Chapter 2639 Demolition
The relationship between southern Africa and Russia is not bad now, and exchanges are frequent both official and non-governmental.

Song Xing said that he wanted to provide help to Alexander was not polite, and there were many ways that people could not refuse.

If it is a British person who says he will help the Russians, then the Russians should be careful, most of them are sugar-coated shells.

Southern Africans are very pragmatic and do not export values ​​or the like. They just do business honestly and exchange commodities for resources. This will be welcomed no matter which country they are in.

The key is that Russia and southern Africa are really two highly complementary countries.

Russia needs goods, especially light industrial goods.

Southern Africa needs resources, and it’s okay if the Russians don’t have the ability to develop them. Southern Africans can help you develop them.

In terms of resource development, southern Africans are too experienced.

Russia has resources, but it lacks development funds and technology, and human resources are not enough. Russia is a country led by the working class. Let the country's leadership work for capitalists in southern Africa. Don't even think about it.

Southern Africa has no such concerns. Even if southern Africa is not imperialist, capitalism cannot run away, and it is not a matter of course to squeeze workers.

And it's not about squeezing southern African workers. This kind of cheap labor is available in as many neighboring countries as possible. It costs less to work and does not need to pay insurance. It is economical.

So if Alexander needs investment and the like to accumulate some political capital for himself, then Song Xing can really help.

With Mustache's suicide, the German army's will to resist completely collapsed.

In the early morning of May 5, General Weidling, the German garrison commander, went to Chuikov's command post and signed the surrender order. The last large-scale battle in the European battlefield of World War II finally came to an end.

During the Battle of Berlin, the Russian army wiped out a total of 80 German troops, captured more than 38 people, captured more than 1500 tanks and self-propelled artillery, and captured 4500 aircraft.

Russia itself also paid the price of nearly 30 casualties.

For this result, the Allies are very satisfied.

Although the Russians paid a heavy price, they gained honor, washed away the shame at the beginning of the war, and won the final victory.

Southern Africa and the British and American forces avoided losses. Eisenhower said in an interview with reporters that he deliberately gave up Berlin to Russia because he knew that if the Allies on the Western Front participated in the Battle of Berlin, they would at least pay The cost of 10 casualties.

The implication is that Eisenhower saved the lives of 10 Allied troops on the Western Front, and the move of retreating as an advance made Eisenhower understand.

It's just nonsense.

When the Allied forces on the Western Front crossed the Elbe River, Berlin was already surrounded by Russian troops. Even if the Allied Forces on the Western Front wanted to participate, they couldn't get in. They could only watch the Russians capture Berlin sourly.

If there was an opportunity, Eisenhower would jump at it without hesitation and add the most brilliant stroke to his resume. Eisenhower, who had already decided to change careers, would definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Barton will not change careers. He knows what field he is good at. It is impossible for the military to be superior to the government in southern Africa. Even if he wants to, Barton can't compete with Gavin, who is expected by everyone.

Given Washington's commitments, the Southern Africa Expeditionary Force could not compete with Russia for the capture of Berlin.

Patton was different from Eisenhower, who was no longer in Europe. When he was interviewed by reporters, he did not brag about his achievements, but expressed great concern for the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Berlin.

This question is actually a question that is deliberately avoided within the Allied Forces.

Due to well-known reasons, after the Russian army invaded Germany, they carried out cruel revenge on the Germans. Its harmful.

Although this is the case, the conclusions drawn from different positions are also different. From the standpoint of Russia, there are enough reasons to retaliate cruelly against the Germans.

From the standpoint of the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces on the Western Front, he is also qualified to express his concern about when it will be time for retribution.

Patton is still very skillful. When talking about this topic, he did not point the finger at the behavior of the Russian army, but focused on the damage caused by the war to civilians.

This is in line with the European positioning of chivalry.

Among the eight virtues of chivalry is "compassion".

Sympathize with the weak and support justice.

The Germans should pay the price for the war, but it is the German ruling class that should pay the price, and innocent people should not be implicated.

