Chapter 2669 Overlord Meal

At the beginning of the year, the United Kingdom adjusted the positions of officials in the Straits Settlements, and Mountbatten officially succeeded Sir Shanton as the Governor of the Straits Settlements.

For this appointment, Mountbatten was not very reluctant. He wanted to succeed Weaver as the governor of India, but unfortunately he could not do so.

Mountbatten's current position, in addition to the commander-in-chief of the British Army in Southeast Asia and the Governor of the Straits Settlements, also serves as the deputy commander of the Allied Command in East Asia. The command is not active internally and spends most of its time in India.

In the recent period, due to the appearance of super weapons in southern Africa and the United States on the battlefield, Mountbatten does not want to return to Lion City. He is waiting for Weaver to retire, and then he will be able to take over as a matter of course.

Weir was born in 1883 and is now in his 60s. He lost his sight in one eye during the First World War and has been in poor health. Since last year, there have been rumors that Weir is about to retire.

Wellwell really wanted to retire, but not now, he would survive until the end of the World War no matter what, Mountbatten was bound to be disappointed.

Mountbatten really didn't want to bring Anglo-Indian troops back to the Lion City if he could.

But he has no choice. The disarmament that Britain is discussing now does not involve the British and Indian troops, because the maintenance cost of the British and Indian troops is much lower than that of the real British troops.

The British are paid to join the army, and the wartime allowance is higher.

Indians can join the army with a meal, and the pension after death is also very low. It is precisely because of the existence of British and Indian troops that Britain dared to cut the army to only the royal guard of honor.

Low cost means poor quality, and the level of equipment and training of troops is not good enough. These shortcomings are taken for granted in India, but in the current Lion City, they will be infinitely magnified.

Lion City is the location of the East Asian Allied Forces Joint Command. All countries have offices in Lion City. If there are offices, it is natural to send soldiers to take care of security.

All countries still attach great importance to this matter. The troops that can be sent to the Lion City must be elite troops. The quality of individual soldiers and weapons and equipment are the best, and their role is similar to that of a guard of honor.

Everyone knows the virtues of the British and Indian troops. Compared with the conventional troops of other countries, there is a clear gap. Compared with the guard of honor, it is simply inconceivable. It can only be described as crooked.

It's nothing more than crooked melons and dates. If the Indian soldiers are self-aware and honestly perform their duties after arriving in the Lion City, Mountbatten can save some snacks.

How is this possible? It is not enough to let the Indians fight, but it is too good to let the Indians follow the British ass and pretend to be powerful. This is what the Indians are best at.

The Lion City can become the core area of ​​British colonial rule in Asia. Needless to say, the degree of prosperity can be counted in the whole of Asia.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 41, the then Governor of the Straits Settlements fled in a hurry, and the War Council took over the Lion City.

After the War Council took over, the Lion City became more prosperous than ever. After many Indian soldiers came to the Lion City, they had the feeling that Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

This is not right. Although Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden to broaden her horizons, she has her own duty and does not regard the Grand View Garden as her own courtyard, but has the self-consciousness of being a guest.

The Indian soldiers did not consider themselves guests.

The logic of Indian soldiers is like this.

Because the Lion City is an overseas colony of the United Kingdom, and Mountbatten is the governor of the Straits Settlements, then they came to the Lion City with Mountbatten, and they should become the masters of the Straits Settlements.

At the very least, they must be a class higher than the locals in the Lion City, just like the British who lived in the Lion City before.

This logic is not surprising. India itself implements a caste system, so the class consciousness of Indians is engraved in their bones.

When the master returns to his home, he naturally does as he pleases.

The Lion City is also the most prosperous place in Asia, so many Indian soldiers were dazzled by the prosperity of the Lion City, and did not know what their surnames were.

There is one more situation to introduce here.

Although the southern African soldiers at Changi Naval Base are clean and clean, with the arrival of American soldiers and soldiers from Australia and East India, special industries in Lion City have also prospered, and there are all beauties from all over the world.

The problem of discipline in the British and Indian troops was particularly serious.

