Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2653 Don't give face to anyone

Winston did not complain about the loss. His opponent, Attlee, was not an unknown person, and his campaign strategy was better than Winston's.

Of course, the main problem lies with Winston. He is too persistent in confrontation. In an interview with The Times, Winston even jokingly said: Without war, I will feel lonely.

This was the sentence that condemned Winston to death.

Winston was probably the only Englishman who still wanted to fight.

Attlee didn't want to fight, so when he arrived in Potsdam, the first thing he went to meet was Beard.

This worried Rock very much.

Rock didn't want to make the relationship with Russia too stiff, but at the same time he didn't want to get too close to Russia.

This stalemate was broken after Stoudemire arrived in Potsdam.

In fact, before that, Stoudemire had completely retired without any political office. He didn't even live in Pretoria. Most of the time he stayed in Salisbury, Rhodesia, and didn't care about world affairs.

The reason why Kleinstadt came to Potsdam was also Russia.

"I'm in trouble. The Russians have discovered a diamond mine, which may have an impact on the price of diamonds. We need to form an alliance with the Russians to jointly maintain the price of diamonds." Stoudemire hoped that Rock could help and thread the needle.

Rock was speechless.

Diamonds used to be the main business of the Rhodes family, and old Cecil Rhodes started his business with diamonds.

Now the situation has improved a lot. Under the leadership of Stoudemire, the Rhodes family has fully blossomed and has become a veritable resource tycoon. Diamonds are becoming less and less important in the Rhodes family's industrial chain.

"What's the point of earning the poor's money? It's only meaningful if the rich are willing to pay. Diamonds, like other jewels, never cheat the poor." Stoudemire defended himself in this way, but he still couldn't impress Rock.

To put it bluntly, it is black money.

From no one cares about it to a symbol of love, the value of diamonds is hyped up by the Rhodes family. If you insist on emphasizing the meaning of diamonds, it is all nonsense. This thing is a stone. If you don’t believe me, see the appearance of artificial diamonds After that, how come no one discusses the value of diamonds anymore.

In Roque's view, the Rhodes family has earned black-hearted money in the diamond industry for decades by relying on hype and hard food.

"I came to Potsdam to discuss the future of all mankind with the leaders of the most powerful country in the world. You asked me to form a group with the Russians to make black money-what do you think?" Rock didn't want to get involved in this matter, shame.

"Are you the Prime Minister of Southern Africa?" Stoudemire asked seriously.

"Of course—" Rock would have to wait until after the war to retire.

"Then you can help me—" Stoudemire is sure of winning.

Rock's questioning eyes!

The prime minister helps you make money?

It seems reasonable, after all, the prime minister has the obligation and responsibility to safeguard the interests of Southern African businesses.

But this also points to the industry. Rock is still the leader of the Southern African Union, but he also hates the human resources industry that is booming in the countries of the Southern African Union.

The development of southern Africa is inseparable from the contribution of human resources enterprises. The reason why southern African commodities have strong competitiveness has a lot to do with low labor costs.

The construction of southern Africa is also thanks to the African workers. Under every southern African railroad track, there is a worker's body buried. This is not all an exaggeration.

Even in the Southern African Expeditionary Force, African-American soldiers accounted for a large proportion, especially the front-line combat troops.

Although human resources companies have brought huge benefits to southern Africa, it is impossible for Rock to become the spokesperson for the interests of human resources companies.

On the contrary, in recent years, the Southern African Union has also rectified this industry, requiring human resources companies and employees to sign formal labor contracts, and making clear regulations on minimum wages, working hours, vacation systems, social insurance, etc., to effectively protect the interests of workers.

At least you can't treat people like slaves.

Although this will affect the competitiveness of southern African enterprises to a certain extent, Roque would rather see enterprises devote more energy to technology research and development and improve labor efficiency than to see enterprises earn profits by exploiting workers. .

To put it bluntly, it is too low.

"There are millions of workers in the De Beers Mining Alliance throughout southern Africa and around the world. If the price of diamonds collapses, they will lose their jobs. Therefore, the number of people affected may exceed tens of millions." Stoudemire's words made Luo grams cannot be ignored.

