Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2666 Believe in the ability of the prime minister

Chapter 2666 Believe in the ability of the prime minister

The glory of the British Empire has gone with the decline of the Royal Navy, and the centripetal force has also declined.

After Southern Africa left the Commonwealth, Canada, Australia, and India became the core countries of the Commonwealth. These countries have serious problems of their own.

Australia is isolated overseas and needs a strong Royal Navy to maintain contact with the mainland.

After the outbreak of World War II, the Z Fleet was wiped out. The United Kingdom did not worry that it could not guarantee the safety of Australia. Instead, it dispatched Australian troops to North Africa to participate in the war, completely disregarding Australia's safety.

India's problems are even more serious. In the last world war, Britain promised to give India greater autonomy after the end of the world war, but it completely put the Indians together.

After the outbreak of World War II, Britain repeated its old tricks. This time, it not only promised more autonomy, but even promised to allow India to be independent and cheat Indians for help.

The Indians were unwilling to be fooled, but they did not have the determination to violently resist the British colonization, so under the leadership of Gandhi, they launched a non-violent non-cooperation movement to resist the British in a way full of Indian characteristics.

To put it bluntly, non-violent non-cooperation means neither resistance nor cooperation. In Gandhi's words, he would not even attend the imperial conference, let alone preside over the imperial conference.

Canada's problems stem more from historical legacy.

When the United States became independent, the Anglo-Canadian coalition forces occupied Washington and burned the White House. The United States has not forgotten this incident and always remembers it in its heart.

After the Second Boer War, Britain began to shrink its global strategy, and the threat of the United States to Canada suddenly increased.

Only then did Canada lease Halifax to the Southern African Atlantic Fleet, and the relationship between the Canadian government and the Southern African Federal Government improved by leaps and bounds.

During the two world wars, Britain's strength continued to weaken. If it hadn't been for southern Africa's timely action, Canada might have become a vassal of the United States.

Since the United Kingdom cannot provide Canada with enough security guarantees, seeking protection in southern Africa has become Canada's only way out.

On the whole, the current situation in the British Empire is very dangerous, which can be described as internal and external troubles.

At this time, Attlee was still playing foolish things to Rock, so it was no wonder that Rock was angry.

"The rise of Southern Africa is inseparable from the help of the British Empire—" Attlee was also indignant. Southern Africa is today thanks to the grace of the British, and people must not forget their roots.

Rock just laughed dumbfoundedly.

Winston had said something similar before.

Now that Attlee brought up the old matter again, probably for all British people, this matter is a demon that can never be avoided.

It is not difficult to understand after thinking about it.

If southern Africa is still a British colony.

Even southern Africa is still a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, so the current internal and external troubles of the British Empire will surely be resolved.

No, it would never be as bad as it is today.

So it's not that the British don't work hard, it's all because southern Africa is too cunning.

"Then let's settle this account carefully—" Rock wanted to have a good discussion with Attlee to see what is right and wrong between southern Africa and Britain.

"Not to mention before 1900, how much gold has the British shipped from the Rand Gold Mine since the Second Boer War?"

Rock didn't know anything before 1900.

After 1900, Roque was a witness.

Since the discovery of the Rand Gold Mine, the mining volume has increased year by year and has remained at around 500 tons in recent years.

At least half of the 500 tons of gold were sent to the UK, which was one of the conditions for the UK to agree to the autonomy and even independence of southern Africa.

"In order to obtain the Rand Gold Mine, the British Empire spent 2.2 million pounds. After that, it will give millions of pounds of financial subsidies to southern Africa every year. The gold from the Rand Gold Mine cannot compensate the price paid by the British Empire." Edward Li also had something to say on this matter.

The 1900 million pounds in 2.2 is roughly equivalent to 14.65 billion taels of silver, 3.25 "Xin Chou Treaty".

If the Second Boer War had not cost too much, Britain would not have changed from strategic expansion to strategic contraction.

From this perspective, Britain lost a lot by launching the second Boer War.

Southern Africa was the biggest beneficiary of the Second Boer War.

