Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2677 Measuring Japan's manpower and making love with the country

Chapter 2677 Measuring Japan's manpower and making love with the country

Although Southern Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States are both capitalist countries, they are not monolithic and full of contradictions.

During the World War, the contradictions between southern Africa and Britain and the United States were temporarily covered up, although there were occasional conflicts, they were not fully exposed.

It was not until the Potsdam Conference that Russia took advantage of the conflicts between southern Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States to have both sides, and this was the "Iron Curtain" speech by Winston.

In East Asia, the contradiction between southern Africa and the United Kingdom and the United States is particularly evident.

After the Russo-Japanese War, Russia's influence in East Asia was hit hard, and East Asia fell into the sphere of influence of Britain and Japan. Even the Americans had to make strategic detours, so there was an open door policy.

Britain's influence in East Asia was also hit hard during World War II. Southern Africa and the United States took advantage of the opportunity to rise up and jointly pushed Britain out of East Asia. At this time, Russia wanted to return to East Asia, and the interests of southern Africa and the United States would be affected.

So it's not just Rock, Truman also won't make concessions on the East Asian issue.

"East Asia should follow the example of Europe. After the war, respect the wishes of the East Asians and establish a country on the basis of democracy—" Truman held the same position as Roque on the East Asian issue.

"Manchuria is an independent country." Big Beard looked for a legal basis for retaining the garrison.

"No!" Rock vetoed it straight away. As early as during the Casablanca Conference, the allies decided to abolish all the unequal treaties Japan had signed since the Meiji Restoration, limiting Japan's territory to the four mainland islands.

"The peninsula is not either—" the bearded man was very dissatisfied with Rock's double standard.

"Yes!" Truman checked and filled in the gaps.

The content of Article [-] of the "Treaty of Shimonoseki" is to confirm that the peninsula is a complete and independent country. Therefore, any loss of its independent system, such as the dedication ceremony of the country, will be completely abolished afterwards.

With this, Japan can sever the relationship between the peninsula and the Qing Empire, and then annex the peninsula.

Following the principles of the Casablanca Conference, if the "Treaty of Shimonoseki" is abolished, then the peninsula will become a vassal state of the Qing Empire again——

This logic is fine.

The problem is that the Qing Empire no longer exists, so how should the status of the peninsula be determined?
"We should respect the wishes of the peninsula people and separate the peninsula from Japan." Rock followed the path of the bearded man, leaving the bearded man with nowhere to go.

Russia played a good role in democracy in Eastern Europe. In name, it established a democratic country, but in fact it turned all Eastern Europe into a vassal state of Russia.

Eastern Europe is too close to Russia, within Russia's absolute sphere of influence, the Allies on the Western Front have no time to look east, and Southern Africa has not created too many obstacles for Russia on the issue of Eastern Europe.

In East Asia, Russia also wants to follow the Eastern European model and turn East Asia into Russia's sphere of influence.

This made Rock and Truman unacceptable.

In Eastern Europe, southern Africa, and the United States, the door was wide open, allowing Russia to complete its expansion and delineate its sphere of influence.

So in East Asia, Russia should also respect the interests of southern Africa and the United States and exercise restraint.

"This is indeed a good way—" Beard has the successful experience in Eastern Europe, and he is also confident in the expansion of East Asia.

Rock and Truman looked at each other, tacit understanding.

The bearded man's little experience in supporting agents is really not enough for gangsters in southern Africa and North America.

Russia's annexation of Eastern Europe and the defeat of Germany happened at the same time. The Allied forces on the Western Front were still on vacation in France at the time and did not participate. After the vacation, it was too late and they could only accept the reality.

Angie and MacArthur in East Asia have been busy for so long, it is impossible for Russia to pick the fruit. When Russia attacked the Kwantung Army and was busy grabbing things, Angie and MacArthur were also grabbing.

Although the Kwantung Army has a large number of people, there is nothing to grab for the machinery and food. An Qi and MacArthur are not interested.

What An Qi is interested in is the various wealth that Japan has accumulated over the past few decades.

What MacArthur was interested in was the conquest of Japan itself, the honor it brought to MacArthur.

Although Hirohito issued the "Edict of the End of the War", the Japanese government still had illusions. After Hirohito issued the "Edict of the End of the War", Japanese Foreign Minister Shigemitsu Aoi flew to Lion City and proposed to negotiate, hoping to withdraw from the war in a more dignified way .

