Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2664 The Great Wisdom

Chapter 2664 The Great Wisdom

Before Southern Africa dropped the superweapon on Hiroshima, there was still a possibility that the East Asian Allies could rely on ground forces to occupy the entire territory of Japan. After that, this possibility no longer existed.

Compared with those who survived, those who died directly in the bombing were lucky, at least they did not have to suffer from nuclear radiation.

When the super bomb explodes, a large amount of soil and gravel is thrown into the air. The energy of the explosion near the center will evaporate the water in the rock, and even melt it. The molten rock condenses into very fine particles in a liquid state. The explosion is strong Radioactivity turns the dust into radioactively contaminated ruins.

The radiation duration of these polluted ruins may be as long as ten years, or even two to 30 years.Even hundreds of years.

Hiroshima in another time and space, until the 21st century, its explosion center is still listed as a radioactive contamination area.

Although half a century has passed since the explosion, the chances of Hiroshima residents contracting leukemia are still much higher than those of other urban residents.

Half a century seems a long time, but the Japanese government also has to thank southern Africa.

The method of dropping super bombs in southern Africa is to explode in the air and not explode on the ground, so the degree of pollution is not very serious.

The radioactive material of the super bomb has a half-life of 2.4 years.

The technology in southern Africa is not good enough. The super bomb contains only 64 kilograms of uranium, but only 1 kilogram of uranium has undergone nuclear fission, and less than 1 gram of the material is actually converted into energy.

It is this gram of fission that produces the power equivalent to 1.5 tons of TNT explosives.

If the technology in southern Africa is more advanced.

If the super bomb is exploding on the ground.

Then Hiroshima may not be suitable for human habitation for hundreds of years.

In any case, An Qi will not order the officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force to enter Hiroshima in a short time.

As for whether the U.S. military will go or not, it depends on how hard MacArthur is.

With the jewels of southern Africa ahead, Truman also wanted to use Japan as a testing ground for nuclear weapons.

It is a rare opportunity.

Although the atomic bomb of the United States has been proved to be extremely powerful on the test site, experiments and actual combat are two different things after all. It is impossible for Truman to use hundreds of thousands of Americans to verify the power of the atomic bomb, so Japan has become the best target.

Considering the power of the atomic bomb, this may also be the only opportunity for the United States to use the atomic bomb in actual combat, and Truman did not want to miss it.

How to throw it, where to throw it, these issues will be discussed later.

After the day's meeting ended, Rock, Truman, and Attlee issued an ultimatum to Japan in the name of the Potsdam meeting.

The main content of the ultimatum was to demand Japan's unconditional surrender.

If you don't surrender, the allies will step up their efforts to completely destroy Japan.

Russia did not sign the ultimatum, because Russia has not officially declared war on Japan, and the name is not justified.

This is actually what the ultimatum to Japan means.

The so-called punishment without teaching is called abuse, and teaching without punishment is the kingly way.

What this means is that it would be too cruel to completely destroy you without giving you a chance to surrender.

If you don't grasp the opportunity if you are given a chance, then you can be killed openly.

To Truman's delight, the Japanese government did not immediately respond.

This gave Truman a reason to take action.

"Is there any plan to continue bombing Japan with super bombs in southern Africa?" Truman took the initiative to ask Rock for advice. Among the remaining cities in Japan, there are not many cities worth bombing.

"If there is a need—" Rock is also very happy for the United States to join in, so that when this issue is mentioned in the future, at least the United States can be scolded with Southern Africa.

There are not too many reflections now, but there will be too many in the future. When the time comes, the bombing of Hiroshima will probably be mentioned repeatedly, and scolding will be inevitable.

It doesn't matter, if you don't get scolded, can you still be called a great power? Even a country as small as Belgium will be scolded. If Southern Africa doesn't get scolded, it will be sorry for the international status of Southern Africa.

"Our atomic bomb has also been successfully tested." Truman was half showing off and half warning.

Don't think that only you in southern Africa have it, we also have it in America.

"Congratulations—" Rock said sincerely.

With the strength of the United States, there will be such things as super weapons sooner or later.

