Chapter 2651

The truth is a threat when it is hidden, and once it is made public, it is not only a trouble for the United States, but also for southern Africa.

The purpose of the Russians is obvious, which is to use this opportunity to break the alliance between the Allied forces on the Western Front, and then break through the blockade of Russia by the Allied forces on the Western Front.

This alone will definitely not achieve this goal.

But if there are too many similar things, even if Roque and Truman maintain the alliance with national interests in mind, the people of the two countries will not agree.

In Potsdam now, the relationship between several major countries is very delicate. It seems that they are still alliances, but in fact they are walking on thin ice, and the relationship will break down at any time.

Russia is using this incident to give eye drops to the United States and Britain.

Southern Africa is also using the Russian threat to increase its influence in Europe.

For Europe, Russia is like a ferocious tiger.

If tigers are caged, European countries will have to rely on aid from southern Africa.

Jan Smolts disliked Russia as much as he disliked the United States and Great Britain.

No matter how inconsistent the interests of the United States and the United Kingdom are, it is also an internal contradiction in capitalist society.

Russia is a working class country.

The working class has limited understanding of the influence of capital.

Molotov originally thought that making the truth public would trigger conflicts between southern Africa and the United States, and then Russia would be able to gain both sides and continue to win the support of the United States and southern Africa.

Don't listen to the bearded man's tough mouth, who doesn't want the benefits of free.

What Molotov never expected was that Jan Smother didn't give things a chance to ferment.

The day after the press conference Molotov did not see the scene that Molotov had hoped for. The front page of the "Times" was that the British general election was about to start, and the front page of "Le Figaro" was the French branch of the Workers International. The approval rating continued to drop, and the front page of the Nyasaland Daily reported that the Allied Forces in East Asia launched a new round of offensive against Japan.

There were also newspapers reporting on the conflict of the Allied forces in Potsdam, but none of them were relatively influential media, and they were not the key sections. At most, there were briefings the size of a tofu cube in the corners, which were inconspicuous.

The media with relatively large influence in Russia has made this conflict a key report, and the effect is indeed there. It not only makes readers fully aware of the greedy nature of Western countries, but also greatly pleases Russian readers——

The focus is on this readership.

What Molotov hopes to see is that the media in Europe and the United States will focus on this incident, which will then arouse public attention.

Now this incident has not caused any waves in Western countries, and it only continues to ferment in the area covered by Russia's influence, which will not achieve the desired purpose at all.

"It's a pity, if we let us handle this matter, many people will feel very uncomfortable." Alvin regrets that Russia is still rough and not good at micromanipulation.

That's what capital does.

It doesn't matter what the truth is. As long as it is unfavorable to Southern Africa, the Federal Government of Southern Africa has the ability to completely block it, without giving public opinion a chance to ferment.

The same is true in the United States. In the entire World War II, 30 people died in the United States. If a mere American soldier has no identity background, it is not worth paying attention to at all.

Even the senator didn't want it to attract media attention.

Gold plating is easy to do. Americans say everyone is equal. The son of the farmer goes to the front and fights bloody battles with the enemy. The son of the senator lives in the safety of the rear, waiting to share the glory of victory. What about equality?
"This matter is so far." Rock didn't want to cause extra problems, he just wanted to go home early after the meeting smoothly, and even the desire to fight for power and profit was not as strong as when he was in southern Africa.

The main reason is that there is nothing to fight for. Now that Germany is completely empty, even if Rock digs three feet, it will be difficult to scrape too much oil and water from Germany.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force knows to collect loot, and the American soldiers, Russians, and British are not idle. In the past few months, Germany has been almost evacuated, leaving only the land that has not been moved.

There is a saying that bandits are like sieves and soldiers are like grates. It is not that the Allies do not take a thread from the masses. Every time they occupy a city, it is as clean as if it has been washed with water. All valuable things are taken away and left for the Germans. The screws and nuts below are not matched.

