Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2663 Lion Eagle Bull Bear

Chapter 2663 Lion Eagle Bull Bear
Attlee really underestimated the bearded man, and a few Hawaiian goose engines could not satisfy the bearded man's appetite at all, it could only be regarded as a greeting gift.

What the bearded man really wants is British influence in Europe.

If possible, the bearded man wants to replace Britain as the future world leader.

Under the premise that southern Africa and the United States are unprecedentedly strong, this request is obviously unrealistic, so the bearded man is the next best thing. If he can replace the United Kingdom, it would be good to become the leader of Europe.

This is also in line with the changing trend of the times.

The era of British global dominance has passed, and the era of multipolarity is about to enter. The influence of southern Africa and the United States on Africa and the Americas is unshakable. Only Europe is left for the bearded man.

This idea is inseparable from the cooperation of Southern Africa.

As mentioned earlier, on the issue of breaking the British colonial system, southern Africa and the United States have broad common interests.

Southern Africa and Russia also share extensive common interests in breaking the old pattern in Europe.

Although Britain and France have been greatly weakened after two world wars, their influence on Europe should not be underestimated.

Especially the UK.

After the end of World War I, in order to dig deeper into the corner of the British Empire, southern Africa and the United States unanimously chose to support Germany.

The funny thing is that Britain made the same choice in order to suppress France and balance the European continent.

It is still a continuation of the Continental Equilibrium Policy.

The difference is that Southern Africa is chosen, from Germany to Russia.

Rock is a conspiracy, and the bearded man knows it well.

The bearded man is not afraid of conspiracy, because Russia has almost unlimited strategic depth. After Napoleon and the mustache have failed successively, no country should choose to fight Russia by means of war, so even if Russia becomes a pawn against the United Kingdom, the bearded man is also confident. Become a chess player.

Rock is even more afraid.

If it were someone else, they might not know Russia's weaknesses, but Roque knew it all too well. Not only did he understand Russia better than Beard, but he also knew the future direction of the world.

It's like playing chess. Big Beard is an excellent chess player who counts ten moves in one move, while Rock memorizes the score from beginning to end. No matter how you change, Rock always has a countermeasure.

Both of them felt that they had the chance to win, and the atmosphere was naturally very harmonious. When it reflected in the meeting the next day, the two had a tacit understanding.

"We respect the interests of southern Africa in the Mediterranean Sea and no longer discuss the control of the Black Sea outlet. At the same time, we will declare war on Japan as quickly as possible to end this protracted war that has brought great disasters to all of us." Beard's statement surprised both Attlee and Truman.

It seems that the Russians are intimidated by the super weapon in southern Africa. Is this super weapon so easy to use?

No, the production of super weapons is very difficult, and the number of southern Africa is limited, which does not pose much threat to Russia.

So there is some kind of deal between Southern Africa and Russia behind the scenes.

Could it be that southern Africa gave Russia the technology of super weapons?


Fortunately, Truman said, anyway, the United States also has atomic bombs.

Attlee's pressure doubled.

There is a saying that it is not terrible to bump into a shirt, whoever is ugly is embarrassed.

Some people say they don't know who's been swimming naked until the tide goes out.

In case southern Africa, the United States, and Russia all have super weapons, and only Britain does not, the future of the British Empire will be very bad.

"Russian merchant ships will have the highest degree of right of passage in the Bosporus Strait, and will not be affected by the war. Southern Africa will also open ports around the world to Russia, and Russian merchant ships can dock for supplies." Worry about contact with Russia.

Why did Russia suffer a disastrous defeat in the Russo-Japanese War?
A big reason is that Britain closed its ports to Russia and did not allow the Russian warships that spared most of the world to go to East Asia to participate in the war to resupply along the way.

Roque promised to open the port to Russian merchant ships, so that Russian merchant ships can travel unimpeded around the world.

It was only at this time that Attlee discovered that, before he knew it, the southern African ports had spread all over the world.

Taking a closer look, Attlee almost twisted his nose in anger.

Almost all of these ports in southern Africa were obtained from the British Empire.

Like Halifax, Canada.

Another example is Changi Naval Base.

