Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2676 Three countries intervene to return Liao

Chapter 2676
As the old saying goes, bandits pass like a sieve, soldiers pass like a grate, and the Russian army is even worse.

Vasilevsky himself may have integrity. His troops have all experienced the European War. At that time, in order to boost morale, the senior Russian commanders and fighters even encouraged the Russian army to take appropriate revenge on the Germans after they invaded Germany. Military discipline can be imagined And know.

There is a precedent of the European War before, from Europe to East Asia, the military discipline of the Russian army will not be improved, but will be worsened, because in the hearts of most Russians, the status of the yellow race is far lower than that of the whites, so the Russian army In the process of attacking the Kwantung Army, military discipline naturally disappeared.

Due to the restrictions of the Far East Military Region, the military observers sent by the East Asian Allied Forces could not go deep into the front line, and did not know what happened on the front line.

But it can be seen from the materials shipped to Vladivostok.

The first ones that arrived in Vladivostok were mainly Japanese prisoners of war.

The next thing that arrived in Vladivostok was all kinds of seized equipment, strategic materials, precious metals, raw materials for industrial semi-finished products, food, machinery, and even construction materials, which made military observers puzzled.

Strategic materials such as precious metals are understandable, after all, the value is very high, no matter where they are, they are the priority targets for plundering.

Food and living materials are also understandable, after all, they are the necessities of life.

There is no shortage of such things as building materials in Russia. Is it really necessary to spend so much effort to get them back to Russia?

"Today there is a ship full of various books, square characters, and fake characters. I doubt whether the Russians can understand it—" Franklin sighed, and sighed in the apartment provided by the Russians. He was influenced by southern Africa. , I still like the Han culture.

"Isn't the war over? Why is the Russian attack still going on?" Bruce was drunk. After the "Edict of the End of the War" was released, Bruce was in a state of intoxication.

The world war has been fought for six years, and everyone is exhausted physically and mentally. What Bruce is looking forward to most now is to retire and return to his hometown, and he never wants to return to East Asia.

As for the Russian attack—

After the release of the "End War Edict", both the Southern African Expeditionary Force and the US military have stopped their offensives, waiting for the next order from the Allied Command in East Asia.

The Russian army is still attacking crazily. Even if the Japanese army no longer resists, the Russian army will not show mercy, killing what should be killed, and what should be caught.

The Kwantung Army was indeed defeated by gold and jade. The troops lacked training and the number of staff was severely reduced. The artillery regiment directly under the division had only four 92 infantry artillery, and there were only 11 shells. How can this be fought!
Under such circumstances, the Russian army still used the strength to fight against the German army and launched an attack on the Japanese army, and did not recognize the "End War Edict" at all.

The aggressiveness of the Russian army is not only reflected on the battlefield, but also when facing civilians, the Russian army does not hold back.

In the Kwantung Army area, there are not only Japanese immigrants, but also a large number of aborigines.

Japanese immigrants are not innocent, because they have enjoyed the dividends of Japan's expansion, and the immigration is carried out under the premise of infringing on the interests of the aborigines, and it is their own fault.

The aborigines are so innocent. They were oppressed by the Kwantung Army when they ruled. After the Russian army came, it intensified. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as burning, killing, and looting.

Feng Xia didn't speak, his mood was complicated.

It is impossible to make the Russian army obey orders, doesn't Vasilevsky know that?

I know for sure, it's just that I don't want to be restrained.

Emotionally speaking, Feng Xia didn't mind, and was even happy to see the Russian army attack.

The war was provoked by the Japanese, and it will end as soon as you say, what a beautiful idea!

The "Edict of the End of the War" is just a statement, as long as the Japanese government has not signed the letter of surrender, the war will not end.

Even if he signed it, Feng Xia didn't want to see any member of the Kwantung Army return to Japan alive.

The Kwantung Army was established in 1919, and it has been 26 years.

In the past 26 years, the crimes committed by the Kwantung Army are too numerous to record, and now a "Edict of the End of the War" wants the Kwantung Army to escape back to Japan, don't even think about it!
But from another perspective, Feng Xia's opinions on the Russian army are also growing.

