Chapter 2671 Dreaming
Halsey just wanted to seek justice for the American soldiers under him, but MacArthur wanted to use this incident to gain political capital to the greatest extent.

With the gems of suppressing veterans in Washington, it is very difficult for MacArthur to restore his image in the eyes of Americans. His best way now is to establish an image that is equally tough to the outside world, so that at least the outside is the same. After all, in the United States, honesty is very important for politicians. An important quality.

This sounds like a joke. Politicians, especially American politicians, are notoriously liars. They repeat their lies for a long time and think they are true.

The reason for liars is that they have already become the recipients of vested interests. Before that, they have to create an honest character, otherwise they will not gain the trust of voters.

Mountbatten also has a temper, and will not sacrifice his honor to make MacArthur.

But he didn't dare to fight back. After all, if he wants to regain control of the Lion City, Mountbatten still needs the help of the Americans.

and cooperation in Southern Africa.

An Qi would definitely not cooperate with Mountbatten.

Although he ostensibly supported Mountbatten as Governor of the Straits Settlements, he actually regarded Lion City as the private territory of the Indian Ocean Navy and would never allow Britain to resume its rule over Lion City.

For Mountbatten, the internal conflicts of the Allied forces were trivial matters. Killing an American would not cause the United States and the United Kingdom to turn against each other. Losing money and punishing the parties could extinguish the anger of the Americans. The key was the control of the Straits Settlements.

When the strength of the British Empire was at its peak, no one dared to challenge the status of the British Empire. There was only one port in the Straits of Malacca, the Lion City, for ships to dock for supplies. Only by collecting taxes, the Lion City could contribute millions of pounds in profits to the UK every year.

Tax collection is still small, and more profits come from entrepot trade. The Lion City is a distribution center for goods in Southeast Asia, and this area contributes more profits.

In a word, the reason why the Lion City has developed rapidly in the past 100 years is due to its irreplaceable geographical advantages.

The "irreplaceable" here is rooted in the powerful British navy.

Not to mention, the entire Strait of Malacca has more than one port in the Lion City, and there are several East India across the strait. The reason why the Lion City is the only one is inseparable from the deterrence of the Royal Navy.

When the Royal Navy is powerful, naturally no one dares to challenge the status of the Lion City.

Now that the strength of the Royal Navy has long been surpassed by the U.S. Navy and the Southern African Navy, can Lion City maintain its superior position?
This is what Mountbatten is most worried about.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and without the support of the Royal Navy, Mountbatten, even if he has three heads and six arms, cannot restore the status of the Straits Settlements.

Therefore, the crux of the problem is not the decline of the Lion City, but the decline of the United Kingdom. If this problem is not resolved, the problem of the Lion City will not be solved.

"In the past few decades, we have lost Cape Town, Halifax, Changi Naval Base and Chagos Islands. Lose control of the Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar, and by then, what will the British Empire have to lose?" Mountbatten subconsciously avoided India when taking stock of gains and losses.

After the opening of the Suez Canal, Cape Town's status declined severely and was gradually marginalized. It is understandable to allow southern Africa to self-govern. After all, no one thought that southern Africa would develop to the extent it is today.

The voluntary abandonment of Halifax was because after the Washington Naval Conference, the U.S. Navy obtained the same tonnage of capital ships as the Royal Navy, so Britain had to give up half of the control of the Atlantic Ocean to the United States.

Don't listen to how nice the British say, it is essentially a lack of strength.

Even the Americans didn't expect that Britain's strength would weaken so quickly, and they were not ready to take over the sphere of influence, so Southern Africa took advantage of it.

The importance of India to the UK far exceeds that of other overseas colonies. Mountbatten has spent most of the past two years in India and has a good understanding of the situation in India. Compared with places like the Lion City, India is the core interest of the UK.

Sadly, now that even India is beginning to no longer accept British rule, Mountbatten is full of panic and doesn't know what to do.

"Order the troops to take over the Lion City. No matter what, the Lion City cannot be lost from my hands." Mountbatten took the risk, betting that An Qi would not be willing to die.

