Chapter 2649

The Germans are still very talented in architecture, whether it is Gothic, Baroque, or Rococo, they are all played by the Germans.

Sanssouci Palace is an outstanding representative of Rococo architectural art. Although Sanssouci Palace has only one floor, the floor height is more than ten meters, and there is an "Oriental Building" on one side of Sanssouci Palace. This building completely adopts traditional oriental architecture. The style, the indoor tables and chairs completely imitate the oriental style, a Chinese-style incense tripod stands in front of the pavilion, surrounded by various gold-plated statues of figures, the entire outer wall is also decorated with gold-plated, and on the top there is a statue of the monkey king imagined according to myths and legends.

Before Roque arrived at the Sanssouci Palace, the Southern African military had already taken over the security work around the Sanssouci Palace, conducted a thorough inspection of the Sanssouci Palace, and after eliminating various security risks, the Palace of Justice Secret Service took over the internal security of the Sanssouci Palace. Work.

External security is shared between Bullard's office and the military.

Although the war in Germany has ended, the situation has not completely stabilized. The hunt for the remnants of Nazi Germany is still in progress. There are also widespread hostile behaviors against the allies among the German people, and even the threat from the allies cannot be ignored, so The southern African military still attaches great importance to Roque's security work. For this reason, Patton specially transferred an armored regiment from Hamburg to be responsible for the peripheral security work of the Palace of Justice.

The task of this armored regiment is only for vigilance. If the Palace of Justice is attacked, this armored regiment only needs to delay for two hours, and the two armored divisions stationed near Potsdam will quickly reinforce them. Within a day, there will be two more With the arrival of the Armored Army, it only takes three days for the Southern African Expeditionary Force throughout Europe to be fully mobilized.

The United States and Britain placed as much emphasis on the safety of Truman and Winston as did the southern African militaries.

As for Russia, needless to say, the Battle of Berlin has just ended, and the millions of troops besieging Berlin have not yet withdrawn, so during this period of time, the density of tanks around the small city of Potsdam has reached an unprecedented level.

Tens of thousands of troops gathered in Potsdam, and they were all carefully selected elite troops. The hundred-fighting lions who had just experienced bloody battles were all full of pride and confidence.

Rock still noticed this problem, and asked Patton to restrain the military. The expeditionary force was not afraid of provocations, but they did not take the initiative to cause trouble. In this troubled time, try to avoid accidents.

For Rock's request, Barton will naturally strictly implement it, and no one else can control it. The expeditionary force must clean up.

During this period of time, Potsdam has received unprecedented attention. Major media from various countries have sent reporting teams to Potsdam. This is a good opportunity to show the image of the expeditionary force to the outside world.

It is also a good opportunity for soldiers to communicate with each other.

The so-called elite troops must have participated in enough battles, and their records were brilliant enough. The various trophies captured and the souvenirs they collected on weekdays were full of tricks.

Throughout World War II, collecting and exchanging souvenirs was a common practice among the troops of various countries, so the souvenir exchange market came into being.

In fact, this matter was initiated by the Southern African Expeditionary Army and the Russian army.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force was known to be wealthy and fond of collecting souvenirs.

The ability of the Russian army to fight has also been fully proved by the world war.

The key point is that Russian soldiers have no money, and the general economic conditions are not very good, so Russian officers and soldiers are still very keen on the "exchange".

Souvenirs are good, but any hobbies are fake until the stomach is full.

"This Oak Cross is not bad, how much is it?" Shen Fei from Los Angeles is well-off. His family has a thousand-acre farm and he runs an amusement park in Lake Nyasa. Russian translation.

It is not uncommon to have thousands of acres of farms in southern Africa. Farms in the Cape State often have thousands of acres, and there are countless farms with an area of ​​over [-].

It is very rare to have a thousand-acre farm in Los Angeles. Generally, those with this scale are either the first pioneers who first immigrated to Nyasaland, or the richest people who immigrated to southern Africa in the last ten years.

Ordinary riches are not good enough, they have to be at the level of the Capet family to be eligible to try.

"No money, exchange it with gold—" The owner of the goods is very smart. In Russia, the rand and pound are not easy to use, and gold is the hard currency.