Rock could watch diamond prices collapse with a sneer.

But it cannot be ignored that millions of workers are out of work.

"The Mining Alliance has a million employees?" Rock doubted the authenticity of this data.

Rock's first pot of gold was also discovered in the mining industry. Gold mines and diamond mines are both profitable, and they don't actually need too many workers.

The industries with the most workers are coal and steel.

If there is a problem in these two industries, Rock will take the initiative to solve it without Stoudemire's request.

"There are not only millions of employees, but also taxes of hundreds of millions of rands every year-" Stoudemire did not explain the millions of employees, and hundreds of millions of rands are indeed true.

Why did Roque tolerate Stoudemire using diamonds to make black-hearted money?

A very critical issue is that Stoudemire did not eat alone, but shared the profits from diamonds with the Southern African Federal Government.

For some special industries, the Federal Government of Southern Africa imposes heavy taxes. For example, the tax rate for the luxury goods industry is as high as 50.00%.

This is the main reason why the price of luxury goods produced by Itno and De Beers in southern Africa is much lower than that in foreign countries.

At least what Stoudemire said just now was correct. The best thing about luxury goods is that they never cheat the poor.

Now that we've talked about this, let me help you out.

The new British Prime Minister Attlee arrived in Potsdam. As the host, the bearded man must do his best to be a landlord. According to the usual practice, the evening is a welcome dinner that has not changed for thousands of years.

Rock and Truman, as the main guests, witnessed the scene where Attlee and Beard had a drink and chat like old friends.

"The British Empire is making changes, actively restoring post-war reconstruction, paying attention to people's livelihood, focusing on the economy, and adjusting overseas territorial policies-the British Empire and Russia have a profound historical friendship. We should work together to ensure the security of Europe and the entire world." Attlee was very excited, he finally came to the power center of this world.

Attlee has a deep relationship with the Communist International. He became a lawyer after graduation and joined the Labor Party in 1908, which is the main component of the British Labor Party.

"Does this guy think that the British Labor Party is the same as the Russian Labor Party?" Truman couldn't help complaining.

"It does look similar." Rock smiled.

The British Labor Party is a hundred times better than the United States even if it is trying to sell dog meat.

Attlee's election manifesto was not to fool the British. He really cared about people's livelihood and economic development. That's why he was able to completely defeat Winston when his popularity reached its peak.

In the just-concluded British general election, the Labor Party led by Attlee won 393 votes.

Winston and the Conservative Party won a total of 213 votes.

Therefore, the Labor Party does not need to form a coalition government with the Conservative Party, and Attlee has the perfect stage to play.

When Macdonald came to power, the Labor Party did not have enough advantage, and Macdonald had to form a coalition government with the Conservative Party, and eventually stepped down sadly.

Cooperating with the Conservative Party is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

Roque didn't care about the relationship between the British Labor Party and the Communist International, but worried about whether the relationship between Britain and Russia would change after Attlee came to power.

With the Comintern gaining the upper hand in France and Italy, Britain became the last stand of capitalism in Europe.

It is also fortunate that the British Labor Party has no affiliation with the Comintern, otherwise Britain would become the first European country to surrender to the Comintern.

Different from Winston's usual toughness towards Russia, Attlee is quite looking forward to Russia. From the fact that he was the first to visit the bearded man after arriving in Potsdam, it is not difficult to speculate that after Attlee came to power, Britain and Russia relationship will improve substantially.

The key is how good it is!
"Russia and the United Kingdom are brother countries. We will jointly maintain peace in Europe and the world, and carry out in-depth cooperation in more fields—" Beard's words were even more frightening, and Rock couldn't help wondering whether Attlee had reached an agreement with Beard What a secret agreement.

If this is the case, then the environment for southern Africa in Europe will be very difficult.

At the meeting the next day, Attlee showed more goodwill towards Russia, and did not show strong opposition to the draft agreement reached by Rock, Truman, and Beard while taking advantage of the absence of the British Prime Minister.

When Winston attended the meeting, the bearded man asked Britain to expel the Polish government-in-exile in London and confirm that the Polish interim government established with the support of Russia was the only legal government of Poland.

