Chapter 2678
Compared with the military, the umbrella company has many advantages in solving social problems, especially in public security, and the umbrella company is very familiar with it.

Similar to how the British colonies prefer to use Indian police, the Southern African Expeditionary Force is also accustomed to handing over security issues to umbrella companies.

The Umbrella Company did live up to expectations, not only costing less, but also surprisingly effective. Therefore, after the Southern African Expeditionary Force took over the Japanese city, it immediately handed over urban security to the Umbrella Company.

According to the requirements of the East Asian Allied Forces, after Japan surrendered, not only the entire army must be disbanded, but also the police system must be thoroughly reorganized. , to hunt down the fugitive Japanese war criminals.

As for city law and order, it seems that this does not require too much energy from the umbrella company.

Because of the continuous carpet bombing by the Allied forces, most of the Japanese cities, including Tokyo, have been bombed into ruins, and the cities in the conventional sense no longer exist. The first task facing Umbrella Corporation is post-war reconstruction.

The surrounding area of ​​Tokyo Bay is one of the most important industrial belts in Japan. During World War II, it was under the special care of the Allied Forces. The entire Tokyo Bay was bombed on a large scale by the Allied Forces no less than ten times.

When Danny, the senior director of the Umbrella Company, arrived in Tokyo Bay, there was no complete house in sight, and the port facilities were completely destroyed. The sky was gray and the air was filled with a pungent stench. Giant-shaped corpses floated in the sea water. The soldiers of the Expeditionary Force on duty on the pier were wearing gas masks. After completing the handover with the mercenaries of the umbrella company, all the officers and soldiers of the Expeditionary Force got into the car and left as quickly as possible. Tokyo Bay, without the slightest nostalgia.

The Umbrella Company implements militarized management. There is a battalion of nearly 300 mercenaries who arrived in Tokyo Bay with Danny. In addition, there are nearly 8000 Japanese soldiers who have laid down their weapons. They will cooperate with the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company to complete the Tokyo Bay. bay reconstruction.

"The good news is that after a while, at least [-] soldiers will arrive, and they will work for us for free for at least three years - the bad news is that most of these soldiers are malnourished, and a considerable number of them have various diseases. Among them, the proportion of young and middle-aged people is also very small, and most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled." Danny's assistant, Taylor, is an Australian and has extensive experience in managing prisoners of war.

These soldiers who put down their weapons are not quite the same as prisoners of war.

Prisoners of war have no personal rights at all, and the death rate in labor camps is very high.

Strictly speaking, these soldiers who put down their weapons are employees of the Umbrella Company. Although the Umbrella Company does not need to pay them salaries, they certainly cannot be killed at will.

"For the sake of God and free of charge, let the doctor examine their bodies. We must first improve the hygiene here, otherwise if there is a large-scale disease, we will all have to go to see God." Danny looked at the dead body in the sea with fear , it is now August.

The corpses in the sea are easy to deal with. Send people to pick them up in small boats, dig deep pits, pour gasoline on them, burn them all, and cover them with a layer of lime for deep burial. This job is very familiar to Taylor.

The problem of disease is not easy to deal with because of the lack of medicines. On the contrary, malnutrition is easy to solve. There is no shortage of food in southern Africa, if it is only starving to death.

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of workers, those who are willing to work will get some special rewards, such as a cigarette, an egg, or even a glass of shochu. Before the war broke out, 1 yen could be exchanged for almost 0.5 U.S. dollars, but now it takes almost 50 yen to exchange for 1 U.S. dollar.

The vitality of the Japanese is still very tenacious. When Danny came to Tokyo Bay, there was no one in the entire Tokyo Bay.

In just a few days, more and more Japanese popped up from some corner of the city without knowing it, and formed a new residential area around the temporary residence of the umbrella company.

With the increasing number of people, management problems are also coming, but Danny has no authority. His authority is limited to security issues, and the officials in charge of city management have not yet arrived.

It can’t be said that he didn’t take office. During this period of time, the Allied forces implemented militarized management of Japan, and those responsible for managing Tokyo Bay should be the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force who ran away after handing over to Danny. Danny didn’t know where they went. .

Fortunately, the monk could not run away from the temple. This problem was fed back layer by layer, and it was soon sent to the Lion City. It still needs An Qi to solve it.