This is also related to the traditions of India. The country of bows and women is not a joke.

Where there is a market, there is demand. Since the War Council cannot directly ban these fireworks places, it can only strengthen management.

Therefore, those who are qualified to participate in this industry in the Lion City have some energy behind them.

Unlike the tents around the camps of the U.S. military in Europe, Lion City has high requirements for this industry. The health of employees is a must, and the requirements for business premises are also high. Naturally, the cost of visiting customers is not low.

For this situation, the guests can understand and accept it.

Indian soldiers do not understand.

Could there be anything more ridiculous than the fact that the master had to pay for the servant's service when he returned to his own home?
So within three days of Mountbatten's arrival in the Lion City, there were hundreds of Indian soldiers arrested by the Lion City Police Station for not paying.

It's normal for one or two people to eat Bawang's meal. If there are too many people, there are all kinds of birds.

Hundreds of people are very abnormal, so the Lion City Police Department filed a complaint at Changi Naval Base.

That's weird.

The Anglo-Indian troops under Mountbatten's command ate the overlord's meal, so it should be reported to Mountbatten.

There is no way for the Lion City Police Department to report to the Changi Naval Base.

Mountbatten holds several positions and is a high-ranking and powerful person. How could he be in the mood to deal with such trivial matters? When the police chief of the Lion City went to file a complaint, he didn’t even see Mountbatten’s face. The commander of the British and Indian troops even sent someone to break into the Lion City The police station took away the Indian soldiers who committed the crime. The police chief of Lion City really had no choice, so he came to An Qi.

An Qi's work is also very busy, even if she is not busy, she will not care about such things, so the person who came to receive the Lion City police chief was Colonel Rex, who was in charge of the connection between Changi Naval Base and Lion City.

"For the British Empire, the Lion City is just an overseas colony. The British don't care about the future of the Lion City. They only care about the interests." this post.

Although he has British ancestry, Stephen Lee recognizes his identity as a Lion City and has no affection for Britain.

Colonel Rex is of English-French blood and looks pure white. He also has no feelings for Britain and is a pure southern African.

"Just as you said, Lion City is a British colony and is not under the jurisdiction of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, so I'm sorry, but we may not be able to help you on this issue." Colonel Rex couldn't help, this matter You people in the Lion City have to support yourself.

"The prosperity and stability of the Lion City is closely related to the Changi Naval Base. An Shuai must not want to see the Lion City being turned into a mess by those Indians." Stephen Lee knew that An Qi had no feelings for the Lion City, but he did. Chinese people have feelings.

When the Japanese army approached the Lion City, the white people fled in a hurry. Now more than 90.00% of the population of the Lion City is Chinese. Those white people who fled will wait until the war is completely over even if they want to come back.

As for whether they can come back by then, the two said.

"An Shuai is very busy with work and has no time to deal with this kind of thing." Rex would never report this kind of thing to An Qi.

As the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces in East Asia, An Qi dealt with the problem of how to bomb Japan more effectively every day, and had no time to care about the lower body of the Indians.

"You are in charge of docking with the Lion City. If the Lion City falls into chaos, it will also affect your work." Stephen Lee did not expect An Qi to come forward to restrain the Indian soldiers, as long as the Changi Naval Base is willing to come forward That's it.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the Southern African Expeditionary Force to suppress the British and Indian troops.

It really is easy to do.

Although the name is not justified, but what Stephen Lee said makes sense. The Changi Naval Base really cannot be left alone.

However, we must pay attention to methods, and we cannot go directly to Mountbatten and ask Mountbatten to strengthen the discipline of the British and Indian troops.

Rex couldn't see Mountbatten either. Although Mountbatten didn't have much say in the Allied Command in East Asia, it wasn't easy for anyone to see him.

Because of this kind of thing, it is not convenient to go to Mountbatten.

But guarding these Indian soldiers, the reason soon appeared.

The Indian soldiers did evil in the Lion City, not only did they not pay for anything, but also did not pay for meals in real restaurants.

As for things like drinking too much, drinking and urinating everywhere, it is commonplace. For Indians, this is called a f*cking informality.

