Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2612 Do You Know Who I Am?

When Southern Africa was still in the Commonwealth, Roque also participated on behalf of Southern Africa, but in recent years, Roque has become a bit unfamiliar with the term imperial conference.

The history of the Imperial Conference can be traced back to the Colonial Conference held in 1887. It was renamed the Imperial Conference in 1907, and last year it was renamed the Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference. The evolution of its name is a rich history of the rise and fall of the British Empire.

The imperial conferences in the early years were actually spoils conferences. The governor represented the colonies at the conference. At that time, the colonies did not even have the post of prime minister.

After the British Empire was reorganized into the Commonwealth, the status of the Governor-General declined sharply, and the Prime Minister gradually became the actual leader of the member states of the Commonwealth.

As we all know, the governor is appointed by the British government, and the prime minister is elected by the member states through democratic procedures, so it is self-evident who can truly represent the interests of the member states.

When the British Empire was in full swing, the overseas colonies competed for tribute, the Royal Fleet was invincible everywhere, and the king's ministers were on the coast of the land.

Although the control of the Commonwealth of Nations is declining, it still has some influence on the member states. The feudal officials generally have illusions about the empire and have not completely given up.

Now that the empire is shattered and its glory has faded, it is understandable for the member states to find their own way out.

If there is no strength in southern Africa, the Commonwealth of Nations may still be able to survive. After all, they are all countries established by the Angsa people, and they also need to hold together for warmth.

Now southern Africa is stronger than the United States, and it is more friendly to Canada. From the perspective of long-distance friendship and short-term attack, William King will also take the initiative to throw himself into the arms of southern Africa.

"Joining the Southern African Union, Canada can at least get security, which the United Kingdom can't give now." William King is realistic, and his relationship with London is not good.

During William King's tenure, relations between Canada and southern Africa rose by leaps and bounds, causing concern in some in London, which led to King's loss in the 1930 election to Richard Bennett, who paved the way for money.

Bennett is a legendary man, known for his extravagant spending and the way he amassed his wealth is unimaginable.

A female classmate of Bennett’s in New Brunswick and Dalhousie University named Jenny Sherif, this female classmate married a rich man, and later when Jenny died, all the stock inheritance worth millions Gave it to Bennett.

Bennett did nothing during his administration. William King made a comeback in 1935. After losing the election, Bennett left England and was named the Bennett Lord Mikel Khan, Viscount Calgar and Hopewell, and entered the UK House of Lords.

Later, Bennett was buried in the United Kingdom after his death. He was the only Canadian prime minister buried in the United Kingdom.

In this context, the relationship between William King and London can be imagined.

Rock was about to speak, but Winston's sudden visit interrupted the communication between Rock and William King.

"I was going to find you—" Winston was aggressive, and he was very anxious these days.

Unlike Rock's crowds, Winston, as the Prime Minister of the British Empire, has almost no one in the United States, which is very abnormal.

Even though the United Kingdom has been miserable in the past few years, it is still one of the most powerful countries in the world. In name, Winston is still the leader of all countries in the Commonwealth of Nations.

Under such circumstances, William King, the prime minister of the member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, did not take the initiative to visit Winston, but came to Roque instead, which is very intriguing.

Winston's reason for looking for William King was simple.

As a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, Canada had to fulfill its obligation to export all resources it could provide to the United Kingdom during the war.

A few years before the outbreak of the World War, Canada was fairly diligent. The list of supplies requested by the United Kingdom, Canada responded to every request, even if it was an IOU, Canada performed well among all member states of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Since last year, Canada has gradually been unable to cope with the situation. The supplies sent to the UK have become less and less, and the speed of shipment has become slower and slower. Winston visited Canada earlier this year, and the situation has not improved.

"The situation in Canada is very difficult now. Our finances have been completely exhausted. Even I have not received a salary for half a year. How long will this damn war last?" William King's attitude towards Winston , It's a world of difference from the time against Roque.

When facing Rock, William King had a low profile, and the words of his complaints were almost pleading, which made the listeners cry when they heard it.