"Understood!" Shen Fei didn't talk nonsense, he took off a watch produced by Itno from his wrist and handed it over. This thing is not worth much in southern Africa, but it is still very attractive to many Russians.

Until the 21st century, watches were one of the few belongings of many men. Although mobile phones can tell the time, the style is still not enough.

Russia's industry is seriously biased. The heavy industry is not developed, but the foundation is not bad. It has everything it should have, at least it has solved the problem of whether it is there or not.

The gap in light industry is huge.

For ordinary people, heavy industry doesn't make much sense, tanks are not as good as tractors for plowing land, and the income from spraying pesticides by planes is not enough to pay for gas.

Light industry is closely related to the lives of ordinary people. Ordinary families don’t need to buy tractors, but they have to eat without clothes. Watches can not only be sold for money, but also good for personal use.

What Shen Fei didn't expect was that although the owner looked at the watch with burning eyes, he still firmly shook his head and refused.

"Don't like it?" Shen Fei was surprised.

Russia does not produce watches.

But the watches produced in Russia have nothing to do with the common people, they are only used to meet the needs of specific groups of people, so there are dozens of such watches in Shen Fei's personal box, all of which are used to exchange souvenirs.

Not only in Russia, but also in the Allied forces on the Western Front, watches are also very popular. A watch that costs [-] rand in southern Africa can easily be exchanged for a souvenir worth [-] rand.

If the exchange object is Russian officers and soldiers, then the benefits will be even higher.

"I like it, but it's meaningless. I don't need too precise time." The owner's purpose is very clear, that is, to want gold.

Time is a thing that has different value to different people.

The time of the rich must be very precious. Every minute is hundreds of thousands, and every second is very precious, so a watch is needed to manage time.

The time of the poor is cheap. The rich can participate in several important activities in one morning, while the poor can spend the morning after a late sleep. So there is not much difference between having a watch or not.

This is the same as going to the subway with a luxury backpack bought with a low budget. Once you squeeze the subway, even if you are carrying a bag that costs tens of thousands of dollars, you will be suspected of being fake.

Rich people are different.

He lives in a mansion on the top of a mountain with several thousand square meters, travels by private jet, even if he goes to eat at a street stall, he will be considered down-to-earth.

Experience life is over.

"Perfect answer!" Shen Fei was not depressed, smart people can be found everywhere, little people naturally have the survival wisdom of little people.

So Shen Fei took out a gold bracelet from his pocket and handed it over, which Shen Fei had just exchanged for another watch.

When the currency is not common, barter becomes the best way of transaction.

Regarding the gold bracelet, the owner was obviously very positive. He directly took it and shook it in his hand, his expression still dissatisfied.

"If there is another one of the same kind, it will be more perfect." The owner obviously doesn't care about the workmanship of the bracelet, and the weight is the only concern.

now it's right.

No matter how good the workmanship is, the gold store still pays by gram when recycling, and the master's boutique will not add much added value.

"Are you married?" Shen Fei had a second plan.

The owner of the goods did not answer directly, and there were doubts in his eyes.

I'm married or not, what does that have to do with you?Can you tell me another place.

It is said that in today's Germany, as long as they are officers and soldiers of the Allied Forces, regardless of whether they are from Russia or southern Africa, it seems that it is not difficult to ask for a wife, as long as they are given food, the request is so simple and unpretentious.

It certainly wasn't like this before.

But right now there is no choice.

Shen Fei's pocket was comparable to a treasure bag, and the next thing he took out was a colorless diamond ring produced by Kimberley Company.

Putting it 30 years ago, this kind of colorless diamond was thrown on the ground and no one would pick it up, unless it was too big to be ignored.

Thanks to the Rhodes family's tireless publicity for 30 years, diamonds have finally become an indispensable part of marriage, and the diamonds hoarded by the Rhodes family have finally gained huge profits.

The solution is very simple, that is to place advertisements in the movie.

And not just films shot in Southern Africa.

In the past few decades, in the movies produced by all the film companies in the world, as long as there is a proposal scene, the diamond ring will definitely appear in the form of a token of marriage proposal. The director can't wait to give a close-up of more than ten seconds and directly engrave it in the audience's mind.