The reason why An Qi tried to protect the Lion City was rooted in the Chinese in the Lion City. Mountbatten now at least occupies a righteous position. An Qi did not have a good reason to prevent the British army from taking over the Lion City.

If only Angie wasn't so savage as the English.

Cities like the Lion City are naturally repulsive to Indian soldiers, and their horoscopes are different. The Indian soldiers under Mountbatten have long been salivating at the prosperity of the Lion City.

Who is India?

India is the number one loyal dog of the British Empire. In the British colonial system, apart from Britain being the master, India's status is that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people. Rounding up, India is also the master of the Lion City.

Unlike India, which is non-violent and non-cooperative, the people of Lion City have clear love and hate, and they do not hide their dislike and rejection of Indians. Many restaurants in Lion City even directly post notices saying "Indians are not allowed to enter", which makes many Indians very angry.

The American soldiers were very happy.

Because there is finally a place in the world that is more disgusted with a certain group than Americans.

This cannot be blamed on the snobbery of restaurants in the Lion City. It has nothing to do with whether Indians have money. It is purely because if there are Indian guests dining in the restaurant, it will affect the mood of other guests.

It is recognized that white people have a lot of body odor, and Indians have about the same body odor as white people.

White people know that they have bad body odor, so they use perfume to cover it up, which is barely acceptable.

The vast majority of Indian soldiers in the British and Indian troops cannot afford perfume, so it is not discrimination that the restaurant does not serve Indians.

Indians don't think so, and they don't realize the problem of body odor at all, or they don't care if they are aware of it.

This is how I am, no matter whether you are used to seeing it or not, you have to accept it.

Therefore, in the bustling city of Lion City, Indian soldiers do not feel any warmth from the people of Lion City.

At this time, Mountbatten ordered the British and Indian troops to take over the Lion City, which hit the arms of the Indian soldiers.

The arrogant and rude people of Lion City should have learned a lesson long ago.

So on the day Mountbatten ordered troops to take over the Lion City, dozens of restaurants and shops run by people from the Lion City were smashed and robbed by Indian soldiers.

This matter also immediately attracted the attention of the Changi Naval Base.

The Changi Naval Base has its own system, but the East Asian Allied Forces have a close relationship with the Lion City, and they regard the Lion City as a logistics base for the East Asian Allied Forces.

An Qi is the supreme commander of the East Asian Allied Forces. If Lion City falls into chaos, it will have an impact on the logistics supply of the East Asian Allied Forces.

It was Rex who came forward to negotiate. This time, he did not go around in circles, and directly asked the Straits Settlements to ensure the stability of the Lion City, so that the logistics supply of the East Asian Allied Forces must not be affected.

"The purpose of taking over the management of Lion City is to ensure the logistical stability of the Allied Forces. The British Army is also part of the Allied Forces." Kenny Wilson was sincere. As long as the Southern African Expeditionary Force still operates within the scope of the rules, Britain will It's a win.

Mountbatten sent troops to take over the Lion City, not the Changi Naval Base. In theory, Angie had no reason to object.

"But because of your rash actions, it has already had an impact on the Lion City, which will seriously affect the Allied forces' operations against Japan. You must immediately stop your actions and restore the stability of the Lion City." Rex had a tough attitude. In terms of overall interests, Britain has to make temporary concessions.

This, too, is hyperbole.

After the two atomic bombs were dropped, the question the Japanese government had to consider now was not to continue fighting, but to lie flat and let the Allied forces do their thing.

The stability of the Lion City is important, but it is not so important as to affect the frontline operations. Otherwise, An Qi would have sent troops to expel the British and Indian troops, and would not have given Mountbatten a chance to take over the Lion City.

"It's just a small accident, and within a week at most, the Lion City will be able to restore stability and be better than before." Kenny Wilson opened his bow and there was no turning back. This was Mountbatten's only chance.

Angie can still wait for a week.

However, things did not develop as Mountbatten hoped.

On the night when the British and Indian troops took over the Lion City, a patrol force composed of Indian soldiers was attacked by a roadside bomb. 24 Indian soldiers were killed on the spot and more than 40 were injured.

When an American soldier was killed, Halsey and MacArthur spoke out at the same time.

Dozens of Indian soldiers were killed or injured, which immediately triggered Mountbatten's fury.

