Chapter 2586 BBQ
Hegel said: The only lesson that mankind learns from history is that it learns no lesson from history.

This seems to be more obvious in Europe. If Europeans were good at learning their lessons, World War II would not have broken out.

Lei Zhen did not expect that the rash attack of certain tankers of the expeditionary army actually caused the collapse of the entire German army. The German army participated in the offensive with only two regiments, and they belonged to two divisions. The rapid collapse of these two regiments , As a result, a big hole was torn out of the so-called "encirclement circle" of the German army. Before Kesselring could mobilize troops to fill the line of defense, he suffered a series of blows.

When the German army began to attack, the roundabout southern African army had basically outflanked it.

When Kesselring realized that the situation was not good, the airborne troops sent by Patton also arrived smoothly and completed the airborne in the rear of the German army. Just 48 hours later, the southern African army carried out an anti-encirclement against the German army.

This encirclement is actually not strong enough. So far, the southern African army around Remagen has less than 10 troops, which is about the same strength as the German army, far less than ten times the encirclement.

"One hundred thousand versus one hundred thousand, I have the advantage, and I'm sure about Kesselring's troops!" Lei Zhen still had confidence, and it wasn't arrogance that I had the advantage.

All the troops of the expeditionary force participating in the battle were elite troops, and they didn't pay attention to the old, weak, sick and disabled under Kesselring's men.

Remagen's terrain is also very special, with criss-crossing rivers and numerous mountains. The expeditionary army only needs to focus on defense in key areas, and they can firmly block Kesselring's troops, making it impossible to escape.

"It's time to dispatch the bomber unit!" Tony Anderson was in high spirits. The annihilation battle of 10 people was not worth mentioning on the Russian battlefield, and it was extremely rare for the Allied forces on the Western Front.

The Normandy landing Allied forces dispatched 120 million people, and in the end only 8.7 Germans were killed and wounded, and about 20 people were missing.

The expeditionary force only dispatched 10 people, and blocked the same number of German troops in the encirclement. This is completely worthy of special mention, especially when the offensive of the British and American coalition forces was frustrated.

Really complied with that sentence, what is outstanding is not outstanding, it all depends on the background of the peers.

Although the German army was surrounded, Tony Anderson still didn't want to take risks. If the problem could be solved with bombers, he would not send ground troops.

The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry. The German army was fighting on the ground. Once it was in a desperate situation, it might explode with amazing combat power. It was more straightforward to use aerial bombs, anyway, there were a lot of them.

"No, no, Tony, we have to fully train our troops to meet future challenges." Lei Zhen thought further, he didn't regard the Germans as opponents at all.

The coordination of the interests of the top allied forces has nothing to do with Lei Zhen.

As a soldier, Lei Zhen's only concern is the combat effectiveness of the troops. If you come, you can stand, and if you fight, you will win. It doesn't matter who the enemy is.

Why are the Anglo-American South increasingly fearful of Russia?

The fundamental reason is that Russia has tens of millions of soldiers who have been tested by war. These soldiers are all killed by corpses and blood. They are rich in experience. Once they fight, victory or defeat is unpredictable.

Although the weapons and equipment of the southern African army are advanced, experience is always a problem due to lack of sufficient training. Rock advocates the theory of victory with weapons, but he is never superstitious. The generals in southern Africa are deeply influenced by Rock, and they must seize every opportunity to train their troops .

This may sound a bit cruel, after all, fighting is about killing people.

The problem is that there is no choice. Southern Africa is not wary, but it is never afraid of war. It must be ready to fight at any time.

"Lei, your thinking is very dangerous. You have just experienced a five-year world war, and no one wants to do it again." Tony Anderson was more optimistic than Lei Zhen, and did not think there would be a conflict with Russia.

Lei Zhen smiled without explaining.

The potential opponents in southern Africa are not only Russians, but also Americans and British.

Even the French, within the Mediterranean, had conflicting interests with southern Africa.

How can other people sleep on the side of the couch!

For the French, the Mediterranean is the side of the couch.

Of course, Lei Zhen did not blindly train troops at any cost. Air-ground coordination is also part of the war. Since Southern Africa has this condition, it must make full use of it.

The blitzkrieg of the Germans was also based on the premise of air supremacy. They first sent bombers to bomb the enemy's important strategic facilities such as command and communication centers, airports and other key locations, paralyzed the enemy's command system, and destroyed the enemy's aircraft at the airport before dispatching the ground. force.

