Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2648 It will be fatal to expose the shortcoming in person

In order to flaunt their civilization, European countries often say that life is priceless.

This "priceless" must have nothing to do with Russia, because Russian soldiers are gray animals in the eyes of Europeans, which are a kind of consumables.

It is difficult to count Russia's losses in the world war. The number of casualties alone is close to 3000 million, and the economic losses cannot be counted.

The price paid by Southern Africa is quantifiable. Every amount of aid to Russia has been documented, even free aid.

It is said that it is free, but it is actually more expensive than paid.

Even if there is no exchange of equal value in normal trade, it is one willing to fight and one willing to endure, anxious to think what others want.

There are many free sayings.

In the countless years from now to the future, as long as the Russians mention their contribution in World War II, the southern Africans can confidently say: Your military medals are half of ours.

"Russia lost 6000 million people in this war—" the bearded man spoke with sincerity and his eyes were red.

Rock is also helpless, the Russians are so bad at mathematics that they can't even do a good job of statistics.

This can't be blamed on the bearded man who just opened his mouth, after all, the data is for the needs.

During the war, in order to boost morale, the Russian official media usually narrowed down Russia’s casualty data and exaggerated its achievements. According to the Russian official media, the average German death is not enough.

Now that the war is over, in order to win more benefits for Russia, the bearded man has lost another 6000 million yuan to Russia. For a while, Roque couldn't tell which one was real and which one was fake.

"Isn't it 3000 million?" Rock could ignore Big Beard's "slip of the tongue", and Winston would not let go of any opportunity to mock Russia.

"3000 million were killed in battle, and 3000 million were injured." The bearded man was not embarrassed. Russia's casualty data is counted separately.


"This is not the reason why we decide the fate of Germany, at least not the only reason." Truman also stated that Russia's losses are great, and the United States' losses are not small.

Although the casualties in Russia are high, the pressure on the Russian government may not be great.

Allies on the Western Front have a good relationship with Russia. They have embassies in Moscow and are no strangers to Russia.

According to what Southern Africa and the United States have learned, so far, Russia has not issued standards for pensions for officers and soldiers killed in battle, which is incredible.

European and American countries say that life is priceless, but in fact, the price of a soldier's life has already been clearly marked.

Taking the United States as an example, the pension for soldiers who died in battle is roughly divided into three parts, one part is the first pension, which is about 2000 US dollars.

Then there is a one-time death compensation, about 5000 US dollars.

Finally, the compensation from the insurance company is about 10000 US dollars.

By the standards of Britain and France, the standards set by the US government are relatively high.

However, how much such a high standard can be fulfilled in the end remains to be seen. After all, the US government has a long history of criminal records. If it cannot afford dollars, it will give bayonets and gas bombs.

The situation in Russia is more complicated.

When the World War broke out in 39, Russia had about 1.7 million people.

Even if it is calculated at 3000 million, it is equivalent to nearly one-sixth of the total population.

It is well known that the follow-up resettlement costs of disabled soldiers will be higher than the pension costs of dead soldiers.

Calculated in this way, every family in Russia wears hemp and mourning, and every family pays money, which is equivalent to not paying.

"How many casualties did the United States suffer during the world wars?" The bearded man is not targeting Roque, and his attitude towards Truman is also changing.

No, it should be said that the bearded man's attitude towards Truman was worse than his attitude towards Rock.

In the two world wars, Southern Africa participated in the whole process from beginning to end, with a full sense of presence.

The presence of the United States is also very strong, but it is a pity that it is negative. The so-called "free trade" before the two world wars fully exposed the ugly face of the Americans.

So Rock bargained with the bearded man, and the bearded man was acceptable.

The Americans did not question Russia's qualifications at all.

So Truman didn't speak.

Some things cannot be tasted in detail.

Don't listen to the Americans shouting loudly. In fact, the total number of deaths in the United States so far is only 41. This figure also includes civilians. If only the US military is counted, it is only 29.

On the Russian battlefield, 29 people are not enough for half a battle.

