Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2652 Does your face hurt?

Chapter 2652 Does your face hurt?
Winston's departure put the meeting into a state of rest again, but Rock was not idle in Potsdam, meeting with Beard and Truman every day, trying to resolve differences in various ways, and reaching agreement in many aspects.

Without Winston's objection, not only was the progress of the meeting unaffected, but it went smoother. Rock and Truman were unwilling to entangle Big Beard in the details. During the three days when the British were away, Rock, Beard and Truman were very After the meeting draft is successfully discussed, it will wait for Winston—or the new British Prime Minister to come and sign it.

This is also retribution.

During the Paris Peace Conference, Britain and France held a closed-door meeting to jointly decide the fate of other victorious and defeated countries.

Only 20 years have passed, and both Britain and France were absent from the Potsdam Conference. Like those countries whose fate was hastily decided by them, they completely lost their right to speak.

Beard's overjoyed personality made him hold a press conference immediately to announce the news to reporters.

"—We have made a final decision to deprive Germany of the ability to wage war and to completely transform Germany. At the same time, we must also severely punish war criminals and completely liquidate the crimes in the war. Those remnants hidden in the crowd We will eventually find out one by one and accept the just verdict. It is time to turn our attention to Asia, and we will bring permanent peace to this planet." The bearded man was very happy, talking to reporters.

Rock and Truman sat behind the bearded man, and they had no intention of speaking, leaving the stage to the bearded man.

"Is there really no problem for us to do this—" Rock expressed deep concern.

The bearded man spoke nicely, but this closed-door meeting obviously cannot bring peace to the world.

When the new British Prime Minister returns to Potsdam, it is still unknown what will happen.

France and other victorious powers were also dissatisfied because their demands were not being met.

Beard is actually not satisfied, but there is no better way. The conditions offered by Rock and Truman are already the optimal solution under the current situation.

In order to make up for Russia's losses, Rock and Truman agreed to the economic requirements of the bearded man, and agreed to hand over Königsberg to Russian management.

Königsberg is the future Kaliningrad, and handing it over to Russia is equivalent to ceding it. This is one of the hidden dangers in the future, because this decision was also made without the presence of the Germans.

Beard is not worried about this issue. As long as Rock and Truman let go, he is confident of obtaining the consent of the German Provisional Government, because the current Provisional Government was originally established with the support of Russia.

"In order to end the war as soon as possible, we can only do this." Truman did not want to stay in Potsdam for half a year like the Paris Peace Conference.

There was too much to think about at the Paris Peace Conference, and too much time was wasted by Britain and France on what to do with Germany.

In the end, Britain won, and the Continental Equilibrium Policy continued.

There is nothing to discuss about this issue now. The bearded man has made it clear that he will not withdraw Germany, and it is impossible for the Allies on the Western Front to cede Germany to Russia. Maintaining the status quo is the best result.

When Rock and Truman agreed to cede Königsberg to Russia, the bearded man was also willing to hand over a part of Berlin to the Allied forces on the Western Front for management.

This is actually a trap, because the West Berlin that the beard gave up is surrounded by the Russian-controlled area, and it is 180 kilometers away from the nearest Allied front.

This means that Russia can cut off West Berlin and the Allied-controlled areas on the Western Front at any time.

Truman, also aware of the Russian plot, did not want to accept the invitation.

Rock insisted on accepting that if West Berlin was blocked by Russia, Rock would have a way to break it.

In another time and space, in 1948, Russia took advantage of its geographical location to completely block the only way for the Allied forces to enter and exit West Berlin, including roads, waterways and underground railways, turning West Berlin into a dead zone.

The Allied forces on the Western Front did not evacuate, but transported food, clothing, fuel, and all necessary living materials to West Berlin by air transport.

This operation lasted for eleven months, with a total of more than 27 flights, transporting more than 8000 million tons of materials to West Berlin, and costing 230 billion U.S. dollars. During this period, seven planes crashed and 6000 crew members died.

In another time and space, what the United Kingdom and the United States can do, Rock can also do.