It is no problem for the Russian army to attack the Kwantung Army, but when it comes to treating innocent people, the Russian army has no restraint, which makes Feng Xia unacceptable.

The Russian army and the Kwantung Army are fighting on the territory of a third country.

There are not only Japanese immigrants living on this land, but also a large number of aborigines.

During the offensive, the Russian army did not pay attention to the protection of civilians, which gave Feng Xia a new understanding of the Russian character.

Russians do not show goodwill to a certain group for some reason. The alliance during the world wars was just a last resort for Russia. The elimination of the hostile Axis powers will not improve the moral standards of the Russians.

"I am beginning to understand why the British attitude towards Russia is so stubborn and bad." Franklin also had a new understanding of the Russians.

After the release of the "Edict of the End of the War", the whole world, except Russia, was in a state of carnival.

Europe's performance is not so obvious. Southern Africa's attention to the East Asian battlefield is much higher than that of the European battlefield. Therefore, after the "End War Edict" was released, the entire southern Africa fell into a carnival in a very short period of time, and everyone was celebrating. The war is over.

Public opinion is also divided about the Russian army's offensive.

Some people think that the Kwantung Army should be wiped out in the most cruel way, and no Kwantung Army should be allowed to return to Japan alive.

Some people also think that the task of punishing the Kwantung Army should be handed over to a military court. After all, within the Kwantung Army, some people were forced to join the army, and they were also victims of the war.

Those who hold the former point of view are praised by the vast majority of southern Africans.

The latter is naturally a reflection.

They also don't want to join the army. Let's see how the British do it.

During the First World War, the British actively participated in the war, especially the British nobles. As a result, they suffered heavy losses and their spines were directly broken.

After the outbreak of World War II, many British people’s attitudes toward joining the army changed completely. In order to avoid joining the army, many British people went to the hospital to issue various certificates that they were not suitable for serving in the army. Some even avoided military service by self-harm. All resources should not leave the UK mainland as much as possible.

Compared with overseas battlefields, the British mainland is still very safe.

The British can self-mutilate in order not to join the army. If the Japanese do not want to join the army, there are naturally many ways.

So being forced to join the army is really not an excuse. The victims are naturally fabricated out of nothing. There are many peninsula people in the Kwantung Army.

It was not until the later period of the war that the Japanese government was forced to allow the colonial population to join the army because of the serious shortage of local soldiers.

This is the forced truth.

"The behavior of the British in Asia is not inferior to that of the Japanese and Russians." Bruce treats them equally. Australia is still a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. In the eyes of most Americans, they wear the same trousers as the British.

"Come on, the United States is still buying the scalps of Indians at a high price!" Franklin retorted, everyone's moral standards are almost on the same level, not to mention black crows.

"The aborigines in Australia are extinct!" Bruce plausibly said that there are at least Indians in the United States.

Feng Xia didn't speak, just smiled and watched the imperialist dog bite the dog's mouth hair.

"What are you laughing at?" Bruce noticed Feng Xia's expression, and his smile became more dazzling.

"Tell me a joke, there are no Africans in southern Africa—" Franklin immediately followed up, trying to bring the moral standards of southern Africa to the same level as Australia and the United States.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are all Africans." Feng Xia emphasized that it is wrong to judge people by their appearance.

"Then it can be from ancient times—" Bruce curled his lips, so the southern Africans are the most insidious.

"Let's discuss the issue of Russia." Feng Xia forcibly changed the subject, not wanting to get entangled in this issue.

Discussing the Russian issue is naturally inseparable from the Russians, so a few people went to Yuri.

"The front line is too dangerous. Wouldn't it be good for us to chat and drink coffee here? Do you want to find some Japanese girls for you?" Yuri has many tricks, Feng Xia can still stand firm, and Franklin and Bruce are immediately moved.

"I heard that Japanese girls are very obedient, and every Japanese man is a god at home!" Bruce actually had envy in his tone, but he didn't realize that his words were blasphemy against his belief.

That's right, it's not time for the sage yet, faith will be discussed later.

