Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2680 Are you still an American

Chapter 2680 Are you still an American
The peaceful transformation of Japan is a long process that may take decades.

It is impossible to expect these Japanese to complete peaceful transformation. They have received militarism education since childhood, which is deeply rooted. It is very difficult to reform their thinking. The most effective way is to strengthen the education of the next generation of Japanese, and wait for them Only when you grow up and become the backbone of society can you see initial results.

MacArthur certainly can't wait that long. He is over 60 years old, and the next presidential election may be his last chance. In a few years, MacArthur will be forgotten by Americans.

Therefore, from MacArthur's standpoint, he must do everything possible to speed up this process. Even if the transformation of Japan is not successful, MacArthur can return to the United States as a "peacemaker". Regarding this process, MacArthur Already very familiar.

"Have you considered it?" An Qi hopes that Shigemitsu Aoi can appear in the International Court of Justice as a witness to prove the crimes committed by the Japanese government during the war. In return, the International Court of Justice will reduce Shigemitsu Aoi's sentence.

Shigemitsu looked at An Qi with suspicion, and he didn't believe in An Qi's promise.

To observe a person is not only to listen to his words, but also to watch his actions.

From some of An Qi's previous behaviors, it is easy to guess An Qi's true attitude towards Japan. Last time, the East Asian Allied Forces hanged thousands of people in one breath. In the hearts of the Japanese, An Qi is a well-deserved big devil. Stained with the blood of the Japanese.

But Shigemitsu Aoi has no other better choice. Don't listen to him saying that he is a peace lover. He knows what he has done these years, and so does An Qi.

As the foreign minister of Japan, Aoi Shigemitsu has been in charge of almost every foreign negotiation in Japan over the years.

Therefore, it is useless for Shigemitsu Aoi to deny it, because his "great achievements" in the past have been widely publicized by Japanese newspapers and magazines, and they cannot be blamed.

As far as Shigemitsu Aoi has done, there is no need for An Qi to deliberately target him. He will 100% be sentenced to hang in the International Court of Justice.

"If I cooperate with the International Court of Justice, then I will become a criminal of Japan, and I will never have a foothold in Japan—" Shigemitsu Aoi asked, striving for more favorable conditions for herself.

"At that time, I can arrange for you and your family to live in southern Africa—" An Qi relieved Shigemitsu Aoi from worries. With Shigemitsu Aoi's English and Chinese proficiency, living in Southern Africa is no problem at all.

"Southern Africa is more dangerous to me than Japan." Shigemitsu Aoi didn't want to go to Southern Africa. The proportion of Chinese in Southern Africa has long exceeded that of whites. If Shigemitsu Aoi went to Southern Africa, she might be shot the next day.

"Then what do you say?" An Qi gradually became impatient, and his patience was limited.

For Shigemitsu Aoi, cooperating with the international court is his only way out.

For An Qi, Shigemitsu Aoi is not the only partner to cooperate with.

"I hope to go to England after testifying in court—" Shigemitsu Aoi had already thought about her destination. Compared with southern Africa, Britain is indeed more friendly to the Japanese.

Aoi Shigemitsu was the Japanese ambassador to the UK and was very familiar with the UK. Before the outbreak of the Pacific War, Aoi Shigemitsu also dealt with the UK on behalf of Japan, and even had many acquaintances in the UK.

Shigemitsu Aoi did not stand still, he knew that he would definitely be handed over to the International Court of Justice as a Class A war criminal.

In order to escape punishment, Shigemitsu Aoi has begun to contact his old friends, hoping that they can come forward or testify to alleviate the crime of Shigemitsu Aoi.

Among them are many British diplomats.

"You will not be sentenced to death, but you will not be released immediately. The only thing I can guarantee is that your sentence will be less than ten years." An Qi's words made Shigemitsu happy and disappointed.

Disappointed that capital crimes can be avoided and living crimes are inevitable, and the ten-year sentence is not long compared to the crimes committed by Shigemitsu Aoi.

If An Qi agreed to all of Shigemitsu's demands without principle, Shigemitsu would have to wonder if An Qi was lying to him.

Although it is still inevitable to go to jail, its credibility has greatly increased.

"I will return your property to you, and then I will give you a sum of money so that you and your family can spend the rest of your life in England—" An Qi didn't show any expression on her face, only people who knew him very well Only then can she detect the mockery in An Qi's eyes.

