Chapter 2667
No one but Roque knows how big Russia's potential is.

The world war made the whole world realize Russia's war potential, but it was only war potential, and other potentials were not shown.

Or that the performance is not enough.

A fact that most people ignore is that Russia's potential in scientific research and military industry is also unfathomable.

When the world war just broke out, most of the Russian army was equipped with the weapons of the last world war. During the war, Russia's industrial production was greatly affected, and it was once completely stagnant due to relocation.

The Russians were catching up under extremely difficult circumstances. By the end of the world war, there was no obvious difference between the performance of Russian weapons and equipment and the mainstream weapons and equipment in the world. This speed is amazing.

The British are clearly unaware of the dangers of Russia.

In the eyes of most British people, the Russians are still barbarians living in a world of ice and snow, which is nothing to worry about.

"If we don't want to watch the British Empire become a vassal of a certain country, then we must have our own super weapons. What I mean by owning is complete autonomy from production to use, without being coerced by anyone—" Winston's opinion of Russia has improved somewhat.

Winston is conservative and not a stubborn person. Russia in the imperial Russian era really did not deserve Winston's respect. The current Russia made Winston look up to him.

It is a pity that Winston did not pay attention to this when he was Prime Minister.

This is the so-called bystander clear.

After losing the prime ministerial election, Winston learned from the pain, conducted a deep self-examination, and discovered many problems.

Arrogance was the superficial reason for Winston's loss to Attlee, and the failure to accept the weakening of the British Empire was the main reason for losing the election.

From the bottom of his heart, Winston was unwilling to admit that Britain had become a second-rate country, so Winston tried to maintain his so-called decency as the British Prime Minister with a seemingly tough attitude on various occasions.

Little do they know that the dignity of being strong outside and doing well in the middle has exposed the emptiness of Britain.

If it were Roque or Truman, they would drop an atomic bomb if they disagreed, and they would not just make verbal threats at all.

Losing to Attlee is not the end of the world for Winston, and there is still a chance to make a comeback.

Winston now clearly knows that the research direction of the "alloy tube" team is correct, which means that as long as he persists, he will definitely succeed one day.

The point is that Winston doesn't know when that day will come.

If the British political system can be successfully developed within a year or two, then Winston can fully promote this matter after taking office.

But if it takes a long time, it becomes a wedding dress for others.

Regardless of personal interests, from the standpoint of national interests, the sooner Britain has nuclear weapons, the better.

Winston has always been very sensible in terms of national interests, and personal grievances will not override national interests. Under the premise of "great righteousness", if Attlee refuses to restart the "alloy tube", he will be ignorant of the seriousness.

Attlee is now in Potsdam, unaware that Winston is restarting Alloy Tube.

Winston was not disappointed if he didn't get the support he deserved in Congress. He still has a backup, and that is the aloof King of England.

Members of Congress will postpone the restart of the "alloy pipe" plan out of self-interest considerations. Even if it is passed, they will try their best to participate in it and get a share of it. They will not leave all the opportunities for the limelight to Winston. pull.

The king is very aware of the importance of super weapons to Britain.

The king doesn't care whether the prime minister is from the Conservative Party or the Labor Party, after all, he is serving the British Empire and is responsible to the king.

Super weapons are a security guarantee that Britain must have, and the sooner the better.

"How likely is the alloy tube project to succeed? How long will it take?" George VI's reaction was exactly what Winston wanted to see.

Although the King of England does not stand between the Conservative Party and the Labor Party, there are still tendencies.

The Conservative Party represents the interests of the nobility, landowners, and monopoly capitalists.

The Labor Party represents the interests of the emerging bourgeoisie.

Between the Conservative Party and the Labor Party, the British king is more inclined to the Conservative Party.

Compared with Attlee, George VI also trusted Winston, who was from a top aristocrat, more.

Therefore, like Winston, George VI's attitude on the issue of the "alloy tube" project is also that the sooner the better.