"British people should accept the fact that Britain is constantly weakening. Any act of resistance will only speed up this process. What we should discuss is how to free the colonies all over the world from the colonial powers." Truman has ambitions, Roosevelt dared not say this.

Roque didn't say it either, but Roque was doing it.

"What does the Philippines say?" Rock beat the snake to find seven inches.

Although the U.S. government has always insisted that the Philippines is a U.S. territory, it is clear that the U.S. does not regard the Philippines as part of the United States.

Who has ever seen a country set up the post of governor on its own soil?
The Philippines is.

"We are considering giving the Philippines a completely independent status." Truman is also a prodigal son, and he doesn't feel bad about selling his grandfather.

Truman cannot be blamed for this. The Philippines cannot provide the United States with the benefits it wants. Maintaining the colonial rule of the Philippines is a huge burden for the United States, and the United States is now avoiding it.

After the recovery of the Philippines, the U.S. government predicted that at least tens of billions of dollars would be needed to rebuild the Philippines after the war and fully restore the Philippine economy.

This is not over. After reconstruction, in order to maintain the colonial rule of the Philippines, the US government will spend at least [-] million U.S. dollars every year.

After the United States seized the Philippines from Spain, the contribution of the Philippines to the United States in half a century added up to less than [-] million U.S. dollars.

Under such circumstances, it is irrational to continue to maintain the US colonial rule over the Philippines.

What Roque didn't know was that the United States' abandonment of the Philippines was actually inspired by southern Africa to a certain extent.

If it is only [-] million U.S. dollars per year, the U.S. government is not unacceptable. After all, the Philippines has a certain strategic position, and maintaining a military presence in the Philippines will help the U.S. expand its influence in Asia.

After the recovery of France, in order to obtain support from southern Africa, France agreed to the establishment of military bases in France by southern Africa and stationed troops to ensure the security of France.

With the pearls and jades from southern Africa in front, the Americans were pleasantly surprised to find that the goal of strategic fulcrum can be achieved without spending too much money.

By granting the Philippines an independent status, the U.S. government can get rid of the heavy financial burden and go into battle with ease.

Child, you have grown up, you have to learn to support yourself.

For the Philippines, such an America is equivalent to reborn parents.

They have regenerated parents, so it is also possible for the United States to rent a few suitable places from the Philippines to build military bases.

Rent, though essential, would never exceed $[-] million a year.

"When are you going to dissolve the Southern African Union?" Truman also asked Rock.

At the St. Petersburg Conference, the leaders of the Allied Powers decided to establish a new international organization to replace the infamous League of Nations as the main communication platform for future state-to-state communication.

This organization has not yet been formally established, the main difference is the location.

Roque, as Prime Minister of Southern Africa, hoped to place the new League of Nations in Pretoria.

Coincidentally, Winston, Beard, and Roosevelt thought so too.

The question remained unresolved, but Truman, apparently fearful of the Southern African Union, had been pressing the question for some time.

The Southern African Union is not the Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth has been torn apart because of the weakness of the United Kingdom, but the Southern African Union has increasingly strong centripetal force because of the strength of southern Africa.

Southern Africa itself has abundant resources, strong technical strength, and unfathomable war potential, making it almost impossible to defeat.

The countries of the Southern African Union also have excellent conditions. Whether it is the two Congos, Najd, Brazil, or East India, they cannot be underestimated. With the blessing of the Union, Southern Africa can easily defeat any country in the world.

If the Southern African Union is not disbanded, then the Southern African Union will become the most powerful force in the new League of Nations, which will make the establishment of the new League of Nations meaningless.

No matter how powerful the United States is, it will be difficult to do it alone under the model of the new League of Nations. At most, it will drag the United Kingdom along with it, and its ability to do things is not even as good as Russia, which has a vote of support from Eastern European countries.

This is the defect of the minority obeying the majority.

Even if the United States and the United Kingdom are both permanent members and have a veto, it will be difficult to shake the advantages of southern Africa and Russia.