After learning the news, Mountbatten's first reaction was to follow the usual practice and retaliate against the residents around the attack point.

This situation was common in the Boer War. At that time, if the British army was attacked, the center of the attack would be the center point, and the residents within ten miles around would be retaliated against.

Southern Africa is sparsely populated, and the larger farms are more than ten miles away.

How big is the entire city of Lion City?
If you draw a circle based on ten miles, then all the people in the Lion City have to be buried with the twenty-odd Indians, and the Changi Naval Base has to be included in a small half.

Since ten miles is unrealistic, there is a second option.

The second option is to execute the Lion City people in a ratio of one to ten to avenge the resistance of the Lion City people.

As for whether those executed had anything to do with the attack, Mountbatten didn't care.

"It's impossible, the people of the Lion City are not Boers, and the guy from Changi Naval Base will definitely not agree." Kenny Wilson also disagrees. The Lion City is a prosperous and civilized modern city. Is it really appropriate to deal with it in this way?

"There are criminals in the Lion City Prison, right? You have to learn to be flexible." Mountbatten is not stupid, and dare not continue to provoke Angie.

There is no need to investigate this matter. The supporters behind it are either southern Africa or the United States, and there is no third possibility.

Southern Africa is very likely to make a move. Attacking the patrol can not only deter the British and Indian troops, but also encourage the people of Lion City.

They have reached the point of retaliating against each other. Is it possible for the relationship to return to the original state?

The Americans are also very likely to make a move. Anyway, Mountbatten is MacArthur, and Mountbatten is eager to muddy the water to see if there is any opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

This method of hurting others and benefiting oneself is very American.

According to this line of thinking, East India and Australia are also suspected. These two countries wish that Southern Africa and the United Kingdom would fall out, so that they can hold Southern Africa's thighs in a better posture.

"In the Lion City Prison, most of the prisoners are British." Kenny Wilson provided a piece of information that stunned Mountbatten.

The Lion City is a colony of the United Kingdom. The British are all masters in the colonies, the kind of emperors who say they are superior to others?

In Mountbatten's understanding, most of the detainees in the Lion City Prison should be Chinese or Malays. Even if there are occasional whites who commit crimes, they can escape from prison through bail and other methods, and they will not be really imprisoned.

"Many of them fled from the Lion City when the Japanese army approached the Lion City. After the Japanese army was defeated by the Southern African Expeditionary Force, they tried to return to the Lion City, but were rejected by the War Council, so they chose to smuggle back to the city in various ways. Lion City, and then they will be imprisoned." Kenny Wilson was also very helpless, it is certainly right for a gentleman not to stand behind a dangerous wall, but since he chooses to be a deserter, he must bear the consequences of being a deserter.

Being a deserter in a state of war is subject to military law.

During the British rule, even if white people committed crimes, they would be punished lightly.

When the Japanese army approached the Lion City, the governors of the Straits Settlements fled in a hurry, and the entire colonial system collapsed completely. The British cannot be blamed for fleeing. They did not have the consciousness to live and die with the Lion City.

Only real Lion City people would choose to fight to the end at that time.

"The War Council must be disbanded, moles, traitors, moths—" Mountbatten's dislike for the War Council rose to an incomparable level.

But who can blame this.

Almost all members of the War Council were colonial officials during the British rule, and they were the pillars of the British who were trained and promoted by the British.

The British colonies are too large. Compared with overseas colonies, the number of British people is too small to fully manage the colonies. They can only use barbarians to control barbarians.

During the British colonial period, the "divide and rule" apartheid policy was implemented in the Lion City. There were obvious economic and labor boundaries between various ethnic groups, and each lived in a separate spatial area.

The advantage of doing this is obvious. It is a supplement to the single colonial economy. It divides and wins over various ethnic groups and creates conflicts. The British can mediate in a detached position and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The disadvantages are also obvious.

The Lion City is mainly composed of British, Chinese, and Malays, of which the Chinese account for the vast majority.

Without the interference of foreign forces, the Chinese were at a disadvantage and could only accept British colonization.

Now with the help of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, will the Chinese still accept British rule?

(End of this chapter)

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