"The possibility of success is [-]%——" Winston first gave George VI a reassurance, and then said, but George VI easily accepted: "—I can't guarantee the time, but what I can be sure of is , the time we need must be shorter than that of the Americans and southern Africans."

This is said to be equivalent to not said, but it is very necessary.

On the premise that southern Africa and the United States have already achieved success, the UK's restart of the "alloy tube" is tantamount to standing on the shoulders of giants. Not to mention that there is only a layer of window paper left, 90.00% of the thorns on the road ahead have been leveled.

"Then do it firmly and tell Professor Rotblat that I will give him everything he wants." George VI's expression was firm and his heart was melancholy. When will the arms race come to an end?

Super weapons are another arms race for Britain.

The United Kingdom is no stranger to arms races, and can even be said to be familiar with them. The arms race before the outbreak of the two world wars was even initiated by the United Kingdom, with the purpose of dragging down its competitors.

However, the consequences of the arms race are also obvious. This is the seven-injury punch that kills one thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred. While the United Kingdom dragged down its competitors through the arms race, it was also backlashed by the arms race itself, and the sun never sets , becoming what is now the United Kingdom.

This is also a concrete manifestation of the fact that even though a country is big and warlike, it will die.

Now George VI can well understand the mood of William II.

The arms race is an upright conspiracy in national competition. It is impossible not to accept the move, and it is even worse to cut corners. We can only go all out.

Winston's restart of "alloy pipe" is actually a conspiracy.

George VI supported the restart of the "alloy pipe" in order to deal with potential threats from the international arena.

Winston supports "alloy pipe", and the target is Attlee.

When Attlee ran for the election, he clearly and unequivocally proposed to build Britain into a welfare state.

It can be said that all of Attlee's campaign policies revolve around "welfare".

For example, in terms of housing, Attlee proposed to implement a housing construction plan as quickly as possible until every family has a high-level housing.

In terms of education, Attlee will raise the graduation age of students to 16 in the shortest possible time, and popularize adult education and free secondary education in the UK.

In terms of medical and health care, Attlee promises that everyone will get the best free service, and money is no longer the guarantee of the best treatment.

In terms of social security, Attlee promises to establish an insurance law that serves everyone, ensuring that the pain of people encountering difficulties is minimized.

For the war-torn, devastated, and ruined Britain, Attlee's campaign slogan is undoubtedly very tempting, so Attlee easily defeated Winnie, who wanted to drag Britain into another war. Ston, won the prime minister election.

It sounds good to say it, but it is very difficult to implement it in practice.

Looking closely at Attlee's campaign policies, although they are all what the British need, each of them needs strong financial support to be possible.

Don't the Conservatives know that Brits want better welfare?
You know, although the status of the Conservative MPs is high, they are not so high that they can't eat the fireworks of the world, and they can't say "why not eat minced meat".

But why didn't the Conservative Party implement a similar plan to build Britain into a welfare state when it was in power?
If you don't want it, you can't.

Among other things, the Conservative Party will never implement universal adult education and free secondary education.

Universal education seems to have a lot of benefits, but in fact there are also many disadvantages. For a country like the UK, there is no need to improve too much. If the education level of the people is raised to the level of distinguishing right from wrong, the current national model of the UK is not enough. Can it be maintained?

Water can carry a boat or overturn it, and the consequences are unpredictable.

The United States did not dare to do this until the 21st century.

Education in the United States is very confusing. It is indeed what everyone yearns for so that every child can have a happy childhood.

But after getting in touch with the elite education in the United States, I found that the public education in the United States is to herd sheep, and it cultivates consumables that are addicted to that kind of music from generation to generation, and have no understanding of the world and no interest in understanding. start roll -

That's not right, you've heard of "prenatal education", so you have been rolling since you were still in the mother's womb.

Under such circumstances, everyone must be educated to distinguish right from wrong, so who would be willing to serve the king and the noble class?

That’s right, serving.

At Winston's level, he is qualified to use the word service.

