Chapter 2665 Whimsical
At 8 o'clock in the morning on August 9, the United States dropped an atomic bomb named "Fat Man" on Japan. The name is said to be related to Winston's figure.

"Fat Man" is a plutonium bomb with a length of about 3.6 meters, a diameter of 1.5 meters, a weight of about 4.9 tons, and a TN equivalent of 2.2 tons.

Truman also called a press conference after dropping "Fat Man," and then all eyes were on the British delegation.

Because Russia has been excluded from the international mainstream society for a long time, it is recognized that its technology is relatively backward, and it is understandable that it does not have super weapons like atomic bombs.

Britain was once the empire on which the sun never sets. It has led the world for hundreds of years. The super weapons of southern Africa and the United States have already been unveiled. Shouldn't the UK have something to say?
"The current United Kingdom is no longer capable of carrying out projects like the Manhattan Project—" Winston was very sad and could not accept this fact.

Think back 20 years ago, Britain was one of the two giants at the Paris Peace Conference.

Even before the outbreak of World War II, in Winston's mind, the British Empire was still the leader of the world.

In just a few short years, Britain has become an accompaniment to the Potsdam Conference. Not only does it not have the ability to lead the conference process, but even what it says depends on people's faces.

Now Winston finally understood the pain of the German delegation during the Paris Peace Conference.

Germany also sent a delegation to participate in the Paris Peace Conference, but they didn't even know where the gate of the venue was facing. After arriving in Paris, they were placed under house arrest in the suburbs of Paris.

The current situation of the United Kingdom is slightly better than that of the German delegation back then, but it is not much better. The feeling of being left behind is particularly deep in Winston's memory.

Just a few days earlier, Winston had lost the general election to Attlee.

Now that Britain has lost its right to speak in Potsdam, it is an unprecedented failure for Winston personally and the British Empire.

If the general election fails, there is still a chance to make a comeback.

If Britain loses its right to speak, it will become a second-rate country.

"That's why you pin your hopes on American technology sharing?" Rock's words made Winston thunder.

Few people know that the United Kingdom has started research on nuclear weapons since 1939, and formed an "alloy tube" research team headed by James Chadwick and Joseph Rotblat.

Joseph Rotblat was born in 1908. After graduating with a master's degree from the Free University of Poland in 1932, he entered the University of Warsaw to study for a doctorate in physics. In 1937, he became the assistant director of the Institute of Atomic Physics of the school.

Before the outbreak of World War II, Rotblat went to the University of Liverpool to conduct research in nuclear physics under the supervision of James Chadwick.

James Chadwick is also a great man. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935 for his discovery of the neutron.

During World War II, Liverpool became a key bombing target of the German army, and the work of the "Alloy Tube" research group was under great threat.

The working place of the "alloy tube" research team is in Liverpool. If the research institute is bombed by the German army, the consequences will be extremely serious.

At this time, Britain's finances were also increasingly exhausted, and the funding for the "alloy tube" research team was also decreasing.

James Chadwick and Joseph Rotblat are still very capable. The "Alloy Tube" research team found in experiments that neutrons can only be caught if they are within the effective "target range" of the nucleus. At that time Neither American nor German researchers have noticed this yet.

It can be said that the research progress of the United Kingdom at that time was ahead of that of the United States and Germany. If the British government had given greater support to the "Alloy Tube" group at that time, then the United Kingdom would have developed the atomic bomb earlier than the United States.

It is precisely because Germany is conducting atomic bomb research at the same time that the British government feels a huge threat, and Winston has to consider conducting joint research with the United States.

Yes, the decision was made by Winston.

For the United States, Winston did not have 100% trust. He and then US President Roosevelt agreed that the two sides would share all intelligence, work equally, and share the results equally.

It means that the United Kingdom can share the research progress on nuclear weapons with the United States. Once the research is successful, the United States will provide the United Kingdom with the technology related to the atomic bomb.

Southern Africa has better relations with the UK than the US.

So Roque couldn't understand why the British turned to the Americans instead of looking for cooperation in southern Africa.