The use of "section" here is an insult to the word.

Although Rex wanted to help, it was inconvenient to come forward because of his identity.

Indians are not the only ones walking in the Lion City. The officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force at the Changi Naval Base also like to go to the Lion City when they are on vacation, watch a movie, have a meal, chat with beautiful sisters and so on.

Although there are movies and restaurants in the base, every man must understand the reason why domestic flowers do not have the fragrance of wild flowers.

The officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force will give as much as they should after they spend in the Lion City, and will give tips if they are in a good mood. Not to mention strict self-discipline, at least they must abide by the law.

Law-abiding people hate those who break the rules the most.

The conflict broke out very quickly. When a group of Indian soldiers were eating the overlord's meal, the two officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force couldn't stand it anymore, and they took action to give the Indian soldiers a hard lesson.

Then the British and Indian troops also came to the door.

There is no way not to find it.

The Singapore Police Department can't afford to offend the Governor of the Straits Settlements, nor can it offend the Changi Naval Base.

Strictly speaking, the Southern African Expeditionary Force is the real emperor in Lion City.

"Wait, wait, you mean, two soldiers from the Expeditionary Army defeated nine Indian soldiers with their bare hands, don't you think it's a bit ridiculous?" Colonel Rex laughed out loud, which was really satisfying.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force was well equipped, and Rex would not be surprised if two people fought nine, or nineteen, on the battlefield.

Two hit nine with bare hands, the Indian soldiers are too useless.

Beatings don't count, the key is that if you lose, you still have the face to sue. This should be placed within the Southern African Expeditionary Force. Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, we will be locked up for a few days first.

"Those Indians drank, otherwise you should be the ones who were beaten." Major William from Newcastle blushed, feeling embarrassed himself.

If possible, Major William would never come to Rex for this kind of thing, shame, Major William felt his face was going to be on fire.

The soldiers of the two Southern African Expeditionary Forces were too light, why didn't they just kill those damned Indians?

In that case, it should be Mountbatten who came to An Qi instead.

It's normal to fight, after all, they are all young people who are full of vigor.

Losing a human life is a major event, and destroying the internal unity of the Allied Forces can be put on the line.

"Then wait for them to sober up and let them fight again." Rex really didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, he had to confirm the facts.

"All nine people are in the hospital, and three of them have broken bones. You are too ruthless." Major William hated his subordinates for not being able to live up to expectations, and at the same time, he was angry that the southern Africans were ruthless. It depends on the owner to beat a dog.

This "hate" and "qi" are very spiritual.

"Then what are you doing here? Shouldn't you go back to rectify military discipline?" Rex was in a happy mood, and even if he was ignorant and careful, he would hit you.

"It is you who should rectify military discipline. Don't forget that we are allies and we will never allow similar incidents to happen again." Major William was not worried about being beaten, but the image of the British army was damaged.

No matter how unbearable the Indian soldiers are, they are also British and Indian troops. They are flying the British flag and represent the honor and image of the British Empire. They cannot be bullied at will.

However, the nature of "overlord meal" is different from that of overlord meal.

To put it bluntly, even eating that kind of "overlord's meal" is not something people do.

"I can guarantee that if you don't restrain those Indians, then this kind of thing will definitely happen again, and it will happen frequently." Colonel Rex kindly reminded.

Fighting is actually very rare among soldiers. After all, the discipline of the Southern African Expeditionary Force is very strict, and fighting is subject to military punishment.

However, when it comes to beating Indians, it is popular within the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

Although Rex still doesn't know the outcome of this matter.

But in terms of the character of the arrogant soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Army, the two soldiers who fought would not only not be punished, but they might even be rewarded, just like the buddy who fired a cannon at the gate of the American embassy .

Even if there is no reward, he will be envied by his comrades.

This kind of thing has two things. Southern Africa and the United Kingdom are allies. When the Indian soldiers were all kinds of inhumans, they must have been bumped into by the officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

I didn't do it before because of discipline.

Now that this layer of window paper has been pierced, more and more Indians will be beaten in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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