Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2681 Investigation Report

Chapter 2681 Investigation Report
There is a rumor on the Internet in the 21st century that when Japan surrendered, Australian troops massacred 17 surrendered Japanese prisoners of war in New Guinea.

This is unreliable at first glance. New Guinea is only a small place, how did it gather 17 Japanese prisoners of war?
In real history, the Battle of New Guinea was fought for more than three years. The Japanese army invested a total of 35 people, and the cumulative casualties were nearly 13.

The battle lasted for more than three years. Even the iron-clad troops had to be rotated. The Japanese army had only 14 at the peak of the front line. When the Japanese surrendered, there were less than 2 left. The so-called 17 is just Just conjecture.

Not all the Japanese soldiers who surrendered were killed. For example, in the Japanese Eighth Front Army in Rabaul, most of the more than 7 Japanese prisoners of war returned home smoothly.

The story of the Eighth Front is quite dramatic.

In 1941, the Eighth Front Army, under the leadership of its commander, General Jun Imamura, participated in a military operation code-named S against East India. Due to the weak military capabilities of East India, Operation S was a great success after only three months. He was officially appointed as the commander of the Eighth Front Army and became the veritable Governor of East India.

In December 42, the Eighth Front Army was sent to Rabaul to carry out the order to contain the US military.

At that time, the Japanese army was retreating steadily under the attack of the US military's "leapfrog tactics". forget.

The Americans did not know that there were [-] Japanese troops in Rabaul.

The Japanese thought that the Eighth Front Army would be wiped out by the U.S. Army sooner or later without foreign aid. At that time, because the Japanese army lost the initiative in the Pacific War, they were unable to bring the Eighth Front Army back from Rabaul, so Jun Imamura and his Eighth Army The front army was strategically abandoned as an abandoned child.

Jun Imamura, who became an abandoned son, did not accept the arrangement of fate. He decided to lead the Eighth Front Army in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds to survive in Rabaul.

If only one person, Imamura Jun can easily live on.

It is not easy to solve the livelihood of 7 people, so Imamura led [-] Japanese troops to reclaim wasteland in Rabaul, farm and fish, raise chickens, ducks and geese, and even have factories specializing in the production of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar to meet the daily consumption of the troops.

After solving the problem of survival, Jun Imamura also established a weapons research institute in Rabaul, collecting shell fragments and processing them into bullets. The room where Jun Imamura lived was installed with a telephone. They even used the wreckage and parts of the destroyed aircraft to assemble three planes.

When the Japanese army surrendered in August 1945, the U.S. military knew that Rabaul still had a forgotten Japanese army.

At this time, the U.S. military has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. After all, more than two years have passed since Rabaul was blocked. The U.S. military believes that there are no more than 1000 Japanese troops in Rabaul.

This person is not even worthy of the surrender of the US military, so the Australians were ordered to go to Rabaul to accept the surrender of the Japanese army.

The Australians didn't pay much attention to it, and only sent a small force to Rabaul to accept the surrender.

This small force was greatly frightened at Rabaul, where there were 6.9 Japanese troops.

Isolated from the world for more than two years, theoretically these Japanese soldiers should be weak and sick, with a haggard face, and anything will happen when there is no food.

When nearly [-] Japanese troops appeared in front of the Australians, fat and strong, fully armed, and even equipped with aircraft, the Australians immediately asked the Americans for reinforcements.

The saga doesn't end here.

It is said that when the Eighth Army returned to Japan, many Japanese prisoners of war carried the food they worked so hard to grow, and brought the technology they learned in Rabaul. After returning to Japan, they passed the most difficult stage smoothly. Some are living well.

Within the Japanese army, only the Osaka Army was as amazing as the Eighth Army.

If the Australians wanted to massacre 17 Japanese prisoners of war, they would have to kill the Eighth Army twice. Adding in the 1 Japanese troops who surrendered in New Guinea, there was still a shortfall of more than [-].

Mass murder is indeed impossible, small scale is inevitable, it is part of war.

However, under the deliberate cover-up of the East Asian allied forces, these small-scale "conflicts" will not cause much impact, and they are not even known to the outside world.