An Qi and Shigemitsu Aoi are discussing whether the Allied Forces will militarize Japan.

Shigemitsu Aoi repeatedly emphasized that the Japanese royal family has always been enthusiastic about peace and humanitarianism, and asked the allied forces not to impose military control on Japan, but to reform Japan with a new political system.

"The royal family is passionate about peace and humanitarianism. Are you kidding me?" Angie didn't believe a word of Shigemitsu Aoi's words. This person turned black and white and ignored the facts in order to get rid of the crime, and he had no bottom line than MacArthur.

An Qi's attitude towards Japan's transformation is firm. The premise is to abolish the monarchy and completely follow the premise of democracy to carry out peaceful transformation of Japan.

Shigemitsu Aoi proposed that he hoped to imitate the British model and transform Japan, and set up a parliamentary system under the premise of retaining the royal family, so as to ensure Japan's stability to the greatest extent.

This suggestion was opposed not only by Angie, but also by Australia and the East India.

Angie's decision represents the will of southern Africa. The East India is completely following the lead of southern Africa. Australia wants to abolish the monarchy because of the famous photo of the Japanese army beheading an Australian pilot.

I don't know what purpose Japan took that photo in the first place. It may be to emphasize the spirit of Japan's Bushido and boost morale.

Australia is a country of the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Australian pilot who was beheaded was also a white man. That photo did boost morale to a certain extent, but it also completely fixed the criminal facts of the Japanese army.

For that photo, under Australian management, Japanese prisoners of war paid a price of more than 10 people.

Although southern Africa, Australia, and East India insisted on abolishing the Japanese royal family, Shigemitsu's proposal was partially agreed by the United Kingdom and the United States.

Britain agreed to retain the royal family, mostly because of its long-term feelings for Japan. After all, it was with the support of Britain that Japan gradually became the Great Japanese Empire that brought serious disasters to Asians.

Referring to Britain's performance after the end of World War I, now Britain seems to have a reason to support Japan again.

The reason why the United States agrees is similar to that of the United Kingdom. MacArthur needs a stronger Japan to counter the pressure brought by southern Africa on the United States in East Asia.

"His Majesty was forced to agree to Japan's participation in the World War because he was hijacked by others. In fact, during the World War, His Majesty asked Japan to withdraw from the war many times. It is only because of the persistence of Anan and others that it has come to this point—" Shigemitsu Aoi Put all the responsibility on Anan who has committed suicide, there is no proof of death anyway.

This statement also sounds reasonable. Japan has a long history of undermining. When the Meiji published the "End War Edict", there were military officers from the main battle faction trying to stop it. Anan's suicide may also be related to this incident.

Without the support of people of Anan's level, it is hard to imagine that a group of military officers from the main combat faction could easily break into the Japanese imperial palace.

If the mutiny is successful, Anand probably won't need to commit suicide, and then Shigemitsu Aoi will lose a scapegoat who has enough weight.

It's a pity that with An Qi, Anan's weight is obviously not as good as that of the royal family.

"So both you and your emperor are peace-loving, and by analogy, as long as the Japanese are still alive, they are all peace-loving, and those who should be responsible for the war are dead. Their deaths should not be let down, right? "An Qi sneered, this trick is too childish, she's fooling her like a fool.

"That's the truth. You are the most wise general, and your understanding of Japan is unrivaled—" Shigemitsu Aoi didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in An Qi's words, and of course it was more likely to make mistakes.

"Well, I'll give you a choice, either you testify for the Japanese government in a military court that all war criminals are responsible for what started the war and what they did during the war, or I change someone else to do the job "An Qi hoped that Shigemitsu Aoi would be a tainted witness of the Japanese government in exchange for leniency from the Allied Forces.

Of course, it's up to An Qi to decide whether to be lenient, and An Qi is very good at killing donkeys.

It is a waste of saliva to talk to someone like Shigemitsu Aoi about justice and peace. His understanding of justice and peace is not on the same channel as Angel.

The post-war trial in another time and space was not carried out thoroughly.

The famous Tokyo Trial, confirmed by the Allies, only 28 people were identified as Class A war criminals, and only seven of them were sentenced to hang. Pretending to be ill and exempting from punishment is simply a joke in the world.

