The shelling of the expeditionary force had just begun, and the German attack fell into chaos. After losing the protection of the tanks, the German army was completely unable to organize an effective attack and ended hastily.

The expeditionary force is not only equipped with a large number of heavy artillery, but also has a large number of mortars and anti-tank guns. Even anti-aircraft machine guns can be used as heavy machine guns when facing an attack. The expeditionary force positions that were carefully constructed and armed to the teeth were impossible to attack.

So Qi Ning was very surprised, he didn't get a chance to shoot at all, and the attacking German soldiers didn't even enter Qi Ning's range.

The firepower mix of the Southern African Expeditionary Force is very reasonable. There are artillery at long distances and various light and heavy machine guns at medium distances. Light infantry only have the opportunity to shoot after the German army enters the range of 300 meters.

300 meters is just an approximate number. At this distance, unless a precise shooter with excellent shooting skills has a chance to hit accurately, other people don't need to waste bullets, which is basically useless.

Qi Ning's shooting skills are also good, but he is not sure at a distance of 300 meters. Assault rifles are more efficient at a distance of 200 meters. At a distance of 300 meters, only grenades can play a role.

The expeditionary force also has a lot of grenades, most of which are professional grenades issued with "super revolvers". The light infantry's rifles rarely have grenade launchers attached to them. This stuff is more useful in urban warfare, but not very useful in field combat. .

"This is the end?" Cargill, who also didn't get the chance, was also disappointed. He didn't expect that the German army would collapse at the first touch, without the slightest resilience.

"Otherwise, what else do you want - wait for the German army to rush up and fight them for [-] rounds?" Qining packed his things and prepared to go back to the bunker.

Under normal circumstances, after the German army fails to attack, it will then conduct saturated bombardment of the expeditionary force's position, and then launch a second attack.

War is like this, in fact, it is very boring. After the bombardment, there will be a ground attack until one side can't hold on.

Of course, the defenders were not just being beaten passively. More than ten days were enough for the expeditionary force to set up a perfect defensive position.

During the trench warfare during World War I, the expeditionary force used excellent civil engineering to minimize casualties.

After more than 20 years of repeated improvement, the southern African army has made great progress in civil engineering. The positions are not to be said to be impenetrable, but there must be some. The artillery holes and foxholes are connected through traffic trenches. The firepower of light and heavy machine guns is reasonably matched. Anti-tank guns The armored vehicles, tanks and battle positions that assist in the defense have also been specially reinforced. It is difficult for the German army to break through the positions of the expeditionary force without paying a huge price.

The Germans were indeed mechanically old-fashioned, just as Qi Ning imagined, and the shelling began soon.

At this time, Qi Ning, Kargil, and other comrades in arms had already hid in the strong anti-gun hole, waiting for the shelling to end.

The anti-blasting hole is specially reinforced. Construction machinery is used to dig a deep pit more than ten meters deep on the ground, and it is reinforced with logs or steel frame structures. It is covered with a layer of soil up to ten meters thick, and it is safe to hit a 203mm shell directly.

The German artillery bombardment did not last too long. The southern African artillery quickly calculated the position of the German artillery and counterattacked.

Fighter-bombers also swarmed in. At such a short distance, strategic bombers are useless, but the "Cheetah" can exert its power to the greatest extent. The Germans are very stupid to arrange artillery positions in the woods, and the bombing effect is not good. .

But then, the swarming "cheetahs" switched to incendiary bombs.

Compared with high-explosive bombs, incendiary bombs are more effective in special environments. Water and fire are ruthless. If a bunch of incendiary bombs are thrown down, the German artillery in the dense forest has no time to move, and they are all burned.

The description here is very brief, a hundred or ten words have been summed up in one stroke. In fact, the whole process from shelling to countermeasures lasted more than two hours. During the whole process, the German army launched a second attack.

Compared with the first tentative attack, the Germans' second attack was finally an improvement.

Here I want to talk about the terrain around the town of Remagen.

Similar to the Netherlands with a dense water network, the town of Remagen is located on the banks of the Rhine, and the river channels are naturally well developed. There are three rivers around the entire town of Remagen. Although they are not big rivers, they can also form an effective attack on the German army. Restrictions, after all, rivers are natural anti-tank trenches for armored forces.

Relying on these rivers, the defense of the expeditionary force can naturally be arranged in a targeted manner. After all, there are not many areas for German tanks to pass through. As long as a sufficient number of anti-tank guns are deployed in key areas, it is enough to deal with attacks in most cases .

The Germans are still very smart. After the previous failure, this time they were very smart to avoid key defense areas, use explosives to flatten the river, and launch an attack along the river.

Qi Ning finally got the chance to fire.

Bah bah—— bah bah——

Qi Ning emptied the magazine, came to the ready firing position when changing the magazine, and continued to fire at the attacking German army.

Kesselring also knew that the situation was urgent. As time went by, the number of expeditionary troops crossing the river would increase, and it would become more and more difficult to recover Remagen.

Therefore, the German army went all out as soon as it came up, almost ignoring casualties, and attacked with all its strength.

The positions of the two sides were not far apart. After paying countless costs, the German army finally advanced the position to a place about 100 meters away from the line of defense.

This is also the limit. If the distance is closer, the grenades of the expeditionary force can be thrown directly into the German positions. The Germans have to save even the grenades now, and the number of submachine guns is not many.

Speaking of submachine guns, the German army began to equip the troops with the MP1938 in 38, which is definitely a leader.

The MP38 was produced by the German army in 1938 to meet the needs of the armored forces and paratroopers, and it was installed in the same year, hence the name.