Going back to the issue of the Bataan death march, if Grote had the chance, would he avenge the American soldiers killed in the Bataan death march?

There is no doubt about this.

Therefore, the joint investigation by the Allied Forces in East Asia was only perfunctory in form, and MacArthur, including MacArthur, was unwilling to trigger a strong confrontation between the occupying forces and the Japanese people because of this incident.

"Confrontation? You think too much. The Japanese will definitely surprise you by bowing their knees." Qin Chi doesn't think that the Japanese people have the courage to resist the rule of the occupying army.

The Japanese people are not lacking in blood. After all, since the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, Japan has been strong for decades, for two generations.

However, the bloody Japanese had already died in the previous world wars. From this perspective, the Japanese who did not commit suicide after the promulgation of the "End War Edict" would not easily die.

"Hehe, a country that first offered its wife and daughter to the occupying army after the defeat is indeed very Japanese—" Constantine, who had just joined the joint investigation team, looked contemptuous.

Compared with Japan, Russians are indeed qualified to be proud.

At the most difficult time on the Russian battlefield, the Russians did not give up, and fought the Germans tenaciously to the end, preferring to die rather than surrender.

Even if the Russians have many weaknesses in character, even if Russia has many shortcomings in this country, the fearlessness shown by the Russians at the critical moment of life and death is indeed commendable.

This is the real reason why the United States and European countries will chase and intercept Russia in the future, but dare not declare war on Russia.

Russia can fight to the death, but the Americans and Europeans do not have the determination to die together.

"I have investigated the facts. The Australian troops did not shoot at the Japanese, and all the casualties were caused by the Japanese killing each other—" Dennis's conclusion was astonishing, as simple and rude as Constantine, and he all agreed with this conclusion Jaw-dropping.

If you want to turn black and white, you have to look at you Australians.

That's right, a country made up of thieves, robbers, and homeless people, don't expect them to have a high moral bottom line.

Grote: Speak well and don't criticize Sang Huai.

"I don't have the courage to sign such an investigation report!" Major Harry, who was the most insignificant, whispered, he was a representative of the British Army.

Japan was the last piece of the cake to be cut, Russia and Great Britain, while not participating in the attack on the Japanese homeland, both attempted to be part of the occupying forces as victorious nations after Japan surrendered.

Countries are still very curious about Japan.

As an imperialist country, Japan took an active part in international affairs later than Germany, which was unified in 1871.

Although Japan has not risen for a long time, its ability to seize opportunities is absolutely top-notch. The two successful military adventures of the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War laid the foundation for Japan to become an imperialist country.

Standing in line correctly in World War I brought Japan to a higher level, until at the Washington Naval Conference, Japan won the tonnage of capital ships second only to the United States and the United Kingdom, and Japan's international status reached its peak.

Although the Japanese have a tradition of counterfeiting, the Europeans don't know it. The British are still very interested in the performance of the Zero fighter and the 460mm main gun of the Yamato.

The Nelson-class battleship with the largest main gun caliber in the UK has a main gun caliber of only 406 mm.

We usually use steel output to measure a country's industrial capacity. Before the outbreak of World War II, Japan's steel output was only 600 million tons, and Britain's steel output was fully twice that of Japan during the same period.

So even if the UK can't get meat to eat, it's good to be able to get some soup.

"No one asked you to sign the investigation report!" Dennis' attitude caught Harry off guard.

Although the United Kingdom did not give Australia sufficient protection during the World Wars, Australia is still a Commonwealth of Nations and jointly respects the British King as its monarch. In theory, Australia is still an overseas colony of the United Kingdom.

Although with the passage of time, most British people have accepted the fact that Australia will one day break up with the British Empire, but no one thought that this day would come so soon.

Although Dennis' attitude cannot represent Australia's attitude towards Britain, it also fully demonstrates a normal Australian's dissatisfaction with the British Empire.

Qin Chi did not speak, but expressed his support for the Australians with actions, and was the first to sign the investigation report.

Dennis looked at Qin Chi with gratitude.