"The war is coming to an end. Next, our focus will shift from the war to post-war reconstruction. The reconstruction here is not only material, but also exists in a wide range of spiritual realms. Forgiveness and forgiveness are virtues. It may be inappropriate to say this, but It should not be forgotten." If Patton's expression was heard by the Russians, they would probably be furious.

But the allies on the Western Front perfectly fit the position that the allies were forced to participate in this war.

Southern Africa and the United Kingdom and the United States have always blamed Germany for the outbreak of the war.

As for the objective reasons and deep-seated reasons, no one paid attention to it. It would be treasonous to stir up this topic at this time.

Cassandra, a senior reporter of the British "Times" who interviewed Patton, nodded repeatedly. Patton's words were too in line with the position of The Times.

The position that The Times has always emphasized is neutrality and objectivity.

Whether it is truly neutral and objective is not important, as long as it is repeated, a lie repeated a thousand times will become the truth.

What is neutrality and objectivity?
Look at the problem with absolute rationality.

Therefore, it is not important whether Russia should retaliate against Germany, but the tragic fate of ordinary Germans should be more concerned.

Think about the Germans are really miserable.

The reunification of Germany was very late, and by the time the Germans remembered and opened their eyes to see the world, the world had already been divided up by old colonialist countries.

The Germans were not reconciled, and worked hard for 20 years to defeat France and win the hegemony of the European continent.

But this is not enough, Germany needs a broader market.

So the Germans made persistent efforts and launched a world war to challenge Britain's hegemony in the world.

The two world wars broke out against this background.

Switching to southern Africa, the hard work of several generations, in exchange for the end is the ruin of the country and family, and anyone who sees it will feel sad.

Especially for the British.

"So, the humanitarian crisis that broke out in Berlin stems from Russia's retaliation against Germany—" Cassandra's expression was much braver than Patton's.

This is of course a guide.

As long as Patton nodded at this time, tomorrow's "The Times" would publish a news about the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces on the Western Front condemning Russia's atrocities.

"From the standpoint of a soldier, I don't agree with your words. I don't think Russia should be responsible for the civilians in Berlin. It is unfair to the civilians who died innocently in the siege of St. Petersburg and in previous battles in Russia." Patton even Contradictions, the attitude is also very clear.

Winners are not to be blamed.

Zhukov and Chuikov would not stop using heavy weapons in Berlin just to avoid civilian casualties in Berlin.

After all, the German army did not hold back when they attacked Russian cities.

"Then what do you mean?" Cassandra was a little disappointed, but Barton was smarter than he thought, so he didn't take the bait.

Generally speaking, soldiers are not good at dealing with the media, and if they are not careful, they will fall into a deliberately set text trap.

Barton has a lot of experience, so it doesn't matter if he says something wrong. The editor of "The Times" will definitely modify the information that is unfavorable to Barton when reviewing it.

"What I mean is that we have already made preparations for post-war reconstruction. The first is the rescue of materials. As far as I know, the food in Berlin has been exhausted a week ago." Patton handed over the choice to Russia people.

Before the outbreak of the Battle of Berlin, there was already a food crisis in Berlin. The German government must give priority to ensuring the supply of the army, and then civilians.

The advancing speed of the Russian army was very fast, and before many civilians had time to evacuate, Berlin was surrounded.

Although there is no data on civilian casualties yet, it can be speculated that the difference is not bad.

No matter how Russia retaliates against the Germans, Patton has nothing to do with it.

No matter how ruthless Russia is, at least superficial work must be done.

Now the situation is very clear. The Allied forces on the Western Front are ready to assist civilians in Berlin. Will Russia follow?
If you don't help, you will be callous and insensitive, and your brutal nature will be exposed.

If you help—

Putting aside whether you are willing or not, Russia has not been easy in the past few years. Now that the front line has just been pushed to the territory of Germany, domestic production has not yet resumed, and its own food is very tight. How much can it give to help the civilians in Berlin?
The "Times" was very efficient, and it published Barton's interview the next day. It is said that the bearded man was furious after seeing it.

