Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2611 Another one to quit

Chapter 2611 Another one to quit
In terms of breaking the colonial monopoly, southern Africa is not as urgent as the United States.

Southern Africa used to be a country of the Commonwealth of Nations, and had a good relationship with Australia and Canada. If products want to enter the Australian and Canadian markets, although they have to change their appearance, they can still enter.

It is more difficult for American products to enter Australia and Canada. After all, the needs of Australia and Canada can be met in southern Africa, so there is no need to look far away.

The same goes for French-controlled North and West Africa.

During the World War, the relationship between the French mainland and its overseas colonies was almost severed. Southern African goods took the opportunity to sell well in North Africa and West Africa along with the expeditionary forces. De Gaulle was powerless to object, because this was one of the conditions for the Southern African federal government to recognize Free France.

As mentioned earlier, foreign aid in southern Africa is not free, even under the banner of free, there are actually conditions attached.

Some conditions seem fair, but in fact there are hidden traps, which are nothing compared to some free aid.

For example, about 5.00% of Southern Africa’s cash aid to Free France is non-refundable, and the remaining 90.00% is to be repaid, plus interest.

Even if only 5.00% is free, the federal government of Southern Africa can make a big publicity. Those who don't know think that all the aid from Southern Africa to France is free.

The condition of grant aid is to open up the market to each other.

Opening up to each other seems fair, but in fact there are secrets hidden.

France has it, Southern Africa has it, and it's in greater quantity, better quality, and cheaper, and Southern Africa has hardly any demand for French goods other than champagne.

There are some in southern Africa, but not necessarily in France.

Such as cars.

Renault of France used to be the largest car manufacturer in Europe, but because of its cooperation with Germany during the World War, Renault has not resumed production until now, and it seems that it is nowhere in sight.

However, France's demand for cars has not decreased. In the foreseeable future, with the recovery of the French economy, France's demand for cars will continue to grow.

In this case, if a large number of southern African cars are exported to France, Renault may be gone.

De Gaulle kept saying that he wanted to retain a part of the armed forces, which was also a business opportunity.

Among other things, if de Gaulle wants to form a modern air force, he must import fighter jets from southern Africa. It is not impossible to develop his own, it depends on the determination of the French.

De Gaulle has the final say on matters concerning France. Even if de Gaulle is right, he must obtain the approval of the three levels of parliament in France.

The cost of developing fighter jets is high. Even if the research and development is successful, there must be a certain gap in performance compared with the most advanced fighter jets. Therefore, Charles de Gaulle's idea is to purchase engine parts from southern Africa, assemble and produce them in France, and finally sell them to related companies in southern Africa. With the help, France has the ability to manufacture advanced fighter jets.

The advanced fighter here refers to the jet fighter that has just appeared.

The idea was good, but Rock didn't agree.

It's not that jet fighters can't be sold. The time is wrong. If the French want to buy them, they can wait for the next-generation fighter jets in southern Africa to enter service in a few years.

France is already one of the few powerful countries in the world.

Even France has to make such a big concession to southern Africa, needless to say other countries.

By the way, the agreements signed between southern Africa and European countries are all exclusive, so if Truman wants to open the European market, he must get Rock's consent, otherwise the relevant countries will not open their markets to the United States at all.

Under the circumstances, it is no wonder that the United States is betting heavily on Russia.

In fact, Russia also has an agreement with southern Africa.

But what the Russians say is not very credible, just listen to it, and don't have too much confidence in the Russian contract spirit.

"The old era has passed, and the future belongs to all of us. We will embrace the world with a more open attitude, and use our hands to create a better life together—" Rock painted cakes for Truman, and the words were beautiful. Let's talk about how to do it.

Roosevelt, as the leader of the main allied countries, many people came to the funeral, and naturally Rock's old friend William King was indispensable.

Beginning in 1921, William King served as Prime Minister of Canada for three times. He was in power for 18 years and was the most influential prime minister in Canadian history.

