Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2679 Burning the Shrine

Chapter 2679 Burning the Shrine
Since the expeditionary army came to the door, they must have real evidence.

In order to encourage Japanese people to join the army, the Japanese government gives veterans a higher social status. During major festivals, these veterans have to wear the military uniforms of the year and take part in the parade with the weapons of the year, so they cannot be blamed.

Yamaguchi Yoko is always healthy and strong. He is in his 70s and [-]s and clamors all day to be loyal to the empire. He has indeed enjoyed the dividends of Japan's external expansion, and he can be regarded as a vested interest class in Japan's external expansion.

"In 1900, you went abroad to fight with the commander of the Fifth Division, Yamaguchi Sotomi. It lasted for six months. During the war, you were injured in your left arm because you snatched spoils from the Russians. Isn't that the case?" Yoko Yamaguchi looked embarrassed.

After Yamaguchi returned to China, he always claimed that his left arm was injured in the battle, and won the admiration of his family and neighbors.

Now being exposed by the officer, the surrounding villagers immediately whispered and looked at Yoko Yamaguchi with contempt.

"Did you come here to humiliate me, an old man?" Yamaguchi became furious, but still did not dare to draw his sword.

"Oh, don't rely on the old to sell the old, we respect your behavior, not your age." Military officers are not subject to moral kidnapping, and southern Africa also advocates respecting the elderly, but it must be established on the premise that the elderly are worthy of respect.

Not all old people are worthy of respect. Bad people will only become old bad people when they get old. Moral standards will not be improved accordingly. The law will not be lenient because of age.

In Japan, there is even less scruples in this regard.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Yamaguchi Yoko was too tough to be soft, and his toughness was only in words.

"We need you to assist us in some investigations, please come with us." The officer is really tough, and he doesn't care about Yamaguchi Yoko's age and physical condition.

After taking the people away, more than a dozen soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Army conducted a thorough search of Yoko Yamaguchi's home, and all items related to the Qing Empire were taken away as criminal evidence.

There are quite a lot of things, more than a dozen pieces of porcelain, several thread-bound books, a lot of metal products, and even an old-fashioned flintlock.

Other things are easy to say, muskets are dangerous items that are explicitly prohibited by the Southern African Expeditionary Force, private possession is a felony, and all his family members including his family were taken away.

The same thing is happening all over Japan these days.

For Wolfe, head of the Umbrella Corporation in Tokyo, he has a more important task of dismantling the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan.

The major events of the country are sacrifices and military affairs. "Sacrifice and military affairs" in the original context does not refer to sacrifices and wars in general, but to sacrificial rites and military ceremonies, both of which belong to the category of ritual system. They are all related to sacrificial offerings, and later generations quoted them as common words, and their references were gradually expanded from sacrificial ceremonies and military rites in the category of etiquette to sacrificial offerings and wars.

The Yasukuni Shrine in Japan is located in Kudanbei, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan. It enshrines the soldiers and military families who died for Japan since the Meiji Restoration era. Most of them are Japanese soldiers who died in the Japanese War of Invasion of China and the Pacific War.

If you are an American, you may not understand the significance of the Yasukuni Shrine to Japan.

It is very deep for Wolfe. He is not only a senior executive of the umbrella company, but also works for Brad's office. He is currently the head of Brad's office in Kyoto.

As the capital of Japan, Kyoto received special care during the Allied bombing. It was not bombed many times, and most of the buildings in the city remained intact.

The city of Kyoto was built on the basis of Chang'an and Luoyang in the Tang Dynasty. The western part of Ukyo is called "Chang'an", and the eastern part of Ukyo is called "Luoyang". Due to the decline of Ukyo, Luoyang in Zuojing became synonymous with Heianjing.

Although the status of Kyoto is important, the scale is not large. This city is now taken over by the Southern African Expeditionary Force and the U.S. Army.

Before Wolff arrived in Kyoto, he received a secret order from An Qi that the imperial palace could be preserved, and the Yasukuni Shrine must be completely destroyed.

Wolfe is determined to carry out Angie's orders, but he doesn't want to do it himself, so the Americans are the most suitable candidates.

In an izakaya in Kyoto, several officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force and several American soldiers were drinking, and the topic naturally led to the Yasukuni Shrine.