The man who pretended to be sick is called Okawa Shuaki, who is fluent in German, French, English, and Sanskrit. He is an important think tank in Japan and has written many extremely nationalist works.

During the Tokyo Trial, Okawa Zhouming pretended to be crazy, acted foolishly and made a lot of ugly appearances, sometimes shouting loudly, sometimes naked. The most famous scene was that he suddenly slapped Hideki Tojo and shouted: "Tojo, I will kill you!"

Afterwards, a medical expert appointed by the court judged that Okawa Zhouming suffered from mental illness, so he was exempted from any punishment, but afterwards Okawa Zhouming revealed to reporters that he was faking it.

Okawa Shuaki died of illness in Tokyo in 1957.

Such a person was not hanged, but died on a hospital bed. This is the greatest mockery of the Tokyo Trial.

Mamoru Shigemitsu didn't expect that the task An Qi gave him was actually this, and he was at a loss for a while, so he didn't agree immediately.

In this time and space, there must be more than 28 Class A war criminals in Japan, and not only seven were hanged. Whether Shigemitsu Aoi is among them depends mainly on Mitsukoi's cooperative attitude.

If Shigemitsu Aoi is unwilling to cooperate, then that Okawa Shuaki will be very happy.

"Think about it carefully, my patience is limited." An Qi will not leave too much time for Shigemitsu Aoi, he has more important things to deal with.

Those who are eligible to be listed as war criminals are, after all, very few.

There are countless people who committed heinous crimes during the course of Japan's external expansion. Many of them have retired from active service with gray hair, but they also have to face the Allies' accountability. This work is now in progress.

As the birthplace of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army, Hiroshima was destroyed by an atomic bomb during the war. Yamaguchi Prefecture, which is far from Hiroshima, was not affected much.

The Fifth Division was established in 1888 and consists of the 11th Infantry Regiment, the 21st Regiment, the 41st Regiment, and the 42nd Regiment. The main source of troops for the 42nd Regiment is from Yamaguchi Prefecture.

During the invasion of China by the Eight-Power Allied Forces, the Shanxian Youpeng Cabinet dispatched the 11th Regiment and the 42nd Regiment from the Fifth Division to participate in the war. It has been 45 years since then.

The Japanese officers and soldiers who served in the Fifth Division 45 years ago are still alive, and the youngest is already 70 to [-] years old. Referring to the current average life expectancy, they have reached the standard of longevity.

Yoko Yamaguchi is 61 years old this year. Although he is in his sixtieth year, he is still in good health. His biggest hobby in daily life is to brag about the achievements of the year to his juniors. In order to regain his former glory, Yoko Yamaguchi sent all his four sons and nine grandchildren into the army.

As the war progressed, six of Yoko Yamaguchi's descendants who served in the Japanese army had died in battle, and the rest of them did not know whether they were alive or dead because of the cut off of communication.

This did not wake up Yoko Yamaguchi. He still does not even believe that the "Edict of the End of the War" is true. In his mind, Japan cannot be defeated.

After retiring from the army, Yoko Yamaguchi bought a house and land in his hometown with the wealth accumulated during the war, and lived a good life. The cold light of the saber is determined to resist for the empire to the end.

The opportunity came soon, but Yamaguchi Yoko did not draw his sword, because the assault rifles in the hands of the soldiers of the expeditionary army were far more deterrent than the sabers in Yamaguchi Yoko's hands.

When Yoko Yamaguchi joined the army, the army was still issued single-shot rifles.

Compared with the assault rifles in the hands of the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force, the saber that had beheaded several heads did not bring the slightest sense of security to Yamaguchi Yoko.

"Mr. Yamaguchi, did you go to the Qing Empire in 1900?" The officer of the expeditionary force who led the team looked indifferent, and his eyes fell on the saber beside Yoko Yamaguchi.

"It's been too long, I'm old, I can't remember—" Yoko Yamaguchi has served in the army and killed people, and he can feel the murderous aura of the officer.

Murderous intent sounds abstruse, but in fact it really exists. When Yamaguchi brags about his glorious experience in the past, he only sees envy and fear in the eyes of his family members.

The officer in front of him had cold eyes, looking at Yoko Yamaguchi like looking at a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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