Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2682 Fire in the Backyard

Chapter 2682 Fire in the Backyard
Shigemitsu Aoi came to Lion City to seek better conditions for surrender. This purpose has now been completely shattered. Under Angie's coercion and lure, Shigemitsu Aoi wanted to testify in the International Court of Justice as a Class A war criminal.

MacArthur went to Japan to gain political points. As the first senior Allied general to arrive in Japan, his name was frequently published in newspapers during this period, giving him a sense of presence.

According to the agreement with the Japanese government, the Allied Forces will hold a surrender ceremony on September 9. Under MacArthur's strong request, the surrender ceremony will be held on the battleship "Missouri" of the US Navy.

The "Missouri" battleship is the fourth ship of the "Iowa" class battleship of the United States. It entered service in June last year and arrived in the Western Pacific in January this year, becoming the flagship of Lieutenant General Mitchell's fast aircraft carrier task force.

After Japan surrendered, the United States suspended the follow-up battleship construction plan. If there is no accident, the "Missouri" will be the last battleship in service in the United States, and it may also be the last battleship in the world, becoming the swan song of battleships.

Americans still attach great importance to the surrender ceremony. On the morning of the 1st, the U.S. military held a rehearsal for the signing ceremony on the battleship "Missouri". Dozens of sailors played the role of VIPs participating in the ceremony. .

On the 2nd, it was cloudy and cloudy, and the weather was not good, but it did not affect people's mood. MacArthur came to the battleship "Missouri" early to wait for the ceremony to begin. He was so nervous that he was in the bathroom of the captain's cabin Vomiting, throwing up all the breakfast I just ate.

As the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces in East Asia, An Qi did not participate in the surrender ceremony. This was not due to An Qi's deliberate negligence, because the Japanese emperor and prime minister did not attend either.

The reason why the emperor did not attend the surrender ceremony was that he was sick. It is hard to say whether he was sick or not, but he was in constant anxiety, because the Allied forces have not agreed not to judge the emperor until now.

The reason why the prime minister did not attend the surrender ceremony is even more bizarre, because Japan does not have a prime minister now.

When Hirohito issued the "Edict of the End of the War", the Japanese Prime Minister was Kantaro Suzuki. Three hours after the announcement of the "Edict of the End of the War", Kantaro Suzuki resigned voluntarily, and Prince Higashikurimiya Minoruhiko took over as prime minister.

Prince Higashikunimiya Minoruhiko belongs to the royal family and has a detached status in Japan. He is also the only prime minister in Japan who was born in the royal family.

Prince Higashikuni Gong Minoruhiko was ordered to be in distress, and he hoped that he would clean up the mess and let the millions of participating Japanese troops lay down their weapons and surrender.

This task was obviously not completed, because after the announcement of the "End War Edict", the Russians did not stop attacking, and the Kwantung Army was being attacked by the Russian army, so Minoruhiko submitted his resignation on August 8, like Suzuki Kantaro.

Ren Yan agreed to be the prime minister with conditions. After the black ship incident, his grandfather was in charge of negotiating with the Americans and was eventually expelled from the court as a scapegoat. Ren Yan's first condition was that he could not be held accountable afterwards.

Hirohito agreed to Ren Yan's request and promised to give Ren Yan enough protection.

Only Hirohito's promise obviously can't dispel Ren Yan's concerns. Japan has always had a tradition of undermining the superior. go.

Therefore, Ren Yan would not participate in the surrender ceremony, which would obviously be remembered forever.

Hirohito was also helpless. Everyone was willing to pick and choose. In the end, he could only choose Aoi Shigemitsu, who had the most experience in dealing with Western countries.

Shigemitsu Aoi represents the Japanese government, and General Yoshijiro Umezu, the Army Chief of Staff who participated in the surrender ceremony on behalf of the Japanese military.

Since neither the Emperor nor the Prime Minister of Japan participated in the surrender ceremony, An Qi simply did not participate, and gave this opportunity to MacArthur, who was eager to see through.

Compared with Angie, MacArthur really wanted to represent the Allied Forces to attend the surrender ceremony. He prepared a lot of greetings for the Japanese delegation. The surrender ceremony held on the battleship "Missouri" was to give Shigemitsu Aoi a disqualification.

After the Shanghai Incident in 1932, the Japanese army held a victory ceremony in Shanghai. Shigemitsu Aoi was also there. The bomb thrown by the peninsula righteous Yin Bongji broke his left leg. Since then, Shigemitsu Aoi has used a prosthesis.