Don't compare, Southern Africa is split from the Commonwealth.

Although heartbroken, Attlee was helpless.

These ports in southern Africa were not snatched, but transferred, purchased, and inherited from the British through various methods, which is absolutely reasonable and legal.

"Then let's discuss the issue of the Far East—" Truman also realized that the relationship between southern Africa and Russia had undergone substantial changes, and took the initiative to join in.

The East Asian battlefield is dominated by southern Africa and the United States. Although the United Kingdom also participated, its presence is not as strong as that of East India and Australia.

Both East India and Australia sent regular armies in East Asia.

Britain sent Anglo-Indian troops.

As we all know, no matter which battlefield the British and Indian troops are on, they are just making up for it.

If it is a joint battle with other countries, even if Britain only sends British and Indian troops, it will more or less take part in the distribution of the fruits of victory after the war.

Forget about southern Africa and the United States, they will not be tough.

After the end of the European War, the Russian army is gathering in the Far East, and Beard has repeatedly promised to declare war on Japan as quickly as possible.

The previous promise was the bearded man's bargaining chip, so he couldn't believe it.

This time it should be true. If Russia does not participate in the war, it will not be able to participate in the distribution of the fruits of victory in East Asia after the war.

"Japan must surrender unconditionally and accept the treatment of the allies." Rock's attitude towards Japan, just like Winston's attitude towards Russia, has never changed.

"Agree!" The bearded man was the first to express his opinion.

"Second!" Truman Xiao Gui Cao followed.

Unconditional surrender was a decision made at the Casablanca Conference, which has been called for several years and cannot be changed.

"Of course!" Attlee didn't dare to raise his opinion even if he had it.

The principle of democracy, the minority obeys the majority, four people have agreed with three votes, even if Attlee opposes it, it will be invalid.

"Japan's sovereignty should be limited to Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and what we decide—" the bearded man added, and he also requested: "Japan must return the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island to Russia, and The peninsula compensates Russia for the losses caused to Russia in the 1905 war."

The first sentence was fine, but the latter sentence made several people frown.

Limiting Japan's sovereignty to its homeland is an undisputed decision made at the Tehran meeting.

The peninsula, like Ryukyu, was a dependent country before. If the peninsula is lost to Russia, what will Ryukyu say?
Also lost to Russia?

Rock chased and blocked the fence and locked Russia in the Black Sea.

If the peninsula and even Ryukyu were lost to Russia, it would be tantamount to opening the Pacific Ocean to Russia.

Exchange the interests of the Mediterranean for the interests of the Pacific?
This business does not seem to be worthwhile.

However, when Rock and Beard had just reached a tacit understanding, it was not easy for Rock to directly object.

It is inconvenient to be direct, but indirect.

Isn't there still two tool people present?

Rock is Attlee.

Attlee was scribbling and drawing on the notebook in front of him, he didn't know what he was drawing, and he looked unwilling.

That's right, Rock, Truman, and the bearded man excluded Britain from East Asia in a few words, so Attlee didn't care about the distribution of interests in East Asia.

It would be best if the world was in chaos, so that Britain would have a chance to fish in troubled waters and return to East Asia.

This is what the UK is best at.

Since Attlee was unreliable, Rock turned to Truman.

Truman was also looking at Rock.

Rock smiled and opened the notebook in front of him.

What should I draw--

First draw a skinny polar bear with a big mouth open.

Then draw a bald eagle with a mouse eye and a monkey cheek.

Then draw a John Bull wearing a top hat and no underwear.

Finally, draw a majestic and inviolable African lion.


Southern Africa's advantage in East Asia is unshakable, and the United States has to stay away from it.

Now that Russia is intervening strongly, if Truman does not speak, then the interests of the United States will suffer.

Divide the fruits of Japan's post-war victory into ten shares, southern Africa accounted for six shares, and the United States originally accounted for four shares.

If Truman doesn't say anything now, the United States might have a share left.

"The peninsula is an overseas colony that Japan seized in the last century. The purpose of our participation in the war is to maintain peace, so we should give the people of the peninsula an unfettered independent status. Therefore, it is even more important to establish an independent country on the peninsula that is not controlled by any country. It meets the purpose of our war." Truman had to say.