The biggest advantage of street fighting is that there are no omissions. During the battle, soldiers will put anything good in their pockets, and whoever snatches it will own it.

The follow-up troops also gained a lot. The large items that the soldiers could not move, such as the machinery in the factory, the surplus materials in the warehouse, the technical data accumulated by the Germans for hundreds of years, and the exotic treasures looted from Europe after the outbreak of the war, Even wrecked tanks and cars can be turned into money, as long as they are not burned to empty shells.

On the 24th, the meeting continued. When discussing compensation from Germany, the bearded man not only confiscated the assets of the Russian-occupied areas in Germany and the corresponding German foreign investment, but also demanded that the industrial facilities demolished from the Allied-occupied areas on the Western Front 15.00% free of charge, and [-]% of the goods paid as compensation.

This request is justified. Russia has suffered the most losses in this war and should receive the most compensation.

Rock and Truman did not entangle with Beard on this issue, and agreed to Beard's request very happily.

If you pay, you will pay, anyway, there is not much money, and all the valuables have been removed, and Washington and Pretoria don't like the rest of the brains, so the bearded man will take it away if he wants it.

As for Winston—

The British general election is about to start, and Winston will return to the UK to preside over the overall situation and cannot attend the next meeting.

Before leaving, Winston came to Roque, hoping that Roque would not agree to any request from the bearded man, and wait for Winston to come back.

"We can't easily meet any demands of the Russians. The Russians are extremely greedy and are used to pushing forward. If we make concessions, we will send the wrong signal to the Russians and further stimulate their appetite." Winston's heart is full In Potsdam, there was no desire to go back to London at all.

"Leave the Russians alone, and focus on the election." Rock reminded Winston, don't lose the big because of the small.

"The moment I announced my candidacy, the election was over!" Winston was full of confidence, similar to Guan Yu who warmed wine and killed Huaxiong.

This probably means that you drag the Russians first, and wait for me to come back to end all this.

It won't take a few days.

Rock was completely speechless. This was not the first time he reminded Winston, but it was a pity that Winston never paid attention to it.

Winston thinks too well of the British. He thinks that he has made unparalleled contributions to the United Kingdom during the two world wars. Therefore, as long as Winston is willing to continue serving as the British Prime Minister, the British will definitely support it. .

Therefore, choosing whether to choose or not is simply superfluous and completely unnecessary.

"Now the British are not concerned about the threat from Russia, but post-war reconstruction." Rock worried that Winston would lose Jingzhou carelessly.

Winston's consistent toughness put him in a predicament of self-will. Leading Britain to victory is indeed a remarkable achievement, and this glory also made him make a wrong judgment.

Winston hated Russia all the way, so he presumably assumed that all Britons, like him, would take the threat from Russia as a top priority and seriously.

Therefore, Winston's slogan is to block Russia, limit Russia's influence to the European continent, and not expand to the British Isles.

From the standpoint of the United Kingdom, it must be right.

But for the vast majority of British people, they are tired of the war, and at the same time they have begun to doubt the role of continental equilibrium. They don't even care about Britain's international status anymore, and all their concerns are on restoring normal life order.

To put it bluntly, it doesn’t matter whether Britain is an empire on which the sun never sets. The important thing is to cancel the damn material rationing system as soon as possible, so that milk and bread can reappear on the dining table, so that every British person has the time and ability to go on vacation——

Look at this appeal, it is exactly the same as the slogan put forward by Mustache.

"Without national security, how can there be personal happiness?" Winston disagreed, and his British Empire would never set.

It cannot be said that Winston was wrong. What he said was quite right, but it was out of date and could not be recognized by the British.

There is no need to discuss the relationship between a country and an individual. There is no home without a country. The country is not strong, and even if it has accumulated enough wealth, it cannot be kept. When Germany swept across Europe, it took away enough things. Not now I have to go back obediently.

