Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2670 Retiring in situ

Chapter 2670 Retiring in situ

Two soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force who taught the Indians a lesson, one named Li Mai and the other named Tiger, both were marines and had been stationed in the Cocos Islands for a long time.

The Cocos Islands are located 1300 kilometers southwest of the Lion City, 2968 kilometers from Perth, Australia, and 3685 kilometers from Darwin Port. Before 1886, they were under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Ceylon, and after 1886 they were placed under the management of the Straits Settlements.

The Cocos Islands consist of 27 coral islands with an area of ​​142 square kilometers and a population of less than 200. The main island, Hom Island, has an airstrip where flights between southern Africa and Australia will be transferred.

Colonel Rex was right to worry. Li Mai and Tiger beat someone, and according to the regulations, they should be locked up. However, Li Mai and Tiger were not locked up in the confinement room of the military police, but in the sober room. .

Compared with the confinement room, which is only three or four square meters in size, sealed on all sides, and the walls are wrapped with sponges to prevent self-harm, the conditions in the sobering room are much better.

The confinement room is prepared for guys who violate military discipline. The conditions are similar to the small black room in the prison. The environment is bad, but the key is that there is no one to communicate with, not even a person to talk to. It may not matter a day or two. It will pass after a long time, and it can drive people crazy after a long time.

Although the conditions in the sobering room are not good, the bed is fairly spacious, and the two can communicate with each other, and the key is that they can accept visits.

Early the next morning after Li Mai and Tiger were locked in the sobering room, Second Lieutenant Hood, who was also serving in the Marine Corps, sent Li Mai and Tiger a large bag of things, which contained a change of clothes for the two of them, and Cigars, wine, playing cards, and two roast chickens.

"It's costing you—" Li Mai and Tiger beamed with smiles. They really didn't expect that there would be unexpected joy in being locked up.

"I didn't buy this, I just helped run an errand, if you want to thank, thank the owner of the Paradise Club—" Lieutenant Hood looked at Li Mai and Tiger with jealousy, and his tone became sour: "— — Another piece of good news for you, because of your justice, from now on, you no longer need to pay any fees to chat with girls in Lion City, and they will be happy to provide you with free services.”

Cigars and wine are trivial things, and Li Mai and Tiger can't afford them.

It's too eye-catching to find a girl at will without paying a fee. This is not a matter of money or not, it is related to the dignity of a man.

They also do not pay, and Indians will be beaten. Li Mai and Tiger will go to those romantic places in the future. Not only do they not need to pay, but there may be girls who post back.
It shows that the buddy is attractive!
"Sure enough, it's righteousness that slaughters more dogs, and the girls in the club show loyalty." Tiger was overjoyed, he didn't give that much, just give more tips, and he couldn't make people work in vain.

"If an investigator asks, you will kill him. The other party provoked first, and the staff of the club will prove it for you." Lieutenant Hood planned for a rainy day, and most of the British would not let it go.

The injury of the Indians is not important. The key to this matter is related to the face of the British Empire, and most of the British will be held accountable.

But it's not necessarily true, after all, it's not very nice to say it, and it's even more embarrassing if it gets bigger, or it may turn into a big thing and a small thing.

"Okay, no problem——" Li Mai was not too worried, since no one died anyway, so he didn't need to die, at worst, he would just need to pay some money.

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

The British really mean to turn big things into small things.

"Lion City Daily" disagreed, and reported the incident in a larger space the next day. With the promotion of caring people, this incident gradually fermented.

There are indeed many problems with Indians, not only eating overlord meals without giving money, but also making big mistakes and making small mistakes. If you ask them to resist British colonial aggression by force, they really dare not, but they are like rascals in Lion City. Rampant and domineering, public grievances broke out in just a few days.

"When the Japanese army approached the city, the governor fled in a hurry. Facts have proved that the British Empire cannot protect us. We pay millions of pounds in taxes to London every year, but we can't even get the most basic security. This has to make us think. The future of the city, apart from those Indians who defecate everywhere in the streets and alleys of the city, what else has Britain brought to the city?"

The tendency of the "Lion City Daily" was obvious, and Mountbatten was very angry. At that time, he was about to send someone to seize the "Lion City Daily", but was stopped by General Kenny Wilson who was stationed in the Lion City.