Compared with Russia's Bobosa, the MP38's firepower continuity is slightly insufficient, but its performance is more reliable, but it is limited to the logistical capabilities of the German army. The number of MP38 is slightly insufficient, and only about 100 million pieces have been produced.

Bobosha began to equip the Russian army in 41 years, and has produced 400 million pieces so far.

Assault rifles in southern Africa have produced more than 500 million pieces so far, and they are widely equipped with allied forces in various battlefields, and the response has been good.

"Armored troops are ready to attack, prepare for battle—" The officers' orders and whistles sounded in the trenches. Although walkie-talkies have been widely equipped with troops, the vitality of the whistle is still tenacious.

Qi Ning put on a new magazine, pulled out the bayonet following the military post, thought for a while and put the bayonet back into the scabbard, it probably won't be needed.

It is impossible for the German offensive infantry to carry a large number of anti-tank weapons, so to counterattack, tanks must be the most effective weapon, there is no doubt about it.

There are a large number of tanks in the expeditionary force, the "Lion" and "Tiger" are the most advanced, and the "Leopard" has not been eliminated. When facing the German No. [-] or even No. [-] tanks, the "Leopard" is also count backward.

Qi Ning was lucky, he caught up with a "Lion" tank, surrounded by more than a dozen officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force, Qi Ning's military rank was actually the highest, so he became the commander of this temporary team.

The "Lion" tank, which has been strictly restricted since the start of the war, was like a tiger coming out of its cage, crushing the trenches where the German army was located with an unrivaled posture.

The fastest speed of the "Lion" in the field can reach 30 kilometers per hour, and Qi Ning had to remind the tank crew to control the speed in order to barely keep up.

At a distance of [-] meters, the "Lion" has already rushed into the German position without even using the accelerator. It feels that the engine is not hot.

In addition to an 88mm tank gun, the "Lion" type is also equipped with two 12.7mm machine guns, one of which is a coaxial machine gun and the other is a dual-purpose machine gun on the top of the tank.

When charging, the commander of the tank will naturally not take the risk of using the machine gun on the top of the tank. The coaxial machine gun is so powerful that it can almost clear a trench with a single shuttle. Many Germans have no way to escape. Raise your hands on the ground in surrender.

Qi Ning has a bottom line and will not shoot German soldiers who have surrendered.

Cargill, who had been by Qining's side all the time, shot red-eyed and knocked down a surrendered German soldier three times in a row. The corners of Qining's mouth moved, but he still didn't speak.

It was lucky to be shot to death.

Not far away, a flame-breathing tank modified from a "Leopard" style directly ignited dozens of German soldiers. Dozens of officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force watched with guns. No one shot, let alone put out the fire. I watched helplessly as people struggled and howled in the sea of ​​flames until they became motionless and turned into charred corpses.

Since joining the army, one must have the awareness to die in battle.

From the counterattack of the expeditionary force to the collapse of the German army, the whole process took no more than 5 minutes. It felt that the battle was over before the tankers had their best time.

The tank driver of a certain "Tiger" tank, probably blinded by killing, crossed the German trenches and chased after the retreating German army.

The infantry accompanying the tank attack must keep up. Some German troops did not lose their ability to resist, and even raised their guns to shoot at the "Tiger" tank.

Qi Ning half-kneeled on the ground, shooting accurately, and the advantages of the assault rifle were fully utilized at this time. The 30 rounds of bullets killed at least ten people, and almost no shots were missed.

As long as there is no order to stop the attack, continue to attack.

Contrary to the expectations of the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force, the German army seemed to have never expected that the counterattack of the expeditionary force came so quickly, so the German army at the starting point was unprepared, and when facing the attack of the expeditionary force's tanks, it was seriously lacking in effectiveness. The only way to deal with it seems to be to flee and surrender.

Qi Ning rushed into the German camp following the "Lion" tank, and looked at the German troops kneeling and surrendering one after another, feeling a little complicated.

The weather at the end of February and the beginning of March, although it is already spring, the weather is still a bit cold, especially in the morning and evening, cotton-padded clothes are still required.

These German soldiers didn't seem to have enough cotton coats, and many of them even wore raincoats as coats. Some German soldiers didn't even have steel helmets, and they wore single caps that are common in summer.

It can be clearly seen that the quality of the German army is not as good as before. Many German soldiers are thin and thin, and they seem to be malnourished.

This is also normal.

Although the German army swept across Europe in 39 and 40, it was already five years ago. Since then, the Allied forces have imposed a strict blockade on Germany. In recent years, Europe has been fighting. No one has the heart to farm and raise cattle. Germany Since 42, strict material control has been implemented, and food shortages are normal.

There has never been a food shortage in southern Africa, and the protection of the expeditionary force is the top priority. The federal government is afraid that the expeditionary force will be hungry, and all kinds of supplies are full. After one winter, all the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force have gained a lot of weight.

Looking at the German army that swept across Europe at this time, Qi Ning suddenly felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

The empire must march once more on the path of the ancient Teutonic warriors, to get the land for the German plow by the German sword, and the daily bread for the German people—

What did the Germans gain?
Even if the Germans gained something in the process, they still had to lose it.

The closest German soldier to Qi Ning looked like he was underage. He didn't have the beards common to Germans on his cheeks, and his sparse fluff was slightly green.

He knelt on the ground, his face was covered with tears, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was muttering something repeatedly.

Qi Ning can only speak some simple German, and can't hear what the other party is saying, but Qining can clearly feel the other party's fear.

Fear is right. Qining hopes that every German can remember the feeling of fear, so that when someone wants to start a war in the future, they will think about the consequences of the war.

(End of this chapter)

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