The ten-year sentence is real, and An Qi really didn't lie to Shigemitsu.

But whether Shigemitsu Aoi can spend ten years in prison safely, or get out of prison, needs to be greeted with a big greeting.

This is also impossible.

These Class A war criminals in Japan are all in their seventies and eighties, and are dying. Even if they are not hanged, they will not live for a few years.

As we get older, various diseases are unavoidable. Prisoners with the level of Class A war criminals have already died of illness in prison.

The guy who died was Yosuke Matsuoka, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, who advocated the establishment of the Triple Alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan, and once made infamous remarks such as "Manchuria and Mongolia are the lifeline of Japan".

Yosuke Matsuoka was in very poor health, and died of illness within a few days after being thrown into prison, before he had time to stand trial.

Also in poor health are the former admiral Nagano Shoshin, the former ambassador to Italy Toshio Shiratori and others. Nagano Shoshin has pneumonia, and Shiratori Toshio has throat cancer.

Therefore, on the issue of trying war criminals as soon as possible, Angie and MacArthur have the same attitude, the sooner the better.

It is too cheap for these guys to die in prison compared to the crimes they committed. They must be judged by justice.

"Send my family away first—" Shigemitsu asked An Qi to fulfill part of her promise first.

"Are you sure?" An Qi didn't hide a playful smile on her face.

During this period of time, the sea off Japan was very dangerous, and ships often sank for unknown reasons.

Although the Kwantung Army was wiped out by the Russians, the Japanese officers and soldiers stationed in other areas returned to Japan one after another after laying down their weapons and surrendering.

Just yesterday, a passenger ship full of Japanese soldiers sank near the Sea of ​​Japan. More than 1200 people on board died, and none survived.

The Allied Forces in East Asia have launched an investigation into the cause of the shipwreck accident. Because fishermen who were working nearby at that time heard the explosion, they suspected that the ship was sunk.

Whether it was sunk or not will be discussed after investigation. This is not the only ship that sank accidentally during this period. During the period after Japan surrendered, more than ten ships have sunk in the waters around Japan. An investigation has been conducted, but so far no conclusions have been reached.

It is very difficult to investigate shipwreck accidents. At least the ship must be fished out from the bottom of the sea to analyze the cause of the accident.

Leaving aside the technical difficulty of salvaging sunken ships, in the past few years since the outbreak of the Pacific War, an unknown number of ships have sunk in the waters of Japan, most of which were sunk by the Allied forces.

So it's hard to say when these investigations will have results.

"You must have a way—" Shigemitsu Aoi didn't worry about this problem, and the only way to leave Japan was by boat.

As for the real reason for the sinking of the ships transporting Japanese officers and soldiers, Shigemitsu Aoi was even less entangled, and never paid attention to the investigation of the Allied forces, because something worse than this was happening.

After the release of the "End War Edict", Japan officially surrendered, but Russia turned a blind eye and continued to attack the Kwantung Army fiercely.

Only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled Kwantung Army remained, unable to compete with the Russian army that had undergone the baptism of the European War. In just half a month, 22 divisions and 12 brigades surrendered without a fight and were captured by the Russian army As many as 148 Japanese generals were wiped out by Russia, and more than 68 Kwantung Army captured.

The Kwantung Army fell into the hands of the Russians, and at least they could survive.

In the hands of the Australians, there is only one dead end.

This can't be blamed on the Australians, but the Japanese can only be blamed for being too brutal and inhuman when they fought, and now they deserve to be retaliated by the Australians.

Not long ago, the news that all 52 Australian female nurses were killed broke out, and the whole of Australia fell into anger again.

During the Pacific War in 1942, a ship transporting wounded Australian soldiers was attacked by Japanese troops on the way back to Australia from Lion City. More than half of the crew on board were killed or injured, and only about 100 people swam to a nearby small island.

According to the "Geneva Convention", the wounded and medical personnel should receive humanitarian protection.

The Japanese army chased to the island and captured all the wounded and medical staff. The wounded were not rescued, but were shot and killed by the Japanese army. The Japanese army also repaired the body to ensure that none of the wounded survived.

A total of 52 female nurses were captured. These 52 were not killed, but were taken away by the Japanese army and disappeared without a trace.