"Has this matter become known to everyone?" Winston never expected that the British Empire he led would be penetrated like a sieve.

Although Southern Africa was an ally, this kind of thing also embarrassed Winston.

Rock smiled and said nothing.

Not a sieve is almost the same.

Not only Roque knows about the cooperation between the United Kingdom and the United States, but Russia also knows it.

In the "alloy tube" research team, there are moles from Russia.

"I know that you have also started research on super weapons a long time ago, and I also know that your research is close to success, so we chose the Americans." Winston was very calm and not embarrassed.

This is understandable.

When the UK decided to find a partner, southern Africa was close to success and there was no need to cooperate with the UK.

On the contrary, the research progress of the United States is similar to that of the United Kingdom, and the research results of the United Kingdom are more needed.

"So did the Americans share their technology with you?" Rock slapped him face to face.

Trusting Americans is not going to end well.

Winston came to Rock, probably because the United States did not share the technology about the atomic bomb with the United Kingdom as promised.

"The United States is a country made up of thieves and robbers, and Americans should not be given any trust. They are all damned Judas, and they deserve to go to hell—" Winston cursed, as expected by Rock.

Cursing the streets does not solve the problem, and Winston has to face reality after venting.

"The Americans agreed to provide us with the atomic bomb, but they are unwilling to share the manufacturing technology of the atomic bomb." Winston was in a low mood. As a decision maker, he should be responsible for this.

The United Kingdom is really heart-wrenching to the United States. It not only shared the research progress of the atomic bomb with the United States, but also sent the "alloy tube" research team to the United States to join the "Manhattan Project", hoping to produce results as soon as possible.

There's another twist here.

Like Britain, Germany's resources became less and less as the war progressed, and its research on the atomic bomb was also abandoned halfway like Britain.

Joseph Rotblat left the "Manhattan" team and returned to the UK after knowing that Germany had abandoned atomic bomb research. He was the only scientist who left the "Manhattan Project" before the atomic bomb research was successful.

Although the United States is unwilling to share the manufacturing technology of the atomic bomb with the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom has not gained nothing. At least Joseph Rotblat was deeply involved in the "Manhattan Project", and his memory is Britain's most precious wealth.

So now you know why the United States is doing everything possible to prevent other scientists from leaving the United States.

At present, it is only an administrative means, and the effect is not good.

When the United States finds that no matter what method it uses, it cannot prevent scientists from other countries from leaving, the United States will take the most drastic measures.

"Then why do you come to me, you can't hope to get super weapon technology from me—" Rock had no scruples. With the explosion of two atomic bombs in Japan, the existence of atomic bombs is no longer a secret.

With Joseph Rotblat, even if the United States does not provide technology, Britain will be able to complete the research on the atomic bomb, sooner or later.

Russia, too, will have an atomic bomb sooner or later.

Rock hopes that this process can be accelerated, so that when we meet again, we should feel calmer.

"Why not? The technology of super weapons is no longer a secret—" Winston actually had this purpose, and Rock didn't know what to say.

Technology is only one aspect of the difficulty of super weapons. In his previous life, Rock could easily find a lot of technologies related to super weapons on the Internet, which can be made by Rock, but he will not be able to make them in his next life.

Although the United Kingdom is in decline, it still has its foundation. After eliminating the uncertainties, the United Kingdom should go all out and it should be no problem.

For the UK, "uncertainty" is the biggest problem.

The Manhattan Project in the United States involved 10 people and cost 20 billion U.S. dollars, and Britain can do the same.

It is not a matter of money or not. For the UK, as long as it can be solved with money, it is not a matter.

The key is whether money can be invested in it, and whether it can produce results.

Why did Roque firmly reject the collective demands of the southern African naval commanders, abandon the battleships that are sought after by various countries, and determine the development direction of the southern African navy on the aircraft carrier?
Because Rock is very sure that battleships will be eliminated in a few years, and aircraft carriers are the future, so he tried his best to reject all opinions.

Doesn't Winston know that aircraft carriers are the future?

Winston had been the Minister of the Navy, so he still had a basic strategic vision.