"The war was initiated by London, and the consequences should naturally be borne by London. Did the 2.2 million pounds go to the federal government of Southern Africa?" Rock didn't take the blame. The 2.2 million pounds were military expenses, and part of it was sent to the British expedition as a reward. The army, part of which was earned by the military suppliers, what does it have to do with southern Africa?
Even after the Second Boer War, most of the financial subsidies that Britain gave to southern Africa every year were used to appease the Boers. Yang Smozi was a witness to this incident.

In the years after the Second Boer War, Young Smudge spent almost every day seeking alms in London, and finally made London's parliamentary gentlemen very uncomfortable.

"You also took Halifax, Changi Naval Base, Chagos Islands, Port Elizabeth, Cyprus from the British Empire—" Attlee became more and more aggrieved as he spoke, his eyes turned red.

"Halifax was voluntarily given up by you. The Southern African Pacific Fleet was invited by the Canadian government to settle in Halifax - the Changi Naval Base was bought by the Southern African Ministry of Defense - Port Elizabeth was ours private property——" Rock himself felt a little embarrassed, and Southern Africa seemed to be making a lot of money at a low price.

But these advantages are well worth it.

Who made the British blind?

Both Halifax and Changi Naval Bases were voluntarily abandoned by the Royal Navy, and they were revitalized after Southern Africa took over.

Port Elizabeth was a fishing village under British management, and the tax revenue was so low that the tax officials sent by the British almost starved to death. Rock discovered oil only after buying it, and it has skyrocketed ever since.

The Chagos Islands gradually revealed important strategic value with the development of science and technology.

Cyprus was Arthur's fiefdom. When the king granted Cyprus to Arthur, the purpose behind it was not simple.

So Roque really has nothing to be ashamed of, a whale falls into everything.

"Don't forget how much southern Africa helped Britain in the two world wars——" Rock hit the ground and stabbed Attlee heavily in the heart: "—in the last world war, the debt owed by Britain to southern Africa has not yet been repaid." Clear it!"

Attlee's hands were shaking from Rock's anger.

This is the standard way of earning a cheap price and being nice.

In the First World War, Southern Africa jumped from a debtor country to a creditor country, and fought a beautiful turnaround.

During the Second World War, Southern Africa became a common European creditor from one of the great powers. Since then, European countries have to work for Southern Africa.

Cannibals have short mouths and short hands. It is not the uncle who owes money these days, but the truth is big fists, and Attlee is also speechless.

It has been less than 30 days since Attlee defeated Winston in July. It can be said that the previous debts of the UK have nothing to do with Attlee. They were all caused by previous prime ministers.

The drawbacks of a democratic country reappeared. Although Attlee did not owe Britain's debts, Attlee now had to find a way to solve it.

Thinking about it this way, Attlee really envied the Russians who turned their faces like a book.

Russia's debts are whatever they say they are, and the debts owed by the tsar go to the tsar for it, which has nothing to do with the current Russian government.

Compared with Russia, the United Kingdom has too much image burden, and it is hard to get back.

"Compared with the last world war, Britain's debt has once again increased. How are you going to repay this debt? Will you use more British government revenue as collateral?" Rock stood on Attlee's standpoint, and also I feel that Attlee's Prime Minister is somewhat boring.

What a glamorous position the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has, with one person under ten thousand.

Before Attlee ran for the election, he probably didn't expect that being the prime minister would be so embarrassing, otherwise he probably would have to think twice.

This is not a glorious ancestor at all, but a successor.

"We'll discuss this issue later, and now we're discussing super weapons." Attlee avoided the important ones.

Democratic countries have their own national conditions. If the debts left by the previous British Prime Minister cannot be resolved by the British government of Attlee, it can only be delayed and left to the future British government to solve. We must believe in the wisdom of future generations——

"If this matter is not resolved, then we have nothing to discuss." Rock's attitude is tough. If you want the technology of super weapons, you have to show your attitude.

Attlee didn't know what Rock's so-called "attitude" was. He still didn't know Rock well enough, so he needed to learn from Winston.

Winston made two-handed preparations.

It is good that Roque is willing to share the technology about super weapons.

If he didn't want to, Winston wouldn't hang himself on this crooked neck tree in southern Africa, he still had to find a way to solve the problem himself.

There is no way.