"Do you know what the Yasukuni Shrine is for? It is just like your church in the United States. It is dedicated to the Japanese soldiers who died in the Pacific War and their families—" Shen Li from Port Edward looked at several American soldiers with sleepy eyes. His eyes were full of mockery: "——how could you watch this kind of thing happen? If it were me, I would burn down that damn shrine. The worship of the Japanese army is a humiliation to the United States!"

These words were too provocative, and several American soldiers who were already dizzy from drinking instantly got excited.

"What are you waiting for, let's go now and burn down that damn shrine!" Second Lieutenant Tom from Oregon was full of blood, how could such a thing be endured.

Then I can't bear it, the occupying army always has privileges.

"My brother was killed in battle at Pearl Harbor. I swear to avenge him. Count me in!" Defoe from Nevada pulled out a pistol and waved, got up and walked out crookedly.

Several American soldiers followed immediately and swarmed away.

The Yasukuni Shrine's status in Japan is indeed high, with a large scale and a quiet environment, and there are Japanese employed by the umbrella company on duty at the gate to maintain order in the surrounding area.

The number of people in the Umbrella Company was still too small to control the entire capital, so they had to hire some Japanese to assist in the management of the Umbrella Company. Many of them were former Kyoto policemen and were familiar with the road.

Unexpectedly, hiring these Japanese not only does not cost money, but will provide profits for the umbrella company, which makes people have to admire the umbrella company for its management.

Umbrella companies are still commercial enterprises in essence. They raise their own funds and are responsible for their own profits and losses. Doing business is inherently familiar.

On the issue of understanding Kyoto, no one is more familiar with it than the Kyoto police. Umbrella Company took out some special industry management rights, successfully obtained the help of those local snakes in Kyoto, and restored the stability of Kyoto in a short period of time.

Facing the drunken American soldiers, the "auxiliary police officers" on duty did not dare to stop them, they went all the way to the gate of the Yasukuni Shrine, and finally a monk came forward.

In Japan, an appointment is required to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, so the attitude of the monks towards these uninvited guests is very firm.

"I'm sorry, if you want to visit, please make an appointment in advance—" Zhike monk's attitude is neither arrogant nor humble, he is a monk, he has jumped out of the three realms and is not in the five elements, and he is not bound by secular rules.

"Get out!" Defoe aggressively pushed the Zhike monk away, and rushed in.

Monk Zhike was pushed to the ground, and before he got up from the ground, he was beaten by several American soldiers.

Defoe didn't participate in the beating, looked back with a sneer, and continued walking inside.

There were quite a lot of monks at the Yasukuni Shrine, and a large group of monks ran over immediately, but they didn't dare to stop the American soldiers who were beating the Zhike monk, and dared not speak out.

In the past, who would have dared to behave wildly at the Yasukuni Shrine, not to mention beating monks who knew guests, and would be arrested by the police guarding the gate if they forced their way into the gate. There was no need for monks to show up.

The current situation is stronger than others. These American soldiers are coming aggressively. They are here to find fault. If they are not handled properly, they will be destroyed.

But you can't watch Zhike monk get beaten.

This Zhike monk is also spineless. When he was beaten just now, he just hugged his head and curled up on the ground. Seeing more monks arriving at this time, he wailed unconsciously, hoping to get help from the monks.

"Gentlemen—" A monk who looked a little older, his beard and eyebrows turned gray, stepped forward.

It is estimated that Defoe is getting stronger and stronger at the moment, and he can no longer control his words and deeds.

Defoe didn't talk nonsense to the monk either. Before the monk finished speaking, Defoe suddenly pulled out a pistol, put it directly on the monk's forehead, and pulled the trigger with a grinning grin.

The gunshots were so shrill that both the beating person and the person being beaten subconsciously stopped.

The great monk had a surprised expression on his face, the blood hole on his forehead was shocking, and he fell to the ground without saying a word.

"Master—" a younger monk rushed up, and Defoe raised his hand and shot again.

It is impossible to miss at such a short distance, Tom finally reacted at this time, threw Defoe to the ground, and snatched Defoe's gun.

It's too late.