Facing Winston, William King was like Yang Bailao who had been driven to a corner, wishing to splatter three feet of blood in the next moment.

"Until the complete surrender of our enemies, all of us must persevere!" Winston's attitude never wavered.

It's also about position.

Canada can change courts, but Britain has no room for compromise.

With the help of southern Africa and the United States, Germany and Russia, which are born with short legs, cannot cross the Atlantic Ocean and threaten North America. Canada's security is guaranteed.

If Britain loses its influence on the European continent, its status will not even be as good as that of Japan in East Asia.

The Japanese can at least bend and stretch, and their kneeling posture is very standard and skilled.

When the British colonized the world, the blood debts they committed were too numerous to write down. Once they lie down completely, they will wait for the revenge of the relevant countries.

"This is your insistence, don't impose your interests on Canadians." William King's resistance to Winston was very strong, and no matter how strong the reason was repeated for six years, it was enough to make people listen Out of the cocoon.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Winston's face was extremely ugly.

"Calm down, gentlemen, the situation is not so bad that you can't go on—" Rock was forced to come out to smooth things over, and these words were really a bit Versailles.

As far as southern Africa is concerned, of course, it is not to the point where it cannot continue, and it does not matter if it is fought for another six years. It is nothing more than oil and shells. Southern Africa has a lot of them.

For the United Kingdom and Canada, it has really reached the end of the road. William King is now about to turn the table, and Winston has only one last breath left to hold on. Both of them are on the verge of a critical point.

"Of course you can say that—" Winston said angrily, standing up and talking without pain in his back.

William King endured it.

Winston could sarcastically say that the relationship between William King and Roque hadn't reached this level yet.

To put it bluntly, children should not interrupt when adults talk.

"Russia has already invaded the city of Berlin. The war will end in a short time, and it won't last too long." Rock reassured Winston and William King.

"After defeating Germany and Japan, what about Russia?" Winston was obviously more worried than Roque.


Also, the Russians have already invaded Berlin, and the East Asian Allied Forces really need to work harder.

As the Commonwealth descended into civil strife, Changi Naval Base was more heavily guarded than usual.

As the most important home port of the Indian Ocean Navy in southern Africa and the location of the Allied Command in East Asia, the security level of the Changi Naval Base has always been high. The guard post on the main road of the base is three kilometers away from the gate of the base, from the guard post to the gate of the base There are four checkpoints, and mosquitoes cannot fly in.

In the past, there was about one squad of guards at the guard posts, and there must have been machine guns on the railings. Anyone who broke into the cordon without permission, the guards could shoot without warning. This is everyone's consensus.

There are more than 20 people in the entire base, including garrison officers and soldiers and their family members. The daily consumption of materials is astronomical. The logistics supply requirements of the Southern African Navy are very high. All fruits must be fresh. The fruit delivered to the base is a South African company. This company needs no introduction, and the background is absolutely fine.

From the first day of the establishment of the base, Pullman from East India was responsible for transporting fresh fruits for the base. These fruits were purchased from East India, shipped to the Lion City overnight at the Port of Medan, and then loaded onto trucks , sent to the base before dawn the next day to ensure that the fruit is absolutely fresh.

Pullman has long been familiar with the process of entering the base, but today's naval base has significantly increased its security level. Not only has one more squad been added to the security post, but there are also two camouflage-painted alligator armored vehicles parked next to it.

You can tell by looking at the paintwork that these alligators are from the Marine Corps, not the base security force.

"Is something wrong?" Pullman asked like a familiar second lieutenant while showing his pass.

The second lieutenant glared at Pullman, and Pullman immediately understood.

The base has its own rules, don't look at what shouldn't be seen, don't ask what shouldn't be asked.

"Everyone get out of the car—" The second lieutenant was meticulous. Next to him, there were soldiers checking the bottom of the car inch by inch with flashlights. There were also soldiers leading military dogs around the truck and sniffing. God is alert, even the armored vehicles have been activated and entered the combat state.

Pullman completely shut up, it was obvious that something big had happened, and this kind of thing had happened before.

