Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2641 What is taking care of the overall situation?

Chapter 2641 What is taking care of the overall situation?

The death of Nomura Yoshizaburo shocked the US government, and being able to kill Nomura Yoshizaburo under the strict protection of the Marine Corps fully proved the horror of certain forces and MacArthur's incompetence.

What is even more speechless is that everyone knows that Nomura Yoshisaburo was assassinated, but the autopsy results show that Nomura Yoshisaburo died of myocardial infarction, which has nothing to do with external factors.

"The former Japanese ambassador to the United States did not die in the assassination of North Koreans or in a concentration camp in the United States, but died under the strict protection of the US Marine Corps—" Washington Special Commissioner Robert Frederick never expected, When he came to Hawaii, the first thing he had to do was to deal with Yoshisaburo Nomura's funeral: "Myocardial infarction-is this disease so easily infected?"

Robert Frederick came to Hawaii for the purpose of negotiating with Yoshizaburo Nomura. The U.S. government had agreed to contact the Japanese and accept their surrender.

As for whether it is unconditional——

This is not what the Americans say.

"The results of the autopsy show that Ambassador Nomura did die of a myocardial infarction." Whitman gritted his teeth, there is no possibility of a second situation.

The safety of Yoshisaburo Nomura is in the responsibility of Whit Wright. If Yoshizaburo Nomura dies in an assassination, then Whit Wright will be more responsible.

So in any case, Whit Wainwright could only die of myocardial infarction.

"This man didn't die sooner or later, but he died on the day before the negotiations were about to start. Don't you think it's too coincidental?" Frederick was very disappointed. If the war could be ended peacefully, then everyone involved All people are eligible to leave their names in history.

This also involves the competition between the civil service group and the military group within the United States.

In the past few years during the World War, the power of the military group was too great, and the status of the civilian group declined seriously, which made everyone in it feel dissatisfied.

Negotiations must be dominated by civilian groups. Now that the negotiations are about to start, Yoshisaburo Nomura died unexpectedly, which is really unacceptable.

"This guy is already in his 70s. Myocardial infarction is normal." Whitman Wright didn't let go. People in their 70s are definitely living a long life.

"Fine, fine—" Frederick was concerned about more than Yoshizaburo Nomura's death.

If Yoshisaburo Nomura really died of myocardial infarction, that would be easy to say.

I am afraid that Yoshisaburo Nomura died of an assassination, and it was an assassination without any trace, which is terrible.

Assassinations are actually very common in the United States. Several presidents have died in assassinations. A Japanese ambassador to the United States, and a former ambassador, is really not worth pursuing in Washington.

The key is the cause of death.

If Yoshisaburo Nomura did not die by accident, it means that someone in the United States will die suddenly for similar reasons at any time, and the world will be in chaos.

"Everyone who has anything to do with this matter must be strictly investigated." Frederick tracked it down and vowed to find out the truth about Nomura Yoshizaburo's death.

The first to be investigated were the marines responsible for protecting Yoshisaburo Nomura and the hotel staff.

"Yes, I really want to kill him. This is the common wish of all of us, but I didn't do it. If you find the killer, please tell me. I owe him $50—" Louis said carelessly during the investigation , making no secret of his hostility towards Yoshisaburo Nomura.

There is nothing to hide. The marines are well known to be hostile to the Japanese. In order to protect the safety of Nomura Yoshizaburo, MacArthur even does not allow the marines to get close to Nomura Yoshizaburo.

"The headquarters didn't even allow us to go up to the third floor in order to protect that damned guy, so if it's just a suspicion, then all of us are also suspects." Barnard was more frank. Anyway, I didn't do this thing, you can do whatever you want. check.

The investigation was carried out for a total of three days, and then it could not go on.

By Frederick's standards, there were too many suspects.

The marines did not hide their hatred of the Japanese, and there were more than a dozen marines who voluntarily admitted that they were killers.

Naturally, there are various methods. Some people admit that they used knives, some people admit that they used guns, and some people claim that Nomura Yoshisaburo was strangled to death with his hands.