The Allied forces on the Western Front have already made major concessions to Russia in Europe, allowing Russia to obtain the most fruitful victory, so don't even think about it in East Asia.

In the process of defeating Germany, Russia contributed the most and should have gained the most, and Truman could accept this result.

In East Asia, Russia signed the "Non-Aggression Pact" with Japan early on. Then Russia concentrated on dealing with Germany, and Japan turned around and went south. The two sides shook hands and made peace, and each got what he wanted.

This can be regarded as the Russian version of the appeasement policy. If there is no "Non-Aggression Treaty" between Russia and Japan, then Japan would not dare to launch the Pacific War.

The United States was the biggest victim of the Pacific War. All the battleships of the Pacific Fleet collapsed at Pearl Harbor, and the Bataan Death March became a shame that the US military can never erase.

Even without Russia's participation, if the super bomb in southern Africa is dropped, Japan will surrender soon, and it doesn't matter whether there is Russia or not.

"The compensation Russia received in Europe cannot make up for the losses Russia has suffered in this war." The bearded man said in his heart that this is not the case. Referring to the results of the treatment of Germany, the four mainland islands of Japan should be divided into four parts, respectively. Only by ceding to the Allied countries can the hatred in the heart of the bearded man be relieved.

"Who didn't suffer heavy losses in this war?" Attlee finally found a chance to speak.

Russia at least got Eastern Europe, and also took Königsberg from Germany.

Great losses were also suffered by Great Britain, which gained almost nothing compared to Russia.

Although Germany’s compensation issue was confirmed before, Germany’s current situation does not have the ability to repay the war indemnity at all, so the war indemnity can only be seen, whether it can be obtained, or when it can be obtained is another matter.

As for the British zone of control—

The least valuable thing to the British Empire is land.

The British Empire gave up on such a treasure land of geomantic omen in southern Africa. What's the use of Germany's little enclave?
The United Kingdom is not southern Africa, and there is no need to build a Saint Roque on the European continent as a display window.

The bearded man glanced at Attlee and said nothing, his eyes were a little impatient, completely forgetting the deep love between the two when Attlee first came to Potsdam.

It's not what it used to be!
"Why don't we discuss these issues after defeating Japan." Rock proposed to put it aside for now.

The Potsdam Conference mainly addressed the issue of Germany.

The East Asian War is not over yet, so it seems inappropriate to discuss how to deal with Japan now.

Punishment must be punished.

But the extent of the punishment depends on the attitude of the Japanese government.

If Japan surrenders unconditionally, then Japan can be dealt with more leniently, for example, only the leader and the villain will be punished, and the followers will be ignored——

If Japan resists to the end, it will be a dead end, and then it will be another situation.

"That's right, we should discuss the issue of Japan after defeating Japan." What Attlee is most worried about now is not Japan, but what kind of secret agreement has been reached between Russia and southern Africa.

The British Empire is now on the verge of dying, and everyone is thinking about the legacy of the British Empire. Attlee doesn't think anyone is a good person.

Attlee is not ignorant of the malice between southern Africa and the United States, so after coming to Potsdam, Attlee will take the initiative to show his favor to the bearded man, hoping to ease the relationship between Britain and Russia, and put the European problems Leave it to the Europeans to figure it out.

For Europe, southern Africa and the United States are countries outside the region, and they don't know what to do with it.

Cute Dolly didn't realize that Britain was also considered an extraterritorial country to the European continent.

"Yes!" The bearded man had his own plan.

After the end of the European War, the Russian army began to gather in East Asia, and now it has basically finished gathering, ready to launch a war against Japan at any time.

So it doesn't matter whether Roque, Truman, and Attlee agree to cede the peninsula to Russia. Russia can completely send troops to occupy it by itself. At that time, no one will want to let the beard spit out.

"Agreed!" Truman also had an idea.

The Southern African Superbomb was a blockbuster, and Rock immediately gained the initiative in Potsdam.

The United States also has an atomic bomb. If the United States also dropped the atomic bomb on Japan, then it would be more fearful than a bearded man.

This is what it means to show both humans and ghosts, and only Japan is being beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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