I have what you have, but you don't have what I have, so what else is there to say.

"I have explained to you many times that the Southern African Union is just a regional exchange and cooperation organization, and it does not pose any threat to the outside world. Don't worry." Rock dealt with it casually, and it was impossible to dissolve it.

There are many benefits to the release of the Philippines by the United States.

What good has southern Africa disbanded the Union?
During the World War, more than half of the southern African expeditionary forces were provided by the Allied countries.

The Union countries take it out alone, except for southern Africa, all have flaws, and the weaknesses are obvious.

The advantages are of course obvious.

Najd has the largest oil reserves in the world, the strategic position of East India is unmatched, and Brazil is the most powerful and potential country in South America——

Even the two Congos are famous for their rare metal deposits.

With so many benefits, do you want Rock to disband with just one word?
Dream it!
"Can the United States join the Southern African Union?" Truman joined if he couldn't beat it.

If there is a Southern African Union under the new League of Nations, then simply merge the new League of Nations into the Southern African Union.

In the current new League of Nations, there is an alliance in southern Africa, Russia has a member country, and the United Kingdom also has the support of a large number of Commonwealth countries. What does the United States have?
A light rod commander.

"The admission of new members to the Southern African Union requires the consent of all the Union countries." Rock's procedural justice is not up to Rock alone.

At least procedurally.

Truman looked at Roque with disgust.

Is this person talking nonsense and never drafting a draft? If Roque wants a certain country to join the Southern African Union, does he still need the consent of the Union countries?

What to do if you scare the leaders of other alliance countries to death!
"The dissolution of the Southern African Union also requires the consent of all the Union countries, and I cannot live up to the trust from the Union countries." Rock continued——

Just as Truman was about to speak, the bearded man on the stage finally finished his speech. There was thunderous applause, and Rock and Truman also applauded.

Walking out of the conference hall, a large group of reporters huffed and surrounded, startling the staff of the Secret Service of the Palace of Justice beside Rock, and some of them had already stretched their hands into their arms.

What was handed to Rock was countless microphones, and photographers clicked waste film. In order to protect Rock's eyesight, all reporters were not allowed to use flash when taking pictures.

"My lord, the British Labor Party has defeated the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party with an absolute advantage in the general election. Attlee will become the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Do you have anything to say to your old friend Winston?"

What Rock was most worried about finally happened.

Attlee had planned for a long time, and Winston did not complain about the loss.

Winston was able to enter the palace for the second time, in fact, thanks to the cooperation of the Labor Party.

The Conservative Party led by Neville had actually lost the election to the Labor Party led by Attlee. In order to continue to be in power, Neville had to invite the Labor Party to join and form a coalition government.

Attlee accepted Neville's invitation and agreed to form a coalition government with the Conservative Party, but Attlee had a condition, that is, Neville could not continue to serve as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and gave Neville a serious backstab.

Neville is actually to blame. During his tenure as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, he failed to lead the United Kingdom out of the economic crisis. Politically, he was swept around like a cat with a mustache and a mouse, especially the scene of "I brought peace to a whole generation". All the face of the British government.

Attlee wanted to coerce the emperor to make the princes. Although the Labor Party defeated the Conservative Party, it did not gain much advantage.

If Neville is no longer the Prime Minister, then Attlee can take over smoothly.

Neville hated all forms of betrayal, he could not be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and he would not let Attlee succeed as he wished, so when Neville submitted his resignation to the King of England, he recommended Winston to succeed Neville as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

This is how Winston stepped in.

The current situation of the Conservative Party is even worse than it was back then. Although the Conservative Party lost control of the Congress back then, it was still powerful. That's why Attlee lost the chance to make a comeback.

Now that the Labor Party has gained an absolute advantage, it does not need to win over the Conservative Party and can form a government alone. Winston was swept out.

"Congratulations to the United Kingdom, and congratulations to Richard. I believe that Richard must be a qualified British Prime Minister. He will lead the UK out of the predicament and return to the top." Rock decided to call Winston later, Ask Winston if his face hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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