Therefore, Attlee's election policy was also an upright conspiracy, using the welfare society to attract votes from the British, which caught Winston and the Conservative Party by surprise.

Like Attlee's campaign policy, restarting the "alloy pipe" project also requires a large sum of money.

Attlee and the Labor Party defeated Winston and the Conservative Party with a conspiracy, and Winston used a conspiracy to dig holes for Attlee.

Didn't you, Attlee, keep saying that you want to build Britain into a welfare society?

Well, compared with the national security of the United Kingdom, which one is more important, the welfare society or national security?
No matter which aspect is considered, Attlee can only say that it is important.

But fish and bear's paw can't have both, with the current strength of the UK and the complex international situation, no matter how great Attlee's ability is, in terms of welfare, society and national security, if he wants to grasp both of them, it is wishful thinking.

Just before Winston came to George VI to win George VI's support, Ernest Bevin, the Foreign Secretary of Attlee's cabinet, had just submitted a plan for disarmament to Congress.

Considering the actual situation in the UK, this plan is very necessary.

After the end of the world war, all countries in the world must disarm, and Britain is no exception.

During the world war, the policies and guidelines of various countries must be based on war, and all policies are in the service of war, regardless of the cost and consequences.

Now that the war in Europe is over, the East Asian battlefield is gradually becoming clearer. Japan will not be able to last for a few days. Maybe there will be news of Japan’s unconditional surrender tomorrow. At that time, all countries will disarm and focus on post-war recovery and reconstruction. superior.

Before the outbreak of World War II, the total size of the British army was only 68, most of which were the navy, the air force was small, and the army was reduced to only the royal guard of honor, which was insignificant.

During the war, the British army expanded rapidly. By 1945, the total strength of the British army reached 589 million, accounting for 12.34% of its total population. The proportion of men joining the army reached 24.4%, and nearly a quarter of men joined the army.

This situation is definitely unsustainable. In Bevin's plan, the United Kingdom will lay off more than 90.00% of the army, and at most restore it to the size of 1939.

Objectively speaking, this plan is in line with the national conditions of the United Kingdom. The army of 70 million is a bit small compared to the size of the United Kingdom, but it is enough to safeguard the national interests of the United Kingdom. After all, the greatest enemy of the United Kingdom has disappeared.

Before the World War, Britain's biggest enemies were Germany and France.

Now Germany has been dismembered, France has been devastated, and Russia is not the enemy of Britain, but Southern Africa and the United States.

From this point of view, Britain has actually withdrawn from the competition of major countries.

Under such circumstances, Britain really does not need to keep too many troops. The Attlee cabinet should devote as much energy as possible to post-war reconstruction and fulfill the promises made during the election.

Disarmament is a good thing for Britain.

Not necessarily for the king.

The king doesn't care whether the Labor Party can fulfill its promise, nor does it care about the welfare of ordinary people in the UK. What really cares is the international status of the UK and whether the king's position is stable.

Therefore, disarmament is a good thing for Britain, but the consequences for the king are unpredictable.

Compared with the Labor Party's disarmament plan, Winston's push to restart the "alloy tube" is more in the interests of King George VI, so that the UK can have super weapons as soon as possible and ensure the UK's national security to the greatest extent.

Therefore, compared with Attlee, the rebellious boy, Winston is the most loyal subject of George VI.

When Winston was digging pits for Attlee in the country, Attlee was in Potsdam, trying his best to fight for the interests of the British Empire.

On the European side, Russia has become the biggest winner, and Attlee has no way to deal with it. The dispute over European interests has been settled before Attlee became prime minister. Even if Attlee has ideas, he cannot overthrow Winston's diplomacy. results.

There is still something to talk about in East Asia.

Although the United Kingdom was dominated by Europe during the World War, it still had huge interests in East Asia, and the Straits Settlements were the first to bear the brunt.

The Straits Settlements are undoubtedly the most important British colonies in East Asia, and have always been the core of British interests in East Asia.

Now the Straits Settlements, like India, are beginning to falter.

(End of this chapter)

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