The point is that Winston can't determine how far into the future the aircraft carrier belongs, so Winston can't be as firm as Rock.

It's okay to say in a few years.

What if it takes 100 years for the era of aircraft carriers to come?

Half a step ahead is a genius, one step ahead is a madman.

As with aircraft carriers, so with superweapons.

"Winston, it's the United Kingdom that will master super weapons instead. Will you agree to my request to share technology?" Rock is not a saint either, so he resolutely refuses. This personal relationship is another matter.

No matter how good a personal relationship is, it cannot override national interests.

What's more, Winston is no longer the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

"Without the British Empire, there would be no southern Africa." Winston's mentality is still imperialism and colonialism, which is a historical limitation.

"In the two world wars, southern Africa unconditionally maintained a unified position with the United Kingdom. Southern Africa has done everything we can." Rock will also cheat.

Regarding the position, when Southern Africa left the Commonwealth, it promised that once a war broke out between the United Kingdom and other countries, Southern Africa would provide as much help as possible to the United Kingdom.

The key is "as much as possible".

With the same interests, Southern Africa will of course maintain a unified position with the United Kingdom.

Once the interests of Southern Africa and the United Kingdom collide, that may be the case.

For example, North African oil fields——

So since Winston can regard allowing southern Africa to be independent, it is the grace of the United Kingdom to southern Africa.

Then Rock can describe the unification of the position as Southern Africa's return to the United Kingdom.

It's not a reward, it should be friendship.

Winston has known Roque for decades, and knows Roque very well, and immediately has a new reason: "The British Empire has super weapons, which are also in the interests of southern Africa."

Rock frowned, the words were a bit convoluted, but after thinking about it, it seemed to make sense.

For its own security considerations, if Britain does not have super weapons, it will be forced to become more and more dependent on the United States, which will affect the interests of southern Africa in Europe.

But it only makes sense.

This "point" is not enough for Rock to make a decision to provide relevant technologies to the UK.

Even if there was a discussion about this matter, it had to be Attlee who came to talk to Rock.

Winston, a former Prime Minister, is now disqualified from representing the United Kingdom.

Winston was obviously just here to explore the way, and Attlee came to Rock the next day instead.

"If Southern Africa provides the United Kingdom with technology related to super bombs, then the Commonwealth can open its internal market to Southern Africa." Attlee's expression was reluctant, and the conditions proposed did not meet Rock's expectations.

The Commonwealth market is indeed closed to Russia, but for Southern Africa, a former member of the Commonwealth, there are not many ways to sell products to the Commonwealth market.

The easiest way is of course OEM.

After Southern Africa left the Commonwealth, companies in Southern Africa cannot directly enter the Commonwealth market.

This doesn't even require Roque to act personally, it is enough for Stoudemire to deal with the blockade of the Commonwealth.

The national strength of the United Kingdom continued to weaken, but the British were still very rich, and they were the most important customer group of the Rhodes family.

Stoudemire's method is also simple.

Since it is inconvenient for companies under the name of the Rhodes family to enter the British market, they simply set up a bunch of shell companies in Australia, directly importing goods from southern Africa, pasting local Australian brands in the simple factories in Australia, and then Appeared majestically in the Commonwealth market.

This Russian oil is sold to Europe through India in exactly the same way.

Therefore, the benefits that Attlee gave so much were not attractive to Rock at all.

"You'd better think about where the next Imperial Conference will be held—" Roque despises Attlee's pettiness, no wonder the bearded man doesn't regard Attlee as a human being.

Taking advantage of Attlee with his front foot, he kicked Attlee away with his back foot, and he just came and went as soon as he was called.

During the World Wars, the Imperial Council was temporarily interrupted.

When the world war is over, the Imperial Conference will definitely restart.

At the Imperial Conference in 36, Britain decided to hold the Imperial Conference in rotation within the Commonwealth.

So the next Imperial Conference, either in Australia or in Canada.

India is unlikely because India is fighting for independence.

What troubled Attlee was that Australia and Canada were also fighting for independence.

(End of this chapter)

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