"There are also Japanese girls in the Lion City Military Service Agency. They are indeed very gentle, but their bodies are not very good." Franklin was actually picky. On this issue, isn't it all Marilyn Monroe when the lights are turned off?

Just last month, Marilyn Monroe's photo appeared in a military magazine issued by the US military, and she became the dream lover of all American soldiers.

Feng Xia didn't want to get involved in this topic, so he coughed a few times.

Franklin and Bruce woke up instantly, with serious expressions as if they were going to a grave.

"We found some amazing things in the hospital of the Kwantung Army, and you may be interested." Yuri has a lot of stuff, something that can make Russians feel amazing, and it should be of some value.

It's not appropriate to use "tremendous" to describe it, it should be the anger of both humans and gods.

After Auschwitz was exposed, the Germans became synonymous with evil, alongside the devil.

The Japanese were more evil than the Germans, and actually carried out all kinds of inhuman human experiments. After Bruce and Franklin learned about the situation, they immediately changed their attitudes and fully supported the Russian army's attack.

These evidences have also become the reason for the Russian army to continue to attack.

"Look at what the Japanese have done, do you still insist on dealing with the Japanese with a more tolerant attitude?" Angie and MacArthur had serious differences on how to deal with the Japanese issue.

MacArthur has insisted until now that Japan should be dealt with in a tolerant manner, transformed into a model of peace, and eliminated hatred.

This is destined to be unilateral wishful thinking. The Japanese are unwilling to accept it, and neither are other East Asians. MacArthur, an American, actually has no right to speak on this issue.

Forgive the Japanese instead of tens of millions of victims?

To put it bluntly, you, MacArthur, do not have the qualifications yet!
Ask the families of the American GIs who died in the Bataan Death March if they agree to forgive the Japanese.

"This is just the behavior of some Japanese, and it does not represent all Japanese." MacArthur is still stubborn, and he is the biggest reflection of the Allies.

"You may be right, but we don't have the ability to screen every Japanese." An Qi didn't deny it, but she didn't agree either.

When the Japanese conducted human experiments, did they ask the opinions of those who were subjected to the experiments?

When developing vaccines in southern Africa, volunteers will be found among prisoners. Depending on the degree of danger, there will be appropriate remuneration. The price is payment or commutation of sentence.

The payment of remuneration is aimed at those sentenced to death, and the remuneration will not be given to the family members of the death row inmates, but compensation to the victims.

The Japanese will definitely not pay those who are forced to accept human experiments, so An Qi will not ask the Japanese for their opinions when they are being tried.

"The revenge of the Russians is not just aimed at the Japanese—" MacArthur tried to provoke conflicts between southern Africa and Russia.

In fact, there is no need to provoke. Southern Africa's relationship with Russia is very clear, and it is not so unbreakable. It is just an alliance of interests.

It is impossible for two countries of similar size to have a true alliance unless the strengths and weaknesses are clearly defined.

Rock has also noticed this problem and asked the bearded man to restrain the Russian army and not to use civilians as targets of revenge by the Russian army.

The bearded man didn't object, and he said it was good, but it really fell into the actual action.

Russia's efficiency is well known. Military mobilization takes half a year and a few months. The order to restrain military discipline is from Potsdam to Vladivostok, and it takes only a week or two on the road.

After a week or two, Russia's military operations against the Kwantung Army are over, and it doesn't matter if they exist or not.

Not right, there is a so-called.

Looking at the meaning of the bearded man, it seems that there is no intention of withdrawing troops after the end of the war.

This made Rock unacceptable.

Russia played tricks in Eastern Europe, created a bunch of so-called democratic governments, and joined the Russian Union as a member country. This is understandable in itself, because Russia paid a huge price for saving Eastern Europe from the iron heel of the German army, which Russia deserves.

Russia completely divided Germany, divided into four and stationed by the Allied forces, and Germany was to blame.

On the East Asian battlefield, Russia's contribution cannot be said to be negligible, but it can only be said to be a helper.

Of course, this problem is not impossible to solve.

Do you still remember that the Three Kingdoms Intervention was still in Liao Dynasty, and Russia was one of the participants at that time. This is just another historical recurrence.

(End of this chapter)

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