Frederick was very helpless, and even expanded the scope of the investigation to the entourage of Yoshizaburo Nomura, but there was still no clue.

"Although Yoshisaburo Nomura is over 70 years old, he is in good health and has no signs of any disease before, but this does not mean that Yoshisaburo Nomura has no possibility of myocardial infarction." Yang Terry, who is in charge of investigating the cause of Yoshizaburo Nomura's death, seems to be The mood is good, and it has not been affected in the slightest.

That's right, after all, the one who died was a Japanese, not an American, so there's nothing to be nervous about, it's very satisfying.

If the murderer is really found, Yang Terry might speak for the murderer.

"How could a healthy person die without warning? And it's at this critical time, it's too weird, there must be a conspiracy." Frederick was unwilling, and the credit he got flew away. Yang Terry didn't know how much Frederick had paid for the job.

Yang Terry crossed his legs and lit a cigarette and drank tea, as if watching a good show.

"Investigate the background of all of them, focusing on the connection with southern Africa. I have a hunch that this must be done by Brad's office in southern Africa." Frederick has the direction of investigation, but has no clue.

Following the principle that whoever benefits is the suspect, the southern African federal government is the most suspect.

Americans are no strangers to Brad's office. This mysterious organization is famous all over the world for its ubiquitous tentacles and elusive working methods.

A large part of the reason for the establishment of Fobole in the United States is to fight against Brad's office.

Yang Terry spread his hands to express helplessness.

What's the use of intuition without evidence!

Even if there is evidence, so what? Could it be possible to kill all of Brad's offices in southern Africa?

Don't be ridiculous, if Brad's office is a special warfare elite armed to the teeth, then Ferbole is a high school student who has just graduated.

Although Yoshisaburo Nomura is dead, the contact between Japan and the United States has not been interrupted. Instead of Yoshizaburo Nomura negotiating with Frederick, Yoshizaburo Nomura's deputy Daiki Sato.

Sato Daiki is also from the navy. He has visited the United Kingdom and the United States respectively. He previously served as a military attache at the Japanese embassy in the United States and is also very familiar with the United States.

The attitude of the Japanese government is very clear. If the United States is willing to accept Japan's surrender, then Japan will fully cooperate with the United States to ensure the interests of the United States in East Asia.

This is of course conditional.

If the United States accepts Japan's surrender, it must provide due protection to Japanese political figures.

To put it bluntly, it is to exonerate Japanese war criminals and avoid being tried by the East Asian Allied Forces, especially the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

Angie's big trial in East India still has a strong deterrent effect on Japan.

It's okay to surrender to the United States.

If it falls into the hands of An Qi, the Japanese ruling class will be completely cleaned up, and many people will be hanged.

The United States wants to maintain and even expand its interests in East Asia, but it does not want to offend the southern African military and the federal government, so the differences are mainly on the protection list.

The Japanese government hopes that the United States will provide protection to all Japanese government officials and military-related personnel.

Taking into account the reaction in southern Africa, Frederick agreed to set up a joint court to help Japanese war criminals escape as much as possible, but did not give any promises.

Since Nomura Yoshizaburo is dead, Frederick attaches great importance to Sato Daiki's security work.

In Frederick's view, the Pacific Command and the Marine Corps could no longer be trusted, so Sato Daiki's security was taken care of by Frederick's urgently dispatched Ferber staff.

What Frederick didn't expect was that just one day after contacting Sato Daihui, Sato Daihui was shot dead, and four of Sato Daihui's colleagues died at the same time.

This time the murderer is very clear, Foberle senior detective Jack Wood.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of being on duty, Jack Wood sent away a colleague on duty, came to Sato Daihui's room with a gun, and killed Sato Daihui and the four colleagues who were in a meeting.

Due to sufficient time, Jack Wood even shot Sato Daiki and the other dead one by one after the attack. Because the pistol used by Jack Wood was more powerful and the location of the shot was on the forehead, the scene was horrible.