If the United States knows nothing about super weapons, it may take risks. Since it also has the atomic bomb, the Americans have to weigh it when they want to make trouble.

In the two world wars, the United States unscrupulously took advantage of both ends, relying on the fact that no matter how the world wars were fought, they could not hit the United States.

With super weapons, there is no need to send ground troops, just throwing one at any city in the United States can break the myth that the United States is boasting about.

One of the key reasons why the United States is favored by Europeans is that the United States is far away from Europe, there is no threat of war, and there will be no war in the country.

Once the flames of war spread to the United States, this myth will be completely shattered.

It's shameless to think about Americans.

It is not that wars broke out in the United States. During the US-British War, Washington, the capital of the United States, was burned by the British-Canadian coalition forces. The Civil War was fought for four full years, and less than 100 years have passed.

100 years.

Combined with the two world wars in Europe within 20 years, it seems that the United States is indeed much safer than Europe.

However, the absence of war in the United States does not prove that Americans love peace.

On the contrary, the United States is the most belligerent country in the world, bar none.

There is a statistic in 2021. Since the declaration of independence in 1776, in the history of more than 240 years, the United States has not participated in the war for only 16 years.


After 2001, the United States continued to wage wars around the world under the banner of "anti-terrorism" and launched military operations in 85 countries around the world, causing millions of casualties and tens of millions of people becoming refugees.

Rock knew the nature of the Americans, and since Truman was willing to help share the firepower in southern Africa, Rock was naturally willing to do so.

Angie is also very happy.

Now that the southern African super weapon has been unveiled, it is best for the US atomic bomb to come out of a mule or a horse, so that everyone can know what it is.

MacArthur was more willing. He called Angie himself and invited Angie to visit the atomic bomb and the B29 bomber used to carry the atomic bomb.

"I will not be like someone who treats allies as enemies and guards against them!" MacArthur meant to see how generous we are in America, unlike some people who hide something good and hide it, so stingy.

"Are you sure this thing won't have a nuclear leak during our visit?" Angie was skeptical about the US atomic bomb.

This can’t be blamed on An Qi’s creation out of nothing. You must know that some time ago, the B29 bomber used by the United States to drop atomic bombs crashed five consecutively for no reason, and the cause has not yet been found out.

After the Southern African super bomb arrived in East Asia, it was quickly sent to the field airport in the Philippines, and it did not dare to stay at the Changi Naval Base.

It's not that An Qi doesn't trust the technology of the super bomb in Southern Africa, but that it's to prevent problems before they happen. It's really that once this thing is leaked, the consequences will be too serious.

"What do you mean?" MacArthur really didn't know the consequences of the nuclear leak.

"I mean this thing is very dangerous, you'd better not get it to Manila." Angie reminded MacArthur not to have too much confidence in American technicians.

Remember when Germany used the "Fritz X" to sink the "Roma", the United States took the "pure azimuth" to East Asia for experiments, and the results were hard to describe. None of the 40 "pure azimuths" hit the target. This may be more difficult than hitting the target with all 40 "pure azimuths".

Not to mention that "pure azimuth" is in the name of precision guidance. Even if 40 ordinary aerial bombs are thrown down, the hit rate cannot be zero percent. There will always be one or two hit the target by mistake.

Therefore, part of the reason why the United States has invested so much energy in the atomic bomb may be due to the poor performance of "pure azimuth".

Since precise guidance is impossible, then increase the power.

In terms of the power of the atomic bomb, even if the error is three to 500 meters, it will not have much impact on the result.

Therefore, there are "pure azimuth" jewels in front, and An Qi is not sure about the safety of the US atomic bomb.

"No way?" MacArthur was puzzled. If this thing is really as dangerous as Angie said, it's better to stay away from it. MacArthur hasn't lived enough, and he has to run for the President of the United States in two years.

"You won't have brought the atomic bomb to Manila, have you?" Angie's heart was dark, according to Murphy's Law - if there is a possibility that things will go bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen.

Well, Murphy's Law wasn't proposed until 1949, and there's no Murphy's Law yet.

