This is why the Pacific Command blocked the news of Yoshisaburo Nomura's arrival in Hawaii. Otherwise, the marines would not be the only ones who wanted to kill Yoshisaburo Nomura.

If we talk about southern Africa, Americans are vaguely jealous.

So for Japan, Americans only have Hongguoguo's hatred.

From the standpoint of the Japanese, the United States is the first Western country to use naval guns to force the Japanese government to open the country.

Americans don't think so.

The "Black Ship Incident" is a painful memory for the Japanese, but it is a symbol of bringing Japan into a modern civilized society for the Americans.

As for the subsequent series of wars, behind Japan's adventures and victories, there was the full support of the United States. The trade embargo of the League of Nations opened the honeymoon period between the United States and Japan.

In the eyes of the Americans, I have treated you so well. You actually attacked Pearl Harbor and tortured and killed American prisoners of war in Bataan. This huge psychological gap is the biggest motivation for Americans to hate Japan.

MacArthur knew that the marines hated Yoshizaburo Nomura, so he tried to keep the marines from contact with Yoshizaburo Nomura as much as possible.

Frederick underestimated the seriousness of the situation, so Jack Wood had the opportunity to shoot.

Now Yoshizaburo Nomura's cause of death is irrelevant, Jack Wood is the real trouble.

Is it a crime to shoot and kill, and kill several people in a row?

there must be.

But what about the Japanese who were killed?
In the eyes of most Americans, Jack Wood is not only innocent, but also a hero of justice.

So the question arises, what to do with Jack Wood, hang him on the gallows, or award him a one-ton medal?
Before Frederick had time to think about this issue, the American news media had already started a heated discussion.

Criminal or Hero?Jack Wood used gunfire to avenge his two younger brothers and the American soldiers who died in this war! "

The headlines in the Boston Evening Post were inflammatory.

"This is not a negotiation, this is a betrayal of all Americans and allies!" "

The New York Times is consistently sharp.

"A Whitehall staff member who did not want to be named revealed: the president will issue an amnesty for Jack Wood! "

The Washington Post was the best informed, and Whitehall was infiltrated and riddled with holes.

Truman didn't have time to respond. What he was most concerned about now was why this incident became known to the whole world, and it was agreed to keep it strictly confidential.

The US government's attitude towards this matter is very cautious, so Yoshizaburo Nomura can only wait for the US government's reply in Hawaii instead of flying directly to Washington.

Now the envoy and deputy envoy have died one after another. The U.S. government has not yet investigated the cause of death clearly. The newspaper reporters showed their talents, as if they were at the scene, and restored the details of the case clearly. clearly.

The "Washington Post" did not lie. Truman did not care about the lives of the Japanese. If the Japanese government was determined to negotiate, it would send people to continue the talks.

How to make the most of the deaths of the Japanese and build a wave of goodwill in the hearts of Americans is what Truman cares most about.

Truman also had his own political ideals. He was unwilling to become the president of the United States in this way. For the general election two years later, Truman also had a vision.

Truman didn't want someone to mention him in the future, and would use "Oh, the man who became the president of the United States after President Roosevelt died of illness—" as the annotation.

The introduction was so humiliating that it didn't even have a name.

Roosevelt's status in the hearts of Americans was unshakable. If Truman wanted to become the first real American president after Roosevelt, he must take action.

At the very least, he had to win over the coveted European theater commander.

Eisenhower made no secret of his political ambitions. The military is superior to the government, and the industry span is quite large. Truman, a senior politician, cannot be inferior to a wild monk who has become a monk halfway.

Let's not talk about the former governor in Asia who was also jumping up and down here. Truman didn't regard MacArthur as his opponent at all.

Like Truman, MacArthur was angry.

MacArthur regarded the negotiations between the United States and Japan as his political capital.

Now that the negotiation has not yet started, the two heads of the Japanese side have died one after another. Not to mention that MacArthur did not get the qualifications for promotion, on the contrary, he has become a stranger inside and outside, and his reputation is even worse.