In the past few years, William King's life has been very difficult. The world war has had a huge impact on Canada's economy. On the one hand, William King has to work hard to support European operations, and on the other hand, he must appease the relationship between the Canadian federal government and the dominions. This made William King physically and mentally exhausted.

It started with William King being elected Prime Minister of Canada for the third time ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Canada had not yet emerged from the shadow of the Great Depression. The economy was in recession, with heavy debts, and conflicts between the federal government and the dominions.

During the campaign, William King promised that once elected, he would work hard to eliminate poverty, reverse the decline, and restore economic and social prosperity.

This will not be easy, but not impossible for William King, who has gained experience through his previous two prime ministerships.

The outbreak of the World War disrupted William King's revival plan. Like the last World War, Canada, as a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, organized an expeditionary force to go to Europe to participate in the war. The responsibility is heavier than that of the previous world war.

After the six-year world war, William King not only failed to fulfill his promise during the election, but was dragged down by the world war, which further deteriorated the situation in Canada.

The situation of William King is also very bad now. If he can't turn the tide in a short time, he will completely lose the trust of Canadians.

"—This is the situation, the finances are exhausted, the people are full of grievances, the dominions are unwilling to take on their obligations, and the expeditionary soldiers are tempted. Now the federal government does not even have the funds to accommodate the retired and wounded. The list of needs in London is getting longer and longer. Keep fighting , our government is about to go bankrupt!" William King had a bitter look on his face, as if he hadn't counted.

The list of materials conscripted by the United Kingdom from Canada is nominally paid, but the British government has no money now, so it can only issue IOUs. When it can be cashed, it has to wait for the conscience of the British to find out.

For Canadian veterans and wounded soldiers, the British government should be responsible for the resettlement costs. London also refused to pay on the grounds of lack of money. All the bitter fruits were finally tasted by William King.

Canadian veterans and wounded soldiers are unable to travel across the ocean to ask Winston for money.

So William King became the object of cursing by veterans and wounded soldiers.

Just last month, wounded veterans who could not get resettlement fees and lived in hardship held a rally in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, demanding that the Canadian government fulfill its promise to pay full living allowances for all wounded veterans.

The Canadian government was not as ruthless as the Americans, and couldn't bear to dispatch armored vehicles and tear gas to deal with veterans. William King finally borrowed a sum of money from southern Africa, which temporarily appeased the excited veterans.

Living allowances are paid annually.

This year’s dealings are over, what about next year?
You can't eat enough food year after year.

"The war is coming to an end. If you persist for a while, everything will be fine." Rock could only comfort him, but there was not much he could do.

There is only one way to solve the problem, money!
Money can say anything.

The point is that there is no money, and neither does the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

The money that William King borrowed from the Federal Government of Southern Africa was guaranteed by the Federal Government of Southern Africa. The financial institution he went to was the Federal Government’s own money, which was not enough to lend to Canada.

Although the income of the federal government is high, the expenditure is also high. It is not easy to be a general manager. Everyone comes to borrow money, and it is not enough to sell the federal government.

"I heard that the French signed an agreement with you, entrusting most of the security affairs to southern Africa—" William King tactfully said that it was almost like a protectorate.

To put it another way, it is a colony.

"France and Southern Africa are allies, and this is what we should do." Rock did not bear the blame, how ugly the colonization is.

"I have already sent a telegram to General Harry. Next month, regardless of whether the war is over, Canada will withdraw." William King really can't afford the high military expenditure. If he wants to fight you, I will quit.

General Harry was Henry Kriller, Chief of Staff of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, who led Canadian troops in the D-Day landings and the Spring Offensive.

The Canadian Expeditionary Force did not have a large number of people. After the outbreak of the World War, they spent most of their time assisting the British army in strengthening their defenses in the UK, and had few opportunities to perform.

That is, in these few battles, some casualties were brought to the Canadian Expeditionary Force, which broke the fragile glass heart of the Canadians and caused public resentment to boil.