This proposal was strongly opposed by Winston, who demanded that Poland implement democratic elections under the supervision of the Allied countries, and let the Poles decide their own destiny.

With little hesitation, Attlee agreed to the bearded man's request.

This made Rock and Truman look at each other with admiration.

The Polish government-in-exile is in London, not in Pretoria or Washington, so Roque and Truman don't care whether the legal government of Poland is an interim government or a government-in-exile, because Poland has now de facto become Russia's sphere of influence. Trump and Truman were powerless to change.

Britain is also powerless to change this fact.

But agreeing to the bearded man's request is tantamount to a betrayal of the Polish government-in-exile, which will deal a heavy blow to Britain's reputation.

When Poland fell, the Polish government did not consider exile in southern Africa or the United States, but went to the United Kingdom. This means that the Poles believe that the United Kingdom can help the Polish government restore its rule over Poland after the war.

Now that Attlee has easily betrayed the Polish government-in-exile, no country will pin its hopes on Britain in the future.

Beard's request also includes that Poland will not be included in Germany's compensation distribution plan, and Russia will transfer 15% of the compensation received to Poland.

As for the part of Germany's compensation, Rock, Winston, Truman, and Beard previously discussed 2000 billion U.S. dollars.

Actually more than that.

But Germany is simply unable to make compensation now, so no matter how high the compensation amount is set, it is useless. At least 2000 billion US dollars will not make Germany completely desperate. As long as you work hard, there will always be a day when the debt will be paid off.

In fact, for Germany now, 2000 billion US dollars is enough to make the Germans desperate, and they will not be clear in the next life.

Therefore, Rock and Winston proposed that in terms of compensation, Germany only needs to pay 200 billion U.S. dollars in the form of assets, industrial products and labor.

This plan is to limit Russia's expansion, because it is proposed at the same time that after Germany pays all compensation, the allied countries will withdraw their troops in Germany and return Germany to the Germans.

The bearded man disagreed with this proposal. He did not mean to spare the Germans, and it would be better to station troops on German soil forever.

If it is said that at this point, Attlee's concession did not surprise Rock.

Then on the Black Sea issue, Attlee's concession made Rock unacceptable.

Like the previous meetings, the bearded man brought up the old matter again, and once again asked for access to the Black Sea.

At least share the Black Sea estuary with relevant parties.

Now the mouth of the Black Sea belongs to the territory of the Ottoman Republic and is under the jurisdiction of the Southern African Expeditionary Force entrusted by the soon-to-disintegrate League of Nations.

The Black Sea estuary has been controlled by the League of Nations forces since World War I.

The world war caused great damage to the strength of all countries, and the League of Nations forces were forced to disband. Therefore, the League of Nations handed over the Black Sea outlet to the Southern African Federal Government as a mandated territory.

This is also the traditional way of doing things.

Rock attaches great importance to the outlet of the Black Sea. In previous meetings, Rock has firmly rejected Big Beard's request and firmly controlled the outlet of the Black Sea in the hands of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

During the previous meeting, Russia still needed help from southern Africa, so the bearded man's attitude was not firm. In addition, Rock had Winston to help, so the bearded man failed to succeed.

This time, the bearded man also made a request for the outlet of the Black Sea. Winston refused at that time, but the bearded man did not bother.

"The Black Sea is indeed very important to Russia, and we should consider Russia's reasonable demands." As soon as Attlee spoke, Rock was furious.

How important is the Black Sea to you, Attlee?

Also reasonable request!
Why don't you cede London to Russia and let the bearded man have fun.

So Rock turned black face directly: "Are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know that the Black Sea has now become the most dangerous hidden danger in our world. We came here to eliminate the risk of war, so we should solve the problem of the Black Sea outlet in a more appropriate way." Attlee's angle is tricky , this is probably equivalent to saying that our enemy is very dangerous, so we should simply surrender.

"The Black Sea is not British territory, and you are not qualified to decide the fate of the mouth of the Black Sea." Rock definitely wants to lock Russia at the other end of the Dardanelles, and no one will give it to anyone.

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