"It's best not to do this. Huang Jiaji, the boss of "Lion City Daily", is a member of the Huang family in East India. He has a close relationship with General Angie. If the "Lion City Daily" is seized, it will make us more passive." Mountbatten most of the time All in India, Kenny Wilson knows the Lion City better.

"So what if you have a good relationship with the southern Africans? Is the Lion City British or southern African?" Mountbatten was furious, which is why he didn't want to be the governor of the Straits Settlements.

The Indians, if not cooperative, at least did not openly oppose British colonial rule.

The Lion City is no longer the docile Lion City it was at the beginning, just like her name, it is just like her name.

"It's different now—" Kenny Wilson felt lost, it's not what it used to be.

In the past, people in Lion City had no choice but to accept British colonization.

Now with a second, or even a third option, everything is different.

"No, the Lion City will still be the former Lion City, and there will be no changes." Mountbatten will not sit still, if he can't solve the problems of the Lion City, then he is not qualified to be Werwell's successor.

The current Lion City is the epitome of the British Empire.

It is not only the Lion City that is in turmoil. The end of the World War is approaching, and people's minds are moving. Australia, Canada, India, the Suez Canal, the Strait of Gibraltar, and even the British Isles have similar problems.

If one is not handled well, Britain will not only lose the Lion City, but the entire Commonwealth may fall apart. This is a great shame for soldiers like Mountbatten and the others.

When things got to this point, Mountbatten could no longer sit still and had to go to An Qi.

"The Indians under your command have poor discipline, and the family members of the southern African expeditionary force were also harassed by Indian soldiers. If you can't restrain the military discipline, then I will solve these problems in the southern African way." Angie was also very angry , The Indians have brought their power to the fullest, and they dared to harass the families of the southern African expeditionary force, which is unbearable.

Although the supporting facilities at Changi Naval Base are very complete, the family members of the Expeditionary Force who accompany the army still like to go shopping in the Lion City for shopping. Many family members of the Expeditionary Force even work in the Lion City, commuting between the Lion City and the Changi Naval Base.

Just yesterday afternoon, a family member of an expeditionary force working in the Lion City was harassed by several drunk Indian soldiers when he was driving back to the Changi Naval Base.

The family member of the Expeditionary Army, who was a lawyer in the Lion City, was frightened and injured an Indian soldier when he drove away. Mountbatten didn't know about this.

"I'll take care of this matter, and you also have to restrain your soldiers to avoid more serious conflicts." Mountbatten also has back-hands, so don't say that he didn't predict it.

They are all at the level of the commander of the military region, and they must have a temper, and they all have distinct personalities, not the character of not fighting back when they suffer.

After all, the Lion City is a British colony and is home to Mountbatten.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force is a guest army in the Lion City. In the southern African language, the dragon must be coiled, and the tiger must be lying down.

An Qi was not afraid of Mountbatten's threat, so she just laughed and didn't take it to heart.

Even more serious conflicts—

As long as Mountbatten is not afraid of face pain, let the horse come over.

Mountbatten's counterattack came quickly. Since the officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force like to shoot when they see injustice, Mountbatten counterattacked based on this point. As long as the conflict is controlled to a certain extent, then even if the Southern African Expeditionary Force suffers, An Qi will not fanfare.

Whoever makes a big fuss about this kind of thing is ashamed.

What Mountbatten never expected was that the Southern African Expeditionary Force did not take the bait, and it was the Americans who took the bait.

The Lion City is indeed a British colony, but the right time and place and the British do not occupy it at all. The British's opponents are not limited to southern Africa. MacArthur is worried that he will not have a chance to gain his reputation.

The chance of resolving the Pacific War through negotiation has disappeared, and MacArthur can only find another way to gain his reputation.

The only thing that can really interest Americans is interest.

After the world wars, breaking the British colonial system was a top priority for Americans.

With the Royal Navy's superiority no longer in sight, the British colonial system was realized through British ports all over the world and control of key waterways.

MacArthur has nothing to do with things in Europe.

In Southeast Asia, the Straits Settlements are the most important colonial node for Britain.