As the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Theater, instead of doing your job well and beating the Japanese to death, you went to negotiate with the Japanese. Is this what you, a soldier, should do?
The duty of a soldier is to fight, and negotiation is the job of a politician. I can't tell that you, the former president of the West Point Military Academy, still have dual careers.

No, West Point Military Academy is for education.

In this way, in addition to dual occupations, there are also hidden occupations.

The brutal crackdown on American veterans in Washington has given MacArthur both good and bad.

The Philippines abandoned its subordinates and fled alone, which made MacArthur's status in the minds of American soldiers decline sharply.

Finally, relying on the beach show, he regained some goodwill in the eyes of American soldiers. With the exposure of the US-Japan negotiations, MacArthur's image in the eyes of American soldiers has reached the level of notoriety.

It is really uneasy to fight under such a commander-in-chief.

"The Japanese government has used the plague on Kyushu Island to prove that landing operations on the Japanese mainland will cause millions of casualties to the Allied forces in East Asia. The reason why I promote negotiations with the Japanese government is that I don't want to see more American families being torn apart— —” Facing the reporter of Time Magazine, MacArthur tried to justify his actions.

The European commander could describe his inability to intervene in the Battle of Berlin as a pity for saving the lives of [-] American soldiers.

So did he, MacArthur.

Therefore, the promotion of negotiations with Japan is not about capitulation, nor is it about gaining political capital, but to save the lives of more American soldiers.

The U.S. War Department's calculations showed that landing on the Japanese mainland would result in the death of 100 million Allied troops.

Even if only one-third of the 100 were U.S. troops, MacArthur would have saved 30 American families at least.

So from this perspective, MacArthur's contribution is at least three times that of Eisenhower.

It's outrageous, let Eisenhower hear this, and Eisenhower will probably scold her.

"The Allied forces in East Asia have landed on the Japanese mainland. So far, the Allied forces in East Asia have not encountered strong resistance." "Time" euphemistically, is the situation really that serious?
This can't be blamed on the reporters of "Times Weekly" for not giving face. The East Asian Allied Forces Command has battle reports every day. million people.

A large part of this was non-combat attrition, which occurred during the Kyushu Campaign, and the total number of those who were actually killed in battle was less than [-].

During the Battle of Kyushu, Japan spread the plague virus all over the island, which did cause some troubles for the Allied forces.

After the Allied forces urgently purchased vaccines and medicines, the impact of the plague on the Allied forces decreased rapidly, so that when the Allied forces landed in Honshu, the Japanese government no longer used the plague as a weapon to attack the Allied forces.

The plague virus spread by the Japanese government in Kyushu caused more casualties to civilians in Kyushu than the Allied forces.

After the Battle of Kyushu, there were no Japanese civilians in Kyushu Island, and most of them were caused by the plague virus.

Of course the Japanese government does not recognize it.

In the statement of the Japanese government, the East Asian allied forces carried out a brutal massacre of civilians on Kyushu Island, and then blamed all the civilians killed on the plague virus.

The Allies in East Asia will certainly not admit that it is all the fault of the Japanese government and military that the righteous Allies would attack innocent civilians.

Leaving aside how the two sides fought each other, the losses of civilians in Kyushu were real.

"This is exactly the manifestation of the Japanese government's willingness to negotiate. Otherwise, the losses suffered by the Allied Forces would be much greater than they are now."

The reporter looked confused.

You are so good at communication, so why did the Pacific War still break out?
You are so eloquent, why didn't you scold the Japanese to death when the Japanese army attacked the Philippines!

However, when interviewed by reporters, MacArthur's eloquence was still unmatched. Otherwise, how could there be such a golden sentence as "old soldiers never die, they just wither".

When MacArthur was interviewed by Time Magazine, Angie was also interviewed by The Times.

"I did hear some news, but I think they are all rumors. It is impossible for the East Asian Allied Forces to conduct any form of negotiations with the Japanese side, and only accept the unconditional surrender of the Japanese side!" Commander-in-Chief, MacArthur is only the commander of the US Pacific Theater.