Let the qi return to the qi, and after the qi is over, you still have to face the real problem.

Button's statement really made the beard very uncomfortable.

The bearded man never wanted to let the Germans go. For Russia, the only way to relieve their hatred is to occupy Germany. It is best to merge Germany into Russia directly.

This is obviously impossible. Even if the Germans are willing, the allies on the Western Front cannot agree. Germany's technology and Russian resources can't take off in place.

"We have to say something. This is not only related to Russia's image, but also related to the rule of Germany after the war." Molotov is one of the few people in Moscow who can speak in front of a bearded man.

"Call Andre Fernandez, I need an explanation from the Federal Government of Southern Africa." The bearded man was in a bad mood, and if Patton stood in front of him, he would tear Patton to pieces.

Shredding is exaggerated, and execution with artillery can solve the hatred in my heart.

Russia has fought hard for four years, and now it has finally won the final victory. It has not been a few days of joy, and Barton is here to add trouble, how about your chivalry!
When it comes to chivalry, this is also what the "Times" emphasizes.

The so-called chivalry and gentlemanly demeanor of Europeans have been lost for too long.

The two world wars saw hostility and betrayal between countries, and the promises made in black and white could be slapped on the ground. The so-called "civilized society" that Europeans worked hard to build for 200 years was destroyed.

200 years ago, people were too busy being pirates to be gentlemen.

When the pirates landed, they had to take a bath, change their clothes, and change their appearance.

Although Button's words and deeds are not in line with common sense, they have reproduced the chivalry boasted by Europeans. It is time to pick up these long-lost things again.

Andre Fernandez is also in a bad mood recently. As the southern African ambassador to Russia, his duty is to act as a link between southern Africa and Russia. During this time, as the Russian army advances on the battlefield, this job has become more and more The more difficult it is to do.

"This is just the personal statement of Marshal Patton, and does not represent the attitude of the Southern African Federal Government." Fernandez tried to explain that it is normal for soldiers to say and do some outrageous things, and it has nothing to do with soldiers. .

At least it has nothing to do with famous generals.

Most of the famous generals have distinct personal styles, and the generals on the Russian side are not perfect.

If you really want to be perfect, it's the bearded man's turn to worry.

The last person to have a perfect media image was Mustache.

"This is not a reason for someone to talk nonsense in front of the media. We have not won a complete victory. At this time, we should work together and not be suspicious of each other!" The bearded man reminded Fernandez that the East Asian devils have not yet been resolved.

At the Yalta meeting, the leaders of the allied countries reaffirmed the order of first Europe and then Asia. The bearded man also promised that once the war in Europe is over, the Russian army will shift its attack direction to East Asia.

Now that the Germans have surrendered, Japan is still stubbornly resisting. The bearded man has not given up Russia's influence in the Far East, and has already begun to prepare for an attack on Japan.

Russia and Japan also had a deep blood feud. Although the Russo-Japanese War had nothing to do with Russia today, it was a painful experience that all Russians will never forget. All Russians deeply remember that Japan stepped on Russia’s corpse and entered the world The forest of the strong country.

As the benevolent father of Russia, the bearded man has always kept this account in mind.

Now that he finally had a chance to take revenge, the bearded man had been looking forward to what kind of cruel ways the Russian army would use to take revenge on the Japanese when they set foot on Japanese soil.

Certainly more brutal than the way it was treated to the Germans.

"Of course, southern Africa has always been Russia's most reliable ally. I will pass on your attitude to Pretoria." Fernandez was not afraid of the threat of the bearded man.

The meaning of the bearded man is nothing more than that if you southern Africans dismantle Russia's Taiwan, Russia will not care about Japan.

Is this a threat to Southern Africa?
Don't be ridiculous, if Russia doesn't participate in the war in East Asia, I'm afraid Rock will lose his teeth.

If the United States does not participate, it will be even better.

(End of this chapter)

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