Chapter 2684

Such things as illegitimate children exist widely in the overseas colonies of all countries, and they are not unique to the Philippines.

But in the Philippines, this problem is particularly prominent.

The discipline of the U.S. military is notoriously lax, especially on a precarious battlefield. No one knows what the fate of the next moment will be, and the idea of ​​carpe diem is rampant.

For most Americans, this behavior is unacceptable.

The United States is a country founded by Puritans. The Puritans who first arrived in the United States tried to establish a society based on theological laws in the United States, emphasizing belief, morality, and education, which had a profound impact on American culture and political system.

Those American soldiers who have a chaotic private life in the Philippines and are merciful everywhere may be good fathers, good sons, and model citizens when they are in the United States, but they degenerate into emotional liars and planters when they go overseas. Is this a problem with the Americans or the United States? Government problem?

Americans are actually very magical in terms of morality. While thanking the Indians for their shelter, they raised their butcher knives at the Indians.

Although slavery was abolished, it turned a blind eye to widespread racial discrimination.

The U.S. government participated in two world wars under the banner of fairness and justice, but its purpose was to plunder more interests and earn the last copper coin.

Here we can see how serious the tearing of American society is.

Moreover, this kind of tearing did not form naturally, but was deliberately guided by the US government.

The report of the "Lion City Daily" has attracted strong attention in the United States, especially the opposition Republican Party, which has shown extraordinary enthusiasm for the report of the "Lion City Daily".

This is also a common problem of democracy. The ruling party has to ignore long-term planning for the sake of real interests.

The opposition party is doing all kinds of stumbling blocks and doing everything it can to find trouble for the ruling party.

Since Roosevelt was elected president in 1932, the Democratic Party of the United States has been in power for 15 consecutive years. During this period, the Republican Party tried every means, but failed to drive Roosevelt out of Whitehall.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, it was in 1932, when Roosevelt came to power, that the U.S. government passed the "Haile Harveys Gaating Independence Act", requiring the independence of the Philippines.

Based on the principle that the ruling party is in favor and the opposition party must oppose it, the Philippine issue has become the best opportunity for the Republican Party.

Similar to the significance of the Russo-Japanese War to Japan, it was through the "Spanish-American War" that the United States fired the first shot against the traditional powers, and has since joined the ranks of imperialism and officially participated in the global colonial competition.

As the first spoils of war for the United States' external expansion, the Philippines is of extraordinary significance to the United States, otherwise the United States would not have spent so much effort in the Philippines.

If the Philippines becomes independent, all the past efforts of the US government will be in vain.

Whose responsibility is this?

There is no doubt that this is the responsibility of the ruling party.

Regarding the scandal of the US military, the US government must try its best to cover it up.

But because of the help of the Republican Party, after the "Battlefield Express" reprinted the "Lion City Daily" report, more and more American media began to reprint the "Lion City Daily"'s continuous reports. Many of them have close relations with the Republican Party. The newspaper office even sent a special reporting team to the Philippines.

The slogan of the U.S. government’s participation in World War II was to save peace, not to save ignorant girls. Good boys who abide by laws and regulations in the United States become morally corrupt bastards after joining the army. This is also the responsibility of the ruling party. The ruling party should not only Girls in Manila and those innocent children should be responsible for the moral standards of American soldiers.

To put it bluntly, who can guarantee that tens of millions of American soldiers will return to the law-abiding model citizens immediately after returning to the United States?
If not, the United States will face an unprecedented moral decline when tens of millions of American soldiers return home.

"The Philippines is not as worthless as our government advertises. We invest tens of millions of dollars in the Philippines every year, but how much is actually used for the construction of the Philippines? At that time, there would not be so many Filipinos who chose to join the Japanese slave army—” New York Governor Thomas Dewey, who was considered the most important Truman two years later, was blunt in an interview with the New York Times. opponent.

Thomas Dewey was born in 1902 and is just 43 years old this year. He is not a political amateur. In the presidential election last year, Dewey lost to Roosevelt as the candidate of the Republican Party.