"If we keep entangled in this issue, there will never be a result." Roque put aside the dispute, Japan has not surrendered, the war is not over yet, and the number of casualties in various countries will continue to increase.

So there is no point in continuing to dwell on this issue. The behavior of the United States is certainly disgusting. Is it an honor for Russia to carve up Poland with Germany and almost join the Axis powers?

"I just hope that Russia will be treated fairly. After all, we have made the greatest sacrifice." The bearded man gritted his teeth, what else could he say?
Rock spread his hands.

Russia is not the only country that sacrificed tens of millions in the world war.

The bearded man feels that it is unfair to Russia to rule the river, and the Poles are still locked out, and they are not even eligible to participate in the meeting.

"You have already got Poland and Eastern Europe. Don't be too greedy." Winston was also impatient. What Russia lost was only 3000 million people, and what Britain lost was its world leadership.

Don't doubt, if 3000 million lives can be exchanged for world leadership, Winston will definitely not hesitate.

Of course, 3000 million British people will definitely not work. How many people are there in the UK?

3000 million Indians are definitely no problem, even if there are 3000 million more, Winston is willing to do so.

Speaking of India, Winston's eyes lit up.

"The British Empire also lost more than 3000 million people in this war. According to Russia's standards, Britain is also qualified to monopolize Germany." Winston said surprisingly.

Not to mention the big beard, even Rock and Truman were stunned.

The data of the bearded man fluctuates up and down, at least within an acceptable range, even if Russia's loss is not 6000 million, there must be 3000 million.

Where are the 3000 million in the UK?
There are only 4700 million people in the UK.

"During the years of the World War, severe famine broke out in India—" Winston said in a low voice, sounding extremely heavy.

Rock, however, heard only absurdity from Winston's voice.

The famine in India cannot be said to have nothing to do with the World War, but Britain is more responsible than Germany.

During the two world wars, Britain completely sucked India as a pool of blood. Even the seeds of other farmers were brought to Britain to feed cattle, but tens of millions would starve to death without moving.

If Winston had not mentioned it, no one would have noticed it.

Now that Winston actually used the famine in India as a bargaining chip to bargain with Russia, that would be too shameless.

"Please allow me to tell a joke. India is also a part of Britain." The bearded man's joke obviously did not have the style of a Russian joke.

You have to see how you understand it. India is indeed a part of Britain, but Indians are not British.

The British government doesn't even care about the Irish. It can care about the life and death of the Indians. The Irish are still real whites anyway.

"Let's end today's meeting here—" Rock adjourned the meeting in time, and everyone needed to calm down.

Politicians, the ability to mediate emotions is still very high.

Don't look at the swords at the venue, when they walked out of the meeting room to face the reporters, the bearded man, Truman, Winston, and Roque were all smiling, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Those who didn't know thought the four of them had just taken a bath.

"Yes, we have a lot of agreement on how to deal with Germany, and then we will work on demilitarizing Germany, making Germany permanently incapable of waging war, and bringing real peace to the world we live in— —" Rock's speech was very flexible, and he didn't lie. On the above issues, the participants had indeed reached a consensus long ago.

"Of course I am confident that I will face the challenge of the Labor Party and win the next general election. I will lead the UK to complete the post-war reconstruction and reach its peak again, just like the previous years. This is also my ideal all the time, that is to always serve Serve the British Empire." Winston's speech was like a general election manifesto, but unfortunately it was used in the wrong place.

It is useless to publish the election manifesto in Potsdam. It should be on the speech platform of the Congress or on the radio to get the desired effect.

"The United States will not miss any of the following international activities, and will actively integrate into international activities and play its due role. This is also the advice given to me by President Roosevelt—" Truman lacks confidence and needs Roosevelt's blessing.

"Russia made an unparalleled contribution in the world war. We wiped out 90.00% of the German army and saved the whole world from the German army. Next, we will aim our guns at Japan and complete the war against the Japanese. Revenge, all Russia's enemies will eventually be conquered by Russia." The bearded man's speech was extremely strong.