The conditions put forward by Shigemitsu Aoi include that Japan will deal with war criminals by itself, disarm itself, and the Allied Forces shall not station troops in Japan——

These conditions are not a question of whether they are suitable or not, but whether they are qualified to raise them. The Allied forces have only one requirement for Japan's surrender, which is unconditional surrender.

Unconditional means that there are no additional conditions, and he completely lies flat and accepts the treatment of the Allied forces. Shigemitsu Aoi didn't even realize that he himself is also a war criminal.

Shigemitsu Aoi graduated from Imperial University of Japan, majoring in German law. He served as ambassador to Russia and the UK in his early years, and served as Japanese foreign minister since 43.

Shigemitsu does not recognize his status as a war criminal. He even claims that he is a peace-loving liberal and an anti-axis ally who prevents war in an attempt to escape punishment.

"Every time a conflict broke out between the empire and a foreign country, I was the one who came forward to take care of the aftermath and coordinate matters, effectively avoiding the expansion of the situation and avoiding the occurrence of more serious conflicts. Therefore, I am a true pacifist and have never participated in the empire's foreign wars . " Mamoru Shigemitsu is worthy of being a diplomat, and she speaks eloquently.

What Shigemitsu Aoi said is partly true. Negotiations are a continuation of the war. The Japanese have always been good at making progress. In this regard, Shigemitsu Aoi's role is as important as that of the Japanese army.

Japan's expansion was not carried out in a short period of time. It lasted for decades. During this period, the Japanese foreign affairs department represented by Shigemitsu Aoi cooperated with the Japanese army and won countless benefits for Japan, so he is really not peaceful. He is a standard Class A war criminal.

"Before the release of the "Edict of the End of the War", it caused intense controversy in Kyoto. It was because of my efforts that Japan decided to accept the request of the Allied Forces and surrender unconditionally." According to Aoi Shigemitsu, he is Japan's No.

It doesn't matter to An Qi whether it is the first term of peace.

For MacArthur, it means a lot.

"Stop talking nonsense, if I say you are guilty, you are guilty!" The nature of the MacArthur gang was fully exposed, and they did not listen to Shigemitsu's defense at all.

"I failed to prompt the Japanese government to surrender as soon as possible, and I am indeed guilty—" Shigemitsu Aoi's attitude made it impossible to find any faults, fully satisfying MacArthur's status as an occupying force.

"Surrender requires a gesture of surrender. There are no conditions. While you are wasting time here, Russia's attack on the Kwantung Army is still going on, and your empire is suffering continuous damage—" Angie taunted ruthlessly, Beat the dog in the water.

There is no sympathy for the Japanese. Think about the Kwantung Army’s human experiments, and then think about the Jinling Massacre. The reason why An Qi met Shigemitsu Aoi was not to discuss matters related to Japan’s surrender with Shigemitsu Aoi, but to see Japan’s surrender. How can people quibble.

"You are right, General An Qi, my country is suffering continuous damage, and we deserve it." Shigemitsu Aoi speaks Chinese very well, and can communicate with An Qi without barriers.

The more this happened, the more angry An Qi was.

Japan is a country greatly influenced by Han culture. For important imperial ministers like Shigemitsu Aoi, Chinese is a compulsory course, and they have to learn it from an early age.

Regrettably, the Japanese learn Chinese not to admire the Han culture, but to expand abroad, and to cover up the fact that Japanese culture originated from the Han culture. During the war, Japan’s elimination of the Han culture is also one of its important tasks. The Chinese want to restore ancient music, they have to go to Japan to find music scores, and the Chinese want to study their own history, they have to go to Japan to find historical documents.

So what is there to grab for the Kwantung Army's machines and food, and the wealth that Japan has plundered through foreign wars for so many years is what Angel is most concerned about.

"In order to provide better services to your army, we issued documents such as "Reorganization of Foreign Comfort Facilities Stationed in Foreign Colonies" and "Notice to Directors of Police and Security Bureaus of the Ministry of the Interior Concerning Issues Concerning Foreign Stationed Comfort Comfort Facilities", requiring police officers from all over the country to The military department will establish a comfort station to provide services for your army—" Shigemitsu Aoi said that the American soldiers will be very interested in this matter.

When it comes to human nature, it is usually said that human nature is complicated, and conclusions are different for different positions. Even if the same thing is changed, there will be completely different conclusions in a different environment.

Japan's human nature is also complicated. Few people are as extreme as the Japanese. When their strength is superior, they are tyrannical, and their posture when they are weak is also jaw-dropping.

In the early days of the Meiji Restoration, in order to raise funds, the Japanese government sent countless Japanese women overseas to engage in special industries to raise start-up funds for Japan.