Unlike Truman, who came from a grassroots background, Dewey came from a famous family. Among the first group of Puritans who immigrated to the United States, there were Dewey's ancestors.

Dewey received an elite education all the way, graduating from the University of Michigan and Columbia Law School successively. He is a famous lawyer, district attorney, and special public prosecutor. Among the organized criminals prosecuted by Dewey or his office, 94% of the defendants were convicted. The results are outstanding in the United States.

The United States is a country where rich people can do whatever they want. Rich people can not only lobby juries, but even bribe judges, so it is very difficult for rich people to plead guilty.

It is precisely because of his outstanding achievements that Dewey is considered the most outstanding prosecutor in the 20th century. Although he lost to Roosevelt last year, he was successfully elected as the governor of New York, which made Dewey's reputation even higher.

The governor of New York obviously couldn't satisfy Dewey's ambitions, and Dewey could barely accept the loss to Roosevelt, because Roosevelt's reputation in the United States was unmatched.

When Roosevelt was alive, no one could do it.

Now that Roosevelt passed away, Dewey didn't take Truman seriously at all, and entered the state ahead of time, pointing fingers at the ruling party.

The reason why Dewey emphasized the Philippine officials in the interview is to kill two birds with one stone. While pulling the ruling party, he also slandered the Philippine Governor MacArthur. After all, in last year’s presidential election, MacArthur intended to represent the Republican Party. competitors.

Although MacArthur's threat to Dewey was better than nothing, Dewey still didn't want to give MacArthur any chance.

"We are suffering unprecedented failures in East Asia, and have also been hit hard in Europe. Many entrepreneurs have complained to me that orders have disappeared, profits have declined, exports have decreased, and competition has become increasingly fierce. If our government does not want to method, then the economic crisis seems inevitable.” Dewey is not alarmist, the economic crisis has already shown signs of breaking out.

"If you were president, how would you deal with this situation? It looks like you're ready for—" The New York Times' well-known reporter Maury Lewis, a longtime friend of Dewey's, was on the lookout for last year's presidential election. , so he waved the flag for Dewey many times.

"I do have some solutions, but I can't say now, because the methods that suit me may not be suitable for Whitehall now-but I am confident that even after four years, I will still have a way to lead the United States out of the economic quagmire, just like Franklin As it has been done before." Dewey put himself and Roosevelt side by side, showing great confidence.

This is actually a cake.

If American voters believe Dewey's words and vote for Dewey three years later and elect Dewey as the President of the United States, then it doesn't matter whether Dewey can do it at that time. Anyway, Dewey can find a suitable candidate. reason.

Some habits of Americans are really terrible. Some people do evil all their lives. As long as they repent to God at the last moment of their lives, they can be forgiven by God and go to heaven after death.

The U.S. government is even more terrifying. Slavery and the massacre of Indians used to be the biggest moral stain in the United States. After the United States abolished slavery and no longer systematically slaughtered surviving Indians, it was as if these things had never happened. , feel at ease from top to bottom.

The attitude of the United States towards war is equally casual and frightening. The Chinese proverb is that "although a country is big and warlike, it will perish", but the United States regards war as a sharp weapon to divert domestic conflicts. From the earliest Britain to later Spain, to Germany and Japan, As well as southern Africa for a period of time, the United States always needs an "enemy" in order to survive better.

"Do you have anything to say to the girls and children in Manila?" Maury Lewis took the initiative to create room for Dewey to play.

"That is the job of the current president. I would like to remind the senators and congressmen that if the United States wants to be the leader of the world in the future, it must have the height and heart of a leader. We paid a huge price to take the Philippines from the Spaniards. If we seized it, tens of thousands of Americans sacrificed for it and spent billions of dollars, so now we cannot easily abandon the Philippines, which is not only irresponsible to the Philippines, but also irresponsible to the whole world.” Dewey said value, do not follow Truman tangled in the mire.