It is now that the German army has lost its air supremacy, so it is passive everywhere. Going back to 39 and 40, the expeditionary force will definitely not go so smoothly.

Lei Zhen's attack also centered on the bomber.

The Ludendorff Bridge is a railway bridge that connects Bonn to Frankfurt through the railway. It is an important transportation hub in Germany.

Kesselring did not come to Remagen with the troops, but set up the headquarters in Bonn to command remotely, which paved the way for the failure of the German army.

Do you still remember the super operation in which the Allied forces cracked the German telegram? The German army does not seem to realize that the password system has been cracked and has not changed the password.

This led to the combat plan of Kesselring's troops, which was basically no secret to the expeditionary force.

After hitting the snake and hitting seven inches, Lei Zhen's first batch of bombers was sent to Bonn, and the number reached 1200.

Bonn is an ancient cultural city with a history of more than 2000 years. It is surrounded by water and has a population of about 10. At the beginning of the first century AD, the Roman Legion set up a barracks in Bonn. Bonn means "barracks".

Bonn is only 30 kilometers away from Cologne. When Cologne was bombed by the Allies, Bonn survived.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent, and Bonn finally ushered in the liquidation of the expeditionary bombers.

The effect of the bombing is very good. The German army is now seriously lacking anti-aircraft weapons. Kesselring seems to have been dazzled by the German victory in the Netherlands. Attending a banquet, a 100 kg aerial bomb hit the living room where Kesselring was, Kesselring's adjutant was killed on the spot, he was also seriously injured, and the German command was paralyzed.

Lei Zhen did not give the Germans a chance to breathe. While the strategic bombers bombed Bonn, the air force, mainly fighter-bombers, also attacked the Germans around the town of Remagen frantically. The four armored divisions of the German army were the top priority. The tanks of the six armored divisions did not add up to 200, and they were still under the key care of the expeditionary air force.

The Ninth Armored Division where Qi Ning is located is in the first attack sequence of the expeditionary force.

While the entire Air Force was attacking, the Ninth Armored Division was also ready to attack.

As the sharp knife unit, Qi Ning will follow the first batch of tanks to attack the German positions first.

Before the offensive is launched, the artillery must first strike the German garrison with firepower.

The self-propelled artillery equipped by the Ninth Armored Division was used intensively. The mortar squad and the rocket launcher unit accompanied the troops to attack. The Ninth Armored Division was equipped with 16 "Rainstorm" rocket vehicles, each of which could carry 130 10mm rocket vehicles. Rockets with a maximum range of [-] km.

This range is not too far. If it is a towed artillery or a self-propelled artillery with a caliber of 130mm, the artillery can have a range of more than 20 kilometers without using extended-range ammunition.

The advantage of "Heavy Rain" lies in its fast launch speed, great power, fast transfer speed, and it runs away after shooting, without giving the German artillery a chance to counterattack.

When the 130mm rocket was launched, the traces were obvious, and when the fuel burned, a huge smoke was emitted, forming an obvious wake in the air.

Twenty rocket vehicles fired a salvo, and the visual effect was still very spectacular. In just 2 minutes, hundreds of rockets flew directly towards the German garrison. Qi Ning had no time to appreciate the "Tiger" tanks that had completed their attack preparations. At the same time as the rocket was launched, it rushed to the German garrison at full speed.

There was a lot of snow last winter, the snow on the ground had not completely melted, and the road was extremely muddy. When the "Tiger" tank was sprinting with all its strength, the tracks picked up a lot of mud, and the infantry accompanying the tank's attack was very uncomfortable. Finally, get the maximum protection.

"Brother, can you slow down a bit, we can't keep up!" Qi Ning told the tanker by phone that the 1200-horsepower diesel engine really couldn't run on two legs.

The gasoline engine developed by Maybach for the German army has a false standard of 1200 horsepower, but it actually only has 700 horsepower.

The diesel engine provided by Diesel for the expeditionary force has a real 1200 horsepower, otherwise the "Tiger" would not be able to run so fast in the mud.

"Come up, lie down behind the turret—" The commander is extremely disgusted, who is protecting whom?
From Qi Ning's point of view, tanks must be accompanied by infantry protection.

Tankers don't think so.