"It's not necessary, the war will end in no more than half a year—" Rock was surprised. Quitting the war now is really not worth the candle.

The war lasted for six years, and finally saw the dawn of victory. Even the Americans couldn’t wait to join the war, but Canada was about to withdraw. It’s been 24 prayers, how can it be so short?

"My lord, I don't know if the war will end in half a year. I only know that if it continues, even if the expeditionary force returns to China, I will have no chance to meet them." William King smiled wryly. The gains outweigh the losses in the war, but unfortunately the situation does not allow it.

"I'll send a telegram to Barton—" Rock couldn't speak too clearly, and on the surface he always treated them equally.

Patton is now using the British as cannon fodder and sending the British to the battlefield.

Within the British army, Canada is cannon fodder, so every large-scale operation of the British army requires the participation of the Canadian army.

Roque sent a telegram to Patton to ask Patton to take care of the Canadian army and reduce the actions of the Canadian army, so that William King might be under less pressure.

"No need, I'm going to make Canada a permanent neutral country like Switzerland." William King also figured it out. The war in Europe has nothing to do with Canada.

Canada is as far away from Europe as the United States, and it is also good to be neighbors with Americans. At least it can guarantee that even if Europe is overthrown, it is impossible for a country to land in North America.

Of course, for Canada, the biggest threat comes from the United States.

Therefore, if Canada wants to become a permanent neutral country, it depends on whether the United States agrees.

William King's meaning is also very clear, as long as Rock nods, William King will start to follow the procedure.

If you want to become a permanent neutral country, the first step must be to withdraw from the Commonwealth of Nations. Otherwise, if the UK declares war with other countries, Canada will follow suit, so it is still neutral.

Although withdrawing from the Commonwealth lost the protection of the United Kingdom, it also relieved a lot of obligations. At least there was no need to take precious resources in exchange for an IOU that would be paid at any time.

Canada is a resource exporting country, such a country does not need to worry about the market.

Look at how southern Africa and the United States made money in both world wars, and William King set out to emulate.

"London won't agree—" Rock casually said, his brain running fast.

It must be a good thing for Canada to withdraw from the Commonwealth of Nations, as it would have to increase its dependence on southern Africa.

When William King mentioned France just now, he probably meant to entrust most of the security affairs to southern Africa.

Halifax became one of the home ports of the Southern African Atlantic Fleet against the backdrop of increased security cooperation between Canada and Southern Africa after World War I.

Now William King means to deepen again on this basis, which is the rhythm of completely surrendering to southern Africa.

Not necessarily, if Canada really becomes a permanent neutral country, then Southern Africa will return Halifax to Canada——

Thinking about it this way, Nima co-authoring this is still a trap.

"If London does not agree, then find a way to help Canada solve the current problems." William King's plan is similar to that of Yang Smotz.

Yang Smotz relied on going to London every day to ask for money, and finally pushed the British into a hurry before letting southern Africa become independent.

Now William King is repeating the old trick. If the United Kingdom wants to keep Canada in the Commonwealth, it will help the Canadian government solve its financial problems, otherwise it will also let Canada become independent.

"Have you approached Winston?" Rock wanted to know Winston's attitude.

"Not yet, the situation in Canada is different from that in southern Africa, and Winston will not agree to it—" William King was ready to face difficulties.

Winston agreed to disagree, and William King wasn't really too worried.

The current situation in Britain is not much better than that in Canada. After the war is over, Winston will definitely step down, and no one will care about Winston's attitude at that time.

On this issue, almost everyone has reached a consensus, that is, Winston still feels good about himself and feels that he can continue to be the prime minister.

"Then how did you plan?" Rock didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in William King's gourd.

"I will raise this issue at the Imperial Conference at the end of the year." William King will turn the table at the Imperial Conference: "If I am there, I can still represent Canada in the Imperial Conference."

(End of this chapter)

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