"Why?" Frederick was in a broken mood, and now he couldn't find a reason for the attack.

Yoshizaburo Nomura's death can be attributed to the assassination in Brad's office.

Jack Wood is a staff member of Verborough, a standard American, and has no contact with southern Africa. This can't be blamed on Brad's office.

"My two younger brothers, one died in Pearl Harbor and the other died in Bataan, so why do you say I am?" Jack Wood smiled, with a face full of revenge.

Both younger brothers died in the war, both at the hands of the Japanese, and Jack Wood did have good reason.

"After the negotiation is over, you have enough time and opportunity to take revenge, why now?" Frederick could understand Jack Wood's mood, but he couldn't accept it.

Both the principal envoy and the deputy envoy are dead, and the rest are small players. The negotiation can no longer continue. Frederick is in a mood now, wishing to fly directly to Japan and have a face-to-face interview with the Japanese king.

The Japanese still don't know enough about the United States.

The promise of the Americans is not credible. Even if Frederick promised that he would give the Japanese war criminals the protection they deserved. After Japan surrendered, Frederick lightly said that the Congress disagreed and hanged the Japanese king and all the war criminals. What can the Japanese do then?

Americans often play this trick. After the end of World War I, Wilson used the excuse that the U.S. Congress disagreed and did not join the League of Nations.

The real reason why the United States did not join the League of Nations is also obvious. At that time, the United States did not have an absolute advantage in industrial capacity over Europe. Joining the League of Nations meant that the United States would open the American market to other League of Nations countries. This is the real reason why the United States did not join the League of Nations. reason.

Americans want other countries to open their markets, but they don't want products from other countries to enter the U.S. market, so the U.S. is torn apart from top to bottom, and cannot be inferred with common sense.

"Why are you negotiating with the Japanese? Mr. President has already said that you must kill all the Japanese!" Jack Wood laughed loudly, negotiating—talking about your sister!

Frederick, maddened with rage, applied to Verborough to investigate Jack Wood.

Fobole is still very capable, and he is very strict about the members' back tunes. Soon, information about Jack Wood spread to Hawaii.

What Jack Wood said is true. His two younger brothers did die in the hands of the Japanese. The key point is that Jack Wood’s income is not high, so he cannot support his elderly parents and the seven children left by his two younger brothers. .

Including his own children, Jack Wood has to support 12 people, not counting the widows of his two younger brothers.

Just looking at the profile, Jack Wood's situation is indeed worthy of sympathy.

However, just the day before Jack Wood's murder, an unknown charitable foundation suddenly found Jack Wood's parents and donated $20 to Jack Wood's parents.

This kind of thing is both common and uncommon in the United States.

It is common because charitable foundations in the United States often donate to needy families.

Uncommon because of the amount of 20.

Charitable foundations know what's going on. Even if they donate to needy families, it's just for show. Usually they only give some clothes and food. If they can leave a dozen dollars when they leave, it's worth writing about in the newspapers. .

So the figure of 20 is absolutely unusual. A large company like Ford only donates so much to the US presidential candidates.

There are only two presidential candidates.

In the propaganda of the U.S. Department of War, there are 1000 million American soldiers.

The strange thing is that this foundation was established not long ago, and the scale is not large. 20 is all the assets of this foundation. After donating 20 to Jack Wood's parents, there is no one in the account of this charitable foundation. Penny.

Then something even weirder happened.

Just the day after this charitable foundation donated all 20 to Jack Wood's parents.

The foundation received another donation, and it was a staggering 200 million.

Donate 20, and then get another 200 million, you put it here to buy lottery tickets!

"Why, what the hell is this all about?" Frederick was puzzled. Are all rich people so self-willed?
Two million, even in the next century, is not a small number.

"We reviewed 140 marines before, and more than 100 of them made it clear that they wanted to kill Yoshizaburo Nomura." Yang Terry was not surprised. Does killing the Japanese need a reason?

I really don't need it. There is no such thing as taking the overall situation into account in the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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