More specifically, MacArthur was the commander of the US Army in the Pacific theater, and the commander of the US Navy's Pacific theater was Halsey.

In connection with the fact that the U.S. military has been inherited from the United Kingdom and has always focused on sea and light land, one can imagine the quality of the commander MacArthur.

The news of Germany's defeat and surrender also put a lot of pressure on An Qi. These days, An Qi is very busy and has no time to pay attention to MacArthur's small movements.

An Qi has always known about MacArthur's little thought. If the opponent is not Japanese, An Qi would not mind doing a favor to help MacArthur earn his reputation or something.

If MacArthur becomes the President of the United States two years later, the fun will be great.

"Germany has been defeated and surrendered. When will the East Asian Allies plan to launch the final war against Japan?" The Times sent to interview Angie was Angie's old friend Litton Moore.

Since they are old friends, the communication is much smoother, unlike MacArthur and Time Magazine.

"There is no final war against Japan. Our goal is to completely eradicate Japan's war capabilities, turn Japan into a peace-loving country, and make Yamato a nation capable of singing and dancing." Angel has not played enough, the cat It is always necessary to have enough addiction to eat the mouse.

"Is this possible? After the end of the last world war, the transformation of Germany was unsuccessful." Lytton worried that there would be another period of peace that only lasted 20 years.

Twenty years, that is, the time for a generation to grow up, when countries regain their war capabilities, World War III will break out.

It cannot be said that this is the inferiority of human beings. After all, the cake is so big, if you eat more, I will eat less.

Don't think about making the cake bigger, because no matter how big the cake is, it won't be enough.

"Japan is not Germany, and the world today is not the world 20 years ago." An Qi has a plan in mind.

Angel is not good at dividing cakes.

An Qi is good at eating cakes, and only when she is full can she fight vigorously, and only when she wins can she get more points.

It is not so much a point as a grab.

Some people grab cream and fruit, others grab the base, and some can only watch and smell.

Angie is waiting for Roque's order.

As long as Rock gives an order, Angie will drop bombs to Japan. The air fortress loaded with super bombs has been waiting at Changi Naval Base for a long time.

The reason why the super bomb has not been thrown out is because the Southern African Ministry of Defense has a new idea.

Before the advent of rockets, the only way to drop a bomb was from an airplane.

The scientific researchers in southern Africa have always understood this way before, and no one has ever imagined dropping bombs on the enemy's heads in another way.

When the Russian army besieged Berlin, a researcher in southern Africa proposed a new idea. Since southern African rockets have the ability to send warheads weighing one ton thousands of miles away, can super bombs and Combined with the Rockets, this is even more of a threat.

This proposal immediately attracted the attention of the Southern African Ministry of Defense.

Although the Super Fortress is powerful, it is also subject to great restrictions. It needs a long runway. So far, it cannot even go to an aircraft carrier, and its attack range is limited.

If rockets and super bombs can be combined, then the deterrent effect of super bombs will be infinitely magnified. Not only can it be carried on surface combat ships, but it can also be mounted on submarines, cruising silently in any corner of the world.

Southern Africans have always thought about the research and development of weapons, no matter how wild the idea is, try it first before talking about it.

So von Braun, who had just arrived in southern Africa, finally knew how far the V2 rocket he was proud of was from the southern African rocket.

The V2 rocket is still at the level where it can be shot, and the accuracy is not guaranteed at all. It can only roughly control the direction. Whether it can be shot accurately depends on luck.

Southern Africa has a lot of experience in precision guidance, and its precision-guided bombs have long been used on the battlefield with great results.

The range of precision-guided bombs in southern Africa is farther than the V2 rocket developed by von Braun, and it is more powerful, more accurate, and surpasses in all directions.

Now precision guidance plus long-range rockets, plus super bombs, how much effect can be achieved, not to mention von Braun, Rock is also looking forward to it.

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