The discordant voice still appeared.

"Has Russia decided to abandon the Japan-Russia Nonaggression Pact?"

The press conference was held on the lawn in front of Cecilinhof Palace. Hundreds of journalists participated in the press conference. Some influential newspapers in various countries sent interview teams to Potsdam. Saran TV even got a news broadcast truck to broadcast the press conference live.

The "Japan-Russia Non-Aggression Treaty" is not meaningless. Under the circumstances at that time, Russia and Japan signed the contract before, which helped Russia transfer all its energy to the European battlefield, avoiding the embarrassment of fighting on two fronts. With Russia's strength , if there is a two-front battle, it might be gone now.

This peace treaty is actually a retaliation for the appeasement policy of the Allied forces on the Western Front.

The Allied forces on the western front are diverting disasters to the north and trying every means to get Germany to attack Russia. It is impossible for the Russians not to know.

The bearded man is not a forbearing character, and grudges will not stay overnight. Since the United Kingdom can divert disasters to the north, Russia can also restore peace with Japan, allowing Japan to launch the Pacific War without distraction.

As for when to give up, that is not a matter of the bearded man.

Of course, it is hard to say whether this will affect the personal image of the bearded man and Russia's national credibility.

"What do you mean? Which newspaper reporter are you? What do you want to say?" The bearded man's gaze was terrifying, as if he wanted to eat people.

Hitting people without slapping people in the face, swearing at people without revealing faults, bringing up this matter on this day of universal celebration, this is not to add trouble, but to add salt to the wounds of Russians.

There were not only journalists present, but also a large number of security personnel.

Before the reporter could answer the bearded man's question, several Russian staff rushed towards the reporter.

"I am a reporter from the "Frankfurt Daily", and I have an interview certificate issued by the Allied Command on the Western Front." The reporter panicked, and the chest tag became his only amulet.

That's right, the German journalists will expose the scars of the beard on this occasion.

The bearded man raised his hand to stop the staff who wanted to drag the reporter away, not wanting to create a bigger topic: "I know you want to say that there was a "Russian-German Non-Aggression Pact" between Russia and Germany, but maybe you forgot , because of your treachery, the Germans, that war broke out between Germany and Russia."

Speaking of this, there is no need to continue the press conference. After returning to the station, Rock did not forget to care about the safety of the reporters, and reminded Barton to send the reporters away in time to avoid more accidents.

"Then the life of the reporter will be in danger? Isn't it?" Barton has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

"In 1934, there were 1.68 million people in Russia. By the second census in 1937, there were only 1.62 million people left in Russia. Not only did the population not increase in three years, but it decreased by 600 million—" Rock said very much to the bearded man. learn.

From 34 to 37, there was no war in Russia, nor large-scale natural disasters. Under normal circumstances, the annual natural population growth data is more than 600 million.

The reason why it did not increase but decreased is inseparable from Russia's great cleansing.

"That's really necessary." Patton was fully aware of Russia's attitude towards life. Looking at it this way, the reporter really wanted to die.

This can't be blamed on the cruelty of the bearded man. If a reporter dares to ask Rock such a question in public, then Brad's office will investigate clearly the eighteen generations of the reporter's ancestors.

Of course, whether life is in danger depends on the motivation for asking.

If it was unintentional, the consequences would not be too serious.

If it was intentional, it would most likely disappear from the world.

Beard still attaches great importance to Roque, and places Roque in the Sanssouci Palace.

Sanssouci Palace is a German royal palace and garden in the 18th century. It is located in the northern suburbs of Potsdam. It was built by King Frederick II of Prussia in imitation of the Palace of Versailles in France. The entire palace covers an area of ​​90 hectares. "Palace on the Dunes".

Sanssouci Palace is the essence of German architectural art in the 18th century, and the entire construction project lasted for 50 years.

Fortunately, the Palace of Sanssouci has not been bombarded by artillery so far and is well preserved, which allows Roque to fully feel the charm of German architectural art.

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