The effect of this decades-long brainwashing is terrifying.

So now the diamond ring has become a part of many young people's weddings, and it is the same in Russia.

Diamonds are indeed more attractive than gold. When the owner saw the diamond ring, his expression was obviously struggling.

The transaction between the two has not yet been completed, and someone next to him squatted down in front of the owner's stall to pick.

The souvenirs in the hands of this Russian soldier are indeed very rich. The medals are only part of them. There are dozens of them. The owner of the goods didn't pay too much attention.

Shen Fei fell in love with the only Oak Medal at a glance just now, and did not make a detailed selection.

The one who squatted down to pick out the medal was an American soldier, who was also a frequent visitor to the temporary trading market, and his purchasing power was second only to the officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

While negotiating the price with the owner, Shen Fei did not forget to pay attention to the remaining medals. If there is something good, Shen Fei will not let it go.

So among dozens of medals, Shen Fei unexpectedly found a hero medal issued by the Southern African Ministry of Defense.

The Medal of Heroes is still very important in the medal system of southern Africa. It is the highest-level medal that ordinary officers and soldiers can get. Medal of Heroes.

As for why this hero medal appeared here, the reason is self-evident.

When the Southern African Expeditionary Force fought against the Germans, losses were inevitable.

The American soldier who was selecting the medal was very familiar with the German military's medal system.

I am not very familiar with the medals in southern Africa.

The key point is that there are still some bloodstains on the hero medal.

In order to observe the medal more clearly, the American soldier spit on the medal.

"Damn what the hell are you doing?" Shen Fei was furious, and flew over heavily, kicking the American soldier who was squatting on the ground to the ground.

"Are you so crazy?" The American soldier was not easy to provoke, he got up from the ground and punched Shen Fei.

With another kick, Shen Fei kicked the American soldier down again, and then received a heavy punch in the face, and the nosebleed immediately flowed down.

There are many people in the flea market. The officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force and the American soldiers are regular customers. Naturally, they can't just watch their own people being bullied.

Military fights are very common. A very important unspoken rule is to ignore whether you win or not. If you see your own people being beaten and don’t help, the consequences are much more serious than not winning.

So in a very short period of time, the entire Tiaosao market became a melee.

At this time, it doesn't matter who hits whom, as long as it is not one of your own people, they will all be knocked to the ground. Besides, no matter how peaceful people are, they tend to pull sideways.

The melee of hundreds of people was extremely tragic. The expeditionary force and American soldiers fought first, and the British and Russians were inevitably involved. Based on the unspeakable but deep-rooted contradictions within the Allied Forces, they were quickly divided into two parts.

"It is understandable for the Americans and the British to join forces. After all, they are all Anglo-Saxons. Why did the southern Africans and the Russians join forces?" De Gaulle was very surprised after knowing this situation.

After Germany surrendered, Russia became the biggest threat to France. Although war is unlikely to break out, it might shake the foundation of the country.

In the final analysis, France is still a capitalist country, which is naturally opposed to Russia.

Southern Africa is now France's most important ally. In order to win assistance from Southern Africa, France even agreed to deploy military bases in France in Southern Africa. This is an unprecedented concession for France.

During the Vichy French period, the German army's garrison in France was not agreed by the French government and had been defined as an act of war by Free France.

The southern African garrison in France is naturally a joint operation.

"Southern Africans believe in the ancient oriental culture, which is probably a distant acquaintance and a close attack—" De Gaulle's friend Brandon is very familiar with southern Africa and has in-depth research on oriental culture.

That's right too.

The United Kingdom and the United States are in the same line, and it doesn't matter whoever is my father, anyway, the fat and water don't flow to outsiders.

Southern Africa and Russia, one in the southern hemisphere and the other in the northern hemisphere, are separated by thousands of miles, and they pose no threat to each other. Although it is not in the interest of France to join forces, it is understandable.

It's actually not that complicated.

At that time, the American soldiers and the British army were superior in number, and although the soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force were strong in combat effectiveness, they were inferior in number, and the overall score was almost a tie.

Considering the relationship between countries during the World War, the Russians have tendencies.

(End of this chapter)

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