Today's prosthetic technology is completely incomparable with that of the 21st century. Shigemitsu Aoi needs to use crutches to assist walking, which doesn't matter on flat ground, but it is very painful on narrow passages of warships.

The Japanese delegation was sent over by a small boat. They first climbed the ladder to board the ship, and then went from the first deck to the second floor. They had to go through several narrow passages along the way.

Shigemitsu Aoi didn't hide it, she would groan in pain every time she climbed a step, Umezu Yoshijiro next to her couldn't stand it, and wanted to give Shigemitsu Aoi a hand, but Shigemitsu Aoi refused.

If you don't sell miserably now, when will you sell miserably?

Umezu Yoshijiro's mood was even worse. Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has never lost in foreign wars, and has been winning for nearly a hundred years. He did not expect to lose the underwear for the first time.

If possible, Umezu Yoshijiro did not want to attend the surrender ceremony, but he was not as tough as Toshihiko, and it was too late to retire now, so he could only come to the "Missouri" to accept the humiliation of the Allies.

MacArthur is indeed too much.

The Surrender Ceremony is supposed to be a solemn and solemn occasion, and attending in full attire is the most basic requirement, which is international etiquette.

Not only did MacArthur himself not wear a dress, but he also did not require the Allied generals attending the ceremony to wear a dress. He didn’t even clear the scene and let the casually dressed U.S. Navy officers and soldiers watch. On the deck, behind the portholes, and even on the barrel of the main gun, the American soldiers who watched the excitement were full of laughter.

The Japanese delegation has a total of 11 people. In addition to Shigemitsu Aoi and Umezu Yoshijiro, there are three army representatives, three navy representatives, and three officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Shigemitsu Aoi still attaches great importance to the surrender ceremony, black top hat, tuxedo-style three-piece suit, suit and leather shoes.

Two of his foreign affairs staff also wore formal attire, except for one who, for some unknown reason, wore a crumpled white linen suit.

Yoshijiro Umezu and the other six Japanese officers were all wearing wrinkled military uniforms that had not been ironed and dirty military boots that had no luster. When they came to stand on the deck, their postures were crooked. A way to express dissatisfaction with being forced to attend a surrender ceremony.

MacArthur did not appear at the surrender ceremony in advance, but made Shigemitsu Aoi and Umezu Yoshijiro wait for a while before walking out of the rest cabin with Nimitz and Halsey.

At this time, the band began to play the American national anthem, and the laughter of the American soldiers finally stopped, and the scene had a quiet and solemn atmosphere.

MacArthur had a serious expression on his face. When Shigemitsu Aoi and Umezu Yoshijiro saluted MacArthur, MacArthur did not return the salute.

After the chaplain of the warship prayed, MacArthur read out the surrender order. After removing the whole paragraph of boasting, only the last sentence was deafening: "Now I order, the representative of the Imperial Japanese Government and the Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Army, to sign at the place specified in the surrender document!"

On the long table prepared for signing, two surrender documents with the same content and different covers are ready. One of the dark green leather covers is elegant and luxurious and will be kept by the Allied Forces, and the other cheap black canvas cover is for Japan. prepare.

As a representative of the Japanese government, Mamoru Shigemitsu first signed the instrument of surrender.

Shigemitsu Aoi, who had just climbed a long flight of stairs, hadn't recovered yet. He took off his etiquette and gloves, and sat down with difficulty holding the table. When he took out a signature pen, his cane suddenly fell to the ground. Shigemitsu Aoi wanted to bend down to pick it up. When he got up, the prosthesis made him very uncomfortable, and his posture was very awkward. The American soldiers who had been quiet around him laughed again when they saw this scene.

There are whistlers.

Shigemitsu Aoi's psychological quality is really good, even if she is coaxed, she doesn't change her face.

Umezu Yoshijiro and other Japanese representatives were sitting on pins and needles, and every second they were here made them feel extremely tormented.

A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally couldn't see it, and stepped forward to help Aoi Shigemitsu pick up his stick, put away his hat and gloves, and handed the pen to Aoi Shigemitsu.

Shigemitsu Aoi was ready, but she didn't know where to sign, and she didn't write for a long time.

MacArthur finally couldn't bear it anymore, and turned to his chief of staff Sutherland: "Tell him where to sign!"

Under Sutherland's guidance, Shigemitsu Aoi finally completed the signing.

When it was Umezu Yoshijiro's turn, the speed was much faster.

Probably Umezu Yoshijiro also wanted to end all this as soon as possible, so he just took off his gloves, and without sitting down, he just lay down on the long table and signed his name hastily.