When Defoe fired the second shot, several other American soldiers also drew their guns and fired continuously at the unsuspecting monks, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Calm down, don't shoot, don't shoot—" Tom seemed to realize something, and stopped the American soldiers' radical actions, trying to control the expansion of the situation.

It was already too late. At this time, a raging fire suddenly ignited in the distance. Tom looked up and saw that the hall dedicated to the soldiers who died in battle was burning.

Tom was very surprised. He and his men hadn't even entered the gate of the Yasukuni Shrine, so who set the fire?
The monks didn't bother to argue with Tom, and ran towards the main hall, crying and shouting, hoping to do something.

Like the private houses in Kyoto, most of the buildings in the Yasukuni Shrine are made of wood, which is most afraid of fire, and it will not go out naturally if it is lit.

The Yasukuni Shrine suffered heavy losses that night. More than 90.00% of the buildings were burned down. About 100 monks were injured to varying degrees, and 12 of them died.

After knowing this situation, Shigemitsu found An Qi again, hoping that An Qi could protect the Yasukuni Shrine.

"It's fine if I don't send people to burn down the entire Yasukuni Shrine, but you still want me to provide protection for the Yasukuni Shrine. Do you have any misunderstandings about me?" An Qi laughed loudly. The Americans did this. Even if you want to find it, you have to find MacArthur, and it has nothing to do with Angie and the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

"General, please help us for the sake of our clothes and water." Mamoru Shigemitsu did not bow this time, but directly knelt on the ground, asking for a lot.

"You are ashamed to say that there is a strip of water. Using this word here is an insult to this word. Do you think I don't know where the Yasukuni Shrine is? I will completely destroy the Yasukuni Shrine, and then build a scale on the foundation of the shrine. Magnificent church.” Angie added insult to injury, the Americans were not thorough enough, the Marine Corps was far less efficient than the Air Force in setting fire.

As for the church, it really wasn't Angie's whim.

To completely conquer Japan, it is necessary not only to destroy Japan's social system and military power, but also to completely destroy the confidence of the Japanese people.

Objectively speaking, Japan is the student who has good grades on the surface, but often asks the teacher to give small reports behind the scenes. Such students are the most troublesome.

The Japanese are still very fanatical in their beliefs. Without religious incitement, the Japanese people would not have such a high enthusiasm for war, so it is better to convert to Catholicism. Some feudal dross in old Japan has come to be eliminated.

"General, you can't do that. It will greatly arouse the resistance of the Japanese people, which is not conducive to the peaceful transformation of Japan." Shigemitsu Aoi earnestly said that she did not want An Qi to make more mistakes.

"Resistance?!!! Hehe—" An Qi sneered, he wished Japan would do that.

After the "Edict of the End of the War" was released, most Japanese people accepted the result calmly, which made An Qi feel disappointed.

Isn't it the "one hundred million pieces of jade" as promised?

It is very un-Japanese to stop the flag and drums if there is a slight setback.

An Qi hopes that the Japanese can resist to the end, so that the Southern African Expeditionary Force can gain more military merits.

After Japan surrendered, the Second World War came to a complete end. It is estimated that there will be no third war in a short period of time. The Second World War can be regarded as the last carnival of all countries and soldiers. When the next war comes, we don’t know when it will be.

As for MacArthur——

MacArthur is not in the Lion City now. After the publication of the "Edict of the End of the War", MacArthur couldn't wait to go to Japan and started his second career as a colonial governor with great ambition.

However, this governor is destined to be incomplete. Even if the Russians do not succeed, Japan will be divided and ruled by southern Africa and the United States. MacArthur actually does not have much power.

After the end of the world war, all countries will enter the state of post-war reconstruction one after another, and the government's constraints on the military will become stronger and stronger, and the military will not be allowed to shoot each other.

Before the war was over, a theater commander like MacArthur had great power, and many problems could be resolved with one word without asking Washington for instructions.

Now the U.S. Congress will take back most of MacArthur's powers. Even if MacArthur becomes the governor of Japan, he must first ask Washington for instructions when encountering problems, which is much more troublesome than before.

MacArthur would certainly not be reconciled to seeing power taken back, but he would not publicly stop it either.

After a while, MacArthur will shift his focus from East Asia to the US presidential election.

His most important task during this period was to complete the transformation of Japan.

This is inseparable from the cooperation of the Japanese government and the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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