Look, this is the tolerance that the elder brother should have for the younger brother, shouting motherly kindness and filial piety all day long, abandoning the car to protect the handsome at the critical moment, even the British Empire is still brave now!
"When our army was attacking, many Kwantung Army did not resist our attack, but pointed their guns at the Japanese who wanted to surrender, so I believe that the contents of this investigation report are true!" Constance Ding was the second to sign. The Russians are not as rough as they appear on the surface.

The Russians just seem to have rough nerves. Anyone who thinks the Russians are fools is really stupid. The roughness is just the Russian people. They are really a bunch of fools. It is impossible to build the largest country in the world.

"Hurry up and end this damn thing—oh, oh, the Australian troops are stopping the Japanese from killing each other, so you are really just—" Grote also signed the investigation report, anyway It's not for the Japanese to see, but to deal with it.

To put it bluntly, even if the survey results show that the Japanese died collectively in their sleep, the result is correct.

Will the East Asian Allied Forces Command punish Australian soldiers with a sense of justice for the sake of Japanese prisoners of war?


The situation was as Dennis expected. The investigation report was submitted without any disturbance, and no media from any allied country reported the follow-up of this incident, as if this incident never happened at all.

Allied media has even more exciting news.

After the Auschwitz concentration camp was exposed, it attracted the attention of the whole world. The atrocities committed by the German army were strongly condemned by the whole world. Everyone was lamenting the fate of the victims. The influence has not subsided until now. , the influence is growing.

The latest news about Auschwitz concentration camp is that some American directors are preparing to put the story of Auschwitz concentration camp on the big screen. The story will become a frequent visitor to the screen, refreshing people's memory every once in a while, reminding people not to forget this period of history.

This is for reflection?
It's really not, but to reproduce the tragic fate of a certain group, and then emphasize the legitimacy and rationality of a certain group's struggle to obtain its current international status and its cruel revenge against the enemy.

Since the victims in Auschwitz were brutally treated by the Germans, it is reasonable and legal for the descendants of the victims to take cruel revenge on the enemy.

This is how some people reflect on the war.

With the gems from Auschwitz concentration camp in front, the Japanese army committed more serious crimes, more cruel methods, more brutal behaviors, and more inhumane behavior. With the end of the war, more and more crimes were exposed.

The Germans only made soap in Auschwitz, while the Japanese experimented with living people in the Kanto region. In addition, the fact that 52 Australian female nurses were tortured to death as comfort women was exposed, and the world’s condemnation of Japan reached an unprecedented peak. .

In this case, if you say that the Emperor of Japan is a peace lover, you have to be believed.

As the crimes committed by the Japanese government and the Japanese army during the war were continuously exposed, the voices demanding that the Emperor of Japan be tried and that the Japanese war criminals be dealt with seriously became louder and louder.

The reason is simple, no one wants to be used as experimental consumables for human experiments, if such a crime is not severely punished, then this world war will last as long as six years, cause 9000 million casualties, and cause property losses of [-] trillion US dollars, What justice is there?

No matter how eloquent Aoi Shigemitsu is, he cannot wash away the crimes he committed during the World War.

As one of the most well-known Japanese in Western countries, if the International Tribunal decides that Aoi Shigemitsu is not guilty and releases Aoi Shigemitsu in court, then the International Tribunal will become the biggest joke in the world.

Not to mention Shigemitsu Aoi, when news about the Bataan Death March, the Jinling Massacre, and the Kwantung Army’s human experiments repeatedly appeared in the newspapers, whether to severely punish Japan is no longer controversial, and people’s discussion has risen to Japan. The state still does not exist at the necessary height.

At this level, An Qi has to find a way to cool down, and can't let the public opinion continue to ferment.

Fortunately, the Allied forces in East Asia still have a way to divert people's attention. This time it was not An Qi who took the initiative, but one of the results of MacArthur's trip to Japan.

Although the "Edict of the End of the War" was issued, the Japanese government and the Japanese army have not officially surrendered yet.

For such a big event, there must be a ceremony or something.

(End of this chapter)

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