To be honest, the discipline of American soldiers is actually not much better than that of Indians. Most of the time, the discipline of American soldiers is even worse than that of Indians.

For hungry Indian soldiers, the way to solve their physiological needs is a blank ticket.

American soldiers prefer women who are women, and their nature is worse than that of Indians.

This is still a question of strength.

Indians are thieves but not daring, they can't be robbers, they are rogues at most.

Americans want money and money, guns and guns, and they don't need to twist and turn to do things, they go straight, showing the true nature of North American gangsters.

Southern Africa has a convenient location, and An Qi directly placed the headquarters at Changi Naval Base.

MacArthur's headquarters is in Manila, and the office of the Joint Command is in the Lion City. There are about 1500 US military personnel and troops stationed in the Lion City.

Before the Indians came to the Lion City, American soldiers were regular visitors to the special industry in the Lion City.

Mountbatten's routine is not complicated. Let the Indian soldiers still use the overlord meal to make trouble, seduce the soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Army, and then the ambushing people will swarm up and beat up the soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Army. If someone is killed, Mountbatten can respond to Angie in Angie's way.

This method is still very effective, but it was not the soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force who taught the Indians, but the Americans.

Although the Indians are not very good at fighting, the Americans are not strong in boxing and kicking. In addition, the Indians who did it did not have a sense of proportion. As a result, an American soldier died after being sent to the hospital.

"Why? I need an explanation." Mountbatten questioned Kenny Wilson, wondering why the Americans were involved.

Mountbatten only made the decision to retaliate against the Southern African Expeditionary Force, and the plan was specifically implemented by Kenny Wilson.

"When the American soldiers were having fun, they put on uniforms similar to those of the Southern African Expeditionary Force—" Kenny Wilson didn't expect that this incident would become more and more troublesome.

This is also explainable.

As mentioned earlier, the image of the U.S. Army in the eyes of the public has always been similar to that of a beggar, with tattered equipment, sloppy training, and corrupt military discipline. It is simply a shame for North American gangsters.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force has a good image, and the bonus points for clothing occupy a large part.

In many cases, the discipline of the Southern African Expeditionary Force was not very good, otherwise there would be no rumors of arrogant soldiers.

Especially in combat, the Southern African Expeditionary Force was more brutal than the US military, treated the enemy more cruelly, cleaned up the battlefield more thoroughly, and there were more serious cases, but the media did not report it, and the public naturally did not know.

The clothing of the Southern African Expeditionary Force is designed by a senior designer from Itno. Regardless of field uniform or regular uniform, it is very popular among Southern African soldiers and American soldiers.

American soldiers like the clothing of the Southern African Expeditionary Force. Apart from the fact that the clothing of the Expeditionary Force is really handsome, there are some ulterior reasons.

In the Southern African Expeditionary Force, the proportion of whites is very high, and English, as one of the official languages, is also widely used.

Going to the fireworks place to have fun is not a pleasant thing to say, so some American soldiers put on the clothes of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

This is really not blaming others, but admiration for southern African culture, which is a symbol of friendship between the United States and southern Africa.

The British were not aware of the smallness of the American soldiers, so they missed the auxiliary vehicle and killed an American soldier, which made them in big trouble.

"Fuck it!" Mountbatten really didn't expect this kind of oolong. The bigger trouble for him now is how to explain this to the Americans.

It cannot be directly said that this is a trap aimed at the Southern African Expeditionary Force, and the Americans fell into it by mistake. This reason is unacceptable to the Americans.

Now Mountbatten has to face not only the pressure from MacArthur, but also the accusation from Halsey, the commander-in-chief of the US Pacific Fleet, because the person who died was a US Navy soldier. Halsey has formally sent a letter to Mountbatten, requesting Mountbatten severely punished the murderer and gave the US Pacific Fleet an explanation.

MacArthur went too far. He asked Mountbatten to hand over the murderer for approval by the American court.

Halsey's request was still within Mountbatten's acceptance range. After all, killing people for their lives was justified.

MacArthur wanted someone, and what he wanted was the right to dispose of this matter. If Mountbatten handed over the man to MacArthur, he would not be the governor of the Straits Settlements, and it would be better to retire in situ.

(End of this chapter)

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