Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2638 Chapter Family

Chapter 2638
Americans have a guiding ideology in doing things, and they must not do things that are not beneficial.

Cyprus treated all wounded from the Allies, as long as the other party was willing to pay for the treatment.

Of course, for an ally like Russia who has no money, Cyprus will not refuse due to humanitarian considerations. If you have no money, you can owe it first and talk about it later.

Of course, the level of service is definitely not as good as those who paid for the wounded.

So in Cyprus, there are wounded from various allies, British, American, Russian, Greek, and even Polish.

In the past few years, the relationship between the United States and Russia has been good at the official level, but the confrontation among the people has been deeply rooted. After all, Russia has always been an evil country in the official propaganda of the United States.

In Russia's official propaganda caliber, the United States is the same.

Therefore, the relationship between American soldiers and Russian "gray cattle" is quite bad.

Oh, "gray cattle" is an adjective that American soldiers say, but no decent southern African would ever say that.

"Yeah, some people will not be happy when the world war is over, because their chance to make money is gone!" Alexander countered sharply, not saving face for the Americans.

Most Russians seem to be either majestic and a bit reckless, or thin and a bit shady. Anyway, if you look at them with a perverted eye, you can always find something wrong.

In fact, Russians are always underestimated, especially the literature and art that Europeans talk about. Russians have contributed a lot. Repin, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, the list is long enough for Americans ashamed.

In terms of contribution to World War II, the difference between the United States and Russia is ten Britain, which is recognized in Cyprus.

Officials in Cyprus will not deliberately belittle Russia's contribution to World War II in order to please the Americans. They can't do that kind of thing with a little face.

Now it is just belittling. In a few decades, Russia's contribution to World War II will become dispensable, or even to the point of dragging its feet.

There are also those present who are really slowing down, but they are very smart to watch the excitement from a distance, and do not participate in this high-end game.

Now the situation is also obvious. The real talker in the allies is not the United Kingdom or France, but southern Africa, Russia, and the United States.

Have you seen that, even the United States is just "and".

"Gentlemen, we are just a group of poor people forced to participate in the war, can't we relax?" Song Xing's words made Tom and Alexander shut up at the same time.

Yes, whether the international status is high or not, and whether there are benefits, that is a question that only the big shots are qualified to consider. Ordinary people, let’s think about how to return to real life after the war is over. This is the most realistic thing for the soldiers. The problem.

The soldiers present are no longer young. In the past few years, they are used to training and fighting, and they only know how to fight.

After the war, countries will carry out major disarmament, if they leave the army, then what can they do?
Therefore, the vast majority of soldiers, after hearing the news of Mustache's suicide, fell into confusion about the future after a short period of ecstasy.

"Ivan, what are you going to do after the war is over?" Song Xing took the initiative to provoke this topic.

"Go home, marry a wife, and have a litter of children—" Alexander's ideal is unpretentious, and his wife and children are hot on the bed.

"What about you, Tom?" Song Xing didn't favor one person over another.

"I might go to a big city like New York or Philadelphia, and try to find a job first—" Tom's ideal is very American. The prosperity and convenience of a big city is indeed what many people pursue.

"What about you? You should stay in the army." Tom and Song Xing can still communicate.

Forget about Alexander, Tom has no idea of ​​communicating with Alexander at all, and it is best not to communicate with each other forever.

Song Xing was very low-key when he first arrived at the hospital. No one knew what he had gone through.

One day, officers from the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa came to the hospital to award Song Xing an honor. Only then did the soldiers know that this thin and unattractive guy killed 157 enemies in the Battle of Buda.

It is known that the world's most famous sniper, White Reaper, shot and killed 542 people in less than four months.

Song Xing only stayed at the front for 25 days, an average of almost 6.3 per day.

Such a legendary sniper, no matter how disarmed, he would not be able to kill him.

It is precisely because of Song Xing's fame that he has won the respect of all Allied officers and soldiers, and is qualified to be the speaker of the garden.