Then it was MacArthur's turn to perform.

MacArthur signed on behalf of the Allied Powers. Before signing, he called Major General Jonathan Wainwright and Lieutenant General Arthur Parcival, who had just been rescued from the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp, to his side to share the glory of this moment with them.

Jonathan Wainwright was MacArthur's assistant when he was the commander-in-chief of the US-Philippines coalition forces. At the last moment of the Philippine campaign, MacArthur fled the Philippines and appointed Jonathan Wainwright as the commander-in-chief of the US-Philippines coalition forces to replace MacArthur.

When MacArthur fled, he asked Jonathan Wainwright to hold his ground, promising to lead reinforcements back to the Philippines soon.

This class lasted for more than three years. Jonathan Wainwright and Arthur Percival were imprisoned by the Kwantung Army and brutally tortured by the Japanese army. When they were rescued, they were as skinny as skeletons and wore the smallest military uniforms. Also obese.

MacArthur is really good at putting on a show. He signed a total of six pens, two of which were given to Jonathan and Arthur on the spot, and the other four were given to the National Archives of the United States, West Point Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, and his wife. .

After MacArthur signed, Nimitz signed on behalf of the United States. After all the generals of various countries signed, the surrender ceremony ended smoothly.

When the surrender ceremony of the "Missouri" was held, Angie had already returned to Pretoria, and he had many questions to report to Rock face to face.

After Roque returned to Southern Africa from Potsdam, he officially entered a semi-retired state, and he will retire completely only after the general election in Southern Africa is held.

There must be work, and it will never be finished. The reason why Rock is so leisurely is because the most important work is completed ahead of time, and Gavin can handle other small things. Rock only needs to check at the end and make no mistakes in the general direction.

Although An Qi has not been by Roque's side in recent years, the relationship with Roque has remained the same as before, and Roque did not treat An Qi as an outsider, and listened to An Qi's report by the lake of the Palace of Justice.

"The Lion City must not be handed over to the British. Since the British have withdrawn from East Asia, they should never come back. The Malay Peninsula already has its own armed forces. If it can't be done, it will fight a war. The British cannot afford a new war now." Rock It's a pity that he didn't end the British Empire himself.

It doesn't matter, there must be something for Arthur and Gavin to do. The Commonwealth is now only an empty shelf, and it will collapse with a slight push. If Arthur and Gavin can't even do this well, Rock The work of these decades has also failed too much.

"Britain's problem is not big. Mountbatten has great ambitions and talents, and Britain's national strength is empty. On the contrary, the United States, like us, is showing more and more aggressiveness in East Asia." Angel attaches great importance to the threat of the United States.

"The United States is fanning the flames in the Lion City. You can go to the Philippines. The Philippines is the Achilles' heel of the United States." Rock suggested that the United States has not completely given up on the Philippines yet.

The current United States, if we take the United Kingdom as an analogy, is probably equivalent to the United Kingdom just after the Second Boer War.

The United States paid a high price to win World War II, but did not gain much, which is not proportional to the effort. It not only helped Russia in Europe, but now it is also facing the huge pressure of domestic economic transformation.

Southern Africa has been planning for a rainy day more than two years ago, gradually adjusting the domestic economy, preferring to lose orders, and resolutely transforming part of the military production capacity into the civilian commercial field, which caused some controversy at the time.

At that time, the world war had not yet ended, and the demand for military industry in various countries was extremely strong. Most of the orders given up in southern Africa were taken away by the Americans, which made many southern Africans unwilling.

The money that can be earned is given to the Americans for free, and he has to spend a lot of money to transform himself. This is not stupid.

Rock proved with facts that Dinghaishenzhen in southern Africa never makes mistakes. Although they made less money at the beginning, they are now able to carry out economic transformation smoothly. How happy Americans were making money at that time is how miserable they are now.

Roque is the largest arms dealer in southern Africa. Unlike Roque, American arms dealers are absolutely unwilling to see the end of the world war, so the recent aggressiveness of the U.S. military is also understandable. Without war, there will be no arms dealers. living space.

"I've made some arrangements, the Americans should have started to have a headache by now—" There is also a reason why Angie chose this time to return to southern Africa.

The Philippines today is no longer the Philippines before the war broke out.

After the Japanese army occupied the Philippines, they formed a Filipino servant army with a scale of hundreds of thousands, which completely destroyed the relationship between the United States and the Philippines.

An Qi didn't do anything before, because the war is not over yet, and An Qi wants to take care of the overall situation.

Now that America's attention is completely shifted from the Philippines to Japan, it's time to set fire to America's backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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