If it wasn't for Vivian, a nurse who survived by hiding in the sea, there would be no follow-up to this incident.

The Australian military is very concerned about the fate of these 52 female nurses, and has never given up looking for them.

Not long ago, the news finally came.

The bad news is that the god of luck did not favor the 52 female nurses. They all died and no one was spared.

Just being killed will not make Australians outraged.

Those 52 female nurses were imprisoned by the Japanese army in a shelter, reduced to comfort women, and died of humiliation.

As the news spread, demonstrations broke out in many cities in Australia. Australians demanded a public trial of the emperor and hanged the emperor for the 52 innocent girls, the Australian pilot who was beheaded by the Japanese army, and all Australians who died in this war. revenge.

As part of the Allied Forces, the Australian Expeditionary Force also landed on the mainland as an occupying force after Japan surrendered.

Occupying forces are always privileged.

After the news that all 52 female nurses were killed, an Australian army broke into the Allied prisoner-of-war camp in Nagasaki and killed 3500 Japanese prisoners of war in just half an hour.

If it weren't for the decisive measures taken by the Southern African Expeditionary Force in charge of managing the prisoner-of-war camps, more than 3500 people would have died.
Since this matter involved the Australian Expeditionary Force, it was inconvenient for the Allied Command in East Asia to deal with it directly, so a joint investigation team was established to investigate the cause and effect of this matter.

There is nothing to investigate. The reason is obvious. A group of Australian soldiers with a strong sense of justice broke into the prisoner-of-war camp under the banner of avenging 52 nurses and started killing. Although the Southern African expeditionary force responsible for guarding the prisoner-of-war camp did not participate, There is suspicion of connivance.

The Australian soldiers who broke into the prisoner-of-war camp only carried light weapons. The Marine Corps responsible for guarding the prisoner-of-war camp was equipped with amphibious tanks and armored vehicles. If the Marine Corps was responsible, it would be impossible for Australian soldiers to enter the prisoner-of-war camp.

"You're talking nonsense. Are our marines going to point their guns at their comrades?" One of the members of the joint investigation team, Major Qin Chi from the Southern African Expeditionary Force, was very angry. slander.

Qin Chi himself served in the Marine Corps.

"Otherwise, how do you explain that the Marine Corps arrived half an hour after the Australians took action?" Major Grote from the US insisted.

"Marines are not allowed to enter the prisoner-of-war camps on a daily basis. You have to ask your superiors for instructions." Qin Chi had a good reason. The Allied Command made such a regulation to protect the Japanese prisoners of war.

If anyone could freely enter and leave the prisoner-of-war camps, how many similar incidents would happen every day, and the Australians were not the only ones who had hatred against the Japanese. I don’t know how many people from the Southern African Expeditionary Force had the idea of ​​attacking the prisoner-of-war camps.

The war is over, and the chance to kill the Japanese under the banner of justice on the battlefield has disappeared. If you want revenge but don't want to be punished, the prisoner-of-war camp is your last chance.

After the photo of the Japanese army hacking and killing the Australian pilot was exposed, incidents of Australian soldiers shooting Japanese prisoners of war happened from time to time.

During the Philippine campaign, a Japanese unit was massacred by Australian troops after laying down their weapons and walking out of position to surrender.

It is gratifying that these Australians were not severely punished, and even the Australian officer who ordered the shooting was only ordered to retire.

Then something even more unspeakable happened.

The Australian military officer who was ordered to retire received a hero's welcome after returning to Australia. Governments at all levels in Australia also rewarded the lucky guy. It didn't take long for this guy to return to the Lion City in the name of a recruit , and then just one week later, he was promoted to three ranks, which was higher than when he was discharged from the army.

With such jewels in front, how could it be possible to prevent similar incidents from happening.

"Groot, I would like to ask you a question. If you had the opportunity to avenge the American soldiers who died in the Bataan Death March, what would you do?" Dennis from Australia was very angry. Are Americans cold-blooded? ?

I don't know if the other Americans are cold-blooded, but Grote is not. He didn't answer Dennis' question right away, with a troubled expression on his face.

This question is not easy to answer.

If you avenge the American soldiers, you will not be able to stand on a moral ground to blame the Australian troops.

It's even more unreasonable not to take revenge, are you still an American?
(End of this chapter)

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