After learning that Germany stopped research on nuclear weapons, Joseph Rotblat left the "Manhattan Project" and returned to the UK, becoming the only scientist who quit halfway.

Now that Joseph Rotblat has returned to the University of Liverpool, Winston believes that with Joseph Rotblat's ability, even without the help of Southern Africa and the United States, he can lead the team to complete the development of super weapons.

The British originally considered the threat of German bombing, so they sent the "alloy tube" to the United States to join the "Manhattan Project", hoping to use the chicken to lay eggs.

Now that the threat of German bombing has disappeared, Britain can completely reorganize the "alloy tube" with Joseph Rotblat as the core, and restart research on nuclear weapons.

"Without our help, it would be impossible for the Americans to complete the research and development of the atomic bomb in just one year. My experience in the 'Manhattan Project' proves that our research direction is correct, which will save us the most cost." Joseph Rotblat is not like a British pragmatically, and he proceeds completely from the actual situation of the British government.

"Funding is not a problem, time is more important to us." Winston understood the priorities. The sooner the UK can have nuclear weapons, the sooner the UK can stand upright.

Although Winston and Attlee are political enemies, Winston can empathize with Attlee's humiliation in Potsdam.

Attlee represented Great Britain in Potsdam.

From the attitude of Big Beard and Roque towards Attlee, it fully proves how seriously Britain's international status has declined.

What Winston never expected was that when his plan to restart super weapon research was submitted to the British Parliament, it was immediately strongly opposed by a large number of members of Congress.

Although Winston stepped down as prime minister, as a member of the top British aristocracy, he is still a member of the British House of Lords.

There are various reasons for opposition, and Stuart Fowler, a member of the Labor Party like Attlee, has a loud voice and outspokenly expresses his attitude.

"Since the Americans are willing to provide us with super weapons, and also agree that we use them without the permission of the United States, this is no different from our own super weapons, so why invest huge sums of money in research on super weapons? Knowing that we have so much money to spend right now, the Navy wants aircraft carriers, the Air Force wants fighter jets, the Army wants to keep a sizable standing army, and we have more money to spend on post-war rebuilding—”

It's not that Stuart Fowler is worse than buying, but the situation does not allow it.

The strength of the United Kingdom was severely weakened during the World War, and the treasury, which was already unable to make ends meet, was completely dried up. Now Winston has to spend a large sum of money to restart the "Alloy Tube" project, making things worse.

The US "Manhattan Project" cost 20 billion US dollars before and after.

Even if the UK takes a shortcut, it will not need 20 billion, and 2 million will always be needed.

For Britain now, let alone 2 million, every penny is precious.

Money should be spent wisely.

"We have to believe in the prime minister's ability, and believe that the prime minister will win the most favorable conditions through the competition between southern Africa and the United States." Conservative MP Wilmot did not believe in Attlee's ability, but wanted to see love Durley's joke.

The Conservative Party managed to kill the Liberal Party with great difficulty, but the Labor Party emerged suddenly, replacing the Liberal Party as the biggest opponent of the Conservative Party.

Compared with Winston, Attlee lacked international experience. If he was an insider in the civil war and an outsider in the war, Attlee didn't even have to think about things that Winston couldn't do.

When Winston was on stage, the Labor Party made all kinds of troubles and found faults.

Now that the Labor Party is in power, the offense and defense are different, and the Conservative Party MPs are holding their breath, letting the Labor Party also experience the suffering of the ruling party.

The opposition parties are only responsible for raising problems, not providing solutions to them.

The prime minister must be responsible to the king, and must meet the requirements of all social classes, and balance interests. To be a master of Duan Shui, if you are not careful, you will overturn.

The mouse got into the bellows and got angry at both ends.

"The Americans have broken their promises. We should unite southern Africa and Russia to punish the United States. Russia has 1000 million troops, and southern Africa has super weapons. It is absolutely possible to force the United States to share atomic bomb technology."

The member of parliament who made this suggestion is afraid that Russia and southern Africa are so obedient, working for the UK for nothing?

For super weapons, it’s best if no one else has it. United with Russia and southern Africa to force the United States to share technology, then Russia will also get it.

If the super weapon becomes a Chinese cabbage, it will be no different from not having a super weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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