"No, no, the Russians raised territorial claims on the peninsula in Potsdam. I have a plan to target the Russians' demands." MacArthur quickly changed the subject, which made Angie feel that MacArthur was lying.

It doesn't matter, as long as MacArthur doesn't get the atomic bomb to Changi Naval Base.

"What plan?" Angie was curious.

Planning this thing, I couldn't explain it clearly on the phone. MacArthur was quite confident in his plan, and soon flew to Changi Naval Base with the plan.

MacArthur brought Angie a topographic map of the peninsula, and drew a line in the middle of the peninsula. This line was so straight that Angie suspected it was drawn with a ruler.

"If Russia insists on obtaining the peninsula, then we can follow the example of Berlin and divide the peninsula into two, with the northern half handed over to Russia for control, and the southern half to be jointly controlled by us." .

Yes, most of the dividing lines in Africa are divided in this way, horizontal and vertical, like the streets of Pretoria.

"Who made this plan?" An Qi didn't want to comment, and always felt that MacArthur's IQ was similar to that of kindergarten children in many things.

Secondary [-] at most, no more.

"What I proposed was carried out by Colonel Phobos." MacArthur took the initiative to introduce to An Qi that Phobos, as MacArthur's entourage, came to Changi Naval Base with MacArthur, probably to introduce his great idea to An Qi.

"How much do you know about the peninsula?" Angie didn't know why Phobos made such a plan.

European colonists used rulers to draw borders on African maps because before European colonists arrived in Africa, most parts of Africa had no concept of countries and borders at all, similar to primitive societies, so they used rulers to draw, save trouble.

The peninsula is not a primitive society. There are records about the peninsula in the "Shan Hai Jing". It gradually entered into a civilized society around 1000 BC. It was a vassal state of the Central Plains Dynasty for a long time and was deeply influenced by the Central Plains Dynasty. It was annexed by Japan in 1910.

So it doesn't matter to draw with a ruler in Africa, but it is not appropriate in the peninsula.

"Before I took over this task, I never knew anything about the peninsula, and I had never even heard of the name." The answer given by Phobos surprised An Qi inexplicably.

I have never even heard of the name of the peninsula, and was actually assigned by MacArthur to take charge of this task——

There are too many complaints about this matter. For a while, An Qi didn't know whether to complain about Phopers's history of not learning well, or whether to complain about MacArthur.

This cannot be blamed on Phobos.

After all, the United States has only been founded for more than 100 years, and there is no history at all. Let Americans learn history, what do they learn?

Learn how the United States slaughtered Indians?

It's not history either, it's modern history, and it's not finished yet.

Therefore, "taking history as a mirror" does not work in the United States at all, because the United States has no history to learn from.

Since Phobos can't be blamed, An Qi looks at MacArthur and doesn't understand why MacArthur did this.

"It is precisely because Colonel Phobos has no knowledge of the peninsula, so I put Colonel Phobos in charge of this matter, because if you know too much about the peninsula, you will be biased and not objective enough." MacArthur's reason sounds a bit reason.

"Why don't you send this plan to Washington first, and listen to what Washington has to say." With Phobos present, Angie finally remembered to save some face for MacArthur.

No wonder the Americans did not elect MacArthur as president——

But from the standpoint of southern Africa, Angie should do her best to help MacArthur become the president of the United States, which is in the best interest of southern Africa.

Forget it, forget it, southern Africa is a country that advocates fairness and justice, and never interferes in the internal affairs of other countries.

"I'm about to do this. What a simple question. After discussing it in Potsdam for so many days, I haven't been able to discuss the results. The efficiency is too poor——" MacArthur shook his head again and again, to see if he meant to represent the United States. Go to Potsdam for a meeting, and all conflicts of interest will be resolved.

"You're really efficient—" An Qi held back and didn't reply.

MacArthur's mouth was as if he had opened his mouth. It was not one or two who offended one or two words, but all the leaders of all the allies who participated in the Potsdam Conference, just as everyone combined was not as smart as him.

You are very clever.

(End of this chapter)

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