Although the Sanssouci Palace where Rock stayed was not destroyed by the war, it was also looted by the rebels. It is said that the looted exhibits were only recovered after the bearded man decided to hold a meeting in Potsdam.

It's a pity that only part of it was found, and the other part was missing.

"It's not me who wants to debate with you, but Attlee." Rock reminded Winston not to mistake the object of the debate.

It is useless to talk about this matter. Even if Winston wins Attlee in the debate, it is useless if most of the British cannot be convinced.

The Rock people in Potsdam paid no less attention to the British election than Winston.

Unlike Winston, who was immersed in the war and could not extricate himself from it, Attlee had previously appeared as the spokesman for the interests of the British civilian class. The slogan he played was to improve social welfare, reduce taxes, reduce labor hours for workers, and urge the financial sector to serve the interests of enterprises. Provide low-interest loans to fully restore the social economy.

Winston is better at grand narratives, so he can lead Britain to win the world war.

Attlee paid more attention to people's livelihood, regardless of whether he could do it or not, at least he showed that he paid more attention to the British than Winston.

Winston's emphasis was on England.

Looking at it this way, the difference between the two is obvious.

All right, all right.

But theory is meaningless if it is divorced from practice.

"Compared to Attlee, I need your support more." The relationship with Rock is also a source of confidence for Winston.

Whether Rock wanted it or not, he had in fact become one of Winston's bargaining chips.

After Neville stepped down, why Winston was able to obtain the support of the King of England and the British Parliament, and his personal relationship with Rock played a very important role.

No country can ignore the strength of Southern Africa.

Winston and Roque have a very good personal relationship, and the two can easily reach an agreement on many issues. To put it bluntly, they are also loans. When Winston comes forward to find Roque, the interest rate is lower than normal one point.

The others went to look for Roque, but they might not even be able to meet each other.

So as long as the relationship with Rock is maintained, it is equivalent to maintaining the relationship between the UK and southern Africa.

"Of course, I'm your forever friend." Rock's words made Winston very happy.

Winston did not hear what Rock said.

Roque's meaning is also very clear.

Winston came to Roque, and Roque would provide Winston with the greatest convenience within the sphere of power.

If Attlee became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, would Rock turn a blind eye when he came to see Rock?

The difference between Winston and Attlee is at most reflected in whether they will go to the study room on the second floor of the apse of the Palace of Justice for another drink after the reception dinner, which will not affect the relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom.

The relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom depends only on the interests of southern Africa, and has nothing to do with who is the prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Standing on Roque's position, Roque certainly hoped that Winston would win the election.

But if it is Attlee who wins the election, Roque will also send Attlee his due congratulations.

Southern Africa cannot sever diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom just because Winston lost the election.

Southern Africa has not broken off diplomatic relations with Russia yet.

After sending the confident Winston onto the plane, Rock turned around and asked Alvin to increase the importance he attached to Attlee.

On the attention list in Brad's office, Attlee must be on the list, but the importance will be ranked behind Winston.

The situation was different now. Winston, who was no longer Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, was just an old friend to Roque and Southern Africa.

"Are the British so ruthless?" Alvin didn't have a clear understanding of the British.

This cannot be blamed on Alvin, the British are capable of constantly refreshing people's understanding of morality.

"Not only the British, as long as everyone is the same, they will instinctively choose the side that is most beneficial to them." Rock doesn't care whether the British are humane, and it applies everywhere.

In fact, Alvin didn't care whether Winston could win the election. What he cared about was whether the southern Africans would like the new and dislike the old like the British.

Of course, this is not a problem for Alvin.

Southern African preferences can be steered.

The Locke family gained the most benefits during the rise of Southern Africa, surpassing Rhodes and Matilda to become the most powerful capital group in Southern Africa.

But you see, some southern African news media dare to make irresponsible remarks on this matter. What southern Africans can see and hear are all kinds of good deeds of the Locke family, and there is no negative news at all.

(End of this chapter)

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