"The Army Academy did send me an invitation, hoping that I could go to the Army Academy to take charge of the sniper course, but I declined. I would rather go back to my hometown and be a farmer."

With the advancement of science and technology, you can watch movies and TV every day in the hospital. Soldiers are no longer unfamiliar with southern Africa. The profession of "farmer" has gradually become familiar with the spread of southern African film and television works.

Farmers in other countries are really just farmers, especially in countries like Russia that require farmers to subsidize workers.

The situation of private farms in the United States is relatively better, but it is not much better. There are not a few people who go bankrupt due to natural and man-made disasters.

The group of southern African farmers is simply a privileged class in the United States and Russia.

"Are there really no taxes on farms in Southern Africa?"

"How is it possible? Farmers in southern Africa also have to pay taxes. Of course, the tax point is relatively low—"

"Does the market subsidy system really exist?"

"Of course, without this system, I guess I would have to go to a big city to make a living."

"Going to a big city is also good, at least there are more opportunities."

The soldiers only learned about the general situation of the southern African farmer group from the film and television works, and lacked a specific understanding. Now the farmer himself is by his side, so he must pay close attention to problems.

"What's so good about a big city!" Song Xing dismissed the prosperity of the big city, and his values ​​are indeed different: "Working hard in a big city, what is the ultimate goal?"

"make money."

"change life!"

"Achieving Self-Worth—"

Those who said that they made money and changed their lives were considered down-to-earth, and those who answered that they realized their self-worth were hopeless, and those who were severely brainwashed and still felt good about themselves.

Realizing self-worth is something that can only be considered after having no worries about food and clothing and having a certain social status.

Living in the basement all day, 996 blessings, no free time, the money I earn is enough to support myself, and ordering a takeaway is considered to improve my life. Is this self-worth?
"Ignore what you have and what you don't have, and work hard in a big city. The ultimate goal is to let yourself and your family live a happy life." Song Xing gave a standard answer. Ordinary people should not be valued at every turn, and think realistically. , Live your own life well and don't drag others down, which is to give back the greatest kindness in this world.

Although Tom and Alexander had different experiences, they still agreed with Song Xing's answer and nodded frequently.

"Since I can realize this wish in my hometown in the country, why should I go to a big city?" Song Xing is also plain and unpretentious.

The simplicity of the rich.

It is completely different from Alexander's unpretentiousness.

"Then what if it can't be realized in my hometown in the country—" Tom sighed faintly.

This is also true, the same effort, placed in different environments, the results are quite different.

Big cities have the advantages of big cities, and small places have the sorrows of small places. If there is a choice, who would like to leave their hometown.

"I don't know what your environment is like. What I know is that if you can't change the environment, then change yourself." Song Xing has his own attitude towards life, highlighting his flexibility.

"Song, I have a question—" Alexander asked Ai Ai.

Song Xing looked inquiringly, and said anything if he had something to say, without having to hide it.

Alexander was angry and discouraged, and some things really couldn't be said here.

Then go to the tavern and say.

The tavern owner was still immersed in the joy of victory, and the free beer event was still going on, but Song Xing didn't mean to take advantage, and led Alexander directly into the tavern.

"Obviously there is free beer." Alexander felt like he had lost his money.

You can't blame Alexander for being greedy. Little people have the lifestyle of little people. Why spend money when you can save money.

"Think about it in your head, will the bar owner give out real good wine for free tasting?" Song Xing understands free.

Alexander actually understood the principle that there will be no pies in the sky, but when applied in real life, there will always be deviations.

As the saying goes, people who have no long-term worries must have near-term worries.

But when the shoulders are about to be crushed by life, how many people can look up at the bright starry sky.

What can I do if I look at it, it seems that when I raise my hand, it is at the fingertips, but it is out of reach.

The wine bought with money is indeed different from the free wine.

Alexander lacked the ability to taste wine, and he couldn't tell the specific advantages, so he had to classify it as metaphysics.