Pullman still remembered that the last time the alert level was raised was last year, and it took a long time for Pullman to read the newspaper to find out that there were jet fighters participating in the war in the Far East.

Going back in time, it seems that the last time it was a precision-guided bomb.

Thinking of this, Pullman suddenly became excited. He is now looking forward to the news in a few days, and he doesn't know what news will break out at that time.

Following the second lieutenant's order, all the crew members got out of the car and lined up in front of the guard post.

These drivers and car attendants are all regular employees of the South African company. Before accepting the job, they all went through detailed background checks, and they got the job after repeated confirmations.

The Pullman family got the job because they were of Chinese descent, two younger brothers served in the East India servant army, and their parents were also employees of the East India government.

Everyone knows the severity, so no one whispers or anything, just wait and it's over.

After the cumbersome inspection, the second lieutenant did not let the car attendants wait for the car as in the past, but called a group of soldiers to get on the car, and did not give outsiders a chance to enter the base at all.

Pullman was amazed, something he had never experienced before.

Seeing the trucks full of fruits driving into the base one after another, Pullman couldn't help but look for the second lieutenant again.

"Should we wait here, or go back?" Pullman was uneasy. If the second lieutenant nodded now, Pullman would rather walk twenty kilometers than walk back to Lion City.

"Wait, you have to drive back in a while." The second lieutenant finally had a better attitude, and threw a pack of cigarettes to Pullman.

Pullman picked it up in a hurry, and told the drivers to stay away from the guard post so as not to affect the work of the guards.

"What's the matter?" After leaving the guard post, the drivers finally relaxed a little.

Standing in that place just now was too frightening, Pullman could feel a strong murderous aura, not an exaggeration at all.

"It must be a big deal. In the past, the machine guns were not loaded, and the machine gunners were just pretending. You didn't see today, the eyes of the machine gunners are so bright—" A driver who claimed to be well-informed was also uninformed. Through this battle.

"Is it necessary? This is Changi. Who dares to act wild here?" Some people disagree, and some dare to break ground on Tai Sui!

The First World War on the Malay Peninsula completely demonstrated the prestige of the Southern African Expeditionary Force. In Southeast Asia, the combined words of the British and Americans are not as good as the southern Africans.

The United Kingdom and the United States are both old colonial countries. The history of colonization in Southeast Asia is much longer than that of southern Africa. Before the arrival of southern Africans, the British and Americans were the overlords in Southeast Asia, and everyone had to look at the faces of white people.

Speaking of this matter, when Japan launched the Pacific War, it beat the British and Americans to the brim in the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines. Many Southeast Asians were once bewitched by the Japanese, thinking that the Japanese were as they advertised, Come to save the locals in Southeast Asia and build a **** circle together.

Everyone knows what happened later. The Japanese who beat the white people to the brim were killed by the southern Africans like pigs. They fought all the way from the Malay Peninsula to the Japanese mainland. The Japanese who used to show off their might are now in the Lion City and East India work.

There is also a difference in work.

Driving for South African companies is work, and mining in the most dangerous mines is also work, but the nature is very different.

"Shh, there's something exciting to watch—" Pullman's eyes were sharp, and he saw a group of off-road vehicles with American flags on their fronts and US military emblems sprayed on their doors speeding towards them in the distance.

It was really exciting to watch, and the drivers suddenly became excited.

Not surprisingly, the US military's off-road vehicle was also stopped by the guard post. An American general got out of the vehicle, and after showing his identity, he still failed to let it go.

"What the hell is going on with you, don't you know me?" The general's voice was loud, and it spread far at night, and the drivers could hear it clearly.

"Sorry, no one is allowed to enter during this critical time!" The second lieutenant's voice was not low, and if he was not allowed to enter, he would not be allowed to enter, and there was no room for accommodation.

The drivers were too far away from the guard post and could not see clearly that it was MacArthur who got off the off-road vehicle.

The second lieutenant must have known how powerful a five-star general was, and there were a lot of entourages, and anyone he picked out randomly was a school officer.

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