When World War II first broke out, although the Southern African Expeditionary Force made some useful explorations on the use of armored forces, it still basically retained the combat mode of World War I.

After the battle of Kursk, the controversy about tanks finally came to a conclusion. Even without accompanying infantry, tanks can become a decisive factor on the battlefield. Southern Africa is already considering forming more professional mechanized troops, no longer equipped with infantry unit.

The current tank division is basically two armored regiments, plus a mechanized infantry regiment, plus an artillery regiment, with a total strength of about 1.3 people.

After removing the infantry regiment, the armored regiment was increased to three, and the artillery regiment was retained, so that the tank division can have a stronger attack power and play a more important role in the tank battle.

"Then the Germans fired at us, won't we be blamed?" Qi Ning didn't want to get in the car. Compared with the infantry, the target of the tank was too obvious.

Sitting on a tank to charge is indeed labor-saving, and the danger is greater. During the North African campaign, the accompanying infantry of the American armored forces used to ride on tanks in order to save effort, and in order not to be thrown off, they even tied themselves to the turret. As a result, the Germans A shell flew over, the tank was fine, and the infantry sitting on the tank suffered heavy casualties.

During combat in southern Africa, infantry were prohibited from riding tanks. In order to better cooperate, the accompanying infantry was even required to keep a certain distance from the tanks, so that they could avoid German shelling to the greatest extent.

The "Tiger" and "Lion" types of the expeditionary force were difficult to be destroyed by German artillery unless they were directly hit by large-caliber shells.

Compared with tanks, infantry is too fragile. In order to obtain cover, infantry often follow closely behind tanks, which is actually very dangerous.

"Don't worry, the Germans don't even have anti-tank guns, so take the lead?" The commander was very relieved. The Germans now have 40mm anti-aircraft guns, not to mention anti-tank guns, and the number of 88mm anti-aircraft guns is also limited.

The 88mm anti-aircraft guns began to be equipped with troops after the emergence of strategic bombers.

Later, the troops discovered that the efficiency of using 88mm anti-aircraft guns to hit bombers was actually not high. Instead, they were used to hit armored units, and the effect was remarkable.

As a result, 88mm anti-aircraft guns are increasingly being used as anti-aircraft guns.

Germany now has no relevant technology, and its resources are increasingly scarce. It is simply unable to mass-produce 88mm anti-aircraft guns to equip troops. It can only pull out 40mm anti-aircraft guns from the warehouse for emergency.

These 40mm anti-aircraft guns were not originally used to equip the army, but to upgrade the anti-aircraft firepower of warships.

After the Great London Air Battle, the number of German naval dispatches became less and less.

After the outbreak of the Russo-German War, the German army put all its energy on the army. These 40mm anti-aircraft guns, which were originally used to upgrade the anti-aircraft firepower of warships, were also used to strengthen the air defense capabilities of the army divisions.

If the 40mm anti-aircraft gun hits the "Tiger" type, it may not be powerful enough and the effect is not good.

It is good for light tanks or armored vehicles.

"That's right—" Qi Ning is a scout, and he knows the situation of the German army better, so he didn't turn his mind just now.

The infantry got on the tanks, and the speed of advancement was greatly accelerated, and they soon came out of the German camp.

Even Qining didn't expect it, and the German army didn't seem to expect that the expeditionary force would take the initiative to attack under the pressure of large soldiers, so they hardly made any defensive preparations.

The reason for saying almost is because an anti-tank trench was dug outside the German camp.

However, this trench is not complete enough, neither deep enough nor wide enough, it is completely manageable, if it is to be destroyed, it is very easy.

The "Tiger" tank stopped in front of the anti-tank trench, but Qi Ning did not get off the vehicle.

The German camp opposite the anti-tank trenches has been engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. The fighter-bombers must have used incendiary bombs. Many German military vehicles are burning, and a large number of trees around the camp have been ignited, like huge torches. Can't get close at all.

"Back, back—" Qi Ning felt his eyebrows were scorched.

There is no need for Qi Ning to remind, the tankers are more active, they sit in iron boxes, and are more sensitive to temperature changes.

Across the anti-tank trenches, you can see many firemen burning in the German camp. Qining didn't respond. Kargil next to him vomited profusely. The expressions of other soldiers were also ugly. Intense BBQ flavor.

After this battle, it is estimated that many officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force will no longer want to eat barbecue in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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