Now that Japan is defeated, the first thing to do is not to put down its arms and wait for the Allies to deal with it, but to do everything possible to please the Allies——

That's right, apart from women, there really isn't much else that Japan can offer.

The queen mother was defeated and surrendered back then, and she was able to measure the material resources of China and tie the country's favor.

The first sacrifice in Japan was a woman, so it is difficult to understand why some women are willing to become Japanese citizens.

It doesn't matter if a man becomes a Japanese citizen, after all, the status of a Japanese man is indeed high.

The risk of a woman becoming a Japanese citizen is too great, and she will be sacrificed if she is not careful.

Therefore, no one is better than the Japanese in the matter of being small.

"This matter is well done. As long as you can do your best for the Allied Forces, the Allied Forces will consider it as appropriate." An Qi didn't say to kill these war criminals now, at least after the situation in Japan stabilized.

The situation in Japan is indeed unstable now. On the day when the war-ending edict was issued, a group of young and strong guard officers from the main combat faction broke into the palace and searched everywhere, trying to steal the recording disc of the emperor’s broadcast of the edict and prevent it from being broadcast to the whole country.

The guards of the palace quickly suppressed the rebellion. After the edict of surrender was broadcast on the radio, the leader of the Japanese war faction, Lu Xiang Anan, committed suicide by cutting open his stomach in his official residence.

Even if Anan didn't commit suicide, he would be liquidated after the war. He knew that he was doomed, so he died sooner and sooner.

Shigemitsu Aoi didn’t want to die yet. In another time and space, in order to escape punishment, he hired an American lawyer to defend him, and asked more than a dozen British and American diplomats who had dealt with him to testify for him, proving that he was indeed in Japan’s foreign negotiation process played a positive role in.

It is hard to say whether these small actions have any effect, but Shigemitsu Aoi was indeed only sentenced to seven years in prison. Among all Japanese Class A war criminals, the punishment he received was the lightest.

These seven years of imprisonment were not seriously implemented. Shigemitsu Aoi only spent one year in prison, and was later released on parole. It was not until 57 years that she died at home due to myocardial infarction.

An Qi's attitude towards Shigemitsu Aoi was also very firm before, and these Japanese Class A war criminals must be severely punished.

Angie is also a little shaken now.

The reason is very simple. Shigemitsu Aoi and the others are indeed guilty, but their posture of admitting their mistakes and being punished is too correct. If it were someone else, they might not be able to do so.

It was also a sacrifice, and people like Aoi Shigemitsu took the lead in promoting this matter. Leaving aside the results, the efficiency must be very high, because other people really don't know Japan as well as Aoi Shigemitsu.

But An Qi was only slightly shaken, and then she became firmer in her determination.

It doesn't matter if the efficiency is slow. Anyway, when it comes to conquering Japan, the southern Africans have plenty of time and patience.

Just as Shigemitsu Aoi arrived in Lion City to strive for better surrender conditions, the Allied forces had successfully landed in various parts of Japan to complete the occupation of Japan.

With the previous experience in occupying Germany, the Allied forces can be said to be familiar with the occupation of Japan.

The Japanese are also very amazing. Before they vowed to shout "[-] million pieces of jade", after the release of the "End of War Edict", most of the Japanese easily accepted this fact, especially the Japanese army, the surrender was very thorough. , when the Allied forces accepted the surrender of Japanese troops everywhere, they encountered almost no obstacles.

On the contrary, many Japanese civilians could not accept the fact that Japan was defeated, and committed suicide in anger.

As for the comfort stations, the speed of the Japanese government in this matter fully reflects the efficiency of Japan.

On the 18th, the Japanese government decided to set up foreign comfort facilities to provide services for the occupying forces.

On the 26th, the Japanese government allocated 5000 million yen to establish the "Special Comfort Facilities Association" led by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. form".

To be able to do such a humiliating thing so grandly, this kind of thing can only happen in Japan.

What's even more amazing is that when the Japanese government held the formation ceremony, it also took the initiative to invite the Allied Forces to send people to witness it.

It is not easy to participate in this kind of thing, and the righteous allied forces will not accept this kind of service provided by the Japanese government, so the Southern African Expeditionary Force and the US military have simply rejected the invitation of the Japanese government.

The purpose of the Japanese government to be so arrogant and condescending is to avoid the post-war treatment of the Allied forces.

This careful thinking is destined to fail. After the Allied forces landed in Japan, they implemented military management over Japan, completely cutting off the possibility of Japan's restoration of militarism.

Not to mention the army, even the police are hired from umbrella companies.

(End of this chapter)

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