Well, it feels different.

Alcohol can indeed quickly draw people into a relationship. After two glasses of strong wine, the person in front of him is still the same person, and the tavern is still this tavern. The world is different in Alexander's eyes.

"I heard that southern Africa has been absorbing immigrants. Do I have a chance?" Alexander said quickly. There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing. Who doesn't want to go to a happy life.

"If I were you, I wouldn't emigrate." Song Xing said honestly that southern Africa is really not a paradise in the eyes of many people.

In terms of living standards, southern Africa is indeed a paradise in the eyes of many people.

However, heaven has nothing to do with ordinary people. The living standard of farmers in southern Africa is very high, but the threshold for becoming a farmer is also very high. With Alexander's net worth, even if he goes to southern Africa, he may have to struggle a lot to become a farmer Year.

If you work hard, your dreams will come true in the end.

I'm afraid I'm afraid that after working hard all my life, I'm still going around in the basement and in the bus. No matter how prosperous or rich it is, what does it matter to you?

"Why?" Alexander didn't understand.

"Southern Africa today is not what it was 30 years ago. You also know that after the outbreak of the World War, tens of millions of people immigrated to Southern Africa. There is not so much land in Southern Africa to house these people, so—" Song Star is less optimistic about those who have immigrated to southern Africa in recent years.

Not to mention those who are truly capable, gold always shines, and those who are truly capable can find a place to use them no matter where they are.

The sad thing is that those mindless people who followed others heard others say that southern Africa is good, but they didn't know anything about southern Africa. They sold their property and immigrated to southern Africa like others. In the end, they ran out of money and failed to make a living. They could only barely survive.

"So this road is also broken--" Alexander was completely confused, unable to immigrate to southern Africa, where else could he go to realize his dream?

Wife and children also need cost to heat the kang. Without enough strength, the wife will run away, and the children will follow other people's surnames. You can't buy coal for burning the kang.

"You will soon return to Russia like a hero." Song Xing knew a lot about Alexander's situation.

The Russian government has promised that these wounded soldiers in the Cyprus hospital will be treated like heroes when they return home.

Of course, a promise is a promise, whether it can be fulfilled, and to what extent it can be achieved is another matter.

"Of course I will go back to Russia, but it's hard to say whether I'm like a hero—" Alexander is still very capable.

Among other things, in just a few months, he was able to speak English so fluently, this language talent is amazing.

This is also the plight of most ordinary people. They are not without talent, but they don't know what their talent is, and they can't find the best way to use it, so they can only lose sight of everyone.

Why do rich people spend money to enroll their children in various training courses? It’s not because they have so much money that they have no place to spend it, nor because they want their children to be multi-talented, but because they want to find out what their children’s talents are. It’s best to combine their talents with their interests. , so that no matter what the future development will be, at least it will not be so confusing to ordinary people.

"Listen to me, Ivan, if you don't have a better choice, go back to Russia. It's not a bad thing. At least you have friends and relatives in your hometown. You are familiar with the environment and know what you can do and what you can't do. If you can make full use of your advantages, I believe you will be able to stand out." Song Xing is the kind of person who will not shrink back in the face of difficulties.

Everyone has difficulties, the key is the attitude towards difficulties.

The troubles of the rich are more serious than the consequences of the poor. The poor will not have dinner at most when they make mistakes, and the rich will go to the rooftops if they make mistakes.
Song Xing doesn't know much about the situation in Russia, but Song Xing is confident that if he replaces Song Xing with Alexander, Song Xing can also succeed in Russia.

"I hope that's the case—" Alexander lacked confidence, so to speak, whether it can be done depends on the person.

"Leave me an address. If necessary, as a friend, I will help you as much as I can." Song Xing is generous and never stingy with friends.

For this period of time, or this environment, or this sentence, Song Xing has already said it to many people.

Is it useful, it takes time to ferment.

(End of this chapter)

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