As a loyal supporter of Dewey, The New York Times published the full text of Dewey's interview the next day, and American society's attention to the Philippines has reached a new level.

After Roosevelt's unexpected death, in the hearts of most Americans, Dewey was the most suitable president of the United States.

As for Truman—

Who is Truman?Compared with Dewey, Truman is not even worthy of carrying shoes.

Although the next presidential election will not be held until three years later, some newspapers believe that Dewey has already booked the presidency and will easily defeat Truman or any other Democratic candidate in the next presidential election.

This is really not flattery, another time and space, because the election of Dewey and Truman made a big joke.

The joke is about Chang Kaishen.

In another time and space, 1948, the 41st presidential election of the United States, the candidates of the Democratic Republic and the Republican Party were Truman and Dewey. Everyone firmly believed that Dewey would win the election, and Chang Kaishen also believed in it.

So Chang Kaishen took the money from Truman's assistance and sponsored Dewey to compete with Truman, once pushing Truman to a desperate situation.

After Truman won the election, Chang Kaishen was completely dumbfounded. He knew that Truman would definitely not let him go after he took office, so Chang Kaishen switched off on the day Truman's second term began.

It was not yet 1948, but Dewey had already begun to build momentum for himself, and his influence on the United States was growing. Even Eisenhower, who was in Europe, was not immune to the impact of this incident.

Like MacArthur, Eisenhower was interested in Whitehall.

The difference is that Eisenhower is more restrained, not as flamboyant as MacArthur. So far, Eisenhower has not shown any political leanings.

In the United States, soldiers are not allowed to have political inclinations, but this constraint can only work on some people. For people like MacArthur, this rule is useless.

As the commander-in-chief of the US military in Europe, it was not convenient for Eisenhower to express his position in front of the media.

Eisenhower was very good at dealing with the media. Whenever he had something to say, his press officer would bring reporters to Eisenhower's office and gather around his desk. Eisenhower Said that the reporters took notes while listening, just like chatting with friends, and rarely held a formal press conference.

"I know what you want to ask, I hope you can listen to the voice of a veteran before writing the manuscript—" Eisenhower has been working hard to learn how to deal with the news media, especially the neutral media.

Ordinarily, journalists are also not allowed to take a stand, and reporting must follow the principle of neutrality and objectivity.

This is actually nonsense, people will have feelings, reporters may have no position, but newspaper bosses have a position, newspapers and magazines are a window for the public to understand the world, and business for the boss, so whoever gives more money , in principle, help anyone.

Attention is just a principle. When it comes to reporters, they can properly guide readers when writing manuscripts. This is the charm of words.

"The real battlefield is full of blood and blood. One moment you may be reading a letter from your sweetheart, and the next moment you will be hit by a shell. There will be no bones left, and there will be no pension. Family and friends can only live in endless waiting and despair. Middle——” Eisenhower’s expression was solemn, his eyes were sad, and the reporters were writing hard. In the office, except for Eisenhower’s deep voice, there was only the sound of writing: “—the soldiers are all alive. Humans have flesh and blood and feelings, they will fight bravely in the face of the enemy, and they will be afraid and sad in the dead of night, so I can understand that soldiers should properly vent their feelings after a bloody battle. We call it PTSD, Post-Battle Traumatic Stress Syndrome."

Eisenhower did not condemn the atrocities committed by the Philippine US military, but interpreted the actions of the Philippine US military as a disease.

This is very reasonable. If he is sick, he needs to be treated. Otherwise, if he has an attack after returning to the United States, then the Americans will be the ones who will be hurt.

Compared with the potential dangers of the Americans, the Philippines is obviously not enough. Although Eisenhower did not say it explicitly, his attitude was very clear.

That's right, America first.

"I believe that the original intention of our soldiers is not to hurt others. They also have their own emotional needs. This is a normal battlefield relationship. I don't think there will be soldiers who abandon their lovers, but we all know that in this battle In the war, too many people died—" Eisenhower was impeccable, the